vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
0.58 - April 15, 2006
 - CombatDisplay: Will now correctly color focus for targeted pets
 - CombatDisplay: Removed some checks for pet power text formatting
 - CombatDisplay/Party/Pet/Player: Removed some checks for power bar coloring
 - Config: Fixed a minor issue in the XML on the Raid page

0.57 - April 14, 2006
 - Config: Updated options available for Perl_Raid
 - Config: Added some sanity checks to the Load Global Settings feature
 - Pet: Buffs and Debuffs in position 3 and 4 will no longer overlap the experience bar

0.56 - April 12, 2006
 - All: Progressively colored health bars is now a global variable
 - All: Updated myAddOns slash command information
 - Config: Added Perl_Party_Pet support
 - Config: Updated options available for Perl_Raid
 - Config: Fixed a minor issue in the XML on the All page
 - Party: Removed two events that were no longer being used
 - Party: Fixed a bug regarding enabling pets in healer mode
 - Party: The pet bar will now correctly color the background bar in progressive color mode
 - Pet: Added the ability to display a portrait

0.55 - April 9, 2006
 - All: Localization has been converted to global variables
 - CombatDisplay/Party/Pet/Player/Target: Removed menu initializing code from OnLoad
 - Config: Added two menu buttons for future mod releases
 - Config: Added Perl_Raid support
 - Party: Corrected an issue with inverted party frames and pets
 - Pet: Can now drop food on the pet frame to feed the pet
 - Target: Moved the RareElite frame to the left in compact mode
 - Target: Name frame combo point bar is now red and no longer changes color and is no longer transparent

0.54 - April 4, 2006
 - CombatDisplay: The pet bars now correctly hide for non pet classes
 - Target: Fixed a bug with the length of the name frame combo point bar

0.53 - April 4, 2006
 - CombatDisplay: Added pet support to the player frame
 - CombatDisplay/Party/Pet/Player/Target: Added Genesis support
 - CombatDisplay/Party/Pet/Player/Target: Updated TOC files to reflect the newly supported mods

0.52 - April 2, 2006
 - All: If Alt, Shift, or Ctrl is held while right clicking on a frame, the menu will not appear
 - CombatDisplay: Can no longer open the menu from the CombatDisplay frames if CastParty is installed
 - CombatDisplay/Party/Pet/Player/Target: Added CastParty support
 - Party/Pet/Player/Target: Can only open the menu via right clicking on the name frame if CastParty is installed
 - Party/Pet/Player/Target: CastParty clicks are no longer caught when clicking in the name frame
 - ToT: Extended the width of the alert frame

0.51 - March 28, 2006
 - Config: The Not Installed page is now formatted for the new wider config frame
 - Party: Mousing over the name frame will now display the proper tooltip

0.50 - March 28, 2006
 - All: Updated TOC Interface version to 11000
 - All: Changed a lot of XML regarding 1.10 click to cast functionality
 - All: Can now only open the menu for a particular frame by right clicking
 - All: New characters will now be welcomed by a much cleaner frame layout
 - CombatDisplay: No longer calls double events due to the target portion
 - CombatDisplay/Pet/ToT: Now behaves like the other mods in regards to left and right clicking
 - CombatDisplay/Pet/Player/Target: Monitoring more events for more accurate information
 - Config: Changed the minimap button to blend in a bit better
 - Config: Expanded the width of the GUI to allow more options to be added later
 - Party: Will now display 16 buffs and debuffs
 - Party: Buffs in slots 9 through 16 will now correctly display their tooltip
 - Party: Fixed an issue with the reset buff code
 - Party: Added the option to toggle self castable and curable spells on party members (Thanks SteppinRazor)
 - Party: Added 3D portraits as an option
 - Party: Can now move the party frame by left clicking on any of its frames
 - Party/Pet: Can now indepently size buffs and debuffs
 - Pet: Experience bar will auto hide when a pet is the same level as the player
 - Player: Can now track a selected faction in place of the experience bar
 - Player: Removed a frame level setting from the XML for the experience bar
 - Player: Made a small tweak to the portrait code
 - Target: Added different layout style similar to the player and party frames
 - Target: Can now toggle the background for buffs and debuffs
 - Target: Can now display combo points in the name frame
 - Target: Can now display debuff stacking in the name and combo point frame (Thanks Nymbia)
 - Target: No longer displays the incorrect 3D portrait for targets who are out of range
 - Target: Removed an old safety check regarding the number of buffs shown
 - ToT: Extended the width of the alert frame
 - ToT: Added 2 buttons in the GUI to allow preset window positions

