vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:

        You = { (0/255), (192/255), (255/255) },
        Pet = { (0/255), (153/255), (102/255) },
        Party = { (255/255), (153/255), (0/255) },
        Raid = { (251/255), (210/255), (132/255) },
        Enemy = { (255/255), (116/255), (109/255) },
        Target = { (255/255), (116/255), (109/255) },
        Friendly = { (251/255), (210/255), (132/255) },
        [HEALTH] = { (255/255), (0/255), (0/255) },
        [MANA] = { (0/255), (255/255), (255/255) },
        [RAGE] = { 1, 0, 0 },
        [ENERGY] = { 1, 1, 0 },
        [HAPPINESS] = { 1, 0.5, 0.25 },
        [SPELL_SCHOOL0_CAP] = { (255/255), (255/255), (150/255) },
        [SPELL_SCHOOL1_CAP] = { (255/255), (255/255), (0/255) },
        [SPELL_SCHOOL2_CAP] = { (255/255), (0/255), (0/255) },
        [SPELL_SCHOOL3_CAP] = { (0/255), (102/255), (0/255) },
        [SPELL_SCHOOL4_CAP] = { (0/255), (102/255), (255/255) },
        [SPELL_SCHOOL5_CAP] = { (202/255), (76/255), (217/255) },
        [SPELL_SCHOOL6_CAP] = { (153/255), (204/255), (255/255) },
        Heal = { (96/255), (255/255), (99/255) },
        [MISS] = { (0/255), (255/255),  (255/255) },
        damage = { (255/255), (47/255), (47/255) },
        overlay = { (255/255), (255/255), (0/255) },
        buff = { (255/255), (255/255), (0/255) },
        debuff = { (255/255), (255/255), (0/255) },
        cast = { (255/255), (255/255), (0/255) },
        source = "[$n]",
        target = "[$n]",
        death = "--** $n",
        crit = "*$d*",
        spellalert = "Begins to cast $s",
        deathout = 2,
        destroyed = 1,
        watches = {
                [YOU] = { 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },

local utility = Nurfed_Utility:New();
local lib = Nurfed_CombatLog:New();
local framelib = Nurfed_Frames:New();

local eventframe = {
        type = "Frame",
        events = {
        OnEvent = function() lib:ParseEvent(event, arg1) end,

local config = {
        type = "Frame",
        Anchor = { "TOP", "$parenttitlebg", "BOTTOM", 0, -1 },
        children = {
                page1 = {
                        type = "Frame",
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                        children = {
                                swatch1 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parent", "TOPLEFT", 0, 0 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = YOU,
                                                        option = "You",
                                swatch2 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentswatch1", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = PET,
                                                        option = "Pet",
                                swatch3 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentswatch2", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = PARTY,
                                                        option = "Party",
                                        swatch4 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentswatch3", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = RAID,
                                                        option = "Raid",
                                swatch5 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentswatch4", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = FACTION_OTHER,
                                                        option = "Enemy",
                                swatch6 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentswatch5", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = NRF_TARGET,
                                                        option = "Target",
                                swatch7 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentswatch6", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = HEALTH,
                                                        option = HEALTH,
                                swatch8 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentswatch7", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = MANA,
                                                        option = MANA,
                                swatch9 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentswatch8", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = RAGE,
                                                        option = RAGE,
                                swatch10 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentswatch9", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = ENERGY,
                                                        option = ENERGY,
                                swatch11 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentswatch10", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = HAPPINESS,
                                                        option = HAPPINESS,

