vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
--      To Get an instance of ParserLib, call this:
--      local parser = ParserLib:GetInstance(version)
--      where the version is the variable 'vmajor' you see here.
local vmajor, vminor = "1.1", 24

-- **Public ParserLib methods begins at line 155.

local stubvarname = "TekLibStub"
local libvarname = "ParserLib"

-- Check to see if an update is needed
-- if not then just return out now before we do anything
local libobj = getglobal(libvarname)
if libobj and not libobj:NeedsUpgraded(vmajor, vminor) then return end

-- Embedded Library Registration Stub
-- Written by Iriel <>
-- Version 0.1 - 2006-03-05
-- Modified by Tekkub <>

local stubobj = getglobal(stubvarname)
if not stubobj then
        stubobj = {}
        setglobal(stubvarname, stubobj)

        -- Instance replacement method, replace contents of old with that of new
        function stubobj:ReplaceInstance(old, new)
                 for k,v in pairs(old) do old[k]=nil end
                 for k,v in pairs(new) do old[k]=v end

        -- Get a new copy of the stub
        function stubobj:NewStub(name)
                local newStub = {}
                self:ReplaceInstance(newStub, self)
                newStub.libName = name
                newStub.lastVersion = ''
                newStub.versions = {}
                return newStub

        -- Get instance version
        function stubobj:NeedsUpgraded(vmajor, vminor)
                local versionData = self.versions[vmajor]
                if not versionData or versionData.minor < vminor then return true end

        -- Get instance version
        function stubobj:GetInstance(version)
                if not version then version = self.lastVersion end
                local versionData = self.versions[version]
                if not versionData then print(string.format("<%s> Cannot find library version: %s", self.libName, version or "")) return end
                return versionData.instance

        -- Register new instance
        function stubobj:Register(newInstance)
                 local version,minor = newInstance:GetLibraryVersion()
                 self.lastVersion = version
                 local versionData = self.versions[version]
                 if not versionData then
                                -- This one is new!
                                versionData = {
                                        instance = newInstance,
                                        minor = minor,
                                        old = {},
                                self.versions[version] = versionData
                                return newInstance
                 -- This is an update
                 local oldInstance = versionData.instance
                 local oldList = versionData.old
                 versionData.instance = newInstance
                 versionData.minor = minor
                 local skipCopy = newInstance:LibActivate(self, oldInstance, oldList)
                 table.insert(oldList, oldInstance)
                 if not skipCopy then
                                for i, old in ipairs(oldList) do self:ReplaceInstance(old, newInstance) end
                 return newInstance

if not libobj then
        libobj = stubobj:NewStub(libvarname)
        setglobal(libvarname, libobj)

local lib = {}

-- Return the library's current version
function lib:GetLibraryVersion()
        return vmajor, vminor

-- Activate a new instance of this library
function lib:LibActivate(stub, oldLib, oldList)
        local maj, min = self:GetLibraryVersion()

        if oldLib then
                local omaj, omin = oldLib:GetLibraryVersion()
                -- ********************************************** --
                -- **** Copy over any old data you need here **** --
                -- ********************************************** --
                self.frame = oldLib.frame

                if omin < 11 and oldLib.clients then
                        for event in oldLib.clients do
                                for i in oldLib.clients[event] do
                                        if type(oldLib.clients[event][i]["func"]) == "string" then
                                                oldLib.clients[event][i]["func"] = getglobal(oldLib.clients[event][i]["func"])
                self.clients = oldLib.clients

                -- ********************************************* --
                -- **** Do any initialization you need here **** --
                -- ********************************************* --
        -- nil return makes stub do object copy

--      *ParserLib Public Methods*      --

-- Register an event to ParserLib.
function lib:RegisterEvent(addonID, event, handler)

        local eventExist
        for i, v in self.supportedEvents do
                if v == event then
                        eventExist = true
        if not eventExist then
                self:Print( string.format("Event %s is not supported. (AddOnID %s)", event, addonID), 1, 0, 0 )

        -- self:Print(string.format("Registering %s for addon %s.", event, addonID) );   -- debug

        if type(handler) == "string" then handler = getglobal(handler) end
        -- if not handler then self:Print("nil handler from " .. addonID, 1, 0, 0) end -- debug

        if self.clients[event] == nil then
                self.clients[event] = {};       
        table.insert(self.clients[event], { ["id"]=addonID, ["func"]=handler } );


-- Check if you have registered an event.
function lib:IsEventRegistered(addonID, event)
        if self.clients[event] then
                for i, v in self.clients[event] do
                        if == addonID then return true end

-- Unregister an event.
function lib:UnregisterEvent(addonID, event)
        local empty = true
        if not self.clients[event] then return end
        for i, v in self.clients[event] do
                if == addonID then
                        -- self:Print( format("Removing %s from %s",, event) )              -- debug
                        table.remove(self.clients[event], i)
                        empty = false
        if empty then
                -- self:Print("Unregistering event " .. event) -- debug
                self.clients[event] = nil

-- Unregister all events.
function lib:UnregisterAllEvents(addonID)
        local event, index, empty;
        for event in self.clients do
                empty = true;
                for i, v in self.clients[event] do
                        if == addonID then
                                -- self:Print( format("Removing %s for %s",, event) ) -- debug
                                table.remove(self.clients[event], i)
--                              self.clients[event][index] = nil;
                                empty = false;
                if empty then
                        -- self:Print("Unregistering event " .. event) -- debug
                        self.clients[event] = nil;


-- Parse custom messages, check documentation.html for more info.
function lib:Deformat(text, pattern)
        if not self.customPatterns then self.customPatterns = {} end            
        if not self.customPatterns[pattern] then
                self.customPatterns[pattern] = self:Curry(pattern)
        return self.customPatterns[pattern](text)

-- Methods to control ParserLib behaviour --

-- Use CompostLib or not?
-- Not that at 1.1-23 CompostLib no longer slows down the speed of ParserLib, 
--   because I found out that I was calling CompostLib:Recycle too frequently, which can be avoided.
function lib:UseCompost(flag)
        self.vars.noCompost = not flag

--      *End of ParserLib Public Methods* --

--      ParserLib Private Methods

-- Constants
ParserLib_SELF = 103
ParserLib_MELEE = 112
ParserLib_DAMAGESHIELD = 113

-- lib.timing = true -- timer

-- Stub function called by frame.OnEvent
local function ParserOnEvent() lib:OnEvent() end

