vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
TradeDispenser    Version 0.94
Author:                 Silas M.        aka     Kaboom @ Arthas (EU)
Core:                   Tom C.          aka     Shag @ Arthas (EU)

                /tradeDispenser                 Shows the Help-Text, and is used as prefix for more options
                /td                             similar to /tradeDispenser
        Options:  (use Prefix + Option, e.g. "/td toggle")
                config                          Toggles the ConfigFrame
                toggle                          Activates/Deactivates the tradeDispenser
                broadcast                       Broadcasts your Trade
                OSD                             Toggles the OSD (shortcut-Buttons)
                verbose X                       Shows some or all DebugInfos. (Level X:  0=off,  3=ALL)
                about                           Shows more informations to tradeDispenser

Additional Note:
        You can set some tradeprofiles depending on the customers class. 
        They can be sorted in 3 groups (sorted in order of priority)
                - All Classes
                - Class X   (e.g. Warrior)
                - Group Y       (e.g. Melee)
        These 3 groups are ADDITIVE. if a warlock's gonna trade you, he'll get the stuff 
        you placed in all 3 groups (e.g. All Classes + Warlock + Caster)
        it would only trade the first 6 items the search-engine could find.
        thx goes to FrozenSolidOne @ Killrog(US). he helped me finding some bugs
THX goes to:
- FrozenSolidOne @ Killrog(US)          -       he helped me finding a lot of bugs
- Mickeey @ ¶ þÇøÃξ³Ö®Ê÷ (CN)                              -       translatet the whole text to chineese
- Balzebeth @ Conseil des Ombres (EU) - translated the whole text to french


        +       Added Function
        -       Removed Code
        >       ToDo  (Reported Bugs, Requested Functions etc)
        o       Bug Fixed
        *       Other Changes

Version 0.94
        +       Added the new FRENCH localisation. thx to Balzebeth
Version 0.93
        *       Updated Chinese-Loc
        o       Patch 1.11.2 causes a bug: its was not possible to spam the raid- or party-channel.
            since the patch UnitInParty("player") always returns false. i changed the code of that part.

Version 0.91-0.92
        o       Auto-Accept works again.
        o       Localisation fixed
        +       new slash-command: resetpos - moves all frames to their default-position
        *       made some minor fixes
Version 0.90
        *       Updated TOC-version to be patch 1.11-ready
        +       If a trade's started by clicking on "trade", tD will not put items into the tradeframe. (inactive)
                but: this function does not work on dropping items on a player.
Version 0.89
        +       3 Color-profiles for the 3 Racks implemented

Version 0.88
        +       Fixed a glitch where tooltips could potentially show off-screen.
Version 0.86-0.87
        o       disabling the OSD wont reset the settings any longer
        o       the registration-feature was broken
        o       Closing the Full Config-Center's going to hide the SideFrames (Settings and TradeControl)
        *       Modified the Background-Texture (set an alpha)
Version 0.85
        +       Now you could set up to 3 different Racks of Profiles
        *       new Background-Texture

Version 0.81
        o       No Errors occurs on completely first installation of V0.80
Version 0.80
        *       reduction of the stored datas.
        *       enhanched the banlist-functions
        +       raid/guildmembers can get items 4 free
        o       min-level for trades can now set down to level 1
Version 0.76-0.77
        o       some Bugs fixed
Version 0.75
        +       New Feature: Banlist. You can ban players by name. (Ignorelist could be imported too)
        +       Countdown for open (unaccepted) trades
        *       tried to reduce the used memory and loading-time:
        *       events are only activated, if needed (e.g. if tD's running)
        *       some datas are now stored as "global" for all chars. (e.g. whispering messages or banlist)
        *       modified the colors of the OSD-buttons.
Version 0.65-0.70
        +       KeyBindings added
        o       Small GUI-Bugfix in the OSD-frame
        o       fixed some small bugs
Version 0.60 & 0.61
        *       Made a full rewrite of the code, and edited the way tD's saves its variables,
                the initialization of tD and some other handlings...
        o       bug fixed, if somebody trades you and goes out of range
Version 0.57 & 0.58
        o       Minor GUI-bugfix
        *       Fixed some missing chineese-localisations
Version 0.56
        o       Minor bugfix and small GUI-improvements
        *       DropDowns gets closed if the config-frame's hidden.

