vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
function ReagentData_LoadChinese()
-- Reagent Data: Data Tables --

-- Basic Items --

-- Reagent Data: Alchemy Fish
ReagentData["alchemyfish"] = {
     ["oilyblackmouth"] = "黑口鱼",
     ["firefinsnapper"] = "火鳞鳝鱼",
     ["stonescaleeel"] = "石鳞鳗",

-- Reagent Data: Bandages
ReagentData["bandage"] = {
     ["linen"] = "亚麻绷带",
     ["heavylinen"] = "厚亚麻绷带",
     ["wool"] = "绒线绷带",
     ["heavywool"] = "厚绒线绷带",
     ["silk"] = "丝质绷带",
     ["heavysilk"] = "厚丝质绷带",
     ["mageweave"] = "魔纹绷带",
     ["heavymageweave"] = "厚魔纹绷带",
     ["runecloth"] = "符文布绷带",
     ["heavyrunecloth"] = "厚符文布绷带",
     ["antivenom"] = "抗毒药剂",
     ["strongantivenom"] = "强力抗毒药剂",
     ["powerfulantivenom"] = "极效抗毒药剂",

-- Reagent Data: Bar
ReagentData["bar"] = {
     ["copper"] = "铜锭",
     ["tin"] = "锡锭",
     ["bronze"] = "青铜锭",
     ["silver"] = "银锭",
     ["iron"] = "铁锭",
     ["steel"] = "钢锭",
     ["gold"] = "金锭",
     ["mithril"] = "秘银锭",
     ["truesilver"] = "真银锭",
     ["thorium"] = "瑟银锭",
     ["arcanite"] = "奥金锭",
     ["darkiron"] = "黑铁锭",
     ["enchantedthorium"] = "附魔瑟银锭",

-- Reagent Data: Cloth
ReagentData["cloth"] = {
     ["linen"] = "亚麻布",
     ["wool"] = "毛料",
     ["silk"] = "丝绸",
     ["mageweave"] = "魔纹布",
     ["rune"] = "符文布",
     ["fel"] = "恶魔布",
     ["moon"] = "月布",

-- Reagent Data: Cooking Fish
ReagentData["cookingfish"] = {
     ["rawslitherskinmackerel"] = "新鲜的滑皮鲭鱼",
     ["rawbrilliantsmall"] = "新鲜的美味小鱼",
     ["rawlochfrenzy"] = "新鲜的洛克湖狂鱼",
     ["rawlongjawmudsnapper"] = "新鲜的长嘴泥鳅",
     ["rawrainbowfinalbacore"] = "新鲜的彩鳍鱼",
     ["deviate"] = "变异鱼",
     ["rawbristlewhiskercat"] = "新鲜的刺须鲶鱼",
     ["rawrockscalecod"] = "新鲜的石鳞鳕鱼",
     ["rawmithrilheadtrout"] = "新鲜的银头鲑鱼",
     ["rawredgill"] = "新鲜的红腮鱼",
     ["rawspottedyellowtail"] = "新鲜的斑点黄尾鱼",
     ["largerawmightfish"] = "新鲜的大鱼",
     ["rawsummerbass"] = "新鲜的夏日鲈鱼",
     ["wintersquid"] = "冬鱿鱼",
     ["rawsunscalesalmon"] = "新鲜的阳鳞鲑鱼",
     ["rawnightfinsnapper"] = "新鲜的夜鳞鲷鱼",
     ["rawwhitescalesalmon"] = "新鲜的白鳞鲑鱼",
     ["darkclawlobster"] = "黑爪龙虾",
     ["rawglossymightfish"] = "新鲜的光滑大鱼",

-- Reagent Data: Elements
ReagentData["element"] = {
     ["earth"] = "元素之土",
     ["fire"] = "元素火焰",
     ["water"] = "元素之水",
     ["air"] = "元素空气",
     ["ichorofundeath"] = "亡灵腐液",
     ["heartofthewild"] = "野性之心",
     ["coreofearth"] = "大地之核",
     ["heartoffire"] = "火焰之心",
     ["globeofwater"] = "纯水之球",
     ["breathofwind"] = "风之气息",
     ["essenceofearth"] = "大地精华",
     ["essenceofwater"] = "水之精华",
     ["essenceofair"] = "空气精华",
     ["essenceoffire"] = "火焰精华",
     ["essenceofundeath"] = "死灵精华",
     ["livingessence"] = "生命精华",

-- Reagent Data: Gems
ReagentData["gem"] = {
     ["malachite"] = "孔雀石",
     ["tigerseye"] = "虎眼石",
     ["shadow"] = "暗影石",
     ["lessermoonstone"] = "次级月亮石",
     ["mossagate"] = "绿玛瑙",
     ["jade"] = "翡翠",
     ["citrine"] = "黄水晶",
     ["aquamarine"] = "青绿石",
     ["starruby"] = "红宝石",
     ["blackvitriol"] = "黑色硫酸盐",
     ["largeopal"] = "大猫眼石",
     ["hugeemerald"] = "巨型绿宝石",
     ["bluesapphire"] = "蓝宝石",
     ["azerothiandiamond"] = "艾泽拉斯钻石",
     ["arcanecrystal"] = "奥术水晶",
     ["bloodofthemountain"] = "山脉之血",
     ["blackdiamond"] = "原始黑钻石",
     ["souldarite"] = "灵魂宝钻",
     ["pristineblackdiamond"] = "原始黑钻石",

