vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
1. What does this plugin do?
        This plugin is build to give the player control over timers and warnings, 
        triggerd by selfdefined events. This plugin will simply check every incoming event,
        with a table of triggers. If the event matches a trigger, a timer will be started,
        or a warning be send. You can also manually invoke timers, a.E. for your pizza ;)
2. The Timers

        2.1 The Mainframe
                The Mainframe is accsessible by the "normal" tab. It will show you all timers 
                and there current time. You can sort this table by name or time with clicking 
                onto the column headers. Shift-Click onto the the column headers, will spam 
                the first x timers, or all timers expiring withing x minutes, to the current 
                active chatsend. You can define this x in the config frame.
                When siwtching to the "light" tab, the background will become transparent, so it
                does hide less.
                You can edit the name and the current time, by simply clicking onto the according
                text. This will start the edit mode. Enter will save the change, ESC will discard it.
                The "T" Button at the right upper edge will show/hide the NameBox (when activated
                at the config).
                The "D" Button of every timer will delete it.
        2.2 The Mainmenu
                The Mainmenu is accsessible by the "!" Button at the right-top edge. You will have
                a dropdown menu with the following options:
                2.2.1 Dis-/Enable all
                        This will dis-/enable all triggers. When disabled, timers will still run, and you can
                        still invoke them manual, but they will not be invoked by events.
                        This will not affect, the dis-/enabled status of the triggers in in the triggers frame.
                2.2.2 Delete Expired
                        This will delete all timers, that are expired.
                2.2.3 Delete by Group
                        This will allow you to delete all timers, that are invoked by triggers of the
                        same group.
                2.2.4 Delete All Times
                        Simply deletes all timers.
                2.2.5 Reset Expired
                        This will reset the time of all timers, that are expired.
                2.2.6 Reset by Group
                        This will allow you to reset the time of all timers, that are 
                        invoked by triggers of the same group.
                2.2.7 Reset All Times
                        Simply reset the time of all timers.
        2.3 The Timermenu
                The Timermenu is accsessible by the "!" Button, left of every timer row. This will open 
                a dropdownmenu with options, that will change this timer only:
                2.3.1 invoked by
                        Shows, with trigger started this timer. When starting a timer manual without a trigger,
                        it will be invoked by the "Default" Trigger.
                2.3.2 Delete Timer
                        This will delete the timer.
                2.3.3 Reset Timer
                        This will reset the time of the timer.
                2.3.4 Pause/Resume Timer
                        This is only availible, when the timer is not stopped. It will pause/resume the timer.
                2.3.5 Stop Timer
                        This is only availible for incermental timers. It will stop the timer.
                2.3.6 Spam To
                        This will spam the timer and it's time to the selected channel. Reply will send the data
                        as an answer to the last whisper.
3. The Triggers

        3.1 The Triggerframe 
                The Triggerframe is accsessible by the "trigger" tab. It will show you all triggers, groups
                and the settings of the triggers/groups. You can sort the triggers, by clicking onto the 
                column headers. This will not affect the groups, the will stay in the same order.
                You can edit nearly all values and text by clicking onto the text. Some fields will have a
                Button for a dropdown box.
                The checkbox at the beginning of every row, will de-/activate the according trigger/group.
                When checked, it's active.
        3.2 The Mainmenu
                The Mainmenu is accsessible by the "!" Button at the right-top edge. You will have
                a dropdown menu with the following options:
                3.2.1 Show/Hide inactive
                        When "Hide inactive" is selected, all inactive groups and triggers will be hidden.
                3.2.2 Unfold/Fold all groups
                        When fold, only the groups are visible, when unfold also all there trigger are visible.
                3.2.3 De-/Activate all
                        Will De-/Active all groups and triggers.
                3.2.4 Reset all counter
                        This will reset all trigger counters to 0.
                3.2.5 Add a new group
                        Will add a new group with a selfdefined name.
                3.2.6 Delete a group
                        Will delete a non predefined group.
                3.2.7 Add a trigger
                        This will add a trigger named "New trigger" to the "no group" group.
                3.2.8 Reload default triggers
                        This will reload the default values of all predefined triggers.
        3.3 The groups
                A group is written as --- <name> --- in blue text. It has the follwing options:
                3.3.1 by playtime
                        When checked, the timer will pause, when leaving the game. It will resume when reentering.
                3.3.1 When starting, Reset counter
                        When checked, all counters from triggers of this group will be resetted to 0 when starting 
                        the game.
