The following are brief descriptions of the layers library functions and related routines from the graphics library. See the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Includes and Autodocs for details on each function call. Table 30-5: Layers Library Functions ______________________________________________________________________ | | | Function Description | |======================================================================| | newlayerinfo() allocating a layer_info structure. | | disposelayerinfo() deallocating a layer_info structure. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | createupfrontlayer() make a new layer in front of others. | | createbehindlayer() make a new layer behind others. | | deletelayer() remove and delete an existing layer. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | movelayer() change the position (not depth) of a | | layer. | | sizelayer() change the size of a layer. | | scrolllayer() change the internal coordinates of a | | layer. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | behindlayer() depth arrange a layer behind others. | | upfrontlayer() depth arrange a layer in front of | | others. | | movelayerinfrontof() depth arrange a layer to a specific | | position. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | whichlayer() find the frontmost layer at a position. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | swapbitsrastportcliprect() fast, non-layered and non-damaging | | display operation. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | beginupdate() synchronize optimized refreshing for | | layer. | | endupdate() end optimized layer refresh. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | locklayer() lock out rendering in a single layer. | | unlocklayer() release locklayer() lock. | | locklayers() lock out rendering in all layers of a | | display. | | unlocklayers() release locklayers() lock. | | locklayerinfo() gain exclusive access to the display's | | layers. | | unlocklayerinfo() release locklayerinfo() lock. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | installclipregion() add a clipping region to a layer. | |______________________________________________________________________| The following routines from graphics library are also required for certain layers library functions: ______________________________________________________________________ | | | Routine Description | |======================================================================| | locklayerrom() same as locklayer(), from layers library. | | unlocklayerrom() release locklayerrom() lock. | | attemptlocklayerrom() lock layer only if it is immediately | | available. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | newregion() create a new, empty region. | | disposeregion() dispose of an existing region and its | | rectangles. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | andrectregion() and a rectangle into a region. | | orrectregion() or a rectangle into a region. | | xorrectregion() exclusive-or a rectangle into a region. | | clearrectregion() clear a region. | | andregionregion() and two regions together. | | orregionregion() or two regions together. | | xorregionregion() exclusive-or two regions together. | | clearregion() clear a region. | |______________________________________________________________________|