vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

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        <title>Timex Documentation</title>
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        <p><img alt="[ TIMEX ]" title="Timex" src="TimexTitle.jpg" style="width: 479px; height: 119px;"/></p>

        <h1>Table of Contents</h1>
        <a href="#i" class="toc2">i. Developers - Timex Core</a>
                <a href="#StartupFunctions">Startup Functions</a><br>
                <a href="#AddingaTimexEntry">Adding a Timex Entry</a><br>
                <a href="#CheckingaTimexEntry">Checking a Timex Entry</a><br>
                <a href="#DeletingaTimexEntry">Deleting a Timex Entry</a><br>
                <a href="#ChanginganEntrysDuration">Changing an Entry's Duration</a><br>
        <a href="#ii" class="toc2">ii. Developers - Timex Bar</a>
                <a href="#GettingaTimexBar">Getting a Timex Bar</a><br>
                <a href="#FormattingaTimexBar">Formatting a Timex Bar</a><br>
                <a href="#StartingaTimexBar">Starting a Timex Bar</a><br>
                <a href="#TimexBarExample">An Example</a><br>
                <a href="#CheckingaTimexBar">Checking a Timex Bar</a><br>
                <a href="#StoppingaTimexBar">Stopping a Timex Bar</a><br>
        <a href="#iii" class="toc2">iii. Developers - Miscellaneous</a>
                <a href="#SyntacticMayhem">Syntactic Mayhem</a><br>
        <a href="#iv" class="toc2">iv. Players</a>
                <a href="#TimexCompatibility">Timex Compatibility</a><br>
                <a href="#ChatCommands">Chat Commands</a><br>

        <h1>i. Developers - Timex Core<a name="i"/></h1>

        Startup Functions
        <h2>Startup Functions<a name="StartupFunctions"/></h2>

                        <pre>void Timex:<b>AddStartupFunc</b>(function&nbsp;f,
                          object&nbsp;a3, ...
                        Adds a startup function to Timex.&nbsp; A startup function runs immediately after Timex has initialized.&nbsp; This is soon after the player logs in or has reloaded their UI,
                        soon after the <code>VARIABLES_LOADED</code> event.&nbsp; It is similar to the <code>Enable</code> method of Ace addons, and is mostly there for use with non-Ace addons.<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>f</code> - the startup function.</dd>
                                <dd><code>a1..a20</code> - the arguments (optional).</dd>
                                <dt class="underline">Example:</dt>
                                        <pre><code>Timex:AddStartupFunc(self.AddonFunc, ace.print, ace, "I have entered the game!")</code></pre>

                                        This will print "I have entered the game!" to the ChatFrame on login.

        <h2>Adding a Timex Entry<a name="AddingaTimexEntry"/></h2>

                        <pre>void Timex:<b>AddSchedule</b>(object&nbsp;id,
                       object&nbsp;a3, ...
                        Adds a schedule entry to Timex.&nbsp; This is the fundamental method of Timex.&nbsp; This is used to schedule a function to run, or an event to be triggered, at some
                        point in the future.<br>
                        <u>Argument subsitution:</u>&nbsp;Timex supports argument substition.  If you use one of the following values in the argument list, Timex will substitute the appropriate value
                        when the function/event is called.<br>
                                <dd><code>Timex.ARG_ID</code> - the id of this schedule.</dd>
                                <dd><code>Timex.ARG_COUNT</code> - the number of times this schedule has run.</dd>
                                <dd><code>Timex.ARG_ELAPSED</code> - the elapsed time since this schedule last fired.</dd>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id, for persistent entries (optional).</dd>
                                <dd><code>t</code> - the time delay.</dd>
                                <dd><code>r</code> - whether the schedule should be repeated continuously (optional, not to be used with c).</dd>
                                <dd><code>c</code> - the number of times the schedule should be repeated before removal (optional).</dd>
                                <dd><code>f</code> - the function (pointer) or event (string) to trigger.</dd>
                                <dd><code>a1..a20</code> - the arguments (optional).</dd>
                                <dt class="underline">Example #1:</dt>
                                        <pre><code>Timex:AddSchedule("MyAddOn", 5, nil, nil, ace.print, ace, "Hello World!")</code></pre>

