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    OffGadget -- Disable the specified gadget.

    OffGadget( gadget, window, requester )
               A0      A1      A2

    VOID OffGadget( struct gadget *, struct window *,
            struct requester * );

    This command disables the specified gadget.  When a gadget is
    disabled, these things happen:
         - its imagery is displayed ghosted
         - the GFLG_DISABLED flag is set
         - the gadget cannot be selected by User

    The window parameter must point to the window which contains the
    gadget, or which contains the requester that contains the gadget.
    The requester parameter must only be valid if the gadget has the
    GTYP_REQGADGET flag set, a requirement for all requester gadgets.

   NOTE:  it's never safe to tinker with the gadget list yourself.  Don't
   supply some gadget that Intuition hasn't already processed in
   the usual way.

    NOTE: for compatibility reasons, this function will refresh all
    gadgets in a requester, and all gadgets from gadget to the
    end of the gadget list if gadget is in a window.

    If you want to improve on this behavior, you may perform the
    equivalent operation yourself: remove a gadget or gadgets,
    change the state of their GFLG_DISABLED flag, replace the
    gadgets using addglist(), and selectively call refreshglist().

    gadget = pointer to the gadget that you want disabled
    window = pointer to a window structure containing the gadget or
        containing the requester which contains the gadget
    requester = pointer to a requester (may by null if this isn't
       a requester gadget (i.e. GTYP_REQGADGET is not set)).



    addgadget(), refreshgadgets()