-- Sort the pattern so that they can be parsed in a correct sequence, will only do once for each registered event.
local function PatternCompare(a, b)
        local pa = getglobal(a)
        local pb = getglobal(b)
        if not pa then ChatFrame1:AddMessage("|cffff0000Nil pattern: ".. a.."|r") end
        if not pb then ChatFrame1:AddMessage("|cffff0000Nil pattern: ".. b.."|r") end
        local ca=0
        for _ in string.gfind(pa, "%%%d?%$?[sd]") do ca=ca+1 end
        local cb=0
        for _ in string.gfind(pb, "%%%d?%$?[sd]") do cb=cb+1 end

        pa = string.gsub(pa, "%%%d?%$?[sd]", "")        
        pb = string.gsub(pb, "%%%d?%$?[sd]", "")
        if string.len(pa) == string.len(pb) then
                return  ca < cb;
                return string.len(pa) > string.len(pb)

local FindString = {
        [0] = function(m,p,t) return string.find(m,p), t end,
        [1] = function(m,p,t) _,_,t[1] = string.find(m,p) if t[1] then return true, t else return false, t end end,
        [2] = function(m,p,t) _,_,t[1],t[2] = string.find(m,p) if t[2] then return true, t else return false, t end end,
        [3] = function(m,p,t) _,_,t[1],t[2],t[3] = string.find(m,p) if t[3] then return true, t else return false, t end end,
        [4] = function(m,p,t) _,_,t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4] = string.find(m,p) if t[4] then return true, t else return false, t end end,
        [5] = function(m,p,t) _,_,t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5] = string.find(m,p) if t[5] then return true, t else return false, t end end,
        [6] = function(m,p,t) _,_,t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5],t[6] = string.find(m,p) if t[6] then return true, t else return false, t end end,
        [7] = function(m,p,t) _,_,t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5],t[6],t[7] = string.find(m,p) if t[7] then return true, t else return false, t end end,
        [8] = function(m,p,t) _,_,t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5],t[6],t[7],t[8] = string.find(m,p) if t[8] then return true, t else return false, t end end,
        [9] = function(m,p,t) _,_,t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5],t[6],t[7],t[8],t[9] = string.find(m,p) if t[9] then return true, t else return false, t end end,

-- Currently supported event list.
lib.supportedEvents = {



function lib:GetCompost()

        if self.vars.noCompost then
                if not self.myCompost then
                        self.myCompost = {
                                Recycle = function() return {} end,
                                Acquire = function() return {} end,
                                Reclaim = function() end,
                return self.myCompost

                if not self.compost then
                        if AceLibrary and AceLibrary:HasInstance("Compost-2.0") then
                                self.compost = AceLibrary:GetInstance("Compost-2.0")
                        elseif CompostLib then
                                self.compost = CompostLib:GetInstance("compost-1")
                                -- Cannot find the existance of CompostLib
                                self.vars.noCompost = true
                                return self:GetCompost()
                return self.compost


-- Convert "%s hits %s for %d." to "(.+) hits (.+) for (%d+)."
-- Will additionaly return the sequence of tokens, for example:                     
--  "%2$s reflects %3$d %4$s damage to %1$s."   will return: 
--    "(.-) reflects (%+) (.-) damage to (.-)%.",  4 1 2 3. 
--  (    [1]=2,[2]=3,[3]=4,[4]=1  Reverting indexes and become  [1]=4, [2]=[1],[3]=2,[4]=3. )
function lib:ConvertPattern(pattern, anchor)

        local seq

        -- Add % to escape all magic characters used in LUA pattern matching, except $ and %
        pattern = string.gsub(pattern,"([%^%(%)%.%[%]%*%+%-%?])","%%%1");
        -- Do these AFTER escaping the magic characters.
        pattern = string.gsub(pattern,"%%s","(.-)"); -- %s to (.-)
        pattern = string.gsub(pattern,"%%d","(%-?%%d+)"); -- %d to (%d+)                        

        if string.find(pattern,"%$") then
                seq = {}; -- fills with ordered list of $s as they appear
                local idx = 1; -- incremental index into field[]

                local tmpSeq = {}
                for i in string.gfind(pattern,"%%(%d)%$.") do
                        tmpSeq[idx] = tonumber(i);
                        idx = idx + 1
                for i, j in ipairs(tmpSeq) do
                        seq[j] = i
                table.setn(seq, table.getn(tmpSeq))
                pattern = string.gsub(pattern,"%%%d%$s","(.-)"); -- %1$s to (.-)
                pattern = string.gsub(pattern,"%%%d%$d","(%-?%%d+)"); -- %1$d to (%d+)

        -- Escape $ now.
        pattern = string.gsub(pattern,"%$","%%$");

        -- Anchor tag can improve string.find() performance by 100%.
        if anchor then pattern = "^"..pattern end       
        -- If the pattern ends with (.-), replace it with (.+), or the capsule will be lost.
        if string.sub(pattern, -4) == "(.-)" then
                pattern = string.sub(pattern, 0, -5) .. "(.+)";
        if not seq then return pattern end
        return pattern, seq[1], seq[2], seq[3], seq[4], seq[5], seq[6], seq[7], seq[8], seq[9], seq[10]

function lib:OnLoad()

        -- Both table starts out empty, and load the data only when required.
        self.eventTable = {}
        self.patternTable = {}
        self.vars = {}
        if self.timing then
                self.timer = {
                        ParseMessage_LoadPatternList = 0,
                        ParseMessage_FindPattern = 0,
                        ParseMessage_FindPattern_Regexp = 0,
                        ParseMessage_FindPattern_Regexp_FindString = 0,
                        ParseMessage_FindPattern_LoadPatternInfo = 0,                   
                        ParseMessage_ParseInformation = 0,
                        ParseMessage_ParseTrailers = 0,
                        ParseMessage_ConvertTypes = 0,
                        NotifyClients = 0,
                        Compost_Acquire = 0,
                        Compost_Recycle = 0,
                        Compost_Reclaim = 0,

        if not self.clients then self.clients = {} end
        if not self.frame then
                self.frame = CreateFrame("FRAME", "ParserLibFrame")
                self.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", ParserOnEvent )
function lib:OnEvent(e, a1)

        if not e then e = event end
        if not a1 then a1 = arg1 end

        -- self:Print("Event: |cff3333ff"..e.."|r") -- debug
        -- Titan Honor+ was changing the global events... just change it back.
        if e == "CHAT_MSG_HONORPLUS" then e = "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HONOR_GAIN" end

        if self:ParseMessage(a1, e) then
--              local timer = GetTime() -- timer
--              self.timer.NotifyClients = self.timer.NotifyClients + GetTime() - timer -- timer


function lib:NotifyClients(event)

        if not self.clients or not self.clients[event] then 
                -- self:Print(event .. " has no client to notify.") -- debug
        -- Noneed to recycle the table if there is only one client.
        if table.getn(self.clients[event]) == 1 then
                -- self:Print(event .. ", calling " .. self.clients[event][1].id) -- debug