-- Reagent Data: Herbs
ReagentData["herb"] = {
     ["peacebloom"] = "宁神花",
     ["silverleaf"] = "银叶草",
     ["earthroot"] = "地根草",
     ["mageroyal"] = "魔皇草",
     ["briarthorn"] = "石南草",
     ["swifthistle"] = "雨燕草",
     ["stranglekelp"] = "荆棘藻",
     ["bruiseweed"] = "跌打草",
     ["wildsteelbloom"] = "野钢花",
     ["gravemoss"] = "墓地苔",
     ["kingsblood"] = "皇血草",
     ["liferoot"] = "活根草",
     ["fadeleaf"] = "枯叶草",
     ["goldthorn"] = "金棘草",
     ["khadgarswhisker"] = "卡德加的胡须",
     ["wintersbite"] = "冬刺草",
     ["firebloom"] = "火焰花",
     ["purplelotus"] = "紫莲花",
     ["sungrass"] = "太阳草",
     ["blindweed"] = "盲目草",
     ["morrowgrain"] = "晨光麦",
     ["ghostmushroom"] = "幽灵菇",
     ["gromsblood"] = "格罗姆之血",
     ["wildvine"] = "野葡萄藤",
     ["icecap"] = "冰盖草",
     ["arthastears"] = "阿尔萨斯之泪",
     ["dreamfoil"] = "梦叶草",
     ["goldensansam"] = "黄金参",
     ["mountainsilversage"] = "山鼠草",
     ["plaguebloom"] = "瘟疫花",
     ["blacklotus"] = "黑莲花",
     ["bloodvine"] = "血藤",

-- Reagent Data: Hide
ReagentData["hide"] = {
     ["light"] = "轻毛皮",
     ["medium"] = "中毛皮",
     ["heavy"] = "重毛皮",
     ["thick"] = "厚毛皮",
     ["rugged"] = "硬甲毛皮",
     ["raptor"] = "迅猛龙的外皮",
     ["thickwolf"] = "厚狼皮",
     ["shadowcat"] = "暗影猎豹毛皮",
     ["curedlight"] = "熟化轻毛皮",
     ["curedmedium"] = "熟化中毛皮",
     ["curedheavy"] = "熟化重毛皮",
     ["curedthick"] = "熟化厚毛皮",
     ["curedrugged"] = "熟化毛皮",

-- Reagent Data: Leather
ReagentData["leather"] = {
     ["ruinedscraps"] = "破烂的皮革",
     ["light"] = "轻皮",
     ["medium"] = "中皮",
     ["heavy"] = "重皮",
     ["thick"] = "厚皮",
     ["rugged"] = "硬甲皮",
     ["enchanted"] = "魔化皮",
     ["devilsaur"] = "魔暴龙皮",
     ["thinkodo"] = "薄科多兽皮",
     ["chimera"] = "奇美拉皮革",
     ["frostsaber"] = "霜刃豹皮革",
     ["warbear"] = "战熊皮",
     ["core"] = "熔火犬皮",     
     ["primalbat"] = "原始蝙蝠皮",
     ["primaltiger"] = "原始虎皮",

-- Reagent Data: Ore
ReagentData["ore"] = {
     ["copper"] = "铜矿石",
     ["tin"] = "锡矿石",
     ["silver"] = "银矿石",
     ["iron"] = "铁矿石",
     ["gold"] = "金矿石",
     ["mithril"] = "秘银矿石",
     ["truesilver"] = "真银矿石",
     ["thorium"] = "瑟银矿石",
     ["darkiron"] = "黑铁矿石",
     ["elementium"] = "源质矿石",
     ["smallobsidianshard"] = "小块黑曜石碎片",
     ["largeobsidianshard"] = "大块黑曜石碎片",

-- Reagent Data: Pearl
ReagentData["pearl"] = {
     ["smalllustrous"] = "有光泽的小珍珠",
     ["iridescent"] = "彩色珍珠",
     ["blue"] = "蓝珍珠",
     ["black"] = "黑珍珠",
     ["golden"] = "金珍珠",

-- Reagent Data: Poisons
ReagentData["poison"] = {
     ["instant"] = "速效毒药",
     ["crippling"] = "致残毒药",
     ["mindnumbing"] = "麻痹毒药",
     ["instantii"] = "速效毒药 II",
     ["deadly"] = "致命毒药",
     ["instantv"] = "速效毒药 V",
     ["woundiv"] = "致伤毒药 IV",
     ["deadlyiii"] = "致命毒药 III",
     ["wound"] = "致伤毒药",
     ["deadlyiv"] = "致命毒药 IV",
     ["deadlyv"] = "致命毒药 V",
     ["woundii"] = "致伤毒药 II",
     ["instantiii"] = "速效毒药 III",
     ["cripplingii"] = "致残毒药 II",
     ["instantiv"] = "速效毒药 IV",
     ["woundiii"] = "致伤毒药 III",
     ["deadlyii"] = "致命毒药 II",
     ["instantvi"] = "速效毒药 VI",
     ["mindnumbingii"] = "麻痹毒药 II",
     ["mindnumbingiii"] = "麻痹毒药 III",

