vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
-- MI2_Search.lua
-- MobInfo module to control the Mob database search feature.
-- Search option settings and actual search algorithm are located in here.

-- start up defaults for search options settings
MI2_SearchOptions = {}
MI2_SearchOptions.MinLevel = 1
MI2_SearchOptions.MaxLevel = 65
MI2_SearchOptions.Normal = 1
MI2_SearchOptions.Elite = 0
MI2_SearchOptions.Boss = 0
MI2_SearchOptions.MinLoots = 2
MI2_SearchOptions.MobName = ""
MI2_SearchOptions.ItemName = ""
MI2_SearchOptions.CompactResult = 1
MI2_SearchOptions.ListMode = "Mobs"
MI2_SearchOptions.SortMode = "profit"

local MI2_SearchResultList = {}
local MI2_ItemsIdxList = ":"
MI2_NumMobsFound = 0

-- MI2_SearchForItems()
-- Search for all items matching the item name entered in the search dialog.
-- Display the list of items in the result list control (if requested).
local function MI2_SearchForItems( itemName, enterItemsIntoList )
        MI2_ItemsIdxList = ":"
        MI2_NumMobsFound = 0
        if enterItemsIntoList then
                MI2_SearchResultList = {}

        if itemName ~= "" or enterItemsIntoList then
                for idx in MI2_ItemNameTable do
                        local itemFound = true
                        local itemText, itemColor = MI2_GetLootItemString( idx )
                        if itemName ~= "*" then
                                itemFound = string.find( string.lower(itemText), string.lower(itemName) ) ~= nil
                        if itemFound then
                                MI2_ItemsIdxList = MI2_ItemsIdxList..idx..":"
                                if enterItemsIntoList then
                                        MI2_NumMobsFound = MI2_NumMobsFound + 1
                                        MI2_SearchResultList[MI2_NumMobsFound] = { idx = itemText, val = "", col = itemColor }
        MI2_DisplaySearchResult( "Items" )
end -- MI2_SearchForItems()

-- MI2_UpdateSearchResultList()
-- Update contents of search result list according to current search options
-- settings. This includes starting a new search run, sorting the result and
-- displaying the result in the scrollable result list.
local function MI2_UpdateSearchResultList( updateItems )
        local startTime = GetTime()

        if updateItems then
                local enterItemsIntoList = MI2_SearchOptions.ListMode == "Items"
                MI2_SearchForItems( MI2_SearchOptions.ItemName, enterItemsIntoList )

        if MI2_SearchOptions.ListMode == "Mobs" then
                MI2_SearchAndSort( "profit" )

        MI2_DisplaySearchResult( MI2_SearchOptions.ListMode )
--      chattext( "<MobInfo> total search time = "..(GetTime()-startTime).." seconds" )
end -- MI2_UpdateSearchResultList()

-- MI2_SearchOptionsOnShow()
-- OnShow event handler for search options page
-- Write current search option settings into the search option controls.
-- Validate all values and update colors accordingly.
-- Allow Search only if all search options are valid.
function MI2_SearchOptionsOnShow()
        MI2_OptSearchMinLevel:SetText( tostring(MI2_SearchOptions.MinLevel) )
        MI2_OptSearchMaxLevel:SetText( tostring(MI2_SearchOptions.MaxLevel) )
        MI2_OptSearchMinLoots:SetText( tostring(MI2_SearchOptions.MinLoots) )
        MI2_OptSearchMobName:SetText( MI2_SearchOptions.MobName )
        MI2_OptSearchItemName:SetText( MI2_SearchOptions.ItemName )

        MI2_OptSearchNormal:SetChecked( MI2_SearchOptions.Normal )
        MI2_OptSearchElite:SetChecked( MI2_SearchOptions.Elite )
        MI2_OptSearchBoss:SetChecked( MI2_SearchOptions.Boss )

end -- MI2_SearchOptionsOnShow()