--      local timer = GetTime() -- timer
        local info = self:GetCompost():Acquire()        
--      self.timer.Compost_Acquire = GetTime() - timer + self.timer.Compost_Acquire -- timer

        for i, client in self.clients[event] do
                -- self:Print(event .. ", calling " .. -- debug
                -- I can just do a compost:Recycle() here, but I hope this can improve the performance.
                for j in info do if not[j] then info[j] = nil end end
                for j, v in do info[j] = v end
                client.func(event, info)
--      timer = GetTime() -- timer
--      self.timer.reclaim = GetTime() - timer + self.timer.reclaim -- timer


function lib:Print(msg, r, g, b)        
        ChatFrame1:AddMessage(string.format("<%s-%s-%s> %s", libvarname, vmajor, vminor, msg), r, g, b)

-- message : the arg1 in the event
-- event : name says it all.
-- info : the table which will store the passed result, so THIS IS THE OUTPUT.
-- return : true if pattern found and parsed, nil otherwise.
function lib:ParseMessage(message, event)

-- --   local currTime -- timer

--      currTime = GetTime() -- timer
        if not self.eventTable[event] then self.eventTable[event] = self:LoadPatternList(event) end
        local list = self.eventTable[event]
--      self.timer.ParseMessage_LoadPatternList = self.timer.ParseMessage_LoadPatternList + GetTime() - currTime -- timer
        if not list then return end

        -- Get the table to store parsed results.
        if not then 
--              timer = GetTime() -- timer
       = self:GetCompost():Acquire() 
--              self.timer.Compost_Acquire = GetTime() - timer + self.timer.Compost_Acquire -- timer
--              timer = GetTime() -- timer
       = self:GetCompost():Recycle( 
--              self.timer.Compost_Recycle = GetTime() - timer + self.timer.Compost_Recycle -- timer

--      currTime = GetTime() -- timer
        local pattern = self:FindPattern(message, list)
--      self.timer.ParseMessage_FindPattern = GetTime() - currTime + self.timer.ParseMessage_FindPattern -- timer

        if not pattern then 
                -- create "unknown" event type.
       = "unknown"
       = message             
                return true
--      currTime = GetTime() -- timer
--      self.timer.ParseMessage_ParseInformation = GetTime() - currTime + self.timer.ParseMessage_ParseInformation -- timer
--      currTime = GetTime() -- timer
        if == "hit" or == "environment" then
--      self.timer.ParseMessage_ParseTrailers = GetTime() - currTime + self.timer.ParseMessage_ParseTrailers -- timer
--      currTime = GetTime() -- timer
--      self.timer.ParseMessage_ConvertTypes = GetTime() - currTime + self.timer.ParseMessage_ConvertTypes -- timer

        return true


-- Search for pattern in 'patternList' which matches 'message', parsed tokens will be stored in table
function lib:FindPattern(message, patternList)
        local pt, timer, found

        for i, v in patternList do
--              timer = GetTime() -- timer
                if not self.patternTable[v] then self.patternTable[v] = self:LoadPatternInfo(v) end
--              self.timer.ParseMessage_FindPattern_LoadPatternInfo = GetTime() - timer + self.timer.ParseMessage_FindPattern_LoadPatternInfo -- timer
                pt = self.patternTable[v]
                found = false

--              timer = GetTime() -- timer
                if self:OptimizerCheck(message, v) then
--                      timer = GetTime() -- timer
                        found, = FindString[](message, pt.pattern,
--                      self.timer.ParseMessage_FindPattern_Regexp_FindString = GetTime() - timer + self.timer.ParseMessage_FindPattern_Regexp_FindString -- timer
--              self.timer.ParseMessage_FindPattern_Regexp = GetTime() - timer + self.timer.ParseMessage_FindPattern_Regexp -- timer
                if found then 
                        -- self:Print(message.." = " .. v .. ":" .. pt.pattern)  -- debug
                        return v        


-- Parses for trailors.
function lib:ParseTrailers(message)
        local found, amount, info
        info =
        if not self.trailers then 
                self.trailers = {
                        CRUSHING_TRAILER = self:ConvertPattern(CRUSHING_TRAILER),
                        GLANCING_TRAILER = self:ConvertPattern(GLANCING_TRAILER),
                        ABSORB_TRAILER = self:ConvertPattern(ABSORB_TRAILER),
                        BLOCK_TRAILER = self:ConvertPattern(BLOCK_TRAILER),
                        RESIST_TRAILER = self:ConvertPattern(RESIST_TRAILER),
                        VULNERABLE_TRAILER = self:ConvertPattern(VULNERABLE_TRAILER),
        found = string.find(message, self.trailers.CRUSHING_TRAILER)
        if found then 
                info.isCrushing = true
        found = string.find(message, self.trailers.GLANCING_TRAILER)
        if found then 
                info.isGlancing = true
        found, _, amount = string.find(message, self.trailers.ABSORB_TRAILER)
        if found then 
                info.amountAbsorb = amount
        found, _, amount = string.find(message, self.trailers.BLOCK_TRAILER)
        if found then 
                info.amountBlock = amount
        found, _, amount = string.find(message, self.trailers.RESIST_TRAILER)
        if found then 
                info.amountResist = amount
        found, _, amount = string.find(message, self.trailers.VULNERABLE_TRAILER)
        if found then 
                info.amountVulnerable = amount


function lib:ParseInformation(patternName)

        local patternInfo = self.patternTable[patternName]
        local info =

        -- Create an info table from pattern table, copies everything except the pattern string.        
        for i, v in patternInfo do
                if i == 1 then
                        info.type = v
                elseif type(i) == "number" then
                        if type(v) == "number" and v < 100 then
                                info[ self:GetInfoFieldName( self.patternTable[patternName][1], i) ] = info[v]
                                info[ self:GetInfoFieldName( self.patternTable[patternName][1], i) ] = v

        if info.type == "honor" and not info.amount then
                info.isDishonor = true
        elseif info.type == "durability" and not info.item  then
                info.isAllItems = true

        for i in ipairs(info) do
                info[i] = nil

function lib:ConvertTypes(info)
        for i in info do
                if string.find(i, "^amount") then info[i] = tonumber(info[i]) end

function lib:OptimizerCheck(message, patternName)

        --if 1 then return true end
        if not ParserLibOptimizer then return true end
        if not ParserLibOptimizer[patternName] then return true end
        if string.find(message, ParserLibOptimizer[patternName], 1, true) then return true end
        return false

