vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
function Necronomicon_Locals_deDE()

        NECRONOMICON_MSG_COLOR          = "|cffcceebb";
        NECRONOMICON_DISPLAY_OPTION     = "[|cfff5f530%s|cff0099CC]";


                Title                   = "Necronomicon",
                Version                 = "0.5",
                Desc                    = "Necronomicon, Ace'd Necrosis",
                Timerheader             = "Spell Timers",
                UpdateInterval          = 0.2,
                ChatCmd         = {"/necro", "/necronomicon", "/Necronomicon"},
                ChatOpt                 = {
                                option  = "reset",
                                desc    = "Reset the window positions.",
                                method  = "chatReset",
                                option  = "feldom",
                                desc    = "Set the Fel Domination modifier: ctrl alt shift none",
                                method  = "chatFelDom",
                                option  = "closeonclick",
                                desc    = "Toggle closing the pet menu on clicking a button",
                                method  = "chatCloseClick",
                                option  = "soulstonesound",
                                desc    = "Toggle playing of soulstone expired sound",
                                method  = "chatSoulstoneSound",
                                option  = "shadowtrancesound",
                                desc    = "Toggle playing of nightfall proc sound",
                                method  = "chatShadowTranceSound",
                                option  = "texture",
                                desc    = "Choose a different shardcount texture: default blue orange rose turquoise violet x",
                                method  = "chatTexture",
                                option  = "lock",
                                desc    = "Toggle locking of the frames",
                                method  = "chatLock",
                                option  = "timers",
                                desc    = "Toggle to turn on/off the timers",
                                method  = "chatTimers",

                Chat                    = {
                        FelDomModifier  = "Fel Domination Modifier is now: ",
                        FelDomValid     = "Valid Modifiers are: ctrl alt shift none",
                        CloseOnClick    = "Close On Click is now: ",
                        ShadowTranceSound = "Playing of Shadowtrance sound is now: ",
                        SoulstoneSound = "Playing of Soulstone expired sound is now: ",
                        Texture = "Texture is now: ",
                        TextureValid = "Valid textures are: default blue orange rose turquoise violet x",
                        Lock = "Frame lock is now: ",
                        Timers = "Timers are now: ",
                Message                 = {
                        TooFarAway      = "They are too far away.",
                        Busy            = "They are busy.",
                        PreSummon       = "Going to summon %s, please click the portal.",
                        PreSoulstone    = "Placing my soulstone on %s.",
                        Soulstone       = "%s has been soulstoned.",
                        SoulstoneAborted = "Soustone Aborted! It's not placed.",
                        FailedSummon    = "Summoning %s failed!",

                Pattern = {
                        Shard = "Seelensplitter",
                        Corrupted = "Corrupted",
                        Healthstone = "Gesundheitsstein",
                        Soulstone = "Seelenstein",
                        Spellstone = "Zauberstein",
                        Firestone = "Feuerstein",
                        ShadowTrance = "^Ihr bekommt 'Schattentrance'%.$",
                        RitualOfSummoning = "Ritual der Beschw\195\182rung",
                        SoulstoneResurrection = "Seelenstein\204\182Auferstehung",
                        Warlock = "Hexenmeister",
                        Rank = "Rang (.+)",
                        Resisted = "^Ihr habt es mit [%a%s%p]+ versucht, aber [%a%s%p]+ hat widerstanden%.",
                        Immune = "^[%a%s%p]+ war ein Fehlschlag%. [%a%s%p]+ ist immun%.$",

