vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
0.4.7 - 2006/6/11
        - ParserLib 1.1-15
        - Fixed typo on vulnerable damage trailer (line 523 error)
0.4.6 - 2006/6/10
        - Fixed color setting for physical damage.

0.4.5 - 2006/6/9
        - Trailers were not showing on 0.4.4
0.4.4 - 2006/6/9
        - Added color settings: skill, buff, debuff.
        - Fixed message Rep: <Faction> <NewRank>

0.4.3 - 2006/6/8
        - Suppressing of the default combat messages is back,  with a safer implementation method.
        - Fixed exp, honor, reputation messages not showing.
        - Added filters: hit (both melee and spell), heal, miss, gain, drain.
        - Localization file doesn't use GlobalStrings now, half english / half other language looks so strange.

0.4.2 - 2006/6/7
        - Fixed line 171: attempt to perform arithmetic on field `b' (a nil value)
        - Added minimap button, right click it for drop down menu.

0.4.1 - 2006/6/7
        - Removed suppressing of default combat messages before I can find out what are causing the problems.
        - /scl option to open the configuration menu.

0.4 - 2006/6/7
        - Right click on the chat menu button on default chat frame to show drop down options.
        - Complete GUI configurations : colors, filter by parsed names, events.
        - Events which not set to show will be unregistered from ParserLib.
        - Fixed /scl showfailure
        - Removed .xml file

0.3.1 - 2006/6/6
        - Fixed stack overflow bug.
0.3 - 2006/6/6
        - ParserLib 1.1-11
        - Reviewed some message formats and colors.
        - target, pet, party, raid members will be colored differently too.
        - Separated message formats to customization.lua, you may customize the message formats there.

0.2.4 - 2006/6/1
        - ParserLib 1.1-8 (Other's split damage)
0.2.3 - 2006/6/1
        - ParserLib 1.1-7 (Your Viper Sting, Dispell Fail, Dishonor Kill)
        - Added Dishonor Kill (Shown as "DK: Name")
0.2.2 - 2006/5/31
        - ParserLib 1.1-6 (Trailers)
        - Added trailers.

0.2.1 - 2006/5/30
        - ParserLib 1.1-5 (Added spell reflects, spell immunes)
        - Spell failure message is not shown default, "scl /showfailure" to turn them on.
                Note that the default combat failure message will not be suppressed when showfailure off, you can turn it off by unselecting "Spell Messages (cont'd)" -> "Your Insufficient Spell Resource Errors" in combat log frame.

0.1.2 - 2006/5/28
        - Upgraded ParserLib to 1.1-4
        - '/scl nosuppress' to toggle suppressing of default combat messages.
        - '/scl onlyyou' to toggle the state of showing messages related to you only.

0.1.1 - 2006/5/28
        - ParserLib: Quick Fix on pattern converting for non-english clients.
0.1  - 2006/5/28
        - Initial release.



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