-- Most of the parts were learnt from BabbleLib by chknight, so credits goes to him.
function lib:Curry(pattern)
        local cp, tt, n, f, o
        local DoNothing = function(tok) return tok end  
        tt = {}
        for tk in string.gfind(pattern, "%%%d?%$?([sd])") do
                table.insert(tt, tk)
        cp = { self:ConvertPattern(pattern, true) }
        cp.p = cp[1]
        n = table.getn(cp)
        for i=1,n-1 do
                cp[i] = cp[i+1]
        table.remove(cp, n)
        f = {}
        o = {}
        n = table.getn(tt)
        for i=1, n do
                if tt[i] == "s" then
                        f[i] = DoNothing
                        f[i] = tonumber

        if not cp[1] then
                if n == 0 then
                        return function() end
                elseif n == 1 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[1](o[1])
                elseif n == 2 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1], o[2]= string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[1](o[1]), f[2](o[2])
                elseif n == 3 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1], o[2], o[3] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[1](o[1]), f[2](o[2]), f[3](o[3])
                elseif n == 4 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[1](o[1]), f[2](o[2]), f[3](o[3]), f[4](o[4])
                elseif n == 5 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[1](o[1]), f[2](o[2]), f[3](o[3]), f[4](o[4]), f[5](o[5])
                elseif n == 6 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5], o[6] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[1](o[1]), f[2](o[2]), f[3](o[3]), f[4](o[4]), f[5](o[5]), f[6](o[6])
                elseif n == 7 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5], o[6], o[7] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[1](o[1]), f[2](o[2]), f[3](o[3]), f[4](o[4]), f[5](o[5]), f[6](o[6]), f[7](o[7])
                elseif n == 8 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5], o[6], o[7], o[8] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[1](o[1]), f[2](o[2]), f[3](o[3]), f[4](o[4]), f[5](o[5]), f[6](o[6]), f[7](o[7]), f[8](o[8])
                elseif n == 9 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5], o[6], o[7], o[8], o[9] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[1](o[1]), f[2](o[2]), f[3](o[3]), f[4](o[4]), f[5](o[5]), f[6](o[6]), f[7](o[7]), f[8](o[8]), f[9](o[9])
                if n == 0 then
                        return function() end
                elseif n == 1 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[cp[1]](o[cp[1]])
                        end                             elseif n == 2 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1], o[2] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[cp[1]](o[cp[1]]), f[cp[2]](o[cp[2]])
                        end                             elseif n == 3 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1], o[2], o[3] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[cp[1]](o[cp[1]]), f[cp[2]](o[cp[2]]), f[cp[3]](o[cp[3]])
                elseif n == 4 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[cp[1]](o[cp[1]]), f[cp[2]](o[cp[2]]), f[cp[3]](o[cp[3]]), f[cp[4]](o[cp[4]])
                        end                             elseif n == 5 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[cp[1]](o[cp[1]]), f[cp[2]](o[cp[2]]), f[cp[3]](o[cp[3]]), f[cp[4]](o[cp[4]]), f[cp[5]](o[cp[5]])
                        end                             elseif n == 6 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5], o[6] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[cp[1]](o[cp[1]]), f[cp[2]](o[cp[2]]), f[cp[3]](o[cp[3]]), f[cp[4]](o[cp[4]]), f[cp[5]](o[cp[5]]), f[cp[6]](o[cp[6]])
                        end                             elseif n == 7 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5], o[6], o[7] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[cp[1]](o[cp[1]]), f[cp[2]](o[cp[2]]), f[cp[3]](o[cp[3]]), f[cp[4]](o[cp[4]]), f[cp[5]](o[cp[5]]), f[cp[6]](o[cp[6]]), f[cp[7]](o[cp[7]])
                        end                             elseif n == 8 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5], o[6], o[7], o[8] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[cp[1]](o[cp[1]]), f[cp[2]](o[cp[2]]), f[cp[3]](o[cp[3]]), f[cp[4]](o[cp[4]]), f[cp[5]](o[cp[5]]), f[cp[6]](o[cp[6]]), f[cp[7]](o[cp[7]]), f[cp[8]](o[cp[8]])
                        end                             elseif n == 9 then
                        return function(text)
                                _, _, o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5], o[6], o[7], o[8], o[9] = string.find(text, cp.p)
                                if o[1] then
                                        return f[cp[1]](o[cp[1]]), f[cp[2]](o[cp[2]]), f[cp[3]](o[cp[3]]), f[cp[4]](o[cp[4]]), f[cp[5]](o[cp[5]]), f[cp[6]](o[cp[6]]), f[cp[7]](o[cp[7]]), f[cp[8]](o[cp[8]]), f[cp[9]](o[cp[9]])

function lib:PrintTable(args)
        for k, v in args do
                ChatFrame1:AddMessage(tostring(k) .. " = " .. tostring(v));

-- Used to test the correcteness of ParserLib on different languages.
function lib:TestPatterns(sendToClients)

        -- Creating the combat messages.        
        local testNumber = 123
        local message
        local messages = self:GetCompost():Acquire()
        for patternName in self.patternTable do
                messages[patternName] = self:GetCompost():Acquire()
                messages[patternName].message = getglobal(patternName)
                for i, v in self.patternTable[patternName] do
                        if i ~= "tc" and type(v) == "number" and v < 100 and i~=1 then
                                messages[patternName][v] =  self:GetInfoFieldName(self.patternTable[patternName][1], i)
                for i, v in ipairs(messages[patternName]) do
                        if string.find(v, "^amount") then
                                messages[patternName].message = string.gsub(messages[patternName].message, "%%%d?%$?d", testNumber, 1)
                                messages[patternName].message = string.gsub(messages[patternName].message, "%%%d?%$?s", string.upper(v), 1)

        -- Begin the test.
        local info, msg
        local startTime = GetTime() 
        local startMem = gcinfo()
        for _, event in self.supportedEvents do
                for _, pattern in self:LoadPatternList(event) do
                        msg = messages[pattern].message
                        if sendToClients then self:OnEvent(event, msg)  end
                        if self:ParseMessage(msg, event) then
                                info =
                                for i, v in ipairs(messages[pattern]) do
                                        if not info[v] 
                                        or ( string.find(v, "^amount") and info[v] ~= testNumber ) 
                                        or ( not string.find(v, "^amount") and info[v] ~= string.upper(v) ) then
                                                self:Print("Event: " .. event)
                                                self:Print("Pattern: " .. pattern)
                                                self:Print("Message: " .. msg)

        self:Print( string.format("Test completed in %.4fs, memory cost %.2fKB.", GetTime() - startTime, gcinfo() - startMem) )

        self:GetCompost():Reclaim(messages, 1)

function lib:LoadEverything()

