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        CreatePlayerA -- create a player and link it to a conductor. (V37)
        CreatePlayer -- varargs stub for CreatePlayerA(). (V37)

        player = CreatePlayerA(tagList);
        D0                     A0

        struct player *createplayera(struct tagitem *);

        player = CreatePlayer(firstTag, ...);

        struct player *createplayer(tag, ...);

        Creates a player structure with the desired attributes.

        tagList - pointer to an array of tags providing optional extra
                  parameters, or NULL

        PLAYER_Name (STRPTR) - name of the player (generally the
                        application's name). Default is no name. (V37)

        PLAYER_Hook (struct hook *) - function to call when time changes
                        occur. Default is no function. The hook is called

                                A0 - address of hook structure
                                A1 - message, currently pmtime or pmstate
                                A2 - address of player structure

                        Note that your hook function is not necessarily called
                        TICK_FREQ times per second. This is the maximum number
                        of times it can be called. (V37)

        PLAYER_Priority (BYTE) - priority for the player, from -128 to +127.
                        Default is 0. (V37)

        PLAYER_Conductor (STRPTR) - name of the conductor to link with. If
                        this conductor doesn't exist, it is created
                        automatically. If ~0 is passed, creates a private
                        conductor. (V37)

        PLAYER_Ready (BOOL) - set/clear the "ready" flag. Default is FALSE.

        PLAYER_AlarmTime (LONG) - sets this player's alarm time, and the
                        PLAYERF_ALARMSET flag. (V37)

        PLAYER_Alarm (BOOL) - if TRUE sets the PLAYERF_ALARMSET flag, FALSE
                        clears the flag. Default is FALSE. (V37)

        PLAYER_AlarmSigTask (struct task *) - task to signal on notify or
                        alarm. Default is no task. Having no task automatically
                        forces the PLAYERF_ALARMSET flag off. (V37)

        PLAYER_AlarmSigBit (BYTE) - signal bit to use on alarm or -1 to
                        disable. Default is -1. Having a signal bit of -1
                        automatically forces the PLAYERF_ALARMSET flag
                        off. (V37)

        PLAYER_Quiet (BOOL) - when TRUE, this player is ignored. Mainly
                        used by external sync applications. Default is FALSE.

        PLAYER_UserData (VOID *) - sets the player's UserData value.
                        Default is NULL. (V37)

        PLAYER_ID (UWORD) - sets the player's ID value. Default is 0. (V37)

        PLAYER_Conducted (BOOL) - if TRUE sets the PLAYERF_CONDUCTED flag,
                        FALSE clears the flag. Default is FALSE. (V37)

        PLAYER_ExtSync (BOOL) - if TRUE, attempts to become external sync
                        source. (V37)

        PLAYER_ErrorCode (LONG *) - optional pointer to a longword which
                        will receive an error code whenever this function
                        fails. Possible error values currently include:
                          RTE_NOMEMORY - memory allocation failed
                          RTE_NOTIMER  - timer (CIA) allocation failed

        player - a pointer to a player structure on success or null on
                 failure. When NULL is returned, an error code can be returned
                 in the longword variable pointed to by the optional
                 PLAYER_ErrorCode tag.

        deleteplayer(), getplayerattrs(), setplayerattrs()