                                swatch12 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parent", "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        right = true,
                                                        text = SPELL_SCHOOL0_CAP,
                                                        option = SPELL_SCHOOL0_CAP,
                                swatch13 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentswatch12", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        right = true,
                                                        text = SPELL_SCHOOL1_CAP,
                                                        option = SPELL_SCHOOL1_CAP,
                                swatch14 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentswatch13", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        right = true,
                                                        text = SPELL_SCHOOL2_CAP,
                                                        option = SPELL_SCHOOL2_CAP,
                                swatch15 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentswatch14", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        right = true,
                                                        text = SPELL_SCHOOL3_CAP,
                                                        option = SPELL_SCHOOL3_CAP,
                                swatch16 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentswatch15", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        right = true,
                                                        text = SPELL_SCHOOL4_CAP,
                                                        option = SPELL_SCHOOL4_CAP,
                                swatch17 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentswatch16", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        right = true,
                                                        text = SPELL_SCHOOL5_CAP,
                                                        option = SPELL_SCHOOL5_CAP,
                                swatch18 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentswatch17", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        right = true,
                                                        text = SPELL_SCHOOL6_CAP,
                                                        option = SPELL_SCHOOL6_CAP,
                                swatch19 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentswatch18", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        right = true,
                                                        text = NRF_HEAL,
                                                        option = "Heal",
                                swatch20 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentswatch19", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        right = true,
                                                        text = MISS,
                                                        option = MISS,
                                swatch21 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentswatch20", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        right = true,
                                                        text = DAMAGE,
                                                        option = "damage",
                                swatch22 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentswatch21", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        right = true,
                                                        text = NRF_CRITOVERLAY,
                                                        option = "overlay",
                                swatch23 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentswatch22", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        right = true,
                                                        text = NRF_BUFFS,
                                                        option = "buff",
                                swatch24 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentswatch23", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        right = true,
                                                        text = NRF_DEBUFFS,
                                                        option = "debuff",
                                swatch25 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionColorSwatch",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentswatch11", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = SPELLS,
                                                        option = "cast",
                page2 = {
                        type = "Frame",
                        Anchor = "all",
                        children = {
                                input1 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionInput",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parent", "TOPLEFT", 0, 0 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = NRF_SOURCE,
                                                        option = "source",
                                input2 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionInput",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentinput1", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -5 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = NRF_TARGET,
                                                        option = "target",
                                input3 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionInput",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentinput2", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -5 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = TUTORIAL_TITLE25,
                                                        option = "death",
                                input4 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionInput",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentinput3", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -5 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = NRF_CRIT,
                                                        option = "crit",
                                input5 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionInput",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentinput4", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -5 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = SPELLS,
                                                        option = "spellalert",
                                slider1 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionSlider",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parent", "TOPRIGHT", -2, -12 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = NRF_DEATHOUT,
                                                        option = "deathout",
                                                        max = 7,
                                                        min = 0,
                                                        step = 1,
                                                        format = "%.0f",
                                check1 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck",
                                        properties = {
                                                Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentslider1", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -15 },
                                                vars = {
                                                        right = true,
                                                        text = NRF_SHOWDESTROYED,
                                                        option = "destroyed",
                page3 = {
                        type = "Frame",
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                        children = {
                                input1 = {
                                        template = "Nurfed_OptionInputSelect",
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                                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parent", "TOPLEFT", 0, 0 },
                                                children = {
                                                        slider1 = {
                                                                template = "Nurfed_OptionSlider",
                                                                properties = {
                                                                        Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parent", "TOPRIGHT", 100, -13 },
                                                                        vars = {
                                                                                text = NRF_OUTPUT,
                                                                                id = 1,
                                                                                max = 7,
                                                                                min = 1,
                                                                                step = 1,
                                                                                init = 2,
                                                                                format = "%.0f",
                                                        check1 = {
                                                                template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck",
                                                                properties = {
                                                                        Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parent", "TOPRIGHT", 2, -2 },
                                                                        vars = {
                                                                                text = NRF_HEAL,
                                                                                id = 2,
                                                                                init = 1,
                                                        check2 = {
                                                                template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck",
                                                                properties = {
                                                                        Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentcheck1", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                                        vars = {
                                                                                text = NRF_HIT,
                                                                                id = 3,
                                                                                init = 1,
                                                        check3 = {
                                                                template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck",
                                                                properties = {
                                                                        Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentcheck2", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                                        vars = {
                                                                                text = SPELLS,
                                                                                id = 4,
                                                                                init = 1,
                                                        check4 = {
                                                                template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck",
                                                                properties = {
                                                                        Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentcheck3", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                                        vars = {
                                                                                text = NRF_DOT,
                                                                                id = 5,
                                                                                init = 1,
                                                        check5 = {
                                                                template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck",
                                                                properties = {
                                                                        Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentcheck4", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                                        vars = {
                                                                                text = NRF_SPELLMISS,
                                                                                id = 6,
                                                                                init = 1,
                                                        check6 = {
                                                                template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck",
                                                                properties = {
                                                                        Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentcheck5", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                                        vars = {
                                                                                text = NRF_ENVIRONMENT,
                                                                                id = 7,
                                                                                init = 1,
                                                        check7 = {
                                                                template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck",
                                                                properties = {
                                                                        Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentcheck6", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                                        vars = {
                                                                                text = NRF_POWERGAIN,
                                                                                id = 8,
                                                                                init = 1,
                                                        check8 = {
                                                                template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck",
                                                                properties = {
                                                                        Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parentcheck7", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3 },
                                                                        vars = {
                                                                                text = NRF_DEBUFFS,
                                                                                id = 9,
                                                                                init = 1,