-- Reagent Data: Potions
ReagentData["potion"] = {
     ["minorhealing"] = "初级治疗药水",
     ["elixirofdetectdemon"] = "侦测恶魔药剂",
     ["swiftness"] = "迅捷药水",
     ["elixirofbruteforce"] = "蛮力药剂",
     ["freeaction"] = "自由行动药剂",
     ["majormana"] = "极效法力药水",
     ["elixirofgiantgrowth"] = "增长药剂",
     ["dreamlesssleep"] = "昏睡药水",
     ["greaterarcaneelixir"] = "强效奥法药剂",
     ["flaskofdistilledwisdom"] = "精炼智慧合剂",    --Changed in 1.10
     ["mightytrollsblood"] = "超强巨魔之血药水",
     ["elixirofgreaterintellect"] = "强效聪颖药剂",
     ["elixirofdefense"] = "防御药剂",
     ["flaskofsupremepower"] = "超级能量合剂",    --Changed in 1.10
     ["arcaneelixir"] = "奥法药剂",
     ["flaskofpetrification"] = "化石合剂",    --Changed in 1.10
     ["flaskofchromaticresistance"] = "多重抗性合剂",    --Changed in 1.10
     ["shadowprotection"] = "暗影防护药水",
     ["greatershadowprotection"] = "强效暗影防护药水",
     ["swimspeed"] = "速游药水",
     ["flaskofthetitans"] = "泰坦合剂",    --Changed in 1.10
     ["elixirofagility"] = "敏捷药剂",
     ["elixirofminordefense"] = "初级防御药剂",
     ["natureprotection"] = "自然防护药水",
     ["elixirofgreateragility"] = "强效敏捷药剂",
     ["elixirofdreamvision"] = "梦境药剂",
     ["elixirofminoragility"] = "初级敏捷药剂",
     ["catseyeelixir"] = "猫眼药剂",
     ["weaktrollsblood"] = "弱效巨魔之血药水",
     ["elixirofgreaterdefense"] = "强效防御药剂",
     ["greaterstoneshield"] = "强效石盾药水",
     ["minormana"] = "初级法力药水",
     ["giftofarthas"] = "阿尔萨斯的礼物",
     ["elixirofshadowpower"] = "暗影之力药剂",
     ["mightyrage"] = "极效怒气药水",
     ["minorrejuvenation"] = "初级活力药水",
     ["elixiroflionsstrength"] = "狮王之力药剂",
     ["healing"] = "治疗药水",
     ["greatermana"] = "强效法力药水",
     ["lesserinvisibility"] = "次级隐形药水",
     ["elixirofdetectlesserinvisibility"] = "侦测次级隐形药剂",
     ["fireprotection"] = "火焰防护药水",
     ["discoloredhealing"] = "透明治疗药水",
     ["majorhealing"] = "极效治疗药水",
     ["lesserstoneshield"] = "次级石盾药水",
     ["elixirofdetectundead"] = "侦测亡灵药剂",
     ["elixirofthemongoose"] = "猫鼬药剂",
     ["holyprotection"] = "神圣防护药水",
     ["lessermana"] = "次级法力药水",
     ["elixiroffortitude"] = "坚韧药剂",
     ["elixirofminorfortitude"] = "初级坚韧药剂",
     ["elixirofdemonslaying"] = "屠魔药剂",
     ["mana"] = "法力药水",
     ["frostprotection"] = "冰霜防护药水",
     ["elixirofgiants"] = "巨人药剂",
     ["elixiroffrostpower"] = "冰霜之力药剂",
     ["elixirofpoisonresistance"] = "抗毒药剂",
     ["strongtrollsblood"] = "强力巨魔之血药水",
     ["lesserhealing"] = "次级治疗药水",
     ["greaterhealing"] = "强效治疗药水",
     ["magicresistance"] = "抗魔药水",
     ["restorativeelixir"] = "滋补药剂",
     ["elixirofwisdom"] = "智慧药剂",
     ["rage"] = "怒气药水",
     ["greatrage"] = "暴怒药水",
     ["elixirofogresstrength"] = "食人魔力量药剂",
     ["superiorhealing"] = "超强治疗药水",
     ["minormagicresistance"] = "初级抗魔药水",
     ["elixirofthesages"] = "先知药剂",
     ["elixiroffirepower"] = "火力药剂",
     ["greaterfireprotection"] = "强效火焰防护药水",
     ["elixiroflesseragility"] = "次级敏捷药剂",
     ["purificationpotion"] = "净化药水",
     ["superiormana"] = "超强法力药水",
     ["wildvine"] = "野葡萄药水",
     ["elixirofwaterbreathing"] = "水下呼吸药剂",
     ["limitedinvulnerability"] = "有限无敌药水",
     ["elixirofsuperiordefense"] = "超强防御药剂",
     ["invisibility"] = "隐形药水",
     ["majortrollsblood"] = "极效巨魔之血药水",
     ["livingaction"] = "活力行动药水",
     ["greaterdreamlesssleep"] = "强效昏睡药水",
     ["mageblood"] = "魔血药水",