                                        This is a standard Timex entry - after two seconds, "Hello World!" will be printed to the ChatFrame.<br>

                                <dt class="underline">Example #2:</dt>
                                        <pre><code>Timex:AddSchedule("MyAddOn", 2, TRUE, nil, ace.print, ace, "Yadda!")</code></pre>

                                        In this example repeat is being used - this will print "Yadda!" to the ChatFrame every two seconds until the entry is manually deleted.<br>

                                <dt class="underline">Example #3:</dt>
                                        <pre><code>Timex:AddSchedule("MyAddOn", 2, nil, 5, ace.print, ace, "Blah.")</code></pre>

                                        In this example we see count being used - this will print "Blah." to the ChatFrame every two seconds until it has done this five times, then it will stop.<br>

                                <dt class="underline">Example #4:</dt>
                                        <pre><code>Timex:AddSchedule(timexBar, 0.1, nil, time*10, timexHandler, self, timexBar, Timex.ARG_ELAPSED)</code></pre>

                                        In this example we see count being used - this will print "Blah." to the ChatFrame every two seconds until it has done this five times, then it will stop.<br>

                                <dt class="underline">Example #5:</dt>
                                        <pre><code>Timex:AddSchedule("MyAddOn", 2, TRUE, nil, "MY_TIMEX_UPDATE", "% has seen %s counts", Timex.ARG_COUNT)

function AddOnName:Enable()

function AddOnName:MY_TIMEX_UPDATE(msg, c)
    -- c is the current count.
    ace:print(format(msg, c)
    if c == 2 then
    elseif c == 1 then
                                        The fifth example gets more complex.&nbsp; If you enter a string as the function, Timex will fire that event when the schedule is due (the "doTimexEvent" string
                                        will actually fire the "TIMEX_UPDATE" event for backwards-compatibility with older versions of Timex).&nbsp; This may be useful if you wish to use an event-driven
                                        timing system, rather than one that relies on function calls.&nbsp;  Note that this only works for Ace-developed AddOns, due to the way the event is distributed.<br>

        <h2>Checking a Timex Entry<a name="CheckingaTimexEntry"/></h2>

                        <pre>boolean/number Timex:<b>ScheduleCheck</b>(object&nbsp;id,
                        This method is used to check the current status of any Timex entries.  It can also be used to check the time that has elapsed on a particular timer.&nbsp; This can be used to
                        check how much time has passed from point A to point B.  You can add a Timex entry without a function for this very purpose.<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the entry.</dd>
                                <dd><code>r</code> - whether to return the time elapsed. (optional).</dd>
                                <dt class="bold">Returns:</dt>
                                <dd>If <code>r</code> is <code>FALSE</code> or <code>nil</code>, <code>TRUE</code> if the entry exists, <code>nil</code> otherwise.  If <code>r</code> is not 
                                <code>FALSE</code> or <code>nil</code>, the time elapsed on the entry, <code>nil</code> otherwise.</dd>
                                <dt class="underline">Example #1:</dt>
                                        <pre><code>local a = Timex:ScheduleCheck("MyAddOn")
if a then
                                        This example will return true if the Timex entry with id "MyAddOn" is present, and nil otherwise.
                                <dt class="underline">Example #2:</dt>
                                        <pre><code>local a = Timex:ScheduleCheck("MyAddOn", TRUE)
if a then
                                        This example will return the time remaining for the Timex entry with id "MyAddOn" is present, and nil otherwise.

        <h2>Deleting a Timex Entry<a name="DeletingaTimexEntry"/></h2>

                        <pre>void Timex:<b>DeleteSchedule</b>(object&nbsp;id)</pre>
                        This method is used to remove a Timex entry.<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the entry.</dd>
                                <dt class="underline">Example:</dt>

                                        This will delete the "MyAddOn" entry from Timex's database.

