NAME CD_PLAYTRACK -- Play one or more tracks of CD audio. IO REQUEST io_Device preset by the call to opendevice() io_Unit preset by the call to opendevice() io_Command CD_PLAYTRACK io_Data NULL io_Length number of tracks to play io_Offset start playing at beginning of this track RESULTS io_Error 0 for success, or an error code as defined in <devices/cd.h> FUNCTION This command causes the drive to play the specified audio track(s). The command will return when the audio has completed. io_Offset specifies the track number (starting from 1). io_Length specifies the number of tracks to play (0 is invalid). EXAMPLE ior->io_Command = CD_PLAYTRACK; /* Play audio tracks */ ior->io_Offset = STARTTRACK; /* Start with this track */ ior->io_Length = 3; /* Play three tracks */ DoIO(ior); NOTES PLAY commands are asynchronous with many other CD commands. Using a separate I/O request, other commands can be sent to the device that can change the behavior of the PLAY command. BUGS SEE ALSO cd_playmsf, cd_playlsn, cd_pause, cd_search, cd_attenuate