vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
-- Necrosis LdC
-- Créateur initial (US) : Infernal (
-- Implémentation de base (FR) : Tilienna Thorondor
-- Reprise du projet : Lomig & Nyx des Larmes de Cenarius, Kael'Thas
-- Skins et voix Françaises : Eliah, Ner'zhul
-- Version Allemande par Arne Meier et Halisstra, Lothar
-- Remerciements spéciaux pour Sadyre (JoL)
-- Version 06.05.2006-1


function Necrosis_Localization_Dialog_En()

        function NecrosisLocalization()

                ["Spellstone"] = "Spellstone Cooldown",
                ["Healthstone"] = "Healthstone Cooldown"

        NecrosisTooltipData = {
                ["Main"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFNecrosis|r",
                        Stone = {
                                [true] = "Yes";
                                [false] = "No";
                        Hellspawn = {
                                [true] = "On";
                                [false] = "Off";
                        ["Soulshard"] = "Soul Shard(s) : ",
                        ["InfernalStone"] = "Infernal Stone(s) : ",
                        ["DemoniacStone"] = "Demonic Figurine(s) ",
                        ["Soulstone"] = "\nSoulstone : ",
                        ["Healthstone"] = "Healthstone : ",
                        ["Spellstone"] = "Spellstone : ",
                        ["Firestone"] = "Firestone : ",
                        ["CurrentDemon"] = "Demon : ",
                        ["EnslavedDemon"] = "Demon : Enslaved",
                        ["NoCurrentDemon"] = "Demon : None",
                ["Soulstone"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FF99FFSoulstone|r",
                        Text = {"Create","Use","Used","Waiting"}
                ["Healthstone"] = {
                        Label = "|c0066FF33Healthstone|r",
                        Text = {"Create","Use"}
                ["Spellstone"] = {
                        Label = "|c0099CCFFSpellstone|r",
                        Text = {"Create","In Inventory","Held in hand"}
                ["Firestone"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FF4444Firestone|r",
                        Text = {"Create","In Inventory","Held in hand"}
                ["SpellTimer"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFSpell Durations|r",
                        Text = "Active Spells on the target",
                        Right = "Right Click for Hearthstone to "
                ["ShadowTrance"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFShadow Transe|r"
                ["Domination"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFFel Domination|r"
                ["Enslave"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFEnslave|r"
                ["Armor"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFDemon Armor|r"
                ["Invisible"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFDetect Invisibility|r"
                ["Aqua"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFUnending Breath|r"
                ["Kilrogg"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFEye of Kilrogg|r"
                ["Banish"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFBanish|r"
                ["TP"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFRitual of Summoning|r"
                ["SoulLink"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFSoul Link|r"
                ["ShadowProtection"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFShadow Ward|r"
                ["Imp"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFImp|r"
                ["Void"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFVoidwalker|r"
                ["Succubus"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFSuccubus|r"
                ["Fel"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFFelhunter|r"
                ["Infernal"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFInferno|r"
                ["Doomguard"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFDoomguard|r"
                ["Sacrifice"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFDemonic sacrifice|r"
                ["Amplify"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFAmplify Curse|r"
                ["Weakness"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFCurse of Weakness|r"
                ["Agony"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFCurse of Agony|r"
                ["Reckless"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFCurse of Recklessness|r"
                ["Tongues"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFCurse of Tongues|r"
                ["Exhaust"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFCurse of Exhaustion|r"
                ["Elements"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFCurse of Elements|r"
                ["Shadow"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFCurse of Shadow|r"
                ["Doom"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFCurse of Doom|r"
                ["Mount"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFSteed|r"
                ["Buff"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFSpell Menu|r\nRight click to keep the menu open"
                ["Pet"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFDemon Menu|r\nRight click to keep the menu open"
                ["Curse"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFCurse Menu|r\nRight click to keep the menu open"
                ["Radar"] = {
                        Label = "|c00FFFFFFSense Demons|r"
                ["AmplifyCooldown"] = "Right click to amplify curse",
                ["DominationCooldown"] = "Right click for fast summon",
                ["LastSpell"] = "Middle click to cast ",

        NECROSIS_SOUND = {
                ["Fear"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\Necrosis\\sounds\\Fear-En.mp3",
                ["SoulstoneEnd"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\Necrosis\\sounds\\SoulstoneEnd-En.mp3",
                ["EnslaveEnd"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\Necrosis\\sounds\\EnslaveDemonEnd-En.mp3",
                ["ShadowTrance"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\Necrosis\\sounds\\ShadowTrance-En.mp3"

                ["NoBoltSpell"] = "You do not seem to have any Shadow Bolt Spell.",
                ["Message"] = "<white>S<lightPurple1>h<lightPurple2>a<purple>d<darkPurple1>o<darkPurple2>w T<darkPurple1>r<purple>a<lightPurple2>n<lightPurple1>c<white>e"