                3.3.2 When starting, Delete timers.
                        When checked, all timers, inherited by triggers of this group, will be delete when starting.
                3.3.3. The fold/unfold Button
                        The fold("+")/unfold("-") Button can be found, left of the name. It will show(unfold) or
                        hide(fold) all triggers of this group. The triggers will remaine active.
        3.4 The triggers
                A trigger has a name in white text. It has the following options:
                3.4.1 Name
                        The name of the trigger.
                3.4.2 Time
                        The time, the trigger will start with.
                3.4.3 Warn
                        When this value is not 0, a warning will be send x-minutes bevor the timer expires.
                3.4.4 Text
                        When this text is part of the text, of an event, a timer will be started.
                3.4.5 Message
                        This message will be send as a warning, when the timer expires or the warntime is reached.
                3.4.6 Channel
                        The channel, the message will be send to.
                3.4.7 Cnt. (Count)
                        The count, how often this trigger has been invoked.
                3.4.8 Thr. (Threshold)
                        The minimum time in seconds bevor this trigger can be reinvoked.
                3.4.9 Type
                        Defines, what will happen, when this trigger is invoked:
                                Will be of the same type, as the "Default" trigger in the group "no group".
                                Everytime this trigger is invoked, a timer will be started.
                                When a timer of this trigger is running, no new timer will be started.
                                When a timer of a trigger of this group is runnung, no new timer will be started.
                                When a timer of a trigger of this group is running, it's pause state will be toggled.
                                When a timer of a trigger of this group is runnung, it will be stopped.
                                Mode Incremental only.
               Warn only
                                No timer will be started. Only the warning will be send instantly.
                3.4.10 Mode
                        Defines, what will happen when a timer of this trigger is expired.
                                Will be of the same type, as the "Default" trigger in the group "no group".
                                The timer will continue to count down.
                                The timer will be deleted.
                                The time of the timer will be reseted.
                                The time will count up from the beginning. So it will never expire.
                3.4.11 The Triggermenu
                        The Triggermenu is accsessible by the "!" Button, left of the name.
               Show advanced config
                                This will open the advanced configuration menu for the selected timer.
               Reset counter
                                This will reset the counter of this trigger to 0.
               Delete trigger
                                This will delete the trigger. Only availible for non predefined triggers.
               Move to group
                                This will move the trigger to an other group.
               Reset to default
                                This will reset a predefined trigger to it's default values.
        3.5 The advance configuration
                3.5.1 Name
                        The name of the trigger.
                3.5.2 Time
                        The time, the trigger will start with.
                3.5.3 Text
                        When this text is part of the text, of an event, a timer will be started.
                3.5.4 Warntime
                        When this value is not 0, a warning will be send x-minutes bevor the timer expires.
                3.5.5 Warn-Message
                        This message will be send as a warning, when the warntime is reached.
                3.5.6 Warn-Channel
                        The channel, the message will be send to.

                3.5.7 Expire-Message
                        This message will be send as a warning, when a timer expires.
                3.5.8 Expire-Channel
                        The channel, the message will be send to.
                3.5.9 Cnt. (Count)
                        The count, how often this trigger has been invoked.
                3.5.10 Thr. (Threshold)
                        The minimum time in seconds bevor this trigger can be reinvoked.
                3.5.11 Type
                        Defines, what will happen, when this trigger is invoked:
                                Will be of the same type, as the "Default" trigger in the group "no group".
                                Everytime this trigger is invoked, a timer will be started.
                                When a timer of this trigger is running, no new timer will be started.
                                When a timer of a trigger of this group is runnung, no new timer will be started.
                                When a timer of a trigger of this group is running, it's pause state will be toggled.
                                When a timer of a trigger of this group is runnung, it will be stopped.
                                Mode Incremental only.
               Warn only
                                No timer will be started. Only the warning will be send instantly.
                3.5.12 Mode
                        Defines, what will happen when a timer of this trigger is expired.
                                Will be of the same type, as the "Default" trigger in the group "no group".
                                The timer will continue to count down.
                                The timer will be deleted.
                                The time of the timer will be reseted.
                                The time will count up from the beginning. So it will never expire.                     
4 The Configuration
        The Configframe is accsessible from the "config" tab. It has the following settings:
        4.1 use Namebar
                When checked, a floating input box will appear. The text in this box will be used 
                as the name for new timers. You can use the variables as described in the "Variables
                and Slashcommands" section. 
                When not checked, an input box will popup, everytime a new timer is starting.
