vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
RANGECOLOR_RELEASE = "14 October 2005";

if (GetLocale() == "enUS") then

        -- Bindings     
        BINDING_NAME_RANGECOLOR = "Range Color options menu.";
        -- Options
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH1 = {name = "OutOfRange_Icon", text = "Icon", tooltipText = "Change the color of the icon when its out of range"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH2 = {name = "OutOfRange_Border", text = "Border", tooltipText = "Change the color of the boder when its out of range"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH3 = {name = "OutOfRange_Hotkey", text = "Hotkey", tooltipText = "Change the color of the hotkey when its out of range"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH4 = {name = "NoMana_Icon", text = "Icon", tooltipText = "Change the color of the icon when no mana"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH5 = {name = "NoMana_Border", text = "Border", tooltipText = "Change the color of the boder when no mana"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH6 = {name = "NoMana_Hotkey", text = "Hotkey", tooltipText = "Change the color of the hotkey when no mana"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH7 = {name = "NotUsable_Icon", text = "Icon", tooltipText = "Change the color of the icon when its not usable"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH8 = {name = "NotUsable_Border", text = "Border", tooltipText = "Change the color of the boder when its not usable"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH9 = {name = "NotUsable_Hotkey", text = "Hotkey", tooltipText = "Change the color of the hotkey when its not usable"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH10 = {name = "Usable_Icon", text = "Icon", tooltipText = "Change the color of the icon when its ready"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH11 = {name = "Usable_Border", text = "Border", tooltipText = "Change the color of the boder when its ready"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH12 = {name = "Usable_Hotkey", text = "Hotkey", tooltipText = "Change the color of the icon when its ready"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_SLIDER1 = { name="Display", minText="Hotkey", maxText="Icon", tooltipText = "Shade the hotkey, the icon, or both"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_CHECK1 = { name = "Filter", tooltipText = "Show 'Shift' as 'S', same for 'Alt', 'Ctrl', etc."};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_CHECK2 = { name = "Dash", tooltipText = "Show 'S-1' as 'S1', Filter must be activated."};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_RESETTOOLTIPTEXT = "This will reset all the options to an initial value."
        -- myAddons Help
        RangeColorHelp = {};
        RangeColorHelp[1] = "|cff00ff00RangeColor Help|r\n\nType |cffffff00/rangecolor|r or |cffffff00/rc|r to open the options menu.\n\nUse the |cffff3300Reset|r button in the options menu to load the deafult options or to solve any errors.";

if (GetLocale() == "deDE") then

        -- translated by timcn
        -- Bindings     
        BINDING_HEADER_RANGECOLORHEADER = "Reichweitenfarbe";
        BINDING_NAME_RANGECOLOR = "\195\150ffnet das Reichweitenfarben-Men\195\188";
        -- Options
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH1 = {name = "OutOfRange_Icon", text = "Icon", tooltipText = "\195\132ndert die Farbe des Icons wenn das Ziel au\195\159er Reichweite ist"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH2 = {name = "OutOfRange_Border", text = "Rand", tooltipText = "\195\132ndert die Farbe des Randes wenn das Ziel au\195\159er Reichweite ist"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH3 = {name = "OutOfRange_Hotkey", text = "Tastenk\195\188rzel", tooltipText = "\195\132ndert die Farbe des Tastenk\195\188rzels wenn das Ziel au\195\159er Reichweite ist"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH4 = {name = "NoMana_Icon", text = "Icon", tooltipText = "\195\132ndert die Farbe des Icons wenn zu wenig Mana vorhanden ist"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH5 = {name = "NoMana_Border", text = "Rand", tooltipText = "\195\132ndert die Farbe des Randes wenn zu wenig Mana vorhanden ist"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH6 = {name = "NoMana_Hotkey", text = "Tastenk\195\188rzel", tooltipText = "\195\132ndert die Farbe des Tastenk\195\188rzels wenn zu wenig Mana vorhanden ist"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH7 = {name = "NotUsable_Icon", text = "Icon", tooltipText = "\195\132ndert die Farbe des Icons wenn es nicht benutzbar ist"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH8 = {name = "NotUsable_Border", text = "Rand", tooltipText = "\195\132ndert die Farbe des Randes wenn es nicht benutzbar ist"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH9 = {name = "NotUsable_Hotkey", text = "Tastenk\195\188rzel", tooltipText = "\195\132ndert die Farbe des Tastenk\195\188rzels wenn es nicht benutzbar ist"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH10 = {name = "Usable_Icon", text = "Icon", tooltipText = "\195\132ndert die Farbe des Icons wenn es bereit ist"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH11 = {name = "Usable_Border", text = "Rand", tooltipText = "\195\132ndert die Farbe des Randes wenn es bereit ist"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH12 = {name = "Usable_Hotkey", text = "Tastenk\195\188rzel", tooltipText = "\195\132ndert die Farbe des Tastenk\195\188rzels wenn es bereit ist"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_SLIDER1 = { name="Display", minText="Tastenk\195\188rzel", maxText="Icon", tooltipText = "Schattierung des Tastenk\195\188rzels, des Icons oder beider"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_CHECK1 = { name = "Filter", tooltipText = "Show 'Shift' as 'S', same for 'Alt', 'Ctrl', etc."};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_CHECK2 = { name = "Dash", tooltipText = "Show 'S-1' as 'S1', Filter must be activated."};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_RESETTOOLTIPTEXT = "This will reset all the options to an initial value."
                -- myAddons Help
        RangeColorHelp = {};
        RangeColorHelp[1] = "|cff00ff00RangeColor Help|r\n\nType |cffffff00/rangecolor|r or |cffffff00/rc|r to open the options menu.\n\nUse the |cffff3300Reset|r button in the options menu to load the deafult options or to solve any errors.";

