vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
--$Id: locals.lua 8366 2006-08-18 12:53:47Z gamefaq $ 

-- zhCN localization by hk2717
-- deDE localization by Gamefaq

local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("OneBank")

L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function()
    return {
                ["First Bag"]   = true,
                ["Turns display of your first bag on and off."] = true,
                ["Second Bag"]  = true,
                ["Turns display of your second bag on and off."]        = true,
                ["Third Bag"]   = true,
                ["Turns display of your third bag on and off."] = true,
                ["Fourth Bag"]  = true,
                ["Turns display of your fourth bag on and off."]        = true,
                ["Fifth Bag"]   = true,
                ["Turns display of your fifth bag on and off."] = true,
                ["Sixth Bag"]   = true,
                ["Turns display of your sixth bag on and off."] = true,
                ["'s Bank Bags"]        = true,

L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function()
    return {
                ["First Bag"]   = "第一个包",
                ["Turns display of your first bag on and off."] = "切换是否显示第一个包。",
                ["Second Bag"]  = "第二个包",
                ["Turns display of your second bag on and off."]        = "切换是否显示第二个包。",
                ["Third Bag"]   = "第三个包",
                ["Turns display of your third bag on and off."] = "切换是否显示第三个包。",
                ["Fourth Bag"]  = "第四个包",
                ["Turns display of your fourth bag on and off."]        = "切换是否显示第四个包。",
                ["Fifth Bag"]   = "第五个包",
                ["Turns display of your fifth bag on and off."] = "切换是否显示第五个包。",
                ["Sixth Bag"]   = "第六个包",
                ["Turns display of your sixth bag on and off."] = "切换是否显示第六个包。",
                ["'s Bank Bags"]        = "的银行",

L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function()
    return {
                ["First Bag"]   = "Erste Tasche",
                ["Turns display of your first bag on and off."] = "Schaltet das Anzeigen der ersten Tasche an und aus",
                ["Second Bag"]  = "Zweite Tasche",
                ["Turns display of your second bag on and off."]        = "Schaltet das Anzeigen der zweiten Bank Tasche an und aus",
                ["Third Bag"]   = "Dritte Tasche",
                ["Turns display of your third bag on and off."] = "Schaltet das Anzeigen der dritten Tasche an und aus",
                ["Fourth Bag"]  = "Vierte Tasche",
                ["Turns display of your fourth bag on and off."]        = "Schaltet das Anzeigen der vierte Tasche an und aus",
                ["Fifth Bag"]   = "F\195\188nfte Tasche",
                ["Turns display of your fifth bag on and off."] = "Schaltet das Anzeigen der f\195\188nften Tasche an und aus",
                ["Sixth Bag"]   = "Sechste Tasche",
                ["Turns display of your sixth bag on and off."] = "Schaltet das Anzeigen der sechsten Tasche an und aus",
                ["'s Bank Bags"]        = "'s Bank Taschen",

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