vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
if( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then
        SHT_AIMED_SHOT = "Vis\195\169e";
        SHT_CONC_SHOT = "Trait de choc";
        SHT_IMP_CONC = "Trait de choc am\195\169lior\195\169";
        SHT_IMP_CONC_SHORT = "Trait de choc am\195\169lior\195\169";
        SHT_SCATTER = "Fl\195\168che de dispersion";
        SHT_AUTO_SHOT = "Tir automatique";
        SHT_HUNTERS_MARK = "Marque du chasseur";
        SHT_RAPID_FIRE = "Tir rapide";
        SHT_QUICK_SHOTS = "Tirs acc\195\169l\195\169r\195\169s";
        SHT_EXPOSE_WEAKNESS = "Perce-faille";
        SHT_PRIMAL_BLESSING = "B\195\169n\195\169diction primordiale";
        SHT_BERSERKING = "Berserker";

        SHT_DEVILSAUR = "Oeil de diablosaure";
        SHT_DEVILSAUR_PROC = "Fureur du diablosaure";
        SHT_ZHM = "M\195\169daillon de h\195\169ros zandalarien";
        SHT_ZHM_PROC = "Force inconstante";
        SHT_EARTHSTRIKE = "Choc de terre";
        SHT_SWARMGUARD = "Insigne de garde-essaim";
        SHT_JOM_GABBAR = "Jom Gabbar";
        SHT_KISS_SPIDER = "Baiser de l'araign\195\169e";

        --pet abilities
        SHT_PET_INTIM = "Pet Intimidation";
        SHT_INTIM = "Intimidation";
        SHT_BW = "Courroux bestial";
        SHT_TRAP = "Pi\195\168ge";
        SHT_FROST_TRAP = "Pi\195\168ge de givre";
        SHT_EXPL_TRAP = "Pi\195\168ge explosif";
        SHT_IMMO_TRAP = "Pi\195\168ge immolation";
        SHT_FREEZING_TRAP = "Pi\195\168ge givrant";
        SHT_ENTRAPMENT = "Pi\195\168ge";
        SHT_AURA = "aura";
        SHT_PRIMED = "pos\195\169";
        --Melee abilities
        SHT_WING_CLIP = "Coupure d'ailes";
        SHT_IMP_WC = "Coupure d'ailes am\195\169lior\195\169e";
        SHT_IMP_WC_SHORT = "Imp. Wing Clip";
        SHT_COUNTER = "Contre-attaque";
        SHT_DETERRENCE = "Dissuasion";
        SHT_STING = "Morsure|Piq\195\187re";
        SHT_WYVERN = "Piq\195\187re de wyverne";
        SHT_WYVERN_TEXT = "Wyvern Sting (Sleep)";
        SHT_SERPENT = "Morsure de serpent";
        SHT_VIPER = "Morsure de vip\195\168re";
        SHT_SCORPID = "Piq\195\187re de scorpide";
        SHT_FLARE = "Fus\195\169e \195\169clairante";
        SHT_FEAR_BEAST = "Effrayer une b\195\170te";
        SHT_YOUR = "Votre ";
        SHT_DONE = "Fini!";
        SHT_FEIGN_DEATH = "Feindre la mort";
        SHT_FRENZY = "fr\195\169n\195\169sie";
        SHT_FRENZY_EMOTE = "rentre en fr\195\169n\195\169sie sanglante!";
        SHT_FRENZY_FLAMEGOR = "rentre en fr\195\169n\195\169sie!";
        SHT_CHROMAGGUS = "Chromaggus";
        SHT_FLAMEGOR = "Flamegor";
        SHT_MAGMADAR = "Magmadar";
        SHT_HUHURAN = "Princesse Huhuran";
        SHT_GLUTH = "Gluth";
        SHT_RESIST = "r\195\169sis\195\169";
        SHT_IMMUNE = "immunis\195\169";
        SHT_EVADE = "\195\169vite";
        SHT_FADE = "vient de se dissiper";
        SHT_FAILED = "rat\195\169";
        SHT_HITS = "touche";
        SHT_CRITS = "critique";
        SHT_MISSES = "manque";
        --status text---------------------------------------
        SHT_ON = "on";
        SHT_OFF = "off";
        --Slash text
        SHT_SLASH_HELP = {
                [1] = "Sorren's Hunter Timers "..SHT_VERSION,
                [2] = "Commands: /sht",
                [3] = "/sht "..SHT_ON.."/"..SHT_OFF,
                [4] = "/sht menu (bring up the gui menu)",
                [5] = "/sht reset (resets all the visible bars)",
                [6] = "/sht resetpos (resets the bar frame position)",