-- Reagent Data: Spell Reagents
ReagentData["reagent"] = {
     ["ironwoodseed"] = "铁木种子",
     ["soulshard"] = "灵魂碎片",
     ["ankh"] = "十字章",
     ["hornbeamseed"] = "角树种子",
     ["demonicfigurine"] = "恶魔雕像",
     ["mapleseed"] = "枫树种子",
     ["infernalstone"] = "地狱火石",
     ["runeofteleportation"] = "传送符文",
     ["wildthornroot"] = "野生棘根草",
     ["runeofportals"] = "传送门符文",
     ["ashwoodseed"] = "灰木种子",
     ["wildberries"] = "野生浆果",
     ["lightfeather"] = "轻羽毛",
     ["fishoil"] = "鱼油",
     ["flashpowder"] = "闪光粉",
     ["holycandle"] = "圣洁蜡烛",
     ["sacredcandle"] = "神圣蜡烛",
     ["stranglethornseed"] = "荆棘种子",
     ["symbolofdivinity"] = "神圣符印",
     ["blindingpowder"] = "致盲粉",
     ["shinyfishscales"] = "闪亮的鱼鳞",
         ["arcanepowder"] = "魔粉",
         ["symbolofkings"] = "王者印记",

-- Reagent Data: Scales
ReagentData["scale"] = {
     ["bluedragon"] = "蓝龙鳞片",
     ["redwhelp"] = "红色雏龙鳞片",
     ["perfectdeviate"] = "完美的飞蛇鳞片",
     ["reddragon"] = "红龙鳞片",
     ["greenwhelp"] = "绿色幼龙鳞片",
     ["turtle"] = "龟壳",
     ["greendragon"] = "绿龙鳞片",
     ["blackdragon"] = "黑龙鳞片",
     ["blackwhelp"] = "黑色雏龙鳞片",
     ["worndragon"] = "龙鳞",
     ["deviate"] = "飞蛇鳞片",
     ["scorpid"] = "蝎壳",
     ["heavyscorpid"] = "厚蝎鳞",
     ["dream"] = "梦幻龙鳞",

-- Reagent Data: Stone
ReagentData["stone"] = {
     ["solid"] = "坚固的石头",
     ["dense"] = "厚重的石头",
     ["rough"] = "劣质的石头",
     ["coarse"] = "粗糙的石头",
     ["heavy"] = "沉重的石头",

-- Tradeskill Produced Items --

-- Reagent Data: Armors (Only those used in other tradeskills)
ReagentData["armor"] = {
     ["goblinconstructionhelmet"] = "地精施工头盔",
     ["fineleathertunic"] = "优质皮外套",
     ["greenleather"] = "绿色皮甲",
     ["greentintedgoggles"] = "绿色护目镜",
     ["flyingtigergoggles"] = "飞虎护目镜",
     ["firegoggles"] = "火焰护目镜",
     ["spellpowergogglesxtreme"] = "法术能量护目镜超级版",
     ["blackmageweaveboots"] = "黑色魔纹之靴",
     ["guardiangloves"] = "守护手套",
     ["cinderclothcloak"] = "亮布披风",
     ["fineleatherbelt"] = "优质皮带",
     ["fineleathergloves"] = "优质皮手套",
     ["duskybelt"] = "暗色皮带",
     ["ironbuckle"] = "铁扣环",

-- Reagent Data: Cloth Bolts
ReagentData["bolt"] = {
     ["wool"] = "毛布卷",
     ["rune"] = "符文布卷",
     ["mageweave"] = "魔纹布卷",
     ["silk"] = "丝绸卷",
     ["linen"] = "亚麻布卷",

-- Reagent Data: Grinding Stones
ReagentData["grinding"] = {
     ["solid"] = "坚固的砂轮",
     ["dense"] = "致密砂轮",
     ["rough"] = "劣质砂轮",
     ["coarse"] = "粗制砂轮",
     ["heavy"] = "重砂轮",

-- Reagent Data: Oils
ReagentData["oil"] = {
     ["goblinrocketfuel"] = "地精火箭燃油",
     ["blackmouth"] = "黑口鱼油",
     ["shadow"] = "暗影之油",
     ["fire"] = "火焰之油",
     ["immolation"] = "献祭之油",
     ["stonescale"] = "石鳞鱼油",
     ["frost"] = "冰霜之油",

-- Reagent Data: Other (Items that don't fit in other categories)
ReagentData["other"] = {
     ["yellowpowercrystal"] = "黄色能量水晶",
     ["philosophersstone"] = "点金石",
     ["redpowercrystal"] = "红色能量水晶",
     ["snowball"] = "雪球",
     ["runntumtuber"] = "洛恩塔姆薯块",
     ["greenpowercrystal"] = "绿色能量水晶",
     ["bluepowercrystal"] = "蓝色能量水晶",
     ["frozenrune"] = "冰冻符文",
     ["bloodofheroes"] = "英雄之血",
     ["frayedabominationstitchings"] = "磨损的憎恶缝合线",

-- Reagent Data: Blasting Powder
ReagentData["powder"] = {
     ["solid"] = "实心炸药",
     ["dense"] = "致密炸药粉",
     ["rough"] = "劣质火药",
     ["coarse"] = "粗制火药粉",
     ["heavy"] = "烈性火药",

