vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
--      Sea
--      A WoW function library.
--      To use a Sea function, just include a Sea dependency,
--      Then use Sea.Library.Function(args);
--      This uses a very Java-like organizational system.
--      Thanks to:
--              The Cosmos Team (esp. Thott and AlexanderYoshi)
--              CT Mod  (Cide)
--              GypsyMod (Mondinga)
--      For all of your creativity and input.
--      $Author: Miravlix $
--      $Date: 2006-06-16 23:19:27 -0500 (Fri, 16 Jun 2006) $
--      $Rev: 3674 $

-- Sea, mother of all.
Sea = {
        -- Version number
        -- This should be incremented for any changes at all, except for TOC changes
        -- Only increment once per release, and only by 0.01
        version = 1.18;

        -- Input/Output Libraries
        IO = {};

        -- Data Lists (Herbs, Ore, Food, Zones, etc)
        data = {};

        -- Mathematical Things
        math = {};

        -- String Modifying Functions
        string = {};

        -- Custom Table Functions
        table = {};

        -- Utility Functions
        util = {};

        -- WoW UI Modifying Functions
        wow = {};
        -- Versioning for comparison with external embedable Mini-Libs
        versions = {};