                State = {
                        Reset = 0,
                        Cast = 1,
                        Start = 2,
                        Stop = 3,
                        NewMonsterNewSpell = 4,
                        NewSpell = 5,
                        Update = 6,
                        Failed = 7
                Spell = {
                        ["Wichtel beschw\195\182ren"] = "IMP",
                        ["Leerwandler beschw\195\182ren"] = "VOIDWALKER",
                        ["Sukkubus beschw\195\182ren"] = "SUCCUBUS",
                        ["Teufelsj\195\164ger beschw\195\182ren"] = "FELHUNTER",
                        ["Inferno"] = "INFERNO",
                        ["Verdammniswache"] = "DOOMGUARD",
                        ["Auge von Kilrogg"] = "KILROGG",
                        ["Teufelsbeherrschung"] = "FELDOMINATION",
                        ["D\195\164monenopferung"] = "DEMONICSACRIFICE",
                        ["Seelenverbindung"] = "SOULLINK",
                        ["Seelenstein\204\182Auferstehung"] = "SOULSTONERESURRECTION",
                        ["Ritual der Beschw\195\182rung"] = "RITUALOFSUMMONING",
                RankedSpell = {
                        ["Teufelsross beschw\195\182ren"] = { "MOUNT", 1 },
                        ["Schreckensross herbeirufen"] = { "MOUNT", 2 },
                        ["D\195\164monenhaut Rang 1"] = { "ARMOR", 1 },
                        ["D\195\164monenhaut Rang 2"] = { "ARMOR", 2 },
                        ["D\195\164monenr\195\188stung Rang 1"] = { "ARMOR", 3 },
                        ["D\195\164monenr\195\188stung Rank 2"] = { "ARMOR", 4 },
                        ["D\195\164monenr\195\188stung Rang 3"] = { "ARMOR", 5 },
                        ["D\195\164monenr\195\188stung Rang 4"] = { "ARMOR", 6 },
                        ["D\195\164monenr\195\188stung Rang 5"] = { "ARMOR", 7 },
                        ["Gesundheitstrichter Rang 1"] = { "HEALTHFUNNEL", 1 },
                        ["Gesundheitstrichter Rang 2"] = { "HEALTHFUNNEL", 2 },
                        ["Gesundheitstrichter Rang 3"] = { "HEALTHFUNNEL", 3 },
                        ["Gesundheitstrichter Rang 4"] = { "HEALTHFUNNEL", 4 },
                        ["Gesundheitstrichter Rang 5"] = { "HEALTHFUNNEL", 5 },
                        ["Gesundheitstrichter Rang 6"] = { "HEALTHFUNNEL", 6 },
                        ["Gesundheitstrichter Rang 7"] = { "HEALTHFUNNEL", 7 },
                        ["Gesundheitsstein herstellen (schwach)"] = { "HEALTHSTONE", 1 },
                        ["Gesundheitsstein herstellen (gering)"] = { "HEALTHSTONE", 2 },
                        ["Gesundheitsstein herstellen"] = { "HEALTHSTONE", 3 },
                        ["Gesundheitsstein herstellen (gro\195\159)"] = { "HEALTHSTONE", 4 },
                        ["Gesundheitsstein herstellen (erheblich)"] = { "HEALTHSTONE", 5 },
                        ["Seelenstein herstellen (swach)"] = { "SOULSTONE", 1 },
                        ["Seelenstein herstellen (gering)"] = { "SOULSTONE", 2 },
                        ["Seelenstein herstellen"] = { "SOULSTONE", 3 },
                        ["Seelenstein herstellen (gr\195\159)"] = { "SOULSTONE", 4 },
                        ["Seelenstein herstellen (erheblich)"] = { "SOULSTONE", 5 },
                        ["Zauberstein herstellen"] = { "SPELLSTONE", 1 },
                        ["Zauberstein herstellen (gro\195\159)"] = { "SPELLSTONE", 2 },
                        ["Zauberstein herstellen (erheblich)"] = { "SPELLSTONE", 3 },
                        ["Feuerstein herstellen (gering)"] = { "FIRESTONE", 1 },
                        ["Feuerstein herstellen"] = { "FIRESTONE", 2 },
                        ["Feuerstein herstellen (gro\195\159)"] = { "FIRESTONE", 3 },
                        ["Feuerstein herstellen (erheblich)"] = { "FIRESTONE", 4 },
                        ["D\195\164monensklave Rang 1"] = {"ENSLAVE", 1},
                        ["D\195\164monensklave Rang 2"] = {"ENSLAVE", 2},
                        ["D\195\164monensklave Rang 3"] = {"ENSLAVE", 3},
                TimedSpell = {
                        ["Verderbnis"] = { 12, 15, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18 },
                        ["Feuerbrand"] = { 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 },
                        ["Lebensentzug"] = { 30, 30, 30, 30 },
                        ["Fluch der Pein"] = { 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24 },
                        ["Verbannen"] = { 20, 30 },
                        ["Todesmantel"] = {3, 3, 3},
                        ["Fluch der Schw\195\164che"] = { 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120 },
                        ["Fluch der Tollk\195\188hnheit"] = { 120, 120, 120, 120 },
                        ["Fluch der Elemente"] = { 300, 300, 300 },
                        ["Schattenfluch"] = { 300, 300 },
                        ["Furcht"] = { 10, 15, 20 },
                        ["Enslave Demon"] = { 300, 300, 300 },
                        ["Curse of Doom"] = { 60 },
                        ["Fluch der Sprachen"] = { 30, 30 },
                version = 1.01,
                ACEG_TEXT_NOW_SET_TO = "now set to",
                ACEG_TEXT_DEFAULT        = "default",
                ACEG_DISPLAY_OPTION  = "[|cfff5f530%s|r]",
                ACEG_MAP_ONOFF           = {[0]="|cffff5050Off|r",[1]="|cff00ff00On|r"},
                ACEG_MAP_ENABLED         = {[0]="|cffff5050Disabled|r",[1]="|cff00ff00Enabled|r"},

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