        -- Load all patterns and events.
        for _, v in self.supportedEvents do     
                for _, w in self:LoadPatternList(v) do
                        if not self.patternTable[w] then
                                self.patternTable[w] = self:LoadPatternInfo(w)

function lib:PrintTimers()
        if not self.timer then return end

        local total = 0
        for i in self.timer do
                total = total + self.timer[i]

        if not self.timerIndex then 
                self.timerIndex = {}
                for i in self.timer do
                        table.insert(self.timerIndex, i)

        for i, idx in self.timerIndex do
                DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(string.format("%.3f\t%.1f\t%s", self.timer[idx], 100*self.timer[idx]/total, idx) )
        DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(total .. "\t100\tTotal")
-- Used to load eventTable elements on demand.
function lib:LoadPatternList(eventName)
        local list
--------------- Melee Hits ----------------     

        if eventName == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_HITS" then                
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_HITS"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_HITS"] = 

                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_HITS"] 
        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_CREATURE_VS_CREATURE_HITS" 
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_PARTY_HITS" 
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_PET_HITS" then

                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FRIENDLYPLAYER_HITS"] then 
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FRIENDLYPLAYER_HITS"] = 
                                self:LoadPatternCategoryTree( {
                                } )
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FRIENDLYPLAYER_HITS"]
        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILEPLAYER_HITS" 
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_CREATURE_VS_SELF_HITS"  then

                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILEPLAYER_HITS"] then 
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILEPLAYER_HITS"] = 
                                self:LoadPatternCategoryTree( {
                                } )
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILEPLAYER_HITS"]


--------------- Melee Misses ----------------   

        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_MISSES" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_MISSES"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_MISSES"] = 
                                self:LoadPatternCategoryTree( {
                                } )
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_MISSES"]
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_PARTY_MISSES"
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_PET_MISSES" then

                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FRIENDLYPLAYER_MISSES"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FRIENDLYPLAYER_MISSES"] = 
                        self:LoadPatternCategoryTree( {
                        } )

                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FRIENDLYPLAYER_MISSES"] 
        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_CREATURE_VS_SELF_MISSES"
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILEPLAYER_MISSES" then

                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILEPLAYER_MISSES"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILEPLAYER_MISSES"] = 
                        self:LoadPatternCategoryTree( {
                        } )

                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILEPLAYER_MISSES"]  
--------------- Spell Buffs ----------------    
        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_BUFF" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_BUFF"] then
                        if GetLocale() ~= "deDE"  then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_BUFF"] =  self:LoadPatternCategoryTree(

                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_BUFF"] =  self:LoadPatternCategoryTree(


                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_BUFF"]

        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_CREATURE_VS_CREATURE_BUFF"
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_CREATURE_VS_PARTY_BUFF"  
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_CREATURE_VS_SELF_BUFF"  
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_FRIENDLYPLAYER_BUFF"  
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_HOSTILEPLAYER_BUFF" 
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PARTY_BUFF" 
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PET_BUFF" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_HOSTILEPLAYER_BUFF"] then
                        if GetLocale() ~= "deDE"  then
                                self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_HOSTILEPLAYER_BUFF"] = self:LoadPatternCategoryTree(

                        else -- Remove "EnchantOther" from German, since it's 100% ambiguous with SIMPLECASTOTHEROTHER, which is unsolvable.
                                self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_HOSTILEPLAYER_BUFF"] = self:LoadPatternCategoryTree(
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_HOSTILEPLAYER_BUFF"]

--------------- Spell Damages ----------------  
        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_DAMAGE" then   
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_DAMAGE"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_DAMAGE"] = 
                                self:LoadPatternCategoryTree( {
                                } )

                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_DAMAGE"]    

        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_CREATURE_VS_SELF_DAMAGE"  
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PARTY_DAMAGE"  
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PET_DAMAGE"  then

                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_HOSTILEPLAYER_DAMAGE"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_HOSTILEPLAYER_DAMAGE"] = 
                                self:LoadPatternCategoryTree( {

                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_HOSTILEPLAYER_DAMAGE"]
--------------- Periodic Buffs ---------------- 
        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_BUFFS" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_BUFFS"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_BUFFS"] = 
                                self:LoadPatternCategoryTree( {
                                        "DotSelf",      -- Don't think this will hapen but add it anyway.
                                } )
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_BUFFS"]    

        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_CREATURE_BUFFS"
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_PARTY_BUFFS" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_HOSTILEPLAYER_BUFFS"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_HOSTILEPLAYER_BUFFS"] = 
                                self:LoadPatternCategoryTree( {
--                                              "DrainOther",   -- Dont think this would happen but add it anyway.
                                                "DrainOther",   -- When other players use Skull of Impending Doom.
                                        "DotOther",     -- Dont think this will happen but add anyway.
                                        "DebuffOther", -- Was fired on older WoW version.
                                } )
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_HOSTILEPLAYER_BUFFS"]

--------------- Periodic Damages ----------------       
        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_DAMAGE" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_DAMAGE"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_DAMAGE"] = 
                                self:LoadPatternCategoryTree( {
                                }       )
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_DAMAGE"]   

        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_PARTY_DAMAGE" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_HOSTILEPLAYER_DAMAGE"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_HOSTILEPLAYER_DAMAGE"] = 
                                self:LoadPatternCategoryTree( {
                                                "BuffOther", -- Was fired on older WoW version.                                 
                                } )
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_HOSTILEPLAYER_DAMAGE"]

--------------- Damage Shields ---------------- 
        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_DAMAGESHIELDS_ON_SELF" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_DAMAGESHIELDS_ON_SELF"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_DAMAGESHIELDS_ON_SELF"] = {
                        table.sort(self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_DAMAGESHIELDS_ON_SELF"] , PatternCompare)
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_DAMAGESHIELDS_ON_SELF"]  
        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_DAMAGESHIELDS_ON_OTHERS" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_DAMAGESHIELDS_ON_OTHERS"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_DAMAGESHIELDS_ON_OTHERS"] = {
                        table.sort(self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_DAMAGESHIELDS_ON_OTHERS"] , PatternCompare)
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_DAMAGESHIELDS_ON_OTHERS"]
--------------- Auras ----------------  

        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_PARTY"
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_OTHER" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_OTHER"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_OTHER"] = {
                        table.sort(self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_OTHER"] , PatternCompare)
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_OTHER"]
        elseif  eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_SELF" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_SELF"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_SELF"] = {
                        table.sort(self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_SELF"] , PatternCompare)
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_SELF"]
        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_BREAK_AURA" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_BREAK_AURA"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_BREAK_AURA"] = {
                        table.sort(self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_BREAK_AURA"] , PatternCompare)
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_BREAK_AURA"]                     
        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_ITEM_ENCHANTMENTS" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_ITEM_ENCHANTMENTS"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_ITEM_ENCHANTMENTS"] = {
                        table.sort(self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_ITEM_ENCHANTMENTS"] , PatternCompare)
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_ITEM_ENCHANTMENTS"]      