0.49 - March 10, 2006
 - Party: F Keys now show the correct key
 - Party: Fixed a bug regarding forceful updates of pets
 - Party: Added the inverted spacing code to forceful updates of pets

0.48 - March 10, 2006
 - Party: Added toggleable 2D portrait frames
 - Party: Added F Key indicators to the name frame
 - Party: Levels should no longer display 0
 - Party: Monitoring more events to prevent large percents
 - Party: Changed PvP detection code to that of the default interface
 - Party: Will not adjust correctly when frames are inverted
 - Party: Can now right click on more of the frame to get the menu
 - Player/Target: Can now left and right click on more of the frame to get the appropriate action

0.47 - March 3, 2006
 - CombatDisplay: Changed how the status bars are oriented to be more dynamic
 - CombatDisplay/Player: Added Druid Bar support
 - Player: Switching the XP bar from Hidden to PvP will now correctly color the bar

0.46 - March 1, 2006
 - Player/Target: 3D portraits will no longer change views
 - Target: Added a frame to more easily identify the elite, rare, and boss status of your target
 - Target: Shortened the name length cut off by one character
 - ToT: Healer mode will now correctly alert when you gain agro from a tank
 - ToT: Healer mode will no longer spam you when an enemy player has you targetted

0.45 - February 25, 2006
 - Party: Added another check for hidden status
 - Party: Fixed incorrect data being shown when reloading the interface without relogging
 - Pet: Removed the happiness frame for warlocks
 - Pet: Warlock pets will now display mana as mana instead of focus
 - Player: Your name will now be above the casting bar if ArcaneBar is being used
 - Player: Clicking on the portrait frame will now target yourself
 - Player/Target: Added 3D portraits as an option
 - Player/Target: Can now toggle combat text display on the portrait
 - ToT: Added visual and audio alerts for three different types of situations
 - ToT: Fixed a bug regarding MobHealth toggling

0.44 - February 17, 2006
 - All: Added another condition to the negative health check
 - Config: Fixed a window position bug when scales were not equal (Thanks Vudoo)
 - Party: Fixed a compact mode bug
 - Party: Changed a function name that was clearly wrong
 - Party/Player: Added the option to display health and mana percent in compact mode
 - Player: Removed some unused code

0.43 - February 16, 2006
 - All: Changed negative health detection to something more effective
 - Party: Added code to prevent pet health from looking weird
 - Party: Should now correctly retain their hidden or shown status when zoning
 - Player: Portrait will correctly display when logging in
 - Target: Portrait will update without retargeting

0.42 - February 14, 2006
 - CombatDisplay: Fixed a minor text bug regarding mobhealth support
 - Config: Added a Reset Frame Position button
 - Config: Global settings will now save window position
 - Config: Made some minor text and alignment tweaks to some options
 - Player/Target: Added a toggleable portrait frame and combat text display
 - Target: Combo point frame now adjusts depending on the status of the portrait mode

0.41 - February 5, 2006
 - All: Korean translations updated (Thanks gygabyte)

0.40 - January 28, 2006
 - All: WoW Korea is now supported (Thanks tank1pt)

0.39 - January 28, 2006
 - All: WoW China is now supported (Thanks Mickey.Mee)
 - CombatDisplay/Target: Made some very minor tweaks

0.38 - January 26, 2006
 - All: Removed all old slash commands, use "/perl" to configure the mod

0.37 - January 25, 2006
 - Target: The combo point indicator is now always large as to avoid a blocky looking text