Version 0.55
        +       UserProfiles: you can set different settings for each char
        +       Added Frame to configure some Whisper-Messages. 

Version 0.51
        *       Chinese-Localisation added
Version 0.50
        +       tD will remove people with a full inventory from the trade-list, so they could trade you again
                Thx to "Swiftstab" for giving the idea to solve this problem
        +       the OSD's position could be locked

Version 0.46
        o       The Itemlink-Feature was bugged
Version 0.45            (made by Kaboom)
        +       New Feature: Add ItemLinks into the BroadCast-Messages. Its just like adding items to your chat-channels. 
                (Shift + click on item)

Version 0.41            (made by Kaboom)
                Just a small updates, some minor bugs fixed
        o       Error fixed: tradeDispenser_Settings.lua:55: Usage: SetText("text")
        o   Fixed the tradewindow while the Cursor's got an item. (strange effects before)

Version 0.40            (made by Kaboom)
        *       Fixed some Typos
        +       Option for showing some customer-information, if a tradewindow's opened
        o       Fixed Errormessage on Playerdeath, if AutoBroadcast was active.
Version 0.35            (made by Kaboom)
        *       Modified the ColorPicker of the OSD-Backgroundcolor. its much easier now!
        +       Added Option to rotate the OSD by 90°
        *       Set the max of the Autobroadcast to 30 minutes.  (user request - for MC and BWL)
        o       Already registred player won't be blocked any longer, if the "registrate-customer-option" is deactivated.
Version 0.30            (made by Kaboom)
        o       DoubleErrors by trading soulbounded items
        +       Money could seperately set for each profile items.
        +       Built-in Lag-Factor - Reduces the Errors on slow connections

Version 0.25            (made by Kaboom)
        o       Major Bugfixes. I've got a lot of feedbacks and bugreports and could fix all reported bugs.
                Fixed: Auto-BroadCast, Auto-Accept, Horde-Language (Orcish)
        +       Re-Made the handling of the random broadcast-messages
        +       Auto-Accept could be disabled by an options
        +       You will target your customer - and retarget your enemy after trade
Version 0.20            (made by Kaboom)
                First public release since version @
        >       now waiting for feedback and bug-reports.
        +       Verbose-Level-System shows you some debug-information

Version 0.13            (made by Kaboom)
        +       profilspecific tradesystem. Traded items now depens of the customers class

Version 0.12            (made by Kaboom)
        +       TradeControl-Module
        o       Fixed error-messages at first installation of this addon
        *       EditBox for broadcast-text moved to a separate frame.  -> more space

Version 0.11            (made by Kaboom)
        +       Localisation: EN<->DE   
                Still waiting for a french loc!

Version 0.1             (made by Kaboom)
        *       Changed the System of Version-Numbers to a common system  
                (Dummies could easier categorize the state of developement)
        +       OSD with 3 Buttons: Announce, Activate/Deactivate, Config
        +       Profile-specific AutoTrade
        +       Enhance announce-system by some configs
        *       Movable ConfigFrame
        >       Requested Function: Control the TradeTargets... 
                . Guild/Raid only
                . Limit the TradeRequests of each person until list gets reseted
                . Option to auto-trade only with HighLevels (e.g. 55+)
Version         (made by Shag)
        o       more bugfixes (works if the config. frame is hidden)
        o       fixed money input frame

Version         (made by Shag)
                I think, this was the first release...
                Implemented Functions:
                        ConfigFrame for TradingStuff
                        AutoTrade on TradeRequest (search the needet items in the inventory and put them in the tradeframe)
                        and more