        <h2>Changing an Entry's Duration<a name="ChanginganEntrysDuration"/></h2>

                This method is used to change a timer's duration while it is running.  For example, it can be used to change the 'tick rate' of a
                repeating timer.

                        <pre>void Timex:<b>ChangeDuration</b>(object&nbsp;id
                        This method is used to remove a Timex entry.<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the entry.</dd>
                                <dd><code>t</code> - the new duration of the entry.</dd>
                                <dt class="underline">Example:</dt>
                                        <pre><code>Timex:DeleteSchedule("MyAddOn", 15)</code></pre>

                                        This will change the duration of the "MyAddOn" timer to 15 seconds.

        <h1>ii. Developers - Timex Bars<a name="ii"/></h1>

                This module of timex exists for providing timer bars to both players for their macros and to developers for AddOns that need to display a
                timer.&nbsp; The bar has two text elements, these are timer and text.&nbsp; The colour of the bar and text are both configurable along with
                the size and shape of the bar.&nbsp; Further, there's a button to the left of the bar which can display a spell/item texture for easy viewing of
                whatever's ticking down.  Note that the interface for TimexBar has changed in R23.
                Here's a visual example of a standard Timex Bar, as shown by the AceTimer AddOn:
        <p style="text-align: center">
                <img alt="[ Timex Bars ]"  title="Timex Bars" src="TimexBars.jpg" style="border: 5px solid ; width: 246px; height: 96px;"/>
                These bars are currently at their default length and size.  Once a bar has finished ticking down, it can fire off a function, so if you want to
                rearrange your GUI based on when bars show and hide, you can now do so.&nbsp; For example, you could create a bunch of bars which anchor off of
                each other to the right and when one disappears, the next bar over crops left to take its space.
                These bars are currently at their default length and size.  Once a bar has finished ticking down, it can fire off a function, so if you want to
                rearrange your GUI based on when bars show and hide, you can now do so.&nbsp; For example, you could create a bunch of bars which anchor off of
                each other to the right and when one disappears, the next bar over crops left to take its space.
                The interface for creating and starting a bar has changed somewhat from pre-R23 versions of Timex.  Essentially, you get Timex to assign a bar
                from its free pool to your id, then you format the bar and start it.  Note that a bar is only truly reserved (ie removed from the free pool) once
                it has started.  A bar returns to the free pool when it finishes running, or if it is stopped.

        <h2>Getting a Timex Bar<a name="GettingaTimexBar"/></h2>

                        <pre>void TimexBar:<b>Get</b>(object&nbsp;id)</pre>
                        This will assign a bar to the id you provide.  Note that you cannot 'Get' a bar, and then format/start it at some later stage.  It is quite likely
                        that the bar will be assigned to another id the next time another 'Get' call is made, so you will have to 'Get' a bar again.  Generally you should
                        get and format a bar at the time that you intend to start it.<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the bar.</dd>

                        <pre>string TimexBar:<b>GetName</b>(object&nbsp;id)</pre>
                        Gets the name of the TimexBar assigned to the given id.  Returns <code>nil</code> if no TimexBar is assigned to the id.<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the bar.</dd>
                                <dt class="bold">Returns:</dt>
                                <dd>The name of the TimexBar assigned to <code>id</code>, or <code>nil</code>.</dd>

        <h2>Formatting a Timex Bar<a name="FormattingaTimexBar"/></h2>

                There are a number of formatting methods to change the appearance of a Timex bar...generally these are similar to the formatting options available
                on the standard UI Frame elements.  All are optional (ie you don't have to set any of them if you don't wish to).

