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**  $Filename: intuition/sghooks.h $
**  $Release: 2.04 Includes, V37.4 $
**  $Revision: 36.5 $
**  $Date: 91/11/08 $
**  string gadget extensions and hooks
**  (C) Copyright 1988-1999 Amiga, Inc.
**          All Rights Reserved

#ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
#include <exec/types.h>

struct StringExtend {
    /* display specifications  */
    struct TextFont *Font;     /* must be an open Font (not TextAttr)  */
    UBYTE      Pens[2];        /* color of text/backgroun              */
    UBYTE       ActivePens[2];  /* colors when gadget is active         */

    /* edit specifications     */
    ULONG      InitialModes;   /* initial mode flags, below            */
    struct Hook *EditHook;     /* if non-NULL, must supply WorkBuffer  */
    UBYTE       *WorkBuffer;    /* must be as large as StringInfo.Buffer*/

    ULONG       Reserved[4];    /* set to 0                             */

struct SGWork   {
    /* set up when gadget is first activated   */
    struct Gadget      *Gadget;        /* the contestant itself        */
    struct StringInfo  *StringInfo;    /* easy access to sinfo         */
    UBYTE              *WorkBuffer;    /* intuition's planned result   */
    UBYTE              *PrevBuffer;    /* what was there before        */
    ULONG               Modes;          /* current mode                 */

    /* modified for each input event   */
    struct InputEvent  *IEvent;        /* actual event: do not change  */
    UWORD              Code;           /* character code, if one byte  */
    WORD               BufferPos;      /* cursor position              */
    WORD               NumChars;
    ULONG              Actions;        /* what Intuition will do       */
    LONG                LongInt;        /* temp storage for longint     */

    struct GadgetInfo  *GadgetInfo;    /* see cghooks.h                */
    UWORD               EditOp;         /* from constants below         */

/* SGWork.EditOp -
 * These values indicate what basic type of operation the global
 * editing hook has performed on the string before your gadget's custom
 * editing hook gets called.  You do not have to be concerned with the
 * value your custom hook leaves in the EditOp field, only if you
 * write a global editing hook.
 * For most of these general edit operations, you'll want to compare
 * the BufferPos and NumChars of the StringInfo (before global editing)
 * and SGWork (after global editing).

#define EO_NOOP         (0x0001)
       /* did nothing                                                  */
#define EO_DELBACKWARD  (0x0002)
       /* deleted some chars (maybe 0).                                */
#define EO_DELFORWARD   (0x0003)
       /* deleted some characters under and in front of the cursor     */
#define EO_MOVECURSOR   (0x0004)
       /* moved the cursor                                             */
#define EO_ENTER        (0x0005)
       /* "enter" or "return" key, terminate                               */
#define EO_RESET        (0x0006)
       /* current Intuition-style undo                                 */
#define EO_REPLACECHAR  (0x0007)
       /* replaced one character and (maybe) advanced cursor           */
#define EO_INSERTCHAR   (0x0008)
       /* inserted one char into string or added one at end            */
#define EO_BADFORMAT    (0x0009)
       /* didn't like the text data, e.g., Bad LONGINT                 */
#define EO_BIGCHANGE    (0x000A)        /* unused by Intuition  */
       /* complete or major change to the text, e.g. new string        */
#define EO_UNDO         (0x000B)        /* unused by Intuition  */
       /* some other style of undo                                     */
#define EO_CLEAR        (0x000C)
       /* clear the string                                             */
#define EO_SPECIAL      (0x000D)        /* unused by Intuition  */
        /* some operation that doesn't fit into the categories here     */

/* Mode Flags definitions (ONLY first group allowed as InitialModes)   */
#define SGM_REPLACE     (1L << 0)     /* replace mode                 */
/* please initialize StringInfo with in-range value of BufferPos
 * if you are using SGM_REPLACE mode.

