vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
--      Sea.lang
--      Localization formatting functions for WoW
--      $LastChangedBy: Sinaloit $
--      $Rev: 2025 $
--      $Date: 2005-07-02 18:51:34 -0500 (Sat, 02 Jul 2005) $

Sea.lang = {

        -- makeLocalizedString(...)
        --      Generates localized strings, inserting the arguments in the order
        --      which matchers the <##>. E.g. localizeString("<2> <1>", "a", "B"); 
        --      will generate: "B a". 
        -- Arguments:
        --      (string formatString) arg
        --      formatString - string with <1> to <arg.n> to be inserted
        --      arg - contains the values to insert
        makeLocalizedString = function (...)
                ret = arg[1];   
                for i=2, arg.n, 1 do
                        ret = string.gsub (ret, "<"..(i-1)..">", arg[i]);
                return ret;

        -- parseLocalizedString (localizedString, formatString, order, n to parse )
        --      This function reads values back from a localized string. 
        --      In order to get the values back, you must pass
        --      this function the final string, the original format string, 
        --      the order of the parameters in that string and the n number
        --      to parse of out the localized string. 
        parseLocalizedString = function (str, fmt, ord, n)
                local ret = {};
                fmt1 = string.gsub (fmt, "%b<>", "(.+)");
                for i=1, n, 1 do
                        ret[ord[i]] = string.gsub(str, fmt1, "%"..i);
                return unpack(ret);