vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
SimpleCombatLog.loc = {

        title = "Simple Combat Log ",
        buttonTooltip = "Right click to show drop down menu.",
        loaddefault = "Loading default settings.",
        you = "You", -- The name appeared on message for yourself.

        default = "Restore default settings",   
        other = 'Others',
        filter = 'Filters',
        color = 'Colors',
        event = 'Events',
        suppress = "Suppress combat log",
        -- Filters
        cast = "Cast",
        hit = "Hit",
        gain = "Gain",
        drain = "Drain",
        -- Event options
        selfhit = "My Melees",
        otherhit = "Others' Melees",
        selfspell = "My Spells",
        otherspell = "Others' Spells",
        selfdot = "DOTs on me",
        otherdot = "DOTs on others",
        death = "Deaths",
        aura = "Aura fades",
        enchant = "Enchantments",
        trade = "Trade skills",
        experience = 'Experiences',
        honor = 'Honors',
        reputation = 'Reputations',
        fail = 'Spell failures',

        -- Help about slash commands,
        help = {
                optionbutton = 'Show/hide the minimap button',
                suppress =  'Suppressing of the default combat message',
                defaults =  'Restore all default settings',
                option = 'Show option drop down menu'
        player = "Player",      -- "Player"
        skill = "Skill",        -- "Skill"
        party = "Party",        -- "Party"
        raid = "Raid",  -- "Raid"
        pet = "Pet",    -- "Pet"
        target = "Target",
        miss = "Miss",  -- "Miss"
        heal = "Heal",
        buff = "Buff",
        debuff = "Debuff",
        physical = "Physical",          -- "Physical"
        holy = "Holy",          -- "Holy"
        fire = "Fire",          -- "Fire"
        nature = "Nature",      -- "Nature"
        frost = "Frost",        -- "Frost"
        shadow = "Shadow",      -- "Shadow
        arcane = "Arcane",      -- "Arcane



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