vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
        File: localization.en.lua
        Addon: Wardrobe
        Language: English
        Translation by : AnduinLothar
        Last Update : 4/9/2006

Localization.RegisterGlobalAddonStrings("enUS", "Wardrobe", {

        -- Binding Configuration
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE1_BINDING    = "Outfit 1";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE2_BINDING    = "Outfit 2";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE3_BINDING    = "Outfit 3";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE4_BINDING    = "Outfit 4";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE5_BINDING    = "Outfit 5";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE6_BINDING    = "Outfit 6";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE7_BINDING    = "Outfit 7";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE8_BINDING    = "Outfit 8";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE9_BINDING    = "Outfit 9";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE10_BINDING   = "Outfit 10";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE11_BINDING   = "Outfit 11";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE12_BINDING   = "Outfit 12";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE13_BINDING   = "Outfit 13";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE14_BINDING   = "Outfit 14";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE15_BINDING   = "Outfit 15";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE16_BINDING   = "Outfit 16";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE17_BINDING   = "Outfit 17";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE18_BINDING   = "Outfit 18";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE19_BINDING   = "Outfit 19";
        BINDING_NAME_WARDROBE20_BINDING   = "Outfit 20";
Localization.RegisterAddonStrings("enUS", "Wardrobe", {
        -- Configuration
        CONFIG_HEADER                           = "Wardrobe";
        CONFIG_HEADER_INFO                      = "Wardrobe lets you define and switch amongst up to 20 distinct equipment profiles.";
        CONFIG_ENABLED                          = "Enable Wardrobe";
        CONFIG_ENABLED_INFO                     = "Check to enable the plugin.";
        CONFIG_RESET_BUTTON                     = "Reset";
        CONFIG_RESET                            = "Reset Wardrobe Data";
        CONFIG_RESET_INFO                       = "Clear all outfits!";
        CONFIG_RESET_FEEDBACK           = "All wardrobe data has been reset.";
        CONFIG_KEY_HEADER                       = "Outfit Color Key";
        CONFIG_OPTIONS_HEADER           = "Options";
        CONFIG_WEAROUTFIT                       = "Wear Outfit";
        CONFIG_WEAROUTFIT_INFO          = "Equip the items fromt he outfit of your choice.";
        CONFIG_WEAROUTFIT_FEEDBACK      = "You have equipped \"%s\".";
        CONFIG_EDIT_BUTTON                      = "Edit";
        CONFIG_EDIT                                     = "Edit Wardrobe Outfits";
        CONFIG_EDIT_INFO                        = "Open the outfit edit control panel.";
        CONFIG_EDIT_FEEDBACK            = "Openning outfit edit control panel.";
        CONFIG_REQCLICK                         = "Require Click for Outfit Menu";
        CONFIG_REQCLICK_INFO            = "Show the minimap button outfit menu only when it is clicked.";
        CONFIG_LOCKBUTTON                       = "Lock the Minimap Button Position";
        CONFIG_LOCKBUTTON_INFO          = "Do no allow minimap button to be dragged.";
        CONFIG_DROPDOWNSCALE                    = "Set the Dropdown List Scale";
        CONFIG_DROPDOWNSCALE_INFO               = "Set the Dropdown List Scale";
        CONFIG_DROPDOWNSCALE_FEEDBACK   = "Dropdown List Scale set to %s%%.";