0.36 - January 25, 2006
 - All: Added more sanity checks for the load global settings feature
 - Config: Removed the old minimap icon from the package
 - Target: Buffs and Debuffs can now be scaled

0.35 - January 24, 2006
 - Target: Civilian frame is now colored white again in solid background mode

0.34 - January 24, 2006
 - All: Added the ability to toggle solid black and transparent backgrounds
 - Config: Can now load and save global settings for different characters
 - Config: Fixed a potential variable scope issue
 - Config: Added a version number to the top right of the options menu
 - Config: Changed the minimap icon to something more appropriate (Thanks medivh)
 - Party/Player/Pet/Target: Using a different event unregister function from patch 1.8
 - Target: Buff/Debuff tooltips will now extend to the right instead of the left

0.33 - January 21, 2006
 - CombatDisplay: The target frame will now correctly scale, texture, and set transparency

0.32 - January 21, 2006
 - All: Moved localization values to Perl_Config
 - All: Added support for WoW Taiwan (Thanks pentwo)
 - CombatDisplay: Added a target box for quicker comparison
 - Config: Added a minimap button to toggle the options window
 - Party: Can now align the party frame horizontally
 - Player: Fixed master looter icon from displaying after disbanding a raid

0.31 - January 11, 2006
 - All: Added transparency settings for all mods requiring it
 - All: Perl_Config is now a required dependency for all mods
 - All: Health should no longer be reported as negative when someone is dead
 - All: Frames now have a black background and are no longer semi-transparent
 - Config: Added a close button to the top right of the GUI
 - Config: Fixed the lock button on the Player menu
 - Config: Fixed a bug preventing pet buff and debuffs to be configured if Perl_Target was not installed
 - Config: Can no longer click through the menu to frames behind it
 - Config: Should now correctly place itself on top of other mods for easier use
 - Config: Now displays a notice when you try to view a menu for a mod that is not installed
 - Party: Changed how the default party frames were hidden to hopefully be more effective
 - Party/Pet: Can now customize buff and debuff location via the GUI
 - Player: Added a function to get combat status via the "Perl_Player_InCombat()" function
 - Target: Now displays in a very annoying fashion if your target is a civilian
 - Target: Tweaked the combo point frame to the right to be correctly spaced

0.30 - January 7, 2006
 - Config: Fixed a Target_Target menu error
 - Party: Default party frames are now forced hidden
 - Target: Fixed a typo that was causing an error in the GUI

0.29 - January 7, 2006
 - Config: The GUI is now here!
 - Party: Hidden mode should now persist on zoning
 - Player: Master looter icon will now correctly disappear

0.28 - January 3, 2006
 - All: TOC number updated
 - All: Scaling now acts like pre 1.9
 - All: Scaling values will now be rounded down to the nearest whole number

0.27 - December 21, 2005
 - Party/Target/ToT: Added 3rd party tooltip support
 - ToT: Correctly remembers and sets scale

0.26 - December 19, 2005
 - All: Progressively colored bars will now change the background bar color as well
 - Party: Fixed a UnitFactionGroup error that would occur randomly
 - Party/Player: Mouseover stats in healer mode will no longer disappear when it updates
 - ToT: Added Target of Target and Target of Target of Target support

0.25 - December 9, 2005
 - CombatDisplay: Can now click on bars instead of just the background
 - CombatDisplay: Right click will now bring up the group menu
 - CombatDisplay: Left click will now target yourself
 - Party: Will hide correctly in raids again
 - Party/Player/Target - Changed the localization code to be easier to expand and change
 - Target: Changed two French translations to work in any text editor
 - Target: Creature type localization is now finished for French and German clients

0.24 - December 7, 2005
 - CombatDisplay/Pet: Previous power type changes now applied
 - Party: Added disconnect status support
 - Party: Cleaned up the events so it does not update excessively in raids when groups are changing
 - Party/Player: Added PvP status icons
 - Party/Player: Added a "healer mode" via "/ppty healer" (replace ppty with slash command)
 - Party/Player: Previous power type changes are now applied to compact mode
 - Party/Target: Made minor speed improvements
 - Party/Player/Target: Added French and German support for class icons
 - Player: Added master looter icon support
 - Player: Cleaned up and removed some unnecessary events
 - Target: Added PvP rank icon via "/pt rank"
 - Target: Updated the status command to display all the current settings

