vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
local AceLocale = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.1")

AceLocale:RegisterTranslation("simpleMinimap_Coords", "enUS", function() return({
        enabled = "enabled",
                enabled_desc = "enable / disable minimap coordinates",

        alpha = "alpha",
                alpha_desc = "set coordinates frame alpha",
        backdrop = "backdrop",
                backdrop_desc = "show or hide coords frame backdrop",
        border = "border",
                border_desc = "show or hide coords frame border",
        coords = "coordinates",
                coords_desc = "minimap coordinates frame",
        fontColor = "font color",
                fontColor_desc = "change the coordinate font color",
        position = "position",
                position_desc = "position of coordinates frame on the minimap",
        scale = "scale",
                scale_desc = "set minimap coordinates scale",
        time = "time",
                time_desc = "delay, in seconds, between coordinate updates",

        position1 = "bottom inside",
                position1_desc = "bottom of the minimap, inside the frame",
        position2 ="bottom outside",
                position2_desc = "bottom of the minimap, outside the frame",
        position3 = "top inside",
                position3_desc = "top of the minimap, inside the frame",
        position4 ="top outside",
                position4_desc = "top of the minimap, outside the frame",
        position5 = "top left",
                position5_desc = "top left of the minimap",
        position6 ="bottom left",
                position6_desc = "bottom left of the minimap",
        position7 = "top right",
                position7_desc = "top right of the minimap",
        position8 ="bottom right",
                position8_desc = "bottom right of the minimap"
}) end)