                        <pre>void TimexBar:<b>SetColor</b>(object&nbsp;id
                        Sets the color of the bar.<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the bar.</dd>
                                <dd><code>red</code> - red channel.</dd>
                                <dd><code>green</code> - green channel.</dd>
                                <dd><code>blue</code> - blue channel.</dd>
                                <dd><code>alpha</code> - alpha channel (optional).</dd>

                        <pre>void TimexBar:<b>SetTextColor</b>(object&nbsp;id
                        Sets the color of the text in the bar.<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the bar.</dd>
                                <dd><code>red</code> - red channel.</dd>
                                <dd><code>green</code> - green channel.</dd>
                                <dd><code>blue</code> - blue channel.</dd>
                                <dd><code>alpha</code> - alpha channel (optional).</dd>

                        <pre>void TimexBar:<b>SetPoint</b>(object&nbsp;id
                        Sets the position of the bar.<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the bar.</dd>
                                <dd><code>point</code> - the anchor point of the bar.</dd>
                                <dd><code>relativeFrame</code> - the anchor frame (that the bar's position will be relative to).</dd>
                                <dd><code>relativePoint</code> - the anchor point of the anchor frame.</dd>
                                <dd><code>xOffset</code> - X offset.</dd>
                                <dd><code>yOffset</code> - Y offset.</dd>

                        <pre>void TimexBar:<b>SetScale</b>(object&nbsp;id
                        Sets the scale of the bar.  This is best suited to changing the size of the entire bar (the bar, the text, the icon, everything).<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the bar.</dd>
                                <dd><code>scale</code> - the scale of the bar.</dd>

                        <pre>void TimexBar:<b>SetWidth</b>(object&nbsp;id
                        Sets the width of the bar.  This is best suited to changing the dimensions of the bar relative to the other elements (eg the icon or
                        the text).<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the bar.</dd>
                                <dd><code>width</code> - the width of the bar.</dd>

                        <pre>void TimexBar:<b>SetHeight</b>(object&nbsp;id
                        Sets the height of the bar.  This is best suited to changing the dimensions of the bar relative to the other elements (eg the icon or
                        the text).<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the bar.</dd>
                                <dd><code>height</code> - the height of the bar.</dd>

                        <pre>void TimexBar:<b>SetTimeWidth</b>(object&nbsp;id
                        Sets the width of the 'time' portion of the text display of the bar.  This is best suited to changing the size of the timer relative
                        to the other elements (eg the icon, the bar, or the text).<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the bar.</dd>
                                <dd><code>timeWidth</code> - the width of the timer.</dd>

                        <pre>void TimexBar:<b>SetText</b>(object&nbsp;id
                        Sets the text that the bar will display (ie the label).<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the bar.</dd>
                                <dd><code>text</code> - the text of the bar.</dd>

                        <pre>void TimexBar:<b>SetTexture</b>(object&nbsp;id
                        Sets the texture (icon) that will be displayed next to the bar.<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the bar.</dd>
                                <dd><code>texture</code> - path to the texture to display with the bar.</dd>

                        <pre>void TimexBar:<b>SetFunction</b>(object&nbsp;id,
                          object&nbsp;a3, ...
                        Sets a function that will be called when the bar finishes.  This will <em>not</em> be called if the bar is stopped manually (ie
                        through the <code>TimexBar:Stop</code> method.<br>
                        <u>Argument subsitution:</u>&nbsp;TimexBars also support argument substition.  If you use one of the following values in the argument list, 
                        Timex will substitute the appropriate value when the function/event is called.<br>
                                <dd><code>Timex.ARG_ID</code> - the id of this TimexBar.</dd>
                                <dd><code>Timex.ARG_ELAPSED</code> - the elapsed time since this TimexBar was last updated.</dd>
                                <dd><code>Timex.ARG_REMAINING</code> - the time remaining on this TimexBar.</dd>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the bar.</dd>
                                <dd><code>f</code> - the function to be run.</dd>
                                <dd><code>a1..a20</code> - the arguments (optional).</dd>

                        <pre>void TimexBar:<b>SetUpdateFunction</b>(object&nbsp;id,
                          object&nbsp;a3, ...
                        Sets a function that will be called every time the bar is updated.  This method also supports argument substitution.<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the bar.</dd>
                                <dd><code>f</code> - the function to be run.</dd>
                                <dd><code>a1..a20</code> - the arguments (optional).</dd>

        <h2>Starting a Timex Bar<a name="StartingaTimexBar"/></h2>
                After assigning and formatting your bar, it is time to start it.  This removes the bar from the free pool and displays it to the user.  It will
                start running immediately.