        4.2 Title text
                This defines the title of the Timersframe. You can use variables as described in the
                "Variables and Slashcommands" section. If this text is empty, the minmized frame, will
                be half sized.
        4.3 Spam first X minutes/timers
                This defines how many timer will be spammed, when shift-clicking onto the column headers
                in the timersframe. 
        4.4 Timers Name Size
                This will define how big the namebox at the timersframe is.
        4.5. Timers Frame Scale
                This will define how big all frames are. This feature is not yet 100% stable.
        4.6 Reset
                This button will reset, all configuration values to default. This includes the namebar text
                and the window positions.
5 Variables and Slashcommands
        5.1 Variables
        This plugin has a variousity of variables, that can be use as placeholders for different texts.
        Here is a list of what the variables will do and where to use them:
        5.1.1 Namevariables
                These variables can be used as part of the namebox text or at the inputbox for a timers name.
                - "!count" will be replaced with the current value of the counter of the trigger, that has been
                        invoked to start the timer.             
                - "!trigger" will be replaced with the name of the trigger, that has been invoked to start the
                - "!coord" will be replaced with you current coordinates on the map.
        5.1.2 Messagevariables
                These variables can be used as part of the message of a trigger. When a timer invoked by
                this trigger, sends a warning, the variables will be replaced.
                - "!count" will be replaced with the current value of the counter of this trigger.              
                - "!trigger" will be replaced with the name of the trigger.     
                - "!name" will be replaced with the name of the timer.  
                - "!group" will be replaced with the name of the group of this trigger. 
                - "!time" will be replaced with the current time of the timer.          
                - "!msg" will be replaced with the message, that invoked the trigger.   
                - "!msgsub" will bre replaced with message, that invoked the trigger, but without the
                        part that stands in the triggertext. 
                        A.E.: triggertext="Mob looks at", invoked by message="Mob looks at Player", then !msgsub
                        will be replaced with "Player"
        5.1.3 Titlevariables
                These variables are used for the timers title text. (See the configuration)
                - "!tNext" will be replaced with the time of the next expiring timer.           
                - "!nNext" will be replaced with the name of the next expiring timer.   
                - "!iAll" will be replaced with the number of timers.   
                - "!iExpired" will be replaced with the number of expired timers.
        5.2 Slashcommands
        The following slashcommands are availible. They are invoked with /ati command. A.E.: "/ati show".
        Parameters in [] are optional.
                - "add name time [trigger]"                     This will add a new timer       
                - "show"                                                                                                        This will show the Userinterface, when hidden.  
                - "reset"                                                                                                       This will reset all configuration and positions.
                - "invoke name"                                                                         This will invoke the trigger "name".
                - "debug"                                                                                                       This will show the internal name of a skill or spell, when an 
                                                                                                                                                        action button is pressed.
        5.3 Whispercommands
        Anyone how whispers you "showtime x" (x is optinal) will get a list of all timers expiring in x minutes.
        If no x is defined, the Spam first value from the configframe will be used. 
6 Frequently Asked Questions
        6.1 I don't want this popupbox, everytime a trigger is invoked?
                        - Go to the configuation and check the "use Namebar" checkbox. You can no set the name of
                                the timers with the floating inputbox.
        6.2 I can't see the namebar, for changing the timer names?
                        - If it's activated in the configuration, press the "T" Button at the top right of the frame.
        6.3 How can i edit values and text ? There is no edit button.
                        - Simply click the text - you can change it direct.
        6.4 Is it possible to use the Message that invoked the trigger, as part of the warning message?
                        As Example when names are part of the Message.
                        - Yes, it is. Check the variables section for the variables "!msg" and "!msgsub"
        6.5 I don't want to have a timer, just a warning?
                        - Switch the type of the trigger to "Warn only". When the warning should go of with delay, use
                                as type "Multiple" and "Delete" as Mode. The delay is the time of the trigger.  
        6.6 I don't see any parts of the plugin ingame, but it's listed at the addons list?
                        - Try "/ati reset".
        6.7 I want to make a new Spellcast trigger, but i don't know the spellmessage, i've to use?
                        - Use "/ati debug" and press the button for the spell.
7 Credits
        This plugin is written by Tyrion WarMage. 
        It's inspired by the plugin "Timers by Darco modified by Pinus".
        You can contact me on EU-Server Antonidas, Horde, Player: Tyrion, or
        by E-Mail:, or by making a comment to this plugin
        on or

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