vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:

-- The ace:LoadTranslation() method looks for a specific translation function for
-- the addon. If it finds one, that translation is loaded. See AceHelloLocals_xxXX.lua
-- for an example and description of function naming.
if( not ace:LoadTranslation("MyAcePerc") ) then

        version = 1.01

-- All text inside quotes is translatable, except for 'method' lines.
MYACEPERC.DESCRIPTION   = "Mypercentage - Addon to show %-of-mana cost in tooltip for spells"
MYACEPERC.STATUS                = "MyPercentage Display mode : "

-- Chat handler locals
MYACEPERC.COMMANDS              = {"/myperc"}
                option = "total",
        desc   = "Displays % mana cost based on total mana",
        method = "TotalMana"
        option = "current",
        desc   = "Displays % mana cost based on current mana",
        method = "CurrentMana"
        option = "colour",
        desc   = "Colour code tooltip info (Green=Current, Yellow=Total)",
        method = "Colour"

MYACEPERC.TOTAL_MSG = "MyAcePercentage tracking your total mana:"
MYACEPERC.CURNT_MSG = "MyAcePercentage tracking your current mana:"
MYACEPERC.COLOR_MSG = "MyAcePercentage displaying colours:"


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