                        <pre>void TimexBar:<b>Start</b>(object&nbsp;id,
                        Starts a TimexBar.  This removes the bar from the free pool and displays it. It is possible to alter the resolution of the bar's default
                        the bar will update every 0.1 seconds, but for a long-running bar, u might want to update it only once every sec, in which case you would set 
                        the <code>res</code> parameter to 1.<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the bar.</dd>
                                <dd><code>time</code> - The duration of the bar.</dd>
                                <dd><code>res</code> - The resolution of the bar display in seconds (optional, default 0.1).</dd>
                                <dt class="bold">Returns:</dt>
                                <dd>The name of the bar assigned (eg TimexBar3).</dd>

        <h2>An Example<a name="TimexBarExample"/></h2>
        <p>The following code shows how to format and start a TimexBar.</p>
        <pre class="indent">local toggle;
local function toggleAppearance(id, remaining)
    if toggle then
        TimexBar:SetText(id, "My Bar #2 - " .. remaining);
        TimexBar:SetColor(id, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
        TimexBar:SetTextColor(id, 0, 0, 0);
        TimexBar:SetText("MyBar", "My Bar #1 - " .. remaining)
        TimexBar:SetColor("MyBar", 1.0, 0.2, 0.2)
        TimexBar:SetTextColor("MyBar", 1.0, 1.0, 0.2)
    toggle = not toggle;

TimexBar:SetText("MyBar", "My Bar #1")
TimexBar:SetTexture("MyBar", "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_ResistNature")
TimexBar:SetColor("MyBar", 1.0, 0.2, 0.2)
TimexBar:SetTextColor("MyBar", 1.0, 1.0, 0.2)

TimexBar:SetPoint("MyBar", "BOTTOMLEFT", "UIParent", "CENTER", 40, 40)
TimexBar:SetWidth("MyBar", "200")
TimexBar:SetHeight("MyBar", "20")
TimexBar:SetTimeWidth("MyBar", "50")
TimexBar:SetScale("MyBar", "1.6")

TimexBar:SetFunction("MyBar", ace.cmd.msg, ace.cmd, "'%s' bar hidden.", TimexBar.ARG_ID)

toggle = true;
TimexBar:SetUpdateFunction("MyBar", toggleAppearance, TimexBar.ARG_ID, TimexBar.ARG_REMAINING);

local name = TimexBar:Start("MyBar", 10, 0.5)
ace:print(name.." is active.")</pre>

        <p>First we assign a bar to the id "MyBar" using <code>Timex:Get</code>.  The next two lines set the text and icon of the bar.  After this, we set the color
                of the bar, and the color of the text displayed.</p>
        <p>Next we set the bar so that it's bottom-left corner is 40 pixels to the left and 40 pixels above the center of the screen.  We set the width and height
                of the bar, and set the time display so that it takes up a quarter of the bar's width.  Then we set the scale to 1.6 - the default scale is 0.8, so this
                bar will appear twice the size as the default.</p>
        <p>We then set a function so that the bar will print, "'MyBar' bar hidden." to the chat log when it completes.  We also set a function to toggle the
                appearance of the bar every time it is updated.</p>
        <p>Lastly, we start the bar so that it updates every half second for 10 seconds, and print the name of the bar to the chat log with a message saying
                that it has started</p>
        <h2>Checking a Timex Bar<a name="CheckingaTimexBar"/></h2>