-- Reagent Data: Engineering Parts
ReagentData["part"] = {
     ["coppertube"] = "铜管",
     ["woodenstock"] = "木柴",
     ["mithrilmechanicaldragonling"] = "秘银机械幼龙",
     ["delicatearcaniteconverter"] = "精密奥金转换器",
     ["bronzetube"] = "青铜管",
     ["fusedwiring"] = "保险丝",
     ["thoriumwidget"] = "瑟银零件",
     ["deadlyscope"] = "致命瞄准镜",
     ["coppermodulator"] = "铜质调节器",
     ["bigironbomb"] = "重磅铁制炸弹",
     ["heavystock"] = "沉重的石头",
     ["unstabletrigger"] = "不牢固的扳机",
     ["silvercontact"] = "银触媒",
     ["accuratescope"] = "精确瞄准镜",
     ["handfulofcopperbolts"] = "一把螺栓",
     ["ironstrut"] = "铁棒",
     ["soliddynamite"] = "实心炸弹",
     ["mithriltube"] = "秘银管",
     ["gyrochronatom"] = "发条式同步协调陀螺仪",
     ["inlaidmithrilcylinder"] = "秘银杆",
     ["goldpowercore"] = "黄金能量核心",
     ["mithrilcasing"] = "秘银外壳",
     ["bronzeframework"] = "青铜框架",
     ["blankparchment"] = "空白的羊皮纸",
     ["engineersink"] = "墨水",
     ["whirringbronzegizmo"] = "高速青铜齿轮",
     ["thoriumtube"] = "瑟银管",
     ["truesilvertransformer"] = "真银变压器",
     ["thebigone"] = "大炸弹",

-- Reagent Data: Rods
ReagentData["rod"] = {
     ["golden"] = "金棒",
     ["arcanite"] = "奥金棒",
     ["truesilver"] = "真银棒",
     ["silver"] = "银棒",
     ["copper"] = "铜棒",

-- Enchanting Reagents --

-- Reagent Data: Dusts
ReagentData["dust"] = {
     ["vision"] = "幻象之尘",
     ["soul"] = "灵魂之尘",
     ["strange"] = "奇异之尘",
     ["dream"] = "梦境之尘",
     ["illusion"] = "幻影之尘",

-- Reagent Data: Essences
ReagentData["essence"] = {
     ["lessereternal"] = "次级不灭精华",
     ["lessermystic"] = "次级秘法精华",
     ["greaterastral"] = "强效星界精华",
     ["greatermystic"] = "强效秘法精华",
     ["greaternether"] = "强效虚空精华",
     ["lesserastral"] = "次级星界精华",
     ["lessernether"] = "次级虚空精华",
     ["greatermagic"] = "强效魔法精华",
     ["lessermagic"] = "次级魔法精华",
     ["greatereternal"] = "强效不灭精华",

-- Reagent Data: Shards
ReagentData["shard"] = {
     ["largeglimmering"] = "大块微光碎片",
     ["largebrilliant"] = "大块魔光碎片",
     ["smallglowing"] = "小块闪光碎片",
     ["smallglimmering"] = "小块微光碎片",
     ["smallbrilliant"] = "小块魔光碎片",
     ["smallradiant"] = "小块强光碎片",
     ["largeradiant"] = "大块强光碎片",
     ["largeglowing"] = "大块闪光碎片",
     ["nexuscrystal"] = "连结水晶",

-- Vendor Items --

-- Reagent Data: Drinks (Only those used in tradeskills)
ReagentData["drink"] = {
     ["rhapsodymalt"] = "狂想麦酒",
     ["icecoldmilk"] = "冰镇牛奶",
     ["holidyspirits"] = "节日美酒",
     ["skinofdwarvenstout"] = "矮人烈酒",
     ["refreshingspringwater"] = "清凉的泉水",

-- Reagent Data: Dye
ReagentData["dye"] = {
     ["blue"] = "蓝色染料",
     ["ghost"] = "幻象染料",
     ["purple"] = "紫色染料",
     ["red"] = "红色染料",
     ["bleach"] = "漂白液",
     ["black"] = "黑色染料",
     ["green"] = "绿色染料",
     ["pink"] = "粉红染料",
     ["yellow"] = "黄色染料",
     ["orange"] = "橙色染料",
     ["gray"] = "灰色染料",

-- Reagent Data: Flux
ReagentData["flux"] = {
     ["weak"] = "弱效助熔剂",
     ["strong"] = "强效助熔剂",
     ["elemental"] = "元素助熔剂",

-- Reagent Data: Food (used in tradeskills)
ReagentData["food"] = {
     ["shinyredapple"] = "新鲜的红苹果",

-- Reagent Data: Poison Ingredients
ReagentData["poisoningredient"] = {
     ["dustofdecay"] = "蚀骨灰",
     ["essenceofpain"] = "苦楚精华",
     ["essenceofagony"] = "痛苦精华",
     ["dustofdeterioration"] = "堕落之尘",
     ["deathweed"] = "死草根",

-- Reagent Data: Salt
ReagentData["salt"] = {
     ["refineddeeprock"] = "精炼石中盐",
     ["salt"] = "盐",
     ["deeprock"] = "石中盐",