-- MI2_ValidateSearchOptions()
-- Validate all values and update colors accordingly.
-- Allow Search only if all search options are valid.
local function MI2_ValidateSearchOptions()
        if MI2_SearchOptions.MinLevel < 1 then
                MI2_SearchOptions.MinLevel = 1
                if this:GetText() == "0" then
                        this:SetText( "1" )
        if MI2_SearchOptions.MaxLevel < 1 then
                MI2_SearchOptions.MaxLevel = 1
                if this:GetText() == "0" then
                        this:SetText( "1" )
end -- MI2_ValidateSearchOptions()

-- MI2_SearchCheckboxClicked()
-- OnClicked event handler for checkboxes on search options page
-- Store the checkbox state in the corresponding search options variable.
function MI2_SearchCheckboxClicked()
        local checkboxName = this:GetName()
        local optionName = string.sub( checkboxName, 14 )
        local optionValue = this:GetChecked() or 0

        MI2_SearchOptions[optionName] = optionValue
end -- MI2_SearchCheckboxClicked()

-- MI2_SearchValueChanged()
-- OnChar event handler for editbox controls on search options page
-- This handler is called whenever the contents of an EditBox control changes.
-- It gets the new value and stores it in the corresponding search options
-- variable
function MI2_SearchValueChanged()
        local editboxName = this:GetName()
        local optionName = string.sub( editboxName, 14 )
        local optionValue = tonumber(this:GetText()) or 0

        if MI2_SearchOptions[optionName] ~= optionValue then
                MI2_SearchOptions[optionName] = optionValue
end -- MI2_SearchValueChanged()

-- MI2_SearchTextChanged()
-- OnChar event handler for textual editbox controls on search options page
-- This handler is called whenever the contents of an EditBox control changes.
-- It gets the new value and stores it in the corresponding search options
-- variable
function MI2_SearchTextChanged()
        local editboxName = this:GetName()
        local optionName = string.sub( editboxName, 14 )

        if MI2_SearchOptions[optionName] ~= this:GetText() then
                MI2_SearchOptions[optionName] = this:GetText()
                MI2_UpdateSearchResultList( true )
end -- MI2_SearchTextChanged()

-- MI2_CalculateRank()
-- Calculate ranking and corresponding actual value for a given mob.
-- Ranking depends on search mode. For search mode "profit" ranking is
-- based on the mobs total profit value plus bonus points for rare loot
-- items. For search mode "itemCount" ranking is identical to the overall
-- items count for the loot items being searched for (in this mode
-- rank and value are identical).
local function MI2_CalculateRank( mobData, mobLevel, sortMode )
        local rank, value = 0, 0

        if sortMode == "profit" then
                -- calculate rank based on mob level and loot items quality
                local bonusFactor = mobLevel / 20
                if mobData.loots > 0 then
                        value = (mobData.copper or 0) + (mobData.itemValue or 0)
                        rank = value + ((mobData.r3 or 0) * 200 * bonusFactor) + ((mobData.r4 or 0) * 1000 * bonusFactor) + ((mobData.r5 or 0) * 2000 * bonusFactor)
                        rank = ceil( rank / mobData.loots )
                        value = copper2text( ceil(value / mobData.loots) )
        elseif sortMode == "item" and mobData.itemList then
                for idx, val in mobData.itemList do
                        local itemFound = string.find( MI2_ItemsIdxList, idx ) ~= nil
                        if itemFound then  rank = rank + val  end
                value = rank.."  "

        return rank, value
end -- MI2_CalculateRank()

-- MI2_CheckMob()
-- Check a given Mob against the current search criteria. Return the
-- mob data if the mob matches the criteria, or return nil if the Mob
-- does not match.
local function MI2_CheckMob( mobInfo, mobName, mobLevel )
        local levelOk, lootsOk, typeOk, itemsOK, mobData
        local nameOk = true

        -- check name and level of Mob
        if MI2_SearchOptions.MobName ~= "" then
                nameOk = string.find(string.lower(mobName),string.lower(MI2_SearchOptions.MobName),1,true) ~= nil
        if nameOk and mobName ~= "" then
                levelOk = mobLevel >= MI2_SearchOptions.MinLevel and mobLevel <= MI2_SearchOptions.MaxLevel