0.23 - November 28, 2005
 - All: Added the option to progressively color health bars via "/pt health" (replace pt with slash command)
 - Party: Fixed a debuff alignment issue for party members with pets
 - Party/Player: Only mana displays a percent now
 - Pet: Fixed an issue that prevented the experience bar from being updated if the player was level 60
 - Target: Extended the creature type frame to accommodate other fonts
 - Target: PvP status icons are now coded like the blizzard frame
 - Target: Name color is now coded like the blizzard frame (now supports npc faction colors)
 - Target: Changed how energy, focus, and rage are displayed to more accurately show the values

0.22 - November 22, 2005
 - Party: Can now toggle the display of pets via "/ppty pets"
 - Pet: Fixed a pet debuff error

0.21 - November 21, 2005
 - All: Added code to disable the default unit frames (Thanks Nymbia!)
 - Pet: Buffs/Debuffs are now smaller and on two rows
 - Pet: Can now set how many buffs/debuffs to show
 - Pet: Added debuff stacking support
 - Pet: Fixed the error when right clicking on the name frame, menu now properly opens
 - Pet/Player: Can now select by clicking anywhere in pet frame
 - Pet/Player/Target: Removed some hooks that are no longer needed
 - Player: Added max level and rank checking for the experience bar and tooltip
 - Player: The tooltip on the experience bar in PvP mode now shows PvP info instead of experience
 - Player/Target: Removed the toggle command
 - Target: Removed the saved variable for the toggle command
 - Target: Changing the number of debuffs will now take effect immediately
 - Target: Now creates a second row when there are more than 8 buffs/debuffs

0.20 - November 19, 2005
 - All: Scaling now supported via "/pp scale #" (100 is default, replace pp with corresponding slash command)
 - Party: Pet support added
 - Target: Now plays the same sound as the default target frame when selecting/changing targets
 - Target: MobHealth support state is now saved across sessions
 - Target: Fixed a string to number comparison error

0.19 - November 14, 2005
 - Party: Can now click anywhere on the party frame to select the unit (Thanks to Grumpey @ WoWInterface!)
 - Party: The hide command has been reworked and now has a hide while in raid option via "/ppty hide"
 - Party: Compact mode now takes effect instantly
 - Party: Can now specify the spacing between the party frames via "/ppty space #" (80 is default)
 - Player: Percents are now calculated more efficiently
 - Target: Correctly enforces the 16 buff limit now
 - Target: "Not specified" NPCs will not classify as "Creature"
 - Target: Now aligns correctly with the player frame when player frame is in xp mode 3

0.18 - November 9, 2005
 - Party: Fixed party names not displaying correctly (Huge thanks to noraj & jbcc @ WoWInterface!)
 - Party: Fixed class icons not displaying correctly

0.17 - November 9, 2005
 - Target: Changed the max buffs shown to 16 for future tweaking purposes
 - Target: Fixed the debuffs slash command so it correctly reports its new value
 - Target: NPCs now show their creature type instead of class

0.16 - November 7, 2005
 - CombatDisplay: Fixed an error that would display 0/0 on the bars upon login
 - Player: Added current raid group number and is toggleable via "/pp raid"
 - Target: Moved combo point frame to the right side and slid the stats frame to the left
 - Target: Readded the PvP status icon and is toggleable via "/pt pvp"

0.15 - November 1, 2005
 - Party: Displays 12 buffs now
 - Party: Added debuff stacking support
 - Party: Compact mode no longer requires you to reload the ui via the console
 - Party: Added the ability to hide the party frame via "/ppty hide" (note: it is still doing all the calculations)
 - Pet: Changed the experience bar color to match the player frame
 - Player: Changed the experience bar color so it does not get mistaken with the mana bar
 - Player: Added the player's next level info to the experience bar tooltip
 - Target: 0 Buffs/Debuffs now works properly again
 - Target: Tweaked the alignment of the level frame