-- Reagent Data: Spices
ReagentData["spice"] = {
     ["soothing"] = "舒心草",
     ["stormwindseasoningherbs"] = "暴风城特产调料",
     ["mild"] = "甜香料",
     ["holiday"] = "节日香料",
     ["hot"] = "辣椒",

-- Reagent Data: Thread
ReagentData["thread"] = {
     ["heavysilken"] = "粗丝线",
     ["rune"] = "符文线",
     ["silken"] = "丝线",
     ["coarse"] = "粗线",
     ["fine"] = "细线",

-- Reagent Data: Vendor Other
ReagentData["vendorother"] = {
     ["coal"] = "煤块",
     ["nightcrawlers"] = "夜色虫",

-- Reagent Data: Vials
ReagentData["vial"] = {
     ["crystal"] = "水晶瓶",
     ["imbued"] = "灌魔之瓶",
     ["leaded"] = "铅瓶",
     ["empty"] = "空瓶",

-- Reagent Data: Wood
ReagentData["wood"] = {
     ["simple"] = "普通木柴",
     ["star"] = "星木",

-- Other --

-- Reagent Data: Monster Parts
ReagentData["monster"] = {
     ["tendercrocoliskmeat"] = "嫩鳄鱼肉",
     ["stagmeat"] = "鹿肉",
     ["powerfulmojo"] = "强力魔精",
     ["lavacore"] = "熔岩之核",
     ["crispspidermeat"] = "香脆蜘蛛肉",
     ["largefang"] = "大牙齿",
     ["softfrenzyflesh"] = "柔软的狂鱼肉",
     ["boarintestines"] = "猪大肠",
     ["leanwolfflank"] = "狼肋排",
     ["stringyvulturemeat"] = "秃鹫肉条",
     ["stringywolfmeat"] = "狼肉条",
     ["nagascale"] = "纳迦鳞片",
     ["murlocfin"] = "鱼人的鳍",
     ["turtlemeat"] = "海龟肉",
     ["larvalacid"] = "幼虫酸液",
     ["mysterymeat"] = "神秘的肉",
     ["meatybatwing"] = "蝙蝠肉翅",
     ["sulfuroningot"] = "硫磺锭", 
     ["smallvenomsac"] = "小毒囊",
     ["crocoliskmeat"] = "鳄鱼肉",
     ["whitespidermeat"] = "白蜘蛛肉",
     ["wickedclaw"] = "邪恶之爪",
     ["goretuskliver"] = "血牙野猪的肝",
     ["righteousorb"] = "正义宝珠",
     ["kodomeat"] = "科多兽的肉",
     ["skinofshadow"] = "暗影之皮",
     ["ogretannin"] = "食人魔鞣酸",
     ["smallflamesac"] = "火囊",
     ["spiderichor"] = "蜘蛛的毒液",
     ["giantegg"] = "巨蛋",
     ["smallspiderleg"] = "小蜘蛛腿",
     ["demonicrune"] = "恶魔符文",
     ["crawlerclaw"] = "蟹爪",
     ["clawmeat"] = "蚌肉",
     ["chunkofboarmeat"] = "大块野猪肉",
     ["goretusksnout"] = "血牙野猪的头",
     ["zestyclammeat"] = "美味的蚌肉",
     ["flaskofbigmojo"] = "大瓶魔精",
     ["tendercrabmeat"] = "嫩螃蟹肉",
     ["gooeyspiderleg"] = "粘糊的蜘蛛腿",
     ["flaskofoil"] = "灯油",
     ["giantclammeat"] = "巨蚌肉",
     ["scorpidstinger"] = "蝎刺",
     ["smallegg"] = "小蛋",
     ["luckycharm"] = "幸运兔脚",
     ["toughcondormeat"] = "硬秃鹫肉",
     ["boarribs"] = "猪排",
     ["murloceye"] = "鱼人的眼球",
     ["guardianstone"] = "守护之石",
     ["largevenomsac"] = "大毒囊",
     ["volatilerum"] = "烈性朗姆酒",
     ["brilliantchromaticscale"] = "闪亮的彩色龙鳞",
     ["coyotemeat"] = "山狗肉",
     ["crawlermeat"] = "蟹肉",
     ["bigbearmeat"] = "大块的熊肉",
     ["stridermeat"] = "陆行鸟肉",
     ["tenderwolfmeat"] = "嫩狼肉",
     ["flaskofmojo"] = "魔精",
     ["coarsegorillahair"] = "粗糙的猩猩毛发",
     ["discoloredworgheart"] = "受污染的狼人之心",
     ["scaleofonyxia"] = "奥妮克西亚的鳞片",
     ["bearmeat"] = "熊肉",
     ["buzzardwing"] = "秃鹫的翅膀",
     ["cragboarrib"] = "峭壁野猪肋排",
     ["tangyclammeat"] = "有腥味的蚌肉",
     ["sharpclaw"] = "锋利的爪子",
     ["thunderlizardtail"] = "雷霆蜥蜴的尾巴",
     ["lionmeat"] = "狮肉",
     ["raptoregg"] = "迅猛龙蛋",
     ["clammeat"] = "蚌肉",
     ["tigermeat"] = "虎肉",
     ["digrat"] = "掘地鼠",
     ["redwolfmeat"] = "红狼肉",
     ["slimymurlocscale"] = "粘糊糊的鱼人鳞片",
     ["heavykodomeat"] = "科多兽肉",
     ["raptorflesh"] = "迅猛龙肉",
     ["fierycore"] = "火焰之核",
     ["thickmurlocscale"] = "厚鱼人鳞片",
     ["massivemojo"] = "极效魔精",
     ["hugevenomsac"] = "巨型毒囊",
     ["sandwormmeat"] = "沙虫的肉",
     ["darkrune"] = "黑暗符文",
     ["heavysilithidcarapace"] = "重型异种蝎甲壳",
     ["lightsilithidcarapace"] = "轻型异种虫壳",
     ["silithidchitin"] = "异种虫几丁质",
     ["chimaeroktenderloin"] = "奇美洛克的腰肋肉",