#define SGM_FIXEDFIELD  (1L << 1)     /* fixed length buffer          */
                                      /* always set SGM_REPLACE, too  */
#define SGM_NOFILTER    (1L << 2)     /* don't filter control chars   */

/* SGM_EXITHELP is new for V37, and ignored by V36: */
#define SGM_EXITHELP    (1L << 7)     /* exit with code = 0x5F if HELP hit */

/* These Mode Flags are for internal use only                         */
#define SGM_NOCHANGE  (1L << 3)     /* no edit changes yet          */
#define SGM_NOWORKB   (1L << 4)     /* Buffer == PrevBuffer         */
#define SGM_CONTROL   (1L << 5)     /* control char escape mode     */
#define SGM_LONGINT     (1L << 6)     /* an intuition longint gadget  */

/* String Gadget Action Flags (put in SGWork.Actions by EditHook)     */
#define SGA_USE               (0x1L)  /* use contents of SGWork               */
#define SGA_END               (0x2L)  /* terminate gadget, code in Code field */
#define SGA_BEEP      (0x4L)  /* flash the screen for the user        */
#define SGA_REUSE     (0x8L)  /* reuse input event                    */
#define SGA_REDISPLAY   (0x10L) /* gadget visuals changed               */

/* New for V37: */
#define SGA_NEXTACTIVE        (0x20L) /* Make next possible gadget active.    */
#define SGA_PREVACTIVE  (0x40L) /* Make previous possible gadget active.*/

/* function id for only existing custom string gadget edit hook */

#define SGH_KEY               (1L)    /* process editing keystroke            */
#define SGH_CLICK       (2L)    /* process mouse click cursor position  */

/* Here's a brief summary of how the custom string gadget edit hook works:
 *      You provide a hook in StringInfo.Extension.EditHook.
 *      The hook is called in the standard way with the 'object'
 *      a pointer to SGWork, and the 'message' a pointer to a command
 *      block, starting either with (longword) SGH_KEY, SGH_CLICK,
 *      or something new.
 *      You return 0 if you don't understand the command (SGH_KEY is
 *      required and assumed).  Return non-zero if you implement the
 *      command.
 *   SGH_KEY:
 *      There are no parameters following the command longword.
 *      Intuition will put its idea of proper values in the SGWork
 *      before calling you, and if you leave SGA_USE set in the
 *      SGWork.Actions field, Intuition will use the values
 *      found in SGWork fields WorkBuffer, NumChars, BufferPos,
 *      and LongInt, copying the WorkBuffer back to the StringInfo
 *      Buffer.
 *      NOTE WELL: You may NOT change other SGWork fields.
 *      If you clear SGA_USE, the string gadget will be unchanged.
 *      If you set SGA_END, Intuition will terminate the activation
 *      of the string gadget.  If you also set SGA_REUSE, Intuition
 *      will reuse the input event after it deactivates your gadget.
 *      In this case, Intuition will put the value found in SGWork.Code
 *      into the IntuiMessage.Code field of the IDCMP_GADGETUP message it
 *      sends to the application.
 *      If you set SGA_BEEP, Intuition will call DisplayBeep(); use
 *      this if the user has typed in error, or buffer is full.
 *      Set SGA_REDISPLAY if the changes to the gadget warrant a
 *      gadget redisplay.  Note: cursor movement requires a redisplay.
 *      Starting in V37, you may set SGA_PREVACTIVE or SGA_NEXTACTIVE
 *      when you set SGA_END.  This tells Intuition that you want
 *      the next or previous gadget with GFLG_TABCYCLE to be activated.
 *      This hook command is called when Intuition wants to position
 *      the cursor in response to a mouse click in the string gadget.
 *      Again, here are no parameters following the command longword.
 *      This time, Intuition has already calculated the mouse position
 *      character cell and put it in SGWork.BufferPos.  The previous
 *      BufferPos value remains in the SGWork.StringInfo.BufferPos.
 *      Intuition will again use the SGWork fields listed above for
 *      SGH_KEY.  One restriction is that you are NOT allowed to set
 *      SGA_END or SGA_REUSE for this command.  Intuition will not
 *      stand for a gadget which goes inactive when you click in it.
 *      You should always leave the SGA_REDISPLAY flag set, since Intuition
 *      uses this processing when activating a string gadget.
