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        SetPlayerAttrsA -- set the attributes of a player. (V37)
        SetPlayerAttrs -- varargs stub for SetPlayerAttrsA(). (V37)

        result = SetPlayerAttrsA(player, tagList);
        D0                       A0      A1

        bool setplayerattrsa(struct player *, struct tagitem *);

        result = SetPlayerAttrs(player,firstTag, ...);

        bool setplayerattrs(struct player *, tag, ...);

        Changes the attributes of the specified player, according to the
        attributes chosen in the tag list. If an attribute is not provided
        in the tag list, its value remains unchanged.

        player - player to set the attributes of.
        tagList - pointer to an array of tags specifying the attributes
                  to change, or NULL.

        PLAYER_Name (STRPTR) - name of the player (generally the
                        application's name). (V37)

        PLAYER_Hook (struct hook *) - function to call when time changes
                        occur. The hook is called

                                A0 - address of hook structure
                                A1 - message, currently pmtime or pmstate
                                A2 - address of player structure

                        Note that your hook function is not necessarily called
                        TICK_FREQ times per second. This is the maximum number
                        of times it can be called. (V37)

        PLAYER_Priority (BYTE) - priority for the player, from -128 to +127.

        PLAYER_Conductor (STRPTR) - name of the conductor to link with. If
                        NULL, delink from conductor. (V37)

        PLAYER_Ready (BOOL) - set/clear the "ready" flag. (V37)

        PLAYER_AlarmTime (LONG) - sets this player's alarm time, and the
                        PLAYERF_ALARMSET flag. (V37)

        PLAYER_Alarm (BOOL) - if TRUE sets the PLAYERF_ALARMSET flag, FALSE
                        clears the flag. (V37)

        PLAYER_AlarmSigTask (struct task *) - task to signal on notify or
                        alarm. Setting this to NULL automatically clears the
                        PLAYERF_ALARMSET flag. (V37)

        PLAYER_AlarmSigBit (BYTE) - signal bit to use on alarm or -1 to
                        disable. Setting this to -1 automatically clears the
                        PLAYERF_ALARMSET. (V37)

        PLAYER_Quiet (BOOL) - when TRUE, this player is ignored. Mainly
                        used by external sync applications. (V37)

        PLAYER_UserData (VOID *) - sets this player's UserData value. (V37)

        PLAYER_ID (UWORD) - sets this player's ID value. (V37)

        PLAYER_Conducted (BOOL) - if TRUE sets the PLAYERF_CONDUCTED flag,
                        FALSE clears the flag. (V37)

        PLAYER_ExtSync (BOOL) - if TRUE, attempt to become external sync
                        source. If FALSE, release external sync. (V37)

        PLAYER_ErrorCode (LONG *) - optional pointer to a longword which
                        will receive an error code whenever this function
                        fails. Possible error values currently include:
                          RTE_NOMEM   - memory allocation failed
                          RTE_NOTIMER - timer (CIA) allocation failed

        result - TRUE if all went well, FALSE if there was an error.
                 When an error occurs, an error code can be returned
                 in the longword variable pointed to by the optional
                 PLAYER_ErrorCode tag.

        createplayer(), deleteplayer(), getplayerattrs()