--------------- Trade Skills ----------------   

        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_TRADESKILLS" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_TRADESKILLS"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_TRADESKILLS"] = {
                        table.sort(self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_TRADESKILLS"], PatternCompare )
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_TRADESKILLS"]    
        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_FAILED_LOCALPLAYER" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_FAILED_LOCALPLAYER"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_FAILED_LOCALPLAYER"] = {
                        table.sort(self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_FAILED_LOCALPLAYER"], PatternCompare)
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_SPELL_FAILED_LOCALPLAYER"]     
        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE"] = {
                        table.sort(self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE"] , PatternCompare)
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE"]
        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HONOR_GAIN" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HONOR_GAIN"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HONOR_GAIN"] = {
                        table.sort(self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HONOR_GAIN"] , PatternCompare)
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HONOR_GAIN"]
        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_XP_GAIN" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_XP_GAIN"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_XP_GAIN"] = {
                        table.sort(self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_XP_GAIN"] , PatternCompare)
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_XP_GAIN"]               
        elseif eventName == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FRIENDLY_DEATH" 
        or eventName == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH" then
                if not self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH"] then
                        self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH"] = {
                        table.sort(self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH"] , PatternCompare)
                list = self.eventTable["CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH"] 


        if not list then
                -- self:Print(string.format("Event '%s' not found.", eventName), 1, 0,0); -- debug

        return list


function lib:LoadPatternCategory(category)

        local list

        if category == "AuraChange" then                list = {
        elseif category == "AuraDispel" then            list = {
        elseif category == "BuffOther" then             list = {
        elseif category == "BuffSelf" then              list = {
        elseif category == "CastOther" then     list = {
        elseif category == "CastSelf" then      list = {
        elseif category == "DebuffOther" then           list = {
        elseif category == "DebuffSelf" then            list = {
        elseif category == "DispelFailOther" then       list = {
        elseif category == "DispelFailSelf" then                list = {
        elseif category == "DmgShieldOther" then list = {
        elseif category == "DmgShieldSelf" then         list = {
        elseif category == "DurabilityDamageSelf" then list = {
        elseif category == "DurabilityDamageOther" then list = {
        elseif category == "EnchantOther" then          list  =  {
        elseif category == "EnchantSelf" then           list = {
        elseif category == "ExtraAttackOther" then              list = {
        elseif category == "ExtraAttackSelf" then               list = {
        elseif category == "Fade" then          list = {
        elseif category == "HealOther" then             list = {
        elseif category == "HealSelf" then              list = {
        elseif category == "HitOtherOther" then         list = {
        elseif category == "HitOtherSelf" then          list = {
        elseif category == "HitSelf" then               list = {
        elseif category == "MissOtherOther" then        list = {
        elseif category == "MissOtherSelf" then list = {
        elseif category == "MissSelf" then      list = {
        elseif category == "PowerGainOther" then                list = {
        elseif category == "PerformOther" then list = {
        elseif category == "PerformSelf" then   list = {
        elseif category == "ProcResistOther" then list = {
        elseif category == "ProcResistSelf" then        list = {
        elseif category == "EnvOther" then list = {
        elseif category == "EnvSelf" then       list = {
        -- HoT effects on others. (not casted by others)
        elseif category == "HotOther" then      list = {
        -- HoT effects on you. (not casted by you)
        elseif category == "HotSelf" then       list = {
        elseif category == "PowerGainSelf" then list = {
        elseif category == "BuffOther" then     list = {
        elseif category == "BuffSelf" then      list = {
        elseif category == "DrainSelf" then     list = {        
        elseif category == "DrainOther" then    list = {        
        -- DoT effects on others (not casted by others)
        elseif category == "DotOther" then      list = {
        -- DoT effects on you (not casted by you)
        elseif category == "DotSelf" then       list = {
        elseif category == "SpellHitOther" then list = {
        elseif category == "SpellHitSelf" then  list = {
        elseif category == "SpellMissSelf" then         list = {
        elseif category == "SpellMissOther" then                list = {
        elseif category == "InterruptOther" then        list = {
        elseif category == "InterruptSelf" then list = {
        elseif category == "SplitDamageOther" then list = {
        else return { category }
        return list

-- Load categories recursively. First layer will not be sorted.
function lib:LoadPatternCategoryTree(catTree, reSort)
        if type(catTree) ~= "table" then return end
        local resultList = {}
        local list
        for i, v in catTree do
                if type(v) == "table" then
                        list = self:LoadPatternCategoryTree(v, true)
                else -- should be string.               
                        list = self:LoadPatternCategory(v)
                        table.sort(list, PatternCompare)
                for j, w in list do
                        table.insert(resultList, w)
        if reSort then
                table.sort(resultList, PatternCompare)
        return resultList

-- Used to load patternTable elements on demand.
function lib:LoadPatternInfo(patternName)