        CHAT_COMMAND_INFO      = "";
        TEXT_MENU_TITLE         = " Outfits";
        TEXT_MENU_OPEN          = "[MENU]";
        NAME_LABEL                      = "Name Your Current Outfit";
        PLAGUEBUTTON_TIP1   = "Wear the selected outfit\nwhen you enter the\nPlaguelands.";
        MOUNTBUTTON_TIP1    = "Wear the selected outfit\nwhen you mount.";
        MOUNTBUTTON_TIP2    = "Auto-mount equipment swap requires the IsMounted Addon.";
        EATDRINKBUTTON_TIP1 = "Wear the selected outfit\nwhen you are eating\nor drinking.";
        COLORBUTTON_TIP1    = "Set the color of the\nselected outfit.";
        EDITBUTTON_TIP1     = "Edit the selected outfit.";
        UPDATEBUTTON_TIP1   = "Update the selected outfit with\nwhat you're currently wearing.";
        DELETEBUTTON_TIP1   = "Delete the selected outfit.";
        DOWNBUTTON_TIP1     = "Move the selected outfit\ndown the list.";
        UPBUTTON_TIP1       = "Move the selected outfit\nup the list.";
        CMD_RESET      = "reset";
        CMD_LIST       = "list";
        CMD_WEAR       = "wear";
        CMD_WEAR2      = "switch";
        CMD_WEAR3      = "use";
        CMD_ON         = "on";
        CMD_OFF        = "off";
        CMD_LOCK       = "lock";
        CMD_UNLOCK     = "unlock";
        CMD_CLICK      = "click";
        CMD_MOUSEOVER  = "mouseover";
        CMD_SCALE      = "scale";
        CMD_VERSION    = "version";
        CMD_HELP       = "help";
        TXT_ACCEPT                 = "Accept";
        TXT_CANCEL                 = "Cancel";
        TXT_TOGGLE                 = "Toggle";
        TXT_COLOR                  = "Color";
        TXT_EDITOUTFITS            = "Edit Outfits";
        TXT_NEW                    = "New";
        TXT_CLOSE                  = "Close";
        TXT_SELECTCOLOR            = "Select a Color";
        TXT_OK                     = "OK";
        TXT_WPLAGUELANDS           = "Western Plaguelands";
        TXT_EPLAGUELANDS           = "Eastern Plaguelands";
        TXT_STRATHOLME             = "Stratholme";
        TXT_SCHOLOMANCE            = "Scholomance";
        TXT_WARDROBEVERSION        = "Wardrobe version";
        TXT_OUTFITNAMEEXISTS       = "An outfit with the same name already exists!  Please use a different name.";
        TXT_USEDUPALL              = "You've used up all";
        TXT_OFYOUROUTFITS          = "of your outfits on this character.  Please delete one before creating another.";
        TXT_OUTFIT                 = "Outfit";
        TXT_PLEASEENTERNAME        = "Please enter an outfit name to update with your currently equipped items.";
        TXT_OUTFITNOTEXIST         = "That outfit name doesn't exist!  Please select an existing outfit to update with your currently equipped items.";
        TXT_NOTEXISTERROR          = "Outfit name doesn't exist!";
        TXT_UPDATED                = "updated";
        TXT_DELETED                = "deleted.";
        TXT_UNABLETOFIND           = "Unable to find an outfit named";
        TXT_UNABLEFINDERROR        = "Unable to find outfit!";
        TXT_ALLOUTFITSDELETED      = "All outfits deleted!";
        TXT_YOURCURRENTARE         = "Your current outfits are:";
        TXT_NOOUTFITSFOUND         = "No outfits found!";
        TXT_SPECIFYOUTFITTOWEAR    = "Please specify an outfit to wear.";
        TXT_UNABLEFIND             = "Unable to find";
        TXT_INYOURLISTOFOUTFITS    = "in your list of outfits!";
        TXT_SWITCHINGTOOUTFIT      = "Switching to outfit";
        TXT_WARNINGUNABLETOFIND    = "Warning: Unable to find item";
        TXT_INYOURBAGS             = "in your bags!";
        TXT_SWITCHEDTOOUTFIT       = "Wardrobe: Switched to outfit";
        TXT_PROBLEMSCHANGING       = "Wardrobe: Problems changing outfits.  Bags might be full.";
        TXT_OUTFITRENAMEDERROR     = "Outfit renamed.";
        TXT_OUTFITRENAMEDTO        = "Renamed outfit";
