vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
The WatchTower!! v1.7, 
Made by Clangadin


Current Team Members:  Clangadin, Sancho, Aragent, Nathanmx


        - (PLEASE VOTE FOR US)
        - (PLEASE VOTE FOR US)

        How to use: Step 1)     Unzip in your WoW/Interface/AddOns directory, thats it. 
                    Step 2)     Load WoW, set up your Key Bindings. 
                                The WatchTower should have a listings in your Key Bindings interface.
                    Step 3)     Open up the options menu (if it didn't open automatically) via the
                                bindable key or /wt options
                    Step 4a)    Select an enemy player and use the bind for report
                    Step 4b)    Use the bind for multiple reporting,  mouseover enemy players,
                                and use the same bind again

        Preferences: Key Bindings and Channel Broadcasts.
        Contributions: Rownes Variable Saves/Loads and GUI Detection.
                        Sancho's multiple enemy reporting code.
                        Jhax's PvP enabled/disabled report fix.
                        Torgo's AlarmSystem code (and voozoodoo for helping rip some)

        Version History
        v1.7 - Added Cosmos (Khaos) and UUI compatibility
                Added tons of various fixes and changes
        v1.6 - Additions by Sancho:  Changed addon to use UnitLevel() appropriately (changed by blizzard
                to return -1 when the enemy is 10 levels above you).  Added Verbose and Debug Modes.  Added
                output options for single enemy reporting.  Coordinate functionality taken from AlarmSystem,
                thanks to Torgo, the author, and voozoodoo for ripping it.
                1.6 Bug Fixes (Sancho)
                        -Removed Heading functionality (UnitFacing() taken out by blizzard)
                        -Fixed typo that was messing up raid channel reporting
                        -Fix by Jhax: Now reports pvp enabled/disabled correctly
        v1.5 - Additions by Sancho:  Multiple enemy reporting, Raid channel broadcasting
                1.5 Bug Fixes (Sancho)
                        -Fixed faction auto-detection (hopefully) and removed from saved variable list
                        -Fixed language auto-detection (hopefully) and removed from saved variable list

        1.4 - Added detection for GUI to show saved settings. Added Rownes Varibale saves and GUI detection.
                1.4 Bug Fixes
                        - Auto Language detection to determine what language the message should be sent in.
                        - Removed bug causing error on NPC Targeting. Will now display message that player can only
                          target players of the selected enemy faction.

        1.3 -   Added GUI interface...Users may now opt to broadcast the WatchTower Message on 
                Local Defense, Party and Guild in any fashion they wish. 
        1.2 -   Corrected Autofaction code. Added Message notification of Enemy Faction, also added 
                message telling user if Target is currently PVP enabled or not. 

        1.1 -   Added Autodetect of enemy faction.
                Altered Message to automatically send to the current Local Defense channel

        1.0 -   Sends message containing targets Faction, Race, Level, Subzone and Heading (Compass Style)

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