                [7] = "/sht aimed "..SHT_ON.."/"..SHT_OFF.." (aimed shot casting bar)",
                [8] = "/sht delay <time> (time is in milliseconds)",
                [9] = "/sht aimeddelay <time> (time is in milliseconds)",
                [10] = "/sht flash <timeleft> (timeleft in seconds to flash the bar, 0 for off)",
                [11] = "/sht step <step> (higher step means faster flashing when time is low)",
                [12] = "/sht barcolor r g b (where r, g, b are between 0 and 1)",
                [13] = "/sht barendcolor r g b (where r, g, b are between 0 and 1)",
                [14] = "/sht setbgcolor r g b a (where r, g, b, a are between 0 and 10)",
                [15] = "/sht colorchange "..SHT_ON.."/"..SHT_OFF.." (color change feature)",
                [16] = "/sht up/down (cascade bars up or down)",
                [17] = "/sht scale % (/sht scale 100 = 100% scale)",
                [18] = "/sht lock/unlock (lock or unlock the frame)",
                [19] = "/sht status",
                [20] = "/sht clear all (resets all options to defaults)",
                [21] = "/sht debug (debug info for testing purposes)"
                [1] = "|cFFFFFF00Sorren's Hunter Timers "..SHT_VERSION.."|r",
                [2] = "|cFFFFFF00Status:|r %s |cFFFFFF00Aimed Shot Casting Bar:|r %s",
                [3] = "|cFFFFFF00Shot delay:|r %dms |cFFFFFF00Aimed Shot delay:|r %dms", 
                [4] = "|cFFFFFF00Flash time:|r %ds |cFFFFFF00Step:|r %f",
                [5] = "|cFFFFFF00Barcolor:|r %s |cFFFFFF00Barcolorend:|r %s",
                [6] = "|cFFFFFF00Colorchange:|r %s |cFFFFFF00Growth:|r %s",
                [7] = "|cFFFFFF00Scale:|r %d%%"
        SHT_OPTIONS_COLOR_CHANGE = "Color Change";
        SHT_OPTIONS_MILI = "ms";
        SHT_OPTIONS_LOCK = "Lock";
        SHT_OPTIONS_BAR_DIST = "Distance Between Bars";
        SHT_OPTIONS_SCALE = "Scale";
        SHT_OPTIONS_FLASH = "Flash Time";
        SHT_OPTIONS_STEP = "Flash Step";
        SHT_OPTIONS_BARSTART = "Bar Start Color";
        SHT_OPTIONS_BAREND = "Bar End Color";
        SHT_OPTIONS_BACKDROP = "Backdrop Color";
        SHT_OPTIONS_TIMERS_TEXT = "Timers";
        SHT_OPTIONS_BARS_TEXT = "Bars";
        SHT_OPTIONS_DECIMALS = "Decimals";
        SHT_OPTIONS_AIMED_DELAY = "Aimed Delay";
        SHT_OPTIONS_SHOT_DELAY = "Shot Delay";
        SHT_OPTIONS_SHOW_TEX = "Show Textures";
        SHT_OPTIONS_LARGE_TEX = "Large Textures";
        SHT_OPTIONS_APPEND = "Append Target";
        SHT_OPTIONS_BORDER = "Border Color";
        SHT_OPTIONS_TEXT_COLOR = "Text Color";
        SHT_OPTIONS_TIME_COLOR = "Time Color";
        SHT_OPTIONS_TARGET_COLOR = "Target Text Color";
        SHT_OPTIONS_OVERALL_OPACITY = "Overall Opacity";
        SHT_OPTIONS_HIDE_TEXT = "Hide Text";
        SHT_OPTIONS_HIDE_TIME = "Hide Time";
        SHT_OPTIONS_HIDE_GAP = "Hide Gap";
        SHT_OPTIONS_BAR_THICKNESS = "Bar Thickness";
        SHT_OPTIONS_HIDE_PADDING = "Hide Padding";
        SHT_OPTIONS_STICKY = "Sticky Auto Shot";
        --Regular Expression Strings
        SHT_TRAP_AFFLICT_STRING = "(.+) subit les effets de.+(Pi\195\168ge.+)";
        SHT_AFFLICT_STRING = "(.+) subit les effets de (.+)";
        SHT_FAILED_STRING = "Votre (.+) a \195\169chou\195\169";
        SHT_MISSES_STRING = "Votre (.+) a manqu\195\169 la cible";
        SHT_FIND_TRAP_FAILED = "'s.+(Pi\195\168ge.+)";
        SHT_FADE_STRING = "(.+) sur (.+) vient de se dissiper";
        SHT_SPELL_RANK_STRIP = "(.+) %(Rang %d+%)";
        SHT_DIES = "(.+) meurt";
        --Options moved to globals because they dealt with other variables