        local patternInfo
        if patternName == "AURAADDEDOTHERHELPFUL" then
                patternInfo = { "buff", 1, 2, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "AURAADDEDSELFHELPFUL" then
                patternInfo = { "buff", ParserLib_SELF, 1, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "AURAAPPLICATIONADDEDOTHERHELPFUL" then
                patternInfo = { "buff", 1, 2, 3, }
        elseif patternName == "AURAAPPLICATIONADDEDSELFHELPFUL" then
                patternInfo = { "buff", ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, }
        elseif patternName == "OPEN_LOCK_OTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", 1, 2, 3, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "OPEN_LOCK_SELF" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SIMPLECASTOTHEROTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", 1, 2, 3, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SIMPLECASTOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", 1, 2, ParserLib_SELF, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SIMPLECASTSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SIMPLECASTSELFSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_SELF, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SIMPLEPERFORMOTHEROTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", 1, 2, 3, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SIMPLEPERFORMOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", 1, 2, ParserLib_SELF, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SIMPLEPERFORMSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SIMPLEPERFORMSELFSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_SELF, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLCASTOTHERSTART" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", 1, 2, nil, true, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLCASTSELFSTART" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", ParserLib_SELF, 1, nil, true, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLPERFORMOTHERSTART" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", 1, 2, nil, true, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLPERFORMSELFSTART" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", ParserLib_SELF, 1, nil, true, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLTERSEPERFORM_OTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", 1, 2, nil, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLTERSEPERFORM_SELF" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", ParserLib_SELF, 1, nil, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLTERSE_OTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", 1, 2, nil, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLTERSE_SELF" then
                patternInfo = { "cast", ParserLib_SELF, 1, nil, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "TRADESKILL_LOG_FIRSTPERSON" then
                patternInfo = { "create", ParserLib_SELF, 1, }
        elseif patternName == "TRADESKILL_LOG_THIRDPERSON" then
                patternInfo = { "create", 1, 2, }
        elseif patternName == "PARTYKILLOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "death", 1, 2, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SELFKILLOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "death", 1, ParserLib_SELF, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "death", 1, nil, true, }
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                patternInfo = { "death", 1, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "death", ParserLib_SELF, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "debuff", 1, 2, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "debuff", ParserLib_SELF, 1, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "debuff", 1, 2, 3, }
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                patternInfo = { "debuff", ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, }
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                patternInfo = { "dispel", 1, 2, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "dispel", ParserLib_SELF, 1, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "dispel", 2, 3, 1, true, }
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                patternInfo = { "dispel", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, true, }
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                patternInfo = { "dispel", 1, 2, ParserLib_SELF, true, }
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                patternInfo = { "dispel", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_SELF, true, }
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                patternInfo = { "drain", 1, ParserLib_SELF, 2, 3, 4, }
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                patternInfo = { "drain", ParserLib_SELF, 4, 1, 2, 3, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLPOWERDRAINSELFSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "drain", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, 3, }
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                patternInfo = { "durability", 1, 2, 3, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "durability", 1, 2, ParserLib_SELF, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLDURABILITYDAMAGEALLSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "durability", ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "durability", 1, 2, 3, 4, }
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                patternInfo = { "durability", 1, 2, ParserLib_SELF, 3, }
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                patternInfo = { "durability", ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, 3, }
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                patternInfo = { "enchant", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, 3, }
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                patternInfo = { "enchant", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, }
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                patternInfo = { "environment", ParserLib_SELF, 1, "drown", }
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                patternInfo = { "environment", 1, 2, "fall", }
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                patternInfo = { "environment", ParserLib_SELF, 1, "fall", }
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                patternInfo = { "environment", 1, 2, "exhaust", }
        elseif patternName == "VSENVIRONMENTALDAMAGE_FATIGUE_SELF" then
                patternInfo = { "environment", ParserLib_SELF, 1, "exhaust", }
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                patternInfo = { "environment", 1, 2, "lava", }
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                patternInfo = { "environment", 1, 2, "slime", }
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                patternInfo = { "experience", 2, 1, nil, nil, 3, 4, 5, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "experience", 2, 1, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 3, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "experience", 1, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "experience", 1, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 2, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "experience", 1, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 2, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "experience", 1, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "extraattack", 1, 3, 2, }
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                patternInfo = { "extraattack", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, }
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                patternInfo = { "extraattack", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, }
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                patternInfo = { "fade", ParserLib_SELF, 1, }
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                patternInfo = { "fail", ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLFAILPERFORMSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "fail", ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, }
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                patternInfo = { "feedpet", ParserLib_SELF, 1, }
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                patternInfo = { "feedpet", 1, 2, }
        elseif patternName == "POWERGAINOTHEROTHER" then
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                patternInfo = { "gain", 3, ParserLib_SELF, 4, 1, 2, }
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                patternInfo = { "gain", ParserLib_SELF, 1, 4, 2, 3, }
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                patternInfo = { "gain", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 3, 1, 2, }
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                patternInfo = { "heal", 1, ParserLib_SELF, 2, 3, true, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "HEALEDCRITSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "heal", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, 3, true, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_MELEE, 2, nil, true, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_MELEE, 2, 3, true, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "COMBATHITCRITSCHOOLSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "hit", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_MELEE, 2, 3, true, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "COMBATHITCRITSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "hit", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_MELEE, 2, nil, true, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "COMBATHITOTHEROTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, 2, ParserLib_MELEE, 3, nil, nil, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_MELEE, 2, nil, nil, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, 2, ParserLib_MELEE, 3, 4, nil, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_MELEE, 2, 3, nil, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "COMBATHITSCHOOLSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "hit", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_MELEE, 2, 3, nil, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "COMBATHITSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "hit", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_MELEE, 2, nil, nil, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, 4, ParserLib_DAMAGESHIELD, 2, 3, nil, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_DAMAGESHIELD, 2, 3, nil, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "DAMAGESHIELDSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "hit", ParserLib_SELF, 3, ParserLib_DAMAGESHIELD, 1, 2, nil, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 3, 1, 2, nil, true, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, 3, 2, 4, nil, true, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, ParserLib_SELF, 2, 3, nil, true, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, true, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLLOGCRITSCHOOLOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, ParserLib_SELF, 2, 3, 4, true, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLLOGCRITSCHOOLSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "hit", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, 3, 4, true, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLLOGCRITSCHOOLSELFSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "hit", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, 3, true, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, 3, nil, true, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLLOGCRITSELFSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "hit", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, nil, true, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, 3, 2, 4, nil, nil, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, ParserLib_SELF, 2, 3, nil, nil, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, nil, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, 3, 4, nil, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, 3, nil, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, 3, nil, nil, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLLOGSELFSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "hit", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, nil, nil, nil, nil, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, 3, 2, 4, nil, nil, nil, true, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", 1, ParserLib_SELF, 2, 3, nil, nil, nil, true, }
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                patternInfo = { "hit", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, 3, nil, nil, nil, true, }
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                patternInfo = { "honor", nil, 1, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "COMBATLOG_HONORAWARD" then
                patternInfo = { "honor", 1, nil, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "COMBATLOG_HONORGAIN" then
                patternInfo = { "honor", 3, 1, 2, }
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        elseif patternName == "SPELLINTERRUPTSELFOTHER" then
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                patternInfo = { "leech", 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLPOWERLEECHOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "leech", 1, ParserLib_SELF, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLPOWERLEECHSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "leech", ParserLib_SELF, 4, 1, 2, 3, ParserLib_SELF, 5, 6, }
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                patternInfo = { "miss", 2, 1, ParserLib_MELEE, "immune", }
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                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_MELEE, "immune", }
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                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_MELEE, "immune", }
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                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, 2, ParserLib_MELEE, "immune", }
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        elseif patternName == "IMMUNESPELLSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, "immune", }
        elseif patternName == "IMMUNESPELLSELFSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, "immune", }
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                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_MELEE, "miss", }
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                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_MELEE, "miss", }
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                patternInfo = { "miss", 2, 1, 3, "resist", }
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                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, 2, "resist", }
        elseif patternName == "PROCRESISTSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 1, 2, "resist", }
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                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, "resist", }
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                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, 2, "block", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLBLOCKEDSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, "block", }
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                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, 3, 2, "deflect", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLDEFLECTEDOTHERSELF" then
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        elseif patternName == "SPELLDEFLECTEDSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, "deflect", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLDEFLECTEDSELFSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, "deflect", }
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                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, 3, 2, "dodge", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLDODGEDOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, 2, "dodge", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLDODGEDSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, "dodge", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLDODGEDSELFSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, "dodge", }
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        elseif patternName == "SPELLEVADEDOTHERSELF" then
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        elseif patternName == "SPELLEVADEDSELFOTHER" then
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        elseif patternName == "SPELLEVADEDSELFSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, "evade", }
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                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, 2, "immune", }
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                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, "immune", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLIMMUNESELFSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, "immune", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLLOGABSORBOTHEROTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, 3, 2, "absorb", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLLOGABSORBOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, 2, "absorb", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLLOGABSORBSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, "absorb", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLLOGABSORBSELFSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, "absorb", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLMISSOTHEROTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, 3, 2, "miss", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLMISSOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, 2, "miss", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLMISSSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, "miss", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLMISSSELFSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, "miss", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLPARRIEDOTHEROTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, 3, 2, "parry", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLPARRIEDOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, 2, "parry", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLPARRIEDSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, "parry", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLPARRIEDSELFSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, "parry", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLREFLECTOTHEROTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, 3, 2, "reflect", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLREFLECTOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, 2, "reflect", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLREFLECTSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, "reflect", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLREFLECTSELFSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, "reflect", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLRESISTOTHEROTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, 3, 2, "resist", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLRESISTOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, 2, "resist", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLRESISTSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 2, 1, "resist", }
        elseif patternName == "SPELLRESISTSELFSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_SELF, 1, "resist", }
        elseif patternName == "VSABSORBOTHEROTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, 2, ParserLib_MELEE, "absorb", }
        elseif patternName == "VSABSORBOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_MELEE, "absorb", }
        elseif patternName == "VSABSORBSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_MELEE, "absorb", }
        elseif patternName == "VSBLOCKOTHEROTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, 2, ParserLib_MELEE, "block", }
        elseif patternName == "VSBLOCKOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_MELEE, "block", }
        elseif patternName == "VSBLOCKSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_MELEE, "block", }
        elseif patternName == "VSDEFLECTOTHEROTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, 2, ParserLib_MELEE, "deflect", }
        elseif patternName == "VSDEFLECTOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_MELEE, "deflect", }
        elseif patternName == "VSDEFLECTSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_MELEE, "deflect", }
        elseif patternName == "VSDODGEOTHEROTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, 2, ParserLib_MELEE, "dodge", }
        elseif patternName == "VSDODGEOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_MELEE, "dodge", }
        elseif patternName == "VSDODGESELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_MELEE, "dodge", }
        elseif patternName == "VSEVADEOTHEROTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, 2, ParserLib_MELEE, "evade", }
        elseif patternName == "VSEVADEOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_MELEE, "evade", }
        elseif patternName == "VSEVADESELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_MELEE, "evade", }
        elseif patternName == "VSIMMUNEOTHEROTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, 2, ParserLib_MELEE, "immune", }
        elseif patternName == "VSIMMUNEOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_MELEE, "immune", }
        elseif patternName == "VSIMMUNESELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_MELEE, "immune", }
        elseif patternName == "VSPARRYOTHEROTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, 2, ParserLib_MELEE, "parry", }
        elseif patternName == "VSPARRYOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_MELEE, "parry", }
        elseif patternName == "VSPARRYSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_MELEE, "parry", }
        elseif patternName == "VSRESISTOTHEROTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, 2, ParserLib_MELEE, "resist", }
        elseif patternName == "VSRESISTOTHERSELF" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", 1, ParserLib_SELF, ParserLib_MELEE, "resist", }
        elseif patternName == "VSRESISTSELFOTHER" then
                patternInfo = { "miss", ParserLib_SELF, 1, ParserLib_MELEE, "resist", }
        elseif patternName == "FACTION_STANDING_CHANGED" then
                patternInfo = { "reputation", 2, nil, 1, nil, }
        elseif patternName == "FACTION_STANDING_DECREASED" then
                patternInfo = { "reputation", 1, 2, nil, true, }
        elseif patternName == "FACTION_STANDING_INCREASED" then
                patternInfo = { "reputation", 1, 2, nil, nil, }
        if not patternInfo then
                -- self:Print("LoadPatternInfo(): Cannot find " .. patternName ); -- debug
        local pattern = getglobal(patternName); -- Get the pattern from GlobalStrings.lua
        -- How many regexp tokens in this pattern?
        local tc = 0
        for _ in string.gfind(pattern, "%%%d?%$?([sd])") do     tc = tc + 1     end
        -- Convert string.format tokens into LUA regexp tokens.
        pattern = { self:ConvertPattern(pattern, true) }                