        TXT_TOWORDONLY             = "to";
        TXT_UNABLETOFINDOUTFIT     = "Unable to find outfit";
        TXT_WILLBEWORNWHENMOUNTED  = "will be worn when mounted.";
        TXT_BUTTONLOCKED           = "Wardrobe button locked.  To reposition, use /wardrobe unlock";
        TXT_BUTTONUNLOCKED         = "Wardrobe button unlocked.  You may reposition the wardrobe button.  To lock the button in place, use /wardrobe lock";
        TXT_BUTTONONCLICK          = "Wardrobe menu shown on click.";
        TXT_BUTTONONMOUSEOVER      = "Wardrobe menu shown on mouseover.";
        TXT_MOUNTEDNOTEXIST        = "That outfit doesn't exist.  Please enter an existing outfit to use when mounted.";
        TXT_ERRORINCONFIG          = "Error in Wardrobe_ShowWardrobeConfigurationScreen: Wardrobe_Config.DefaultCheckboxState has unknown value of ";
        TXT_CHANGECANCELED         = "Wardrobe change canceled!";
        TXT_NEWOUTFITNAME          = "New Outfit Name";
        TXT_NOLONGERWORNMOUNTERR   = "will no longer be worn when you mount.";
        TXT_WORNWHENMOUNTERR       = "will now be worn when you mount.";
        TXT_NOLONGERWORNPLAGUEERR  = "will no longer be worn when you are in the Plaguelands.";
        TXT_WORNPLAGUEERR          = "will now be worn when you are in the Plaguelands.";
        TXT_NOLONGERWORNEATERR     = "will no longer be worn when you are eating / drinking.";
        TXT_WORNEATERR             = "will now be worn when you are eating / drinking.";
        TXT_WORNSWIMR                      = "will now be worn when you swim.";
        TXT_NOLONGERWORNSWIMR      = "will no longer be worn when you swim.";
        TXT_REALLYDELETEOUTFIT     = "Really Delete This Outfit?";
        TXT_PLEASESELECTDELETE     = "Please select an outfit to delete!";
        TXT_WARDROBENAME           = "Wardrobe";
        TXT_WARDROBEBUTTON         = "Wardrobe Button";
        TXT_ENABLED                            = "Wardrobe Enabled.";
        TXT_DISABLED                       = "Wardrobe Disabled.";
        TXT_NO_OUTFIT                           = "<no outfit>";
        TITAN_BUTTON_TEXT                       = "Wardrobe: ";
        TITAN_TOOLTIP_TEXT                      = "Select your outfit or configure Wardrobe";
        TITAN_MENU_SHOW_MINIMAP_ICON    = "Show minimap icon";
        TITAN_MENU_SMALL_MENU           = "Small outfit menu";
        HELP_1          = "Wardrobe, an AddOn by AnduinLothar, Miravlix  and Cragganmore, Version ";
        HELP_2          = "Wardrobe allows you to define and switch among up to 20 different outfits.";
        HELP_3          = "The main interface can be accessed from the Wardrobe icon, which defaults";
        HELP_4          = "to just under your minimap/radar.  You may also use the following commands:";
        HELP_5          = "Usage: /wardrobe <wear/list/reset/lock/unlock/click/mouseover/scale>";
        HELP_6          = "   wear [outfit name] - Wear the specified outfit.";
        HELP_7          = "   list - List your outfits.";
        HELP_8          = "   reset - Delete all outfits in your wardrobe.";
        HELP_9          = "   lock/unlock - Lock or unlock moving the wardrobe icon interface.";
        HELP_10         = "   click/mouseover - Show the wardrobe menu on mouseover or only on click.";
        HELP_11         = "   scale [0.5 - 1.0] - Set the scale of the drop down menu.";
        HELP_12         = "In the UI, outfit names are colored as follows:";
        HELP_13         = "   Bright Colored: Your currently equipped outfit.";
        HELP_14         = "   Drab Colored: An outfit where one or more items aren't currently equipped.";
        HELP_15         = "   Grey: An outfit where one or more items aren't in your inventory.";
        HELP_16         = "   Greyed outfits may still be equipped.  The missing items just won't be worn.";