0.14 - October 30, 2005
 - Party: Tooltips on debuffs are now working
 - Party: Now only the top party member's name is the draggable area
 - Party: Moved debuffs up near the name frame in order to save vertical space
 - Pet: Added an experience bar for the pet via "/ppp xp"
 - Pet: Fixed a bug with default variables not being loaded when updating
 - Pet: Extended name frame to match the length better
 - Pet: The full length of the name frame is now the draggable area
 - Player: The full length of the name frame is now the draggable area
 - Player: Compact mode now correctly resizes the experience bar
 - Target: Class Frame now remembers your setting when you relog

0.13 - October 29, 2005
 - All: Cleaned up some XML
 - CombatDisplay: Fixed frame hiding prematurely when always show was set
 - Party: Added the party frame
 - Player: Added a compact mode via "/pp compact"
 - Player: Extended name frame to align correctly in compact mode
 - Target: Changed the "class" command to "icon"
 - Target: Class icon was resized to fit properly in the name frame
 - Target: Now displays the target's class in text, use "/pt class" to toggle

0.12 - October 23, 2005
 - CombatDisplay: No longer displays when you change forms as a druid out of combat
 - Pet: Correctly displays warlock pet mana

0.11 - October 23, 2005
 - CombatDisplay: Rewrote to work much better with events
 - CombatDisplay: Now properly saves settings

0.10 - October 22, 2005
 - Player: Fixed a bug with the new experience bar toggle
 - Target: Added some missing semicolons
 - Target: MobHealth support is now toggleable via '/pt mobhealth'

0.09 - October 22, 2005
 - Player: Experience bar is now toggleable, check "/pp" for usage
 - Player: Fixed a bug where it would show you in combat after zoning
 - Pet/Player/Target: Unset variables due to upgrading are now assigned their default value
 - Target: Added sanity checks to the buff/debuff slash commands

0.08 - October 20, 2005
 - Player: Minor code optimizations
 - Target: Minor code optimizations
 - Target: Added debuff stacking support

0.07 - October 20, 2005
 - Pet: Changed Perl_Pet directory to Perl_Player_Pet (Delete the old Perl_Pet directory)
 - Pet: Name correctly sets itself now
 - Pet: Minor code optimizations
 - Pet: Slash commands now work
 - Pet: Extended the pet name frame to accommodate longer pet names
 - Pet: Energy/Mana/Rage for your pet now updates correctly
 - Player: No longer displays out of combat prematurely
 - Target: Energy/Mana/Rage for pets now updates correctly
 - Target: No longer glitches out when changing the number of buffs/debuffs while something is targeted
 - Target: Correctly displays 0 to 20 buffs and 0 to 16 debuffs

0.06 - October 16, 2005
 - Target: Added MobHealth support (Thanks Neriak!)

0.05 - October 15, 2005
 - Pet: Made the player's pet window its own mod (also event driven now)
 - Pet: Window is now moveable again
 - Player: Added event driven updates
 - Target: Fixed pvp status updates

0.04 - October 10, 2005
 - Target: Almost completely rewrote the target frame
 - Target: Now 99% event driven
 - Target: Added support for rare and rare elite mobs in the target level
 - Target: Added the ability to toggle the class icon off for players

0.03 - October 6, 2005
 - All: Fixed myAddOn support in the player frame and added it for CombatDisplay
 - CombatDisplay: Added CombatDisplay to the package after tweaking it a little to fix some bugs
 - Target: Target window updates a little less than before so it should cause less lag

0.02 - September 28, 2005
 - All: Added myAddOns support
 - All: Fixed excessive initializing messages
 - Pet: Player Pet Frame no longer errors when you right click the pet's name
 - Player: Added the "status" command
 - Player: Fixed the dead zone below the player frame

0.01 - September 25, 2005
 - Initial release

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