                                                        check9 = {
                                                                template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck",
                                                                properties = {
                                                                        Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentslider1", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -8 },
                                                                        vars = {
                                                                                right = true,
                                                                                text = NRF_BUFFS,
                                                                                id = 10,
                                                                                init = 1,
                                                        check10 = {
                                                                template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck",
                                                                properties = {
                                                                        Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentcheck9", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                                        vars = {
                                                                                right = true,
                                                                                text = NRF_AURAFADE,
                                                                                id = 11,
                                                                                init = 1,
                                                        check11 = {
                                                                template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck",
                                                                properties = {
                                                                        Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentcheck10", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                                        vars = {
                                                                                right = true,
                                                                                text = NRF_MELEEMISS,
                                                                                id = 12,
                                                                                init = 1,
                                                        check12 = {
                                                                template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck",
                                                                properties = {
                                                                        Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentcheck11", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                                        vars = {
                                                                                right = true,
                                                                                text = NRF_RESIST,
                                                                                id = 13,
                                                                                init = 1,
                                                        check13 = {
                                                                template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck",
                                                                properties = {
                                                                        Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentcheck12", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                                        vars = {
                                                                                right = true,
                                                                                text = NRF_SPELLFAIL,
                                                                                id = 14,
                                                                                init = 1,
                                                        check14 = {
                                                                template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck",
                                                                properties = {
                                                                        Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentcheck13", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                                        vars = {
                                                                                right = true,
                                                                                text = NRF_CAST,
                                                                                id = 15,
                                                                                init = 1,
                                                        check15 = {
                                                                template = "Nurfed_OptionCheck",
                                                                properties = {
                                                                        Anchor = { "TOPRIGHT", "$parentcheck14", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3 },
                                                                        vars = {
                                                                                right = true,
                                                                                text = NRF_PERFORM,
                                                                                id = 16,
                                                                                init = 1,
                                                vars = {
                                                        text = VOICEMACRO_1_Or_0,
                                                        option = "watches",

                tab1 = {
                        template = "Nurfed_OptionTab",
                        properties = {
                                Anchor = { "TOPLEFT", "$parent", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -1 },
                                vars = {
                                        text = COLOR,
                                        page = 1,
                tab2 = {
                        template = "Nurfed_OptionTab",
                        properties = {
                                Anchor = { "LEFT", "$parenttab1", "RIGHT", 3, 0 },
                                vars = {
                                        text = NRF_FORMATS,
                                        page = 2,
                tab3 = {
                        template = "Nurfed_OptionTab",
                        properties = {
                                Anchor = { "LEFT", "$parenttab2", "RIGHT", 3, 0 },
                                vars = {
                                        text = VOICEMACRO_1_Or_0,
                                        page = 3,
        vars = { width = 350, height = 300, page = 1 },

function Nurfed_CombatLog_Init()
        if (eventframe) then
                for event in ChatTypeGroup do
                        for e, l in do
                                if (string.find(event, e, 1, true)) then
                                        table.insert(, "CHAT_MSG_"..event);

                -- CombatMessageAmbigousfix by No-Nonsense
                if (GetLocale() == "deDE" and not IsAddOnLoaded("CombatMessagesAmbigousFix")) then
                        local COMBAT_MESSAGES = {
                        for _, cmsg in COMBAT_MESSAGES do
                                local fixcode = cmsg .. '= string.gsub(string.gsub(' .. cmsg .. ', "(%%%d%$s)s", "%1\'s"), "%%ss", "%%s\'s")';
                        local COMBAT_MESSAGES = nil;

                framelib:ObjectInit("Nurfed_CombatLogFrame", eventframe, UIParent);
                framelib:ObjectInit("Nurfed_CombatLog_Menu", config, Nurfed_OptionsFrame);
                config = nil;
                eventframe = nil;

function nctest(num)
        if (not num or type(num) ~= "number") then
                utility:Print("Usage: nctest(number)");
        local now = GetTime();
        for i=1, num do
                lib:ParseEvent("CHAT_MSG_SPELL_HOSTILEPLAYER_DAMAGE", "Bob's Fireball crits You for 2000."..GLANCING_TRAILER)
        utility:Print(num.." CombatLog Events Completed in "..format("%.3f", GetTime() - now));

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