                ["Error"] = {
                        ["InfernalStoneNotPresent"] = "You need an Infernal Stone to do that !",
                        ["SoulShardNotPresent"] = "You need a Soul shard to do that !",
                        ["DemoniacStoneNotPresent"] = "You need a Demoniac Figurine to do that !",
                        ["NoRiding"] = "You do not have any Steed to ride !",
                        ["NoFireStoneSpell"] = "You do not have any Firestone creation spell",
                        ["NoSpellStoneSpell"] = "You do not have any Spellstone creation spell",
                        ["NoHealthStoneSpell"] = "You do not have any Healthstone creation spell",
                        ["NoSoulStoneSpell"] = "You do not have any Soulstone creation spell",
                        ["FullHealth"] = "You cannot use your Healthstone as you are not hurt",
                        ["BagAlreadySelect"] = "Error : This bag is already selected.",
                        ["WrongBag"] = "Error : The number must be between 0 and 4.",
                        ["BagIsNumber"] = "Error : Please type a number.",
                        ["NoHearthStone"] = "Error : You do not have a Hearthstone in your inventory"
                ["Bag"] = {
                        ["FullPrefix"] = "Your ",
                        ["FullSuffix"] = " is full !",
                        ["FullDestroySuffix"] = " is full; Next shards will be destroyed !",
                        ["SelectedPrefix"] = "You have chosen your ",
                        ["SelectedSuffix"] = " to keep your shards."
                ["Interface"] = {
                        ["Welcome"] = "<white>/necro to show the setting menu !",
                        ["TooltipOn"] = "Tooltips turned on" ,
                        ["TooltipOff"] = "Tooltips turned off",
                        ["MessageOn"] = "Chat messaging turned on",
                        ["MessageOff"] = "Chat messaging turned off",
                        ["MessagePosition"] = "<- System messages by Necrosis will appear here ->",
                        ["DefaultConfig"] = "<lightYellow>Default configuration loaded.",
                        ["UserConfig"] = "<lightYellow>Configuration loaded."
                ["Help"] = {
                        "/necro recall -- Center Necrosis and all buttons in the middle of the screen",
                        "/necro sm -- Replace Soulstoning and summoning messages with a short raid-ready version"
                ["EquipMessage"] = "Equip ",
                ["SwitchMessage"] = " instead of ",
                ["Information"] = {
                        ["FearProtect"] = "Your target has got a fear protection !!!!",
                        ["EnslaveBreak"] = "Your demon broke his chains...",
                        ["SoulstoneEnd"] = "<lightYellow>Your Soulstone has faded."

        -- Gestion XML - Menu de configuration

                ["Purple"] = "Purple",
                ["Blue"] = "Blue",
                ["Pink"] = "Pink",
                ["Orange"] = "Orange",
                ["Turquoise"] = "Turquoise",
                ["X"] = "X"
                ["Menu1"] = "Shard Settings",
                ["Menu2"] = "Message Settings",
                ["Menu3"] = "Button Settings",
                ["Menu4"] = "Timer Settings",
                ["Menu5"] = "Graphical Settings",
                ["MainRotation"] = "Necrosis Angle Selection",
                ["ShardMenu"] = "|CFFB700B7I|CFFFF00FFn|CFFFF50FFv|CFFFF99FFe|CFFFFC4FFn|CFFFF99FFt|CFFFF50FFo|CFFFF00FFr|CFFB700B7y :",
                ["ShardMenu2"] = "|CFFB700B7S|CFFFF00FFh|CFFFF50FFa|CFFFF99FFr|CFFFFC4FFd C|CFFFF99FFo|CFFFF50FFu|CFFFF00FFn|CFFB700B7t :",
                ["ShardMove"] = "Put shards in the selected bag.",
                ["ShardDestroy"] = "Destroy all new shards if the bag is full.",
                ["SpellMenu1"] = "|CFFB700B7S|CFFFF00FFp|CFFFF50FFe|CFFFF99FFl|CFFFFC4FFls :",
                ["SpellMenu2"] = "|CFFB700B7P|CFFFF00FFl|CFFFF50FFa|CFFFF99FFy|CFFFFC4FFe|CFFFF99FFr :",
                ["TimerColor"] = "Show white instead of yellow timer texts",
                ["TimerDirection"] = "Timers grow upwards",
                ["TranseWarning"] = "Alert me when I enter a Trance State",
                ["SpellTime"] = "Turn on the spell durations indicator",
                ["AntiFearWarning"] = "Warn me when my target cannot be feared.",
                ["GraphicalTimer"] = "Show graphical instead text timers",      
                ["TranceButtonView"] = "Let me see hidden buttons to drag them.",
                ["ButtonLock"] = "Lock the buttons around the Necrosis Sphere.",
                ["MainLock"] = "Lock buttons and the Necrosis Sphere.",
                ["BagSelect"] = "Selection of Soul Shard Container",
                ["BuffMenu"] = "Put buff menu on the left",
                ["PetMenu"] = "Put pet menu on the left",
                ["CurseMenu"] = "Put curse menu on the left",
                ["STimerLeft"] = "Show timers on the left side of the button",
                ["ShowCount"] = "Show the Shard count in Necrosis",
                ["CountType"] = "Stone type counted",
                ["Circle"] = "Event shown by the graphical sphere",
                ["Sound"] = "Activate sounds",
                ["ShowMessage"] = "Activate random speeches",
                ["ShowDemonSummon"] = "Activate random speeches (demon)",
                ["ShowSteedSummon"] = "Activate random speeches (steed)",
                ["ChatType"] = "Declare Necrosis messages as system messages",
                ["NecrosisSize"] = "Size of the Necrosis button",
                ["BanishSize"] = "Size of the Banish button",
                ["TranseSize"] = "Size of Transe and Anti-fear buttons",
                ["Skin"] = "Skin of the Necrosis Sphere",
                ["Show"] = {
                        ["Firestone"] = "Show Firestone button",
                        ["Spellstone"] = "Show Spellstone button",
                        ["Healthstone"] = "Show Healthstone button",
                        ["Soulstone"] = "Show Soulstone button",
                        ["Steed"] = "Show Steed button",
                        ["Buff"] = "Show Spell menu button",
                        ["Curse"] = "Show Curse menu button",
                        ["Demon"] = "Show Demon menu button",
                        ["Tooltips"] = "Show tooltips"
                ["Count"] = {
                        ["Shard"] = "Soulshards",
                        ["Inferno"] = "Demon summoning stones",
                        ["Rez"] = "Resurrection Timer"