-- Reagent Data: Feathers
ReagentData["feather"] = {
     ["longtail"] = "细长的尾羽",
     ["iron"] = "铁羽毛",
     ["jetblack"] = "乌黑的羽毛",
     ["longelegant"] = "细长的狮鹫羽毛",

-- Reagent Data: Spider Silk
ReagentData["spidersilk"] = {
     ["ironweb"] = "铁网蛛丝",
     ["shadow"] = "暗影蛛丝",
     ["thick"] = "粗蜘蛛丝",
     ["silk"] = "蜘蛛丝",

-- Reagent Data: Classes
ReagentData["classes"] = {};
ReagentData["classes"]["druid"]     = "德鲁依";
ReagentData["classes"]["hunter"]    = "猎人";
ReagentData["classes"]["mage"]      = "法师";
ReagentData["classes"]["paladin"]   = "圣骑士";
ReagentData["classes"]["priest"]    = "牧师";
ReagentData["classes"]["rogue"]     = "盗贼";
ReagentData["classes"]["shaman"]    = "萨满祭司";
ReagentData["classes"]["warlock"]   = "术士";
ReagentData["classes"]["warrior"]   = "战士";

-- Reagent Data: Item location
ReagentData["location"] = {};
ReagentData["location"]["head"]     = "头部";
ReagentData["location"]["neck"]     = "颈部";
ReagentData["location"]["shoulder"] = "肩部";
ReagentData["location"]["back"]     = "背部";
ReagentData["location"]["chest"]    = "胸甲";
ReagentData["location"]["shirt"]    = "衬衣";
ReagentData["location"]["tabard"]   = "徽章";
ReagentData["location"]["wrist"]    = "护腕";
ReagentData["location"]["hands"]    = "手部";
ReagentData["location"]["waist"]    = "腰部";
ReagentData["location"]["legs"]     = "腿部";
ReagentData["location"]["feet"]     = "脚";
ReagentData["location"]["finger"]   = "戒指";
ReagentData["location"]["trinket"]  = "饰品";
ReagentData["location"]["enchant"]  = "附魔";

-- Reagent Data: Professions (Skills that produce a finished product)
ReagentData["professions"] = {};
ReagentData["professions"]["alchemy"] = "炼金术";
ReagentData["professions"]["blacksmithing"] = "锻造";
ReagentData["professions"]["cooking"] = "烹饪";
ReagentData["professions"]["enchanting"] = "附魔";
ReagentData["professions"]["engineering"] = "工程学";
ReagentData["professions"]["firstaid"] = "急救";
ReagentData["professions"]["leatherworking"] = "制皮";
ReagentData["professions"]["tailoring"] = "裁缝";

-- Reagent Data: Gather Skills (Skills to gather/find reagents)
ReagentData["gathering"] = {};
ReagentData["gathering"]["fishing"] = "钓鱼";
ReagentData["gathering"]["herbalism"] = "草药学";
ReagentData["gathering"]["mining"] = "采矿";
ReagentData["gathering"]["skinning"] = "剥皮";


-- Reagent Data: QUEST ITEM Tables --

function ReagentData_LoadQuestItemsChinese()

