vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
        Titan Panel [Guild]: A simple guild list for the Titan Panel AddOn.
                copyright 2005 by chicogrande (
        - Lists online guild members in a tooltip, green rank text indicating an officer
        - Menu shows names of online members, with click to /whisper functionality. Green text = officer
        - Menu has options to /guild chat and /officer chat
        - Menu has option to toggle Show offline members, which changes this setting in your Social frame, Guild tab
        - Advanced menus to /w, /invite, /friend or /who guild members
        - Shows default messages if the player is not a member of a guild
        - Updates the guild listing every 5 minutes to accomodate the GuildRoster() delay. The update only takes place if
          the player is 'idle' and not accessing conflicting UI frames or Titan elements
        - Tooltip and right-click menu content is sortable using the Sort menu option, works like the guild frame
        - Colors rank names (Advanced) or player names (Simple) based on rank index
        - To save space, player can turn off menu options
        - Filtering on a level range and zone, as it relates to the player
        - Filtering on a single class in the player's faction
        - Paging of simple and advanced right-click menu contents to deal with large-guild issues
        - changed chat options to be /g = guild chat, and /o = officer chat for locale reasons
        - implemented GuildRoster() to update the listing on button load and when hovering over button
        - added display of guild name player belongs to in the tooltip title area
        - added advanced secondary menus to send whisper or group invites
        - corrected guild_zone nil (typically on first game load) concat issue in tooltip
        - implemented FriendsFrame_onShow, onHide() hooked functions to prevent open/close sound
        - refreshing guild roster every 15 seconds to accomodate the GuildRoster() delay
        - corrected issue where AuctionFrame would close when the guild roster was being updated
        - having issues calling TitanPanelGuildButton_GetGuildRoster on game load during a GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE event; 
          removing call for now
        - added additional frames to check for IsVisible() before running the GuildRoster() call
        - added additional frames to check for IsVisible() before running the GuildRoster() call
        - added left-click to open the Friends fame, guild tab
        - added rank-based submenus to create a 3 lvl messaging environment.
        - user can select to use advanced, rank-sorted or simple mode for right-click menu

        - fixed the richRankText being nil issue, initializing
        - guild_rankIndex may be zero based, changed logic to detect when creating richRankText string          

        - solid version release, 1.0
        - formatted tooltip with tab between name and other data
        - added some German translation strings
        - added additional frames to the "do not update" list
        - added a sorting function which sorts the simple and advanced menu items and tooltip content
        - updated .toc to 1500
        - added /who and add to friends list functions in advanced submenus
        - cleaned up function names
        - properly detecting the Guild Master and displaying their rank in tooltip
        - coloring used in submenus for rank ( green = officer level, red = guild master)
        - removed coloration for officers/leader; there is no clear indicator from guild to guild on what the officer rank is
        - French localization now available

        - added coloration based on rank index using color gradient
        - checking CanViewOfficerNote() to determine if "/o" chat is available
        - added option to hide right-click menu options to recover space in the list

        - Fixed German and French localization, please test and let me know if errors remain
        - localized the sort option strings
        - Added TalentTrainerFrame and BattlefieldFrame to the list of frames to check for prior to running a GuildRoster() update
        - Fixed Show offline French string
        - Tooltip contents are now configurable. Can show any combo of Name, Zone, Note, Level, Class, and Rank
        - Some localization fixes
        - Filtering on player's level range (+5/-5 of player's level) and player's zone
        - Filtering on a single class in the player's faction   

        - updated interface to version 1600
        - regenerating the advanced menus on player login
        - added interaction menus to simple player list
        - bug fix for advanced menus not populating on initial load
        - removed show offline option due to issues with 1.6
        - Paging of simple and advanced right-click menu contents to deal with large-guild issues
        - No longer showing non-online members in the ranked advanced menus (bug)
        - Added missing class to Horde filters (Druid)
        - Tooltip warning message displayed if total contents exceeds 26 items
        - Filters and paging had issues, implemented a flat table to manage the simplified right-click listing (bugfix)
        - Missing variable for showing offline members in button text (bugfix)
        - Tooltip showing incorrect contents when "Show offline" checked in Guild pane (bugfix)
        - Persisting the user's sort selection in SavedVariables
        - Updated to interface version 1700 (9/13/2005 release)
        - Added menu option to disable auto-roster updates
        - Increased update time to 5 min; GuildRoster() call always returns ALL guild members regardless of show offline setting
        - Updated for version 1800 (Dsanai)
        - Fixed frame detection issues with 1800 (Dsanai)
        - Added coloration to the tooltip information (Dsanai)
        - Updated for version 10900
        - GetGuildRosterInfo() api update (KarrionTerenas)
        - Re-merged code from KarrionTerenas to correct init issues
        - Upated .toc to 11000
        - NEW: Configurable update times (1 min, 3 min, 5 min, Disable)
        - NEW: Color coded class names in tooltip based on raid class colors
        - Removed dependency on modern version of Titan Panel for class coloration functionality in tooltip.
        - Completely revamped the GuildRoster() call and event trapping. Should correct guild tab issues.
        - Added functionality to disable/enable update of the guild roster on mouse-over
        - Changed label text to display the name of the player's guild in button text
        - Coloring player names based on raid colors
        - Reordered tooltip display to show level first

        - Upated toc (11100)

        - Minor fix: Added IsInGuild() checks to GuildRoster() calls as needed to prevent non-guilded players from getting the 'Not in guild' message.  
        - Updated toc to 11200
        - Added status for <AFK> and <DND> display to tooltip

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