vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("XLoot")

L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function()
        return {
                optLock = "Lock XLoot frame",
                optOptions = "Options GUI",
                optBehavior = "Behavior options",
                optCursor = "Snap XLoot frame to cursor",
                optSmartsnap = "Smart cursor snapping",
                optSnapoffset = "Snap offset",
                optCollapse = "Collapse loot buttons",
                optDragborder = "Draggable border",
                optLootexpand = "Fit frame width to loot names",
                optAltoptions = "Show menu on Alt+RightClick",
                optSwiftloot = "Don't show frame when Shift-Looting",
                optQualitytext = "Show item quality text",
                optInfotext = "Show item info text",
                optAppearance = "Appearance",
                optOskin = "Use oSkin",
                optQualityborder = "Border quality coloring",
                optQualityframe = "Background quality coloring",
                optLootqualityborder = "Loot border quality coloring",
                optBgcolor = "Frame Background Color",
                optBordercolor = "Frame Border Color",
                optLootbgcolor = "Loot Background Color",
                optLootbordercolor = "Loot Border Color",
                optScale = "Scale",
                optAdvanced = "Advanced options",
                optDebug = "Debug Messages",
                optDefaults = "Reset options to default",
                descLock = "Makes loot frame unmoveable",
                descOptions = "Show the options dropdown",
                descBehavior = "Change how XLoot behaves",
                descCursor = "Snap the loot frame to the cursor whenever you loot something",
                descSmartsnap = "Snaps the loot frame only vertically to the cursor when the list shifts as you loot a item so it doesn't jump around",
                descSnapoffset = "Sets a distance from the middle of the first loot icon to snap to, horizontally",
                descCollapse = "Collapse looted (empty) buttons and place cursor over next frame if the Cursor option is enabled.",
                descDragborder = "Allows the loot window to be moved by dragging the frame's border, instead of just the buttons, which can otherwise be clicked through",
                descLootexpand = "Changes frame width to match loot names. Short names mean thin frames, long names make the frames widen",
                descAltoptions = "Allows you to Alt+RightClick on loot to bring up the XLoot menu. Can be disabled to not mess with other mods.",
                descSwiftloot = "Attempts to find out when loot is being shift-rightclick-looted, and never shows the frame if there is space for all items. Should reduce lag when shift-looting, disable if you run into problems.",
                descQualitytext = "Show a additional line above the item name with the item's Quality",
                descInfotext = "Show a addition line below the item name with the item's Information",
                descAppearance = "Coloring, scaling, and skin of XLootFrame and each individual loot button",
                descOskin = "Use oSkin to skin the lootframe if oSkin is available",
                descQualityborder = "Colors lootframe border by the highest quality item",
                descQualityframe = "Colors lootframe background by the highest quality item",
                descLootqualityborder = "Colors loot borders by quality",
                descBgcolor = "Change the background color for the loot frame itself",
                descBordercolor = "Change the border color of the frame itself",
                descLootbgcolor = "Change the background color for every loot item",
                descLootbordercolor = "Change the border color of every loot item",
                descScale = "Scale of the loot frame",
                descAdvanced = "Options you may not want to mess with, but can anyway.",
                descDebug = "Show debug messages",
                descDefaults = "Reinstate the database that comes with XLoot and set all the options back to their defaults",
                qualityQest = "Quest item",
                guiTitle = "XLoot Options",

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