-- Zul' Gurub quest items --

ReagentData["quest"] = {};
ReagentData["quest"]["Zul\'Gurub"] = {};
ReagentData["quest"]["Zul\'Gurub"]["item"] = {
--  ['coin'] = {
--       ['bloodscalp'] = "血顶硬币",
--       ['gurubashi'] = "古拉巴什硬币",
--       ['hakkari'] = "哈卡莱硬币",
--       ['razzashi'] = "拉扎什硬币",
--       ['sandfury'] = "沙怒硬币",
--       ['skullsplitter'] = "碎颅硬币",
--       ['vilebranch'] = "邪枝硬币",
--       ['witherbark'] = "枯木硬币",
--       ['zulian'] = "祖利安硬币",
--  },
--  ['bijou'] = {
--       ['blue'] = "蓝色哈卡莱宝石",
--       ['bronze'] = "青铜哈卡莱宝石",
--       ['gold'] = "金色哈卡莱宝石",
--       ['green'] = "绿色哈卡莱宝石",
--       ['orange'] = "橙色哈卡莱宝石",
--       ['purple'] = "紫色哈卡莱宝石",
--       ['red'] = "红色哈卡莱宝石",
--       ['silver'] = "银色哈卡莱宝石",
--       ['yellow'] = "黄色哈卡莱宝石",
--  },
    ["doll"] = {
                ["voodoo"] = "打孔的巫毒人偶",
  ['primal'] = {
       ['aegis'] = "原始哈卡莱之盾",
       ['armsplint'] = "原始哈卡莱护臂",
       ['bindings'] = "原始哈卡莱护腕",
       ['girdle'] = "原始哈卡莱束带",
       ['kossack'] = "原始哈卡莱套索",
       ['sash'] = "原始哈卡莱腰带",
       ['shawl'] = "原始哈卡莱披肩",
       ['stanchion'] = "原始哈卡莱直柱",
       ['tabard'] = "原始哈卡莱徽章",
           ["idol"] = "原始哈卡莱神像",
ReagentData["quest"]["Ruins of Anh\'Qiraj"] = {};
ReagentData["quest"]["Ruins of Anh\'Qiraj"]["item"] = {
    ["idol"] = {
        ["alabaster"] = "雪白雕像",
        ["amber"] = "琥珀雕像",
        ["azure"] = "碧蓝雕像",
        ["jasper"] = "翠玉雕像",
        ["lambent"] = "柔光雕像",
        ["obsidian"] = "黑曜石雕像",
        ["onyx"] = "玛瑙雕像",
        ["vermillion"] = "朱红雕像",
--[[    ["scarab"] = {
        ["bone"] = "白骨甲虫",
        ["bronze"] = "青铜甲虫",
        ["clay"] = "陶土甲虫",
        ["crystal"] = "水晶甲虫",
        ["ivory"] = "象牙甲虫",
        ["gold"] = "黄金甲虫",
        ["silver"] = "银质甲虫",
        ["stone"] = "岩石甲虫",
        ["hilt"] = {
                ["ornate"] = "其拉装饰护裙 ",
                ["spiked"] = "其拉尖刺护裙",
        ["ring"] = {
                ["ceremonial"] = "其拉典礼戒指",
                ["magisterial"] = "其拉将领戒指",
        ["drape"] = {
                ["martial"] = "其拉军用披风",
                ["regal"] = "其拉帝王披风",
ReagentData["quest"]["Anh\'Qiraj"] = {};
ReagentData["quest"]["Anh\'Qiraj"]["item"] = {
    ["idol"] = {
        ["death"] = "死亡塑像",
        ["life"] = "生命塑像",
        ["night"] = "夜晚塑像",
        ["rebirth"] = "复生塑像",
        ["sage"] = "先知塑像",
        ["strife"] = "征战塑像",
        ["sun"] = "太阳塑像",
        ["war"] = "战争塑像",
    ["scarab"] = {
        ["bone"] = "白骨甲虫",
        ["bronze"] = "青铜甲虫",
        ["clay"] = "陶土甲虫",
        ["crystal"] = "水晶甲虫",
        ["ivory"] = "象牙甲虫",
        ["gold"] = "黄金甲虫",
        ["silver"] = "银质甲虫",
        ["stone"] = "岩石甲虫",
    ["part"] = {
        ["command"] = "其拉命令腕轮",
        ["dominance"] = "其拉统御腕轮",
        ["circlet"] = "维克尼拉斯的头饰",
        ["diadem"] = "维克洛尔的王冠",
        ["hide"] = "奥罗的外皮",
        ["skin"] = "巨型沙虫的皮",
        ["carapace"] = "上古之神的甲壳",
        ["husk"] = "上古之神的外鞘",
ReagentData["quest"]["Naxxramas"] = {};
ReagentData["quest"]["Naxxramas"]["item"] = {
    ["scrap"] = {
                ["cloth"] = "布衣碎片",
                ["leather"] = "皮甲碎片",
                ["chain"] = "锁甲碎片",
                ["plate"] = "板甲碎片",
    ["desecrated"] = {
        ["belt"] = "被玷污的腰带",
        ["bindings"] = "被玷污的腕轮",
        ["boots"] = "被玷污的长靴",
        ["bracers"] = "被玷污的护腕",
        ["breastplate"] = "被玷污的胸甲",
        ["circlet"] = "被玷污的头环",
        ["gauntlets"] = "被玷污的护手",
        ["girdle"] = "被玷污的束带",
        ["gloves"] = "被玷污的手套",
        ["handguards"] = "被玷污的手甲",
        ["headpiece"] = "被玷污的头饰",
        ["helmet"] = "被玷污的头盔",
        ["leggings"] = "被玷污的护腿",
        ["legguards"] = "被玷污的腿甲",
        ["legplates"] = "被玷污的腿铠",
        ["pauldrons"] = "被玷污的肩铠",
        ["robe"] = "被玷污的长袍",
        ["sabatons"] = "被玷污的马靴",
        ["sandals"] = "被玷污的便鞋",
        ["shoulderpads"] = "被玷污的肩垫",
        ["spaulders"] = "被玷污的肩饰",
        ["tunic"] = "被玷污的外套",
        ["waistguard"] = "被玷污的护腰",
        ["wristguards"] = "被玷污的腕甲",
        ["other"] = {
                ["gem"] = {
                        ["arcanecrystal"] = "奥术水晶",
                ["shard"] = {
                        ["nexuscrystal"] = "连结水晶",
                ["bar"] = {
                        ["arcanite"] = "奥金棒",
                ["hide"] = {
                        ["curedrugged"] = "熟化毛皮",
                ["cloth"] = {
                        ["moon"] = "月布",


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