vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
PERFECTRAID.CURSE               = "Curse"
PERFECTRAID.MAGIC               = "Magic"
PERFECTRAID.POISON              = "Poison"
PERFECTRAID.GHOST               = "Ghost"
PERFECTRAID.SOULSTONE   = "Soulstone Resurrection"

PERFECTRAID.COLORS["Curse"]             = "|cFFCC0000Cu |r"
PERFECTRAID.COLORS["Magic"]             = "|cFF660099Ma |r"
PERFECTRAID.COLORS["Poison"]            = "|cFF006600Po |r"
PERFECTRAID.COLORS["Disease"]           = "|cFF666600Di |r"
PERFECTRAID.COLORS["LowMana"]           = "|cFFFFFF00Mana |r"
PERFECTRAID.COLORS["FeignDeath"]        = "|cFF00E6C6FD |r"
PERFECTRAID.COLORS["Soulstone"]         = "|cFFCA21FFSS |r"
PERFECTRAID.COLORS["Innervate"]         = "|cFF00FF33Inn |r"
PERFECTRAID.COLORS["PowerInfusion"]     = "|cFF00FF33PwI |r"


PERFECTRAID.CHAT_COMMANDS       = { "/perfectraid", "/praid"}
                option  = "align",
                desc    = "Changes the alignment of the raid frames",
                input   = TRUE,
                method  = "Align",
                args    = {
                                option  = "left",
                                desc    = "Aligns the frames for a left-sided display.",
                                option  = "right",
                                desc    = "Aligns the frames for a right-sided display.",
                option  = "hide",
                desc    = "Hides the frames.",
                method  = "Hide",
                option  = "show",
                desc    = "Shows the frames.",
                method  = "Show",
                option  = "reset",
                desc    = "Resets all options to default (including location).",
                method  = "Reset",
                option  = "truncate",
                desc    = "Toggles between truncating names, and expanding to fit them.",
                method  = "Truncate",
                option  = "backdrop",
                desc    = "Sets the backdrop frame's alpha.",
                method  = "SetBackdrop",
                input   = TRUE,
                args    = {
                                option  = "bar",
                                desc    = "Sets the backdrop of the status bars. Usage: /praid bar backdrop r g b a",
                                input   = TRUE,
                                option  = "frame",
                                desc    = "Sets the backdrop of the PerfectRaid frame. Usage: /praid bar backdrop r g b a",
                                input   = TRUE,
                option  = "manathreshold",
                desc    = "Changes the \"Low Mana\" threshold (in percent 0-100).",
                input   = TRUE,
                method  = "SetLowMana",
                option  = "scale",
                desc    = "Changes the Scaling of the frames (0.1 - 2.0)",
                input   = TRUE,
                method  = "SetScale",
                option  = "voffset",
                desc    = "Changes the seperator between sorted groups/classes (Negative numbers move frames down)",
                input   = TRUE,
                method  = "SetVoffset",
                option  = "sort",
                desc    = "Changes the sort order of the frames.",
                input   = TRUE,
                method  = "Sort",
                args    = {
                                option  = "class",
                                desc    = "Sorts by class name.",
                                option  = "group",
                                desc    = "Sorts by group number, then by player name.",
                                option  = "raid",
                                desc    = "Sorts by raid id (not very useful).",
                                option  = "name",
                                desc    = "Sorts by player name.",
                                option  = "groupclass",
                                desc    = "Sorts by group number, then by class name.",
                option  = "select",
                desc    = "Allows you to highlight a portion of the raid",
                input   = TRUE,
                method  = "Select",
                args    = {
                                option  = "group",
                                desc    = "Selects all members of a raid group. Must specify group number.",
                                input   = TRUE,
                                option  = "class",
                                desc    = "Selects all members of a specific class.  Must specify class",
                                input   = TRUE
                                option  = "all",
                                desc    = "Selects all members of the raid.",
                                option  = "none",
                                desc    = "Removes all selections.",
                                option  = "number",
                                desc    = "Shows each raid member's group number.",
                option  = "need",
                desc    = "Sorts the raid by who has the most NEED for something",
                input   = TRUE,
                method  = "SortNeed",
                args    = {
                                option  = "off",
                                desc    = "Turns need mode off, and sorts by default sort order.",
                                option  = "heal",
                                desc    = "Sorts by missing hit points, descending.",
                                input   = TRUE
                                option  = "curse",
                                desc    = "Sorts by those members who are cursed.",
                                option  = "magic",
                                desc    = "Sorts by those members who have a magic debuff.",
                                option  = "disease",
                                desc    = "Sorts by those members who have a disease.",
                                option  = "poison",
                                desc    = "Sorts by those members who have a poison debuff.",
                                option  = "anycure",
                                desc    = "Sorts by those members who have a debuff you can cure.",
                option  = "filter",
                desc    = "Filter debuffs to only those you can cure",
                method  = "ToggleFilter",
                option  = "rangecheck",
                desc    = "When casting spells, makes units you can't target slightly transparent.",
                method  = "ToggleRangeCheck",

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