                        <pre>boolean/number TimexBar:<b>Check</b>(object&nbsp;id,
                        This method is used to check whether a TimexBar exists for the given id, and can optionally return the name of the TimexBar.<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the bar.</dd>
                                <dd><code>r</code> - whether to return the name of the bar (optional).</dd>
                                <dt class="bold">Returns:</dt>
                                <dd>If <code>r</code> is <code>FALSE</code> or <code>nil</code>, <code>TRUE</code> if the bar exists, <code>nil</code> otherwise.  If <code>r</code> is not 
                                <code>FALSE</code> or <code>nil</code>, the name of the bar, <code>nil</code> otherwise.</dd>
                                <dt class="underline">Example:</dt>
                                        <pre>local a = TimexBar:Bar("MyBar")
if a then

                                        This example will print, "Exists." to the chat log if a TimexBar exists for the id "MyBar".
        <h2>Stopping a Timex Bar<a name="StoppingaTimexBar"/></h2>
                        <pre>boolean/number TimexBar:<b>Stop</b>(object&nbsp;id)</pre>
                        This method is used to stop a TimexBar.<br>
                                <dt class="bold">Parameters:</dt>
                                <dd><code>id</code> - the id of the bar.</dd>
                                <dt class="underline">Example:</dt>
                                        <pre>local a = TimexBar:Bar("MyBar")</pre>

                                        This example will stop TimexBar for the id "MyBar".

        <h1>iii. Developers - Miscellaneous<a name="iii"/></h1>
        <h2>Syntactic Mayhem<a name="SyntacticMayhem"/></h2>
                So you now know the ins and outs of developing using Timex and its Bars
                module, is there anything to add?&nbsp; Not really, though I would like
                to explain a few things about syntax first and how syntax differs
                through code formats.
                Throughout your days coding for the World of Warcraft community you're
                going to see many kinds of coding styles, this is going to change how
                you use Timex as far as the syntax of calling functions is
                concerned.&nbsp; To avoid confusion later I've decided that it would be
                best to explain the differences between these and the best way to
                handle them.&nbsp; Note: I'll be using AddSchedule to demonstrate
                how these work but these examples will work for any part of Timex that
                accepts functions.
        <p>This is a basic function format that's most frequently used.</p>
                <dt class="underline">Format:</dt>
                <dd><div><pre>function AddOn_Function_Blah(arg1, arg2)</pre></div></dd>
                <dt class="underline">Result:</dt>
                <dd><div><pre>Timex:AddSchedule(..., AddOn_Function_Blah, arg1, arg2)</div></pre></dd>

        <p>This is a slightly more advanced format used infrequently.</p>
                <dt class="underline">Format:</dt>
                <dd><div><pre>function Table.Function_Name(arg1, arg2)</pre></div></dd>
                <dt class="underline">Result:</dt>
                <dd><div><pre>Timex:AddSchedule(..., Table.Function_Name, arg1, arg2)</div></pre></dd>

        <p>This is the most advanced form Lua has to offer, all the cool kids are using it.&nbsp; It has a few variations on the basic form.</p>

                <dt class="underline">Format #1:</dt>
                <dd><div><pre>function AddonName:DoSomething(arg1, arg2)</pre></div></dd>
                <dt class="underline">Format #2:</dt>
                <dd><div><pre>function AddonName.DoSomething(self, arg1, arg2)</pre></div></dd>
                <dt class="underline">Format #3:</dt>
                <dd><div><pre>AddOnName {
    DoSomething = function(self, arg1, arg2),
                <dt class="underline">Result:</dt>
                <dd><div><pre>Timex:AddSchedule(..., self.DoSomething, self, arg1, arg2)</div></pre></dd>

                Note: You only need to pass self if the function you're passing too actually references self.&nbsp; Lua uses pseudo-OO so it's up to you, you can
                mix and match function types.