        -- check mob data related search conditions     
        if levelOk or mobLevel == -1 then
                mobData = {}
                MI2_DecodeBasicMobData( mobInfo, mobData )
                mobData.loots = mobData.loots or 0
                lootsOk = mobData.loots >= MI2_SearchOptions.MinLoots
                typeOk = (MI2_SearchOptions.Normal == 1 and mobData.mobType == 1) or (MI2_SearchOptions.Elite == 1 and mobData.mobType == 2) or (MI2_SearchOptions.Boss == 1 and mobData.mobType == 3)
                if lootsOk and typeOk then
                        if MI2_ItemsIdxList ~= ":" then
                                MI2_DecodeItemList( mobInfo, mobData )
                                if mobData.itemList then
                                        for idx, val in mobData.itemList do
                                                itemsOK = string.find( MI2_ItemsIdxList, ":"..idx..":" ) ~= nil
                                                if itemsOK then break end
                                if not itemsOK then mobData = nil end
                        mobData = nil

        return mobData
end -- MI2_CheckMob()

-- MI2_SearchAndSort()
-- Search for most valuable mobs by comparing the mobs average total value.
-- The function creates a result list to be displayed in the search results
-- list.
function MI2_SearchAndSort( )
        local mobName, mobLevel, insertPos, value, rank, mobIndex, mobInfo

        -- initialise search result list  
        MI2_SearchResultList = {}
        MI2_NumMobsFound = 0
        -- create a sorted list of mobs matching the search criteria
        -- loop across all mobs in the MobInfo database
        for mobIndex, mobInfo in MobInfoDB do
                mobName, mobLevel = MI2_GetIndexComponents( mobIndex )
                mobData = MI2_CheckMob( mobInfo, mobName, mobLevel )

                -- if mob is identified as belonging into the search result its
                -- search result sorting position is calculated based on a ranking
                -- value which in turn is based on the search mode
                if mobData then
                        rank, value = MI2_CalculateRank( mobData, mobLevel, MI2_SearchOptions.SortMode )
                        MI2_NumMobsFound = MI2_NumMobsFound + 1

                        -- insert mob at correct sorted position and store all info we need for printing the result list
                        MI2_SearchResultList[MI2_NumMobsFound] = { idx=mobIndex, val=value, rank=rank }
                        if mobData.mobType and mobData.mobType > 1 then
                                MI2_SearchResultList[MI2_NumMobsFound].type = mobData.mobType

        if MI2_NumMobsFound > 1 then
                table.sort( MI2_SearchResultList, function(a,b) return (a.rank > b.rank) end  )
end  -- MI2_SearchAndSort()

-- MI2_DisplaySearchResult()
-- Display the result of a search in the search results scrollable list.
-- The mobs to be displayed depend on the current list scroll position.
function MI2_DisplaySearchResult( resultType )
        -- update slider and get slider position
        FauxScrollFrame_Update( MI2_SearchResultSlider, MI2_NumMobsFound, 15, 14 );
        local sliderPos = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(MI2_SearchResultSlider)

        if resultType then
                MI2_TxtSearchCount:SetText( mifontSubWhite.."("..MI2_NumMobsFound.." "..resultType..")" )

        -- update 15 search result lines with correct search result data
        local resultLine
        for i = 1, 15 do
                if      (i + sliderPos) <= MI2_NumMobsFound then
                        resultLine = getglobal( "MI2_SearchResult"..i.."Index" )
                        resultLine:SetText( i + sliderPos )
                        resultLine = getglobal( "MI2_SearchResult"..i.."Value" )
                        resultLine:SetText( MI2_SearchResultList[i + sliderPos].val )
                        resultLine = getglobal( "MI2_SearchResult"..i.."Name" )
                        local mobName = MI2_SearchResultList[i + sliderPos].idx
                        if MI2_SearchResultList[i + sliderPos].type then
                                mobName = mobName.."+"
                        elseif MI2_SearchResultList[i + sliderPos].col then
                                mobName = MI2_SearchResultList[i + sliderPos].col..mobName
                        resultLine:SetText( mobName )
                        resultLine = getglobal( "MI2_SearchResult"..i.."Index" )
                        resultLine:SetText( "" )
                        resultLine = getglobal( "MI2_SearchResult"..i.."Value" )
                        resultLine:SetText( "" )
                        resultLine = getglobal( "MI2_SearchResult"..i.."Name" )
                        resultLine:SetText( "" )
end  -- MI2_DisplaySearchResult()

