vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

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OLDER PATCH NOTES and Description Text

        Assumptions:            Title of quest in QuestFrameRewardPanel is the same as the title that
                                                displays in the QuestLog
                                                        - If this assumption is wrong, the quest will not be marked
                                                          completed and instead, a new quest will be logged.

                                                A quest cannot be accepted again after it has been successfully
                                                        - This assumption is not correct for all quests. QuestHistory uses
                                                          the quest title and description to distinguish between different
                                                          quests. If the same quest is accepted again, the addon will not
                                                          recognize it as new and will instead just update the data for
                                                          the old instance of the quest. This problem will not affect
                                                          quests that are never actually accepted (i.e. ones that never
                                                          show up in the game's Quest Log).

                                                The QuestRewardCompleteButton_OnClick function is always called when a
                                                quest is completed - player must click on Complete button or game does
                                                not register quest as complete
                                                        - If this assumption is wrong, some quests may be completed that
                                                          the addon will not catch. This would mean that the quests would
                                                          not be marked completed.

                                                Only one quest can be fully completed at a time (i.e. clicking one
                                                time on the Complete button will never complete 2 quests)
                                                        - QuestHistory only keeps track of the last quest that was completed
                                                          for purposes of updating completion data such as XP reward,
                                                          completed location, etc. If two quests can be completed at once,
                                                          QuestHistory will only update one of them.

                                                The NPC that gives or completes a quest is always targeted when the
                                                player accepts/completes a quest
                                                        - If this assumption is wrong, then the data stored for Quest Giver
                                                          and Quest Completer could be wrong.

                                                Description of quest when accepted is the same as description shown in
                                                        - If this assumption is wrong, QuestHistory will not always
                                                          recognize which quest was the most recently accepted. Thus some
                                                          accepted data will not be recorded (i.e. Quest Giver, accepted
                                                          time, etc.).

        Version History:
                2.71    - Removed the 0,0 traps, as I've only received reports of 0,0's inside instances since adding the traps.
                                  Since instances are ALWAYS going to be 0,0, we are going to assume that things are kosher at the moment.
                2.7     - Changed Unknown Entity search string to global (so all languages should be covered) [Thanks, Asjaskan]
                                - Now strips any third-party quest level-adding addon text from the titles [Thanks, Asjaskan]
                                - Added new trap for 0,0 coordinate bug. Please report any codes you might see!
                                - Added possible 0,0 fix, using a WorldMap show/hide cycler.
                                - Finally fixed the delay on subsequent accepted quests (speed-accept bug).
                                - Fixed errors that occurred upon login if you weren't an existing QH user.
                                - Updated to TOC 1800.
                2.6     - Fixed Unknown Entity bug, and updated for Patch 1700 (by Dsanai)
                                  If this version doesn't work, don't blame Jasters.
                2.52    - Changed some code so that the LogCurrentQuests function is allowed to run
                                  more frequently. This should resolve the problem where some data wasn't
                                  being recorded.

                                - Fixed the US version from loading the French localization.

                2.51    - Fixed a problem where some old data was not being upgraded to the new format.
                                  This should resolve the errors with the repair function as well.

                                - Added some checks to the repair function so that it won't fail if it
                                  encounters unknown data.

                                - Added some new strings to the French and German localizations. (Thanks Juki
                                  and Maischter!)

                2.50    - Updated to work with the 1.3.1 WoW patch (1300).

                                - Changed the way data is stored to reduce the size of QuestHistory's portion
                                  of SavedVariables.lua.

                                - Added the ability to view the quests for characters other than the currently
                                  logged-in one.

                                - Changed the colors of the displayed quests so that current quests will show
                                  the difficulty color and added the ability to select colors for abandoned
                                  and completed quests.

                                - Added the ability to edit and delete quests. By default, these abilities are
                                  inactive, but they can be turned on in the Options window. Then right-clicking
                                  on a quest will edit it and shift-right-clicking on a quest will delete it.

                                - Added the ability to manually add a quest.

                                - Added a delete character button that will completely remove a character's
                                  history. This cannot be used on the currently logged-in character.

                                - Added a repair function that will attempt to repair quest data. This can
                                  sometimes resolve "nil" errors. Also, this can be used to remove duplicate
                                  quests and "Port to Auberdine/Menethil" quests.

                                - Added an option to stop logging "Port to Auberdine/Menethil" quests. This
                                  option is enabled by default.

                                - Modified the hooked version of the QuestRewardCompleteButton_OnClick function
                                  so that duplicate quests should not be recorded.

                                - Added French and German translations from Juki and Tenvans. Thanks!

                                - Fixed the anchoring of the "Next" button in QuestHistoryDetailFrame.

                2.0.2   - Updated to work with the 1.2.3 WoW patch (4211).

                2.0.1   - Modified the hooked version of the QuestRewardCompleteButton_OnClick function
                                  to get the time completed before calling the original function. This should
                                  ensure that the time completed is recorded correctly without causing a nil

                                - Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent quest XP from being recorded.

                2.0             - Added code to prevent logging function from being run too many times
                                  in a short period of time. This should resolve the lockup issue.

                                - Added an options window that gives the user control over which types
                                  of quests are displayed (abandoned, completed or current) in the list.

                                - Added options for choosing what quest data is logged. This can be used
                                  to reduce the size of QuestHistory's portion of SavedVariables.lua.

                                - Added some hooks to MapNotes to allow creation of map notes for quest NPC
                                  locations. This additional functionality only works if MapNotes is also
                                  installed, but MapNotes is in no way necessary for the rest of the addon
                                  to work as expected.

                                - Added some simple search functionality to filter quests by inputted text.

                                - Changed the way the sort by completed order works so that abandoned
                                  quests are grouped together.

                                - Changed some of the displays to work better with 1024x768 resolutions.

                                - Added code to resolve the known nil errors. Also added more code to
                                  hopefully prevent future ones from occurring.

                                - Reworked some of the functions and added more commenting.

                                - Rewrote much of the XML code and broke it up into separate files.

                1.2.1   - Fixed annoying bug preventing QuestHistory from loading when using a
                                  character that had no prior quest history from a previous version.

                1.2             - Fixed spell rewards not displaying correctly. The spell name and
                                  texture now show correctly but the tooltip is still not working.
                                  This is because the GetQuestItemLink() function does not seem to
                                  work with spell rewards.

                                - Changed how failed quests are determined. Hopefully, this will fix
                                  the problem of quests not being marked failed.

                                - Added logging of played time when quest is accepted/completed.

                                - Added tooltips to display quest notes when hovering over quests in list.

                                - Rewrote and reorganized some functions to streamline processing and make
                                  the code simpler.

                1.1.1   - Updated to work with the 1.2.1 WoW patch (4150).

                1.1             - Fixed display of objectives in detail view so that they still show
                                  as completed after the quest is completed.

                                - Fixed some of the sort functions which were not working correctly.

                                - Fixed an error that could occur if a quest was completed without
                                  ever having been accepted. This could occur if the quest giver and
                                  quest completer were the same and the player had already completed
                                  all the objectives before first talking to the NPC.

                                - Rewrote the function hooks so that if an error occurs in the
                                  QuestHistory script, the game will still continue.

                                - Added more error-checking to functions to eliminate some if not all
                                  nil errors.

                1.0             Initial Release

        Please report any PRAISE to (he's the original author)
        Please report any BUGS to

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