        <h1>iv. Players<a name="iv"/></h1>
        <h2>Timex Compatibility<a name="TimexCompatibility"/></h2>

                The Chronos placeholder addon is provided in case people wish to use Timex in place of Chronos - the aim is to be fully compatible with Chronos where
                possible.  Drop us a line if you find that in practice Timex is not working properly with Chronos-based addons.
        <h2>Chat Commands<a name="ChatCommands"/></h2>
                Timex has a chat-command system for options, it uses a one-line system for ease of typing and to allow for bigger macros (so you don't have to
                retype our chat-operator on every line).&nbsp; Further, the chat-command system isn't watered down in any way and provides as much of the power of Timex 
                as we were able to cram in, so it is slightly complex but I shall endeavour to explain how each of the commands works.
        <h3>The Do Command<a name="TheDoCommand"/></h3>
        <div class="indent">

                <p>Here's the basic layout of the system:</p>
                <pre class="indent">/tmx do n="[timer name]" t=[time] r=[repeat] c=[count] f=[function] a=[args]</pre>
                        The first thing to cover is: what's up with those quotation marks?&nbsp; The chat-command system separates by spaces, so if something you want to use 
                        (such as the name or an arg) has a space in it, you'll have to wrap it in quotation marks to ensure that the space inside isn't considered as a 
                        separator.&nbsp; Basically, if you're not actively typing spaces between the commands and you have a space that's not command related, wrap quotation 
                        marks around the entire thing, as shown by 'timer name'.
                <span class="bold">Parameters:</span><br>
                <div class="hanging-indent"><code>timer name</code> - this is the name of your timer, you don't have to supply this at all but if you want to be able to stop your timer at 
                        any point, it's a good idea.&nbsp; The format of name is either <code>n=mytimer</code> or <code>n="my timer"</code>.</div>
                <div class="hanging-indent"><code>time</code></span> - this is the amount of time that will pass before the Timex does its stuff.&nbsp; If you set this to eight seconds 
                        then Timex will delay for 8 seconds before using the function that you gave it.&nbsp; The format of time is <code>t=8</code>.</div>
                <div class="hanging-indent"><code>repeat</code></span> - repeat will make your timer continuous, so it'll cycle on a basis of the time you gave it.&nbsp; If you provide 
                        it with 8 seconds then every 8 seconds it will fire the function you gave it until it's stopped.&nbsp; To make repeat happen, supply <code>r=TRUE</code> as a command.</div>
                <div class="hanging-indent"><code>count</code></span> - similar to repeat, however it will only cycle for the amount of times that you specify.&nbsp; If that's three cycles,
                        it will fire your function three times (waiting for the delay first of cocurse), then automatically stop.&nbsp; The format of count is <code>c=8</code>.</div>
                <div class="hanging-indent"><code>function</code></span> - this is the function you wish to call.&nbsp; It is supplied as a pointer, so if your function is <code>DoThis(a, b)</code>, 
                        you'll have to supply <code>DoThis</code> here.&nbsp; The format of function is <code>f=DoThis</code>.</div>
                <div class="hanging-indent"><code>args</code></span> - these are the arguments you wish to supply along with your function, so if your function is <code>DoThis(a, b)</code>, 
                        you'll have to supply 'a, b' here.&nbsp; The format of args is either <code>a=arg</code> if it's one arg or <code>a="arg1, arg2, arg3 ... etcetera"</code> 
                        if it's more.</div>
                <p>Here's an example of the above in action:</p>
                <pre class="indent">/tmx do n="my print" t=5 f=SendChatMessage a="'Hello World!', SAY"</pre>
                <p>This would make you say 'Hello World!' after five seconds have passed.</p>


        <h3>The Stop Command<a name="TheStopCommand"/></h3>
        <div class="indent">
                        Now that adding timers is out of the way, how would you go about stopping them?&nbsp; That's easy too.&nbsp; There's a stop command that you can supply a timer name 
                        too, it will look for that timer name and stop it.&nbsp; So if you've decided you don't want a timer to run or you have something on a repeat or a count and you 
                        wish to stop it then you can easily do so with a quickly accessible chat-command.
                <pre>/tmx stop my print</pre>
                        This would search for the 'my print' timer and stop it.&nbsp; Use both of these commands to your advantage in macros and really take command of your 
                        playing style.