if (GetLocale() == "frFR") then

        -- translated by Feu
        -- Bindings     
        BINDING_NAME_RANGECOLOR = "Menu d'options de Range Color.";
        -- Options
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH1 = {name = "OutOfRange_Icon", text = "Icon", tooltipText = "Change la couleur de l'ic\195\180ne quand hors de port\195\169e"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH2 = {name = "OutOfRange_Border", text = "Border", tooltipText = "Change la couleur de la bordure quand hors de port\195\169e"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH3 = {name = "OutOfRange_Hotkey", text = "Hotkey", tooltipText = "Change la couleur du raccourci quand hors de port\195\169e"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH4 = {name = "NoMana_Icon", text = "Icon", tooltipText = "Change la couleur de l'ic\195\180ne quand plus de mana"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH5 = {name = "NoMana_Border", text = "Border", tooltipText = "Change la couleur de la bordure quand plus de mana"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH6 = {name = "NoMana_Hotkey", text = "Hotkey", tooltipText = "Change la couleur du raccourci quand plus de mana"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH7 = {name = "NotUsable_Icon", text = "Icon", tooltipText = "Change la couleur de l'ic\195\180ne quand non utilisable"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH8 = {name = "NotUsable_Border", text = "Border", tooltipText = "Change la couleur de la bordure quand non utilisable"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH9 = {name = "NotUsable_Hotkey", text = "Hotkey", tooltipText = "Change la couleur du raccourci quand non utilisable"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH10 = {name = "Usable_Icon", text = "Icon", tooltipText = "Change la couleur de l'ic\195\180ne quand pr\195\180t"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH11 = {name = "Usable_Border", text = "Border", tooltipText = "Change la couleur de la bordure quand pr\195\170t"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_COLORWATCH12 = {name = "Usable_Hotkey", text = "Hotkey", tooltipText = "Change la couleur du raccourci quand pr\195\170t"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_SLIDER1 = { name="Display", minText="Hotkey", maxText="Icon", tooltipText = "Assombrir le raccourci, l'ic\195\180, ou les deux"};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_CHECK1 = { name = "Filter", tooltipText = "Affiche 'S' au lieu de 'Shift', de m\195\170me pour 'Alt', 'Ctrl', etc."};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_CHECK2 = { name = "Dash", tooltipText = "Affiche 'S1' au lieu de 'S-1'. Le filtre doit \195\170tre activ\195\169."};
        RANGECOLOROPTIONS_RESETTOOLTIPTEXT = "This will reset all the options to an initial value."
                -- myAddons Help
        RangeColorHelp = {};
        RangeColorHelp[1] = "|cff00ff00RangeColor Help|r\n\nType |cffffff00/rangecolor|r or |cffffff00/rc|r to open the options menu.\n\nUse the |cffff3300Reset|r button in the options menu to load the deafult options or to solve any errors.";

Generated by GNU Enscript