-- MI2_SlashAction_SortByValue()
-- Sort the search result list by mob profit
function MI2_SlashAction_SortByValue()
        MI2_SearchOptions.SortMode = "profit"
end -- end of MI2_SlashAction_SortByValue()

-- MI2_SlashAction_SortByItem()
-- Sort the search result list by mob item count
function MI2_SlashAction_SortByItem()
        MI2_SearchOptions.SortMode = "item"
end -- end of MI2_SlashAction_SortByItem()

-- MI2_SearchResult_Update()
-- Update contents of search results list based on current scroll bar
-- position. Update tooltip for selected mob if tooltip is visible.
function MI2_SearchResult_Update()
        FauxScrollFrame_Update( MI2_SearchResultSlider, MI2_NumMobsFound, 15, 14 );
end -- end of MI2_SearchResult_Update()

-- MI2_ShowSearchResultTooltip()
-- Show mob tooltip for search result mob currently under mouse cursor.
function MI2_ShowSearchResultTooltip()
        local sliderPos = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(MI2_SearchResultSlider)
        local selection = tonumber(string.sub(this:GetName(), 17)) + sliderPos
        if selection <= MI2_NumMobsFound then
                GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor( GameTooltip, UIParent )

                if MI2_SearchOptions.ListMode == "Mobs" then
                        local index = MI2_SearchResultList[selection].idx
                        local mobName, mobLevel = MI2_GetIndexComponents( index )
                        local mobCaption = mobName.."  L"..mobLevel
                        if MI2_SearchResultList[selection].type then
                                mobCaption = mobCaption.."+"
                        -- create Mob data tooltip with full location info
                        GameTooltip:SetText( mobCaption )
                        MI2_BuildMobInfoTooltip( mobName, mobLevel, 1 )
                elseif MI2_SearchOptions.ListMode == "Items" then
                        local itemName = MI2_SearchResultList[selection].idx
                        GameTooltip:SetText( MI2_SearchResultList[selection].col..itemName )
                        MI2_BuildItemDataTooltip( itemName )
end  -- end of MI2_ShowSearchResultTooltip()

-- MI2_SearchTab_OnClick()
-- The "OnClick" event handler for the TAB buttons on the search result list.
-- These TAB buttons switch the list content between two modes: mob list
-- and item list
function MI2_SearchTab_OnClick()
        PanelTemplates_Tab_OnClick( MI2_SearchResultFrame )
        local selected = MI2_SearchResultFrame.selectedTab
        if selected == 1 then
                if MI2_NumMobsFound > 0 then
                MI2_SearchOptions.ListMode = "Mobs"
                MI2_UpdateSearchResultList( true )
        elseif selected == 2 then
                MI2_SearchOptions.ListMode = "Items"
                MI2_UpdateSearchResultList( true )
end -- MI2_SearchTab_OnClick()

-- MI2_DeleteSearchResultMobs()
-- Delete all Mobs in the search result list from the MobInfo database.
-- This function is called when the user confirms the delete.
function MI2_DeleteSearchResultMobs()
        for idx, val in MI2_SearchResultList do
                local mobIndex = val.idx
                MI2_DeleteMobData( mobIndex, true )
        chattext( mifontLightBlue.."<MobInfo> deleted "..MI2_NumMobsFound.." Mobs from the MobInfo databases" )
end -- MI2_DeleteSearchResultMobs()