        local n = table.getn(pattern)   
        if n > 1 then   -- Extra return values are the remapped token sequences.
                for j in patternInfo do
                        if type(patternInfo[j]) == "number" and patternInfo[j] < 100 then
                                patternInfo[j] = pattern[patternInfo[j]+1]      -- Remap to correct token sequence.
        end      = tc
        patternInfo.pattern = pattern[1]
        return patternInfo


-- Fields of the patternTable.
lib.infoMap = {
        hit = { "source", "victim", "skill", "amount", "element", "isCrit", "isDOT", "isSplit" },
        heal = { "source", "victim", "skill", "amount", "isCrit", "isDOT" },
        miss = { "source", "victim", "skill", "missType" },
        death = { "victim", "source", "isItem" },
        debuff = { "victim", "skill", "amountRank" },
        buff = { "victim", "skill", "amountRank" },
        fade = { "victim", "skill" },
        cast = { "source", "skill", "victim", "isBegin", "isVictim" },  
        gain = { "source", "victim", "skill", "amount", "attribute" },
        drain = { "source", "victim", "skill", "amount", "attribute" },
        leech = { "source", "victim", "skill", "amount", "attribute", "sourceGained", "amountGained", "attributeGained" },
        dispel = { "victim", "skill", "source", "isFailed" },
        extraattack = { "victim", "skill", "amount" },
        environment = { "victim", "amount", "damageType" },
        experience = { "amount", "source", "bonusAmount", "bonusType", "penaltyAmount", "penaltyType", "amountRaidPenalty", "amountGroupBonus", "victim" },
        reputation = { "faction", "amount", "rank", "isNegative" },
        feedpet = { "victim", "item" },
        enchant = { "source", "victim", "skill", "item" },
        fail = { "source", "skill", "reason" },
        interrupt = { "source", "victim", "skill" },
        create = { "source", "item" },
        honor = { "amount", "source", "sourceRank" }, -- if amount == nil then isDishonor = true.
        durability = { "source", "skill", "victim", "item" }, -- is not item then isAllItems = true 
        unknown = { "message" },        

function lib:GetInfoFieldName(infoType, fieldIndex)
        if self.infoMap[infoType] then
                return self.infoMap[infoType][fieldIndex-1]     -- Skip the first field in patternTable which is 'type'.

--      Load this bitch!      --