vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
--      FileName Localization
--              "English Localization"
--      English By: Mugendai
--      Contact:
--      $Id: localization.lua 2640 2005-10-17 09:22:31Z mugendai $
--      $Rev: 2640 $
--      $LastChangedBy: mugendai $
--      $Date: 2005-10-17 04:22:31 -0500 (Mon, 17 Oct 2005) $

-- MCom Versioning System, DO NOT CHANGE!
--MCom version number

--Should we use this version of MCom
MCom_Update = nil;

--If there is no MCom, make one
if (not MCom) then
        MCom = {};

--Check the version, and decide if we should update
if (MCom.VERSION) then
        if (MCOM_VERSION > MCom.VERSION) then
                MCom_Update = true;
                MCom.VERSION = MCOM_VERSION;
        MCom_Update = true;

-- Copyable locale starts here
--Only overwrite if version is newer, be sure to include this(but not the above part) in localizations
if (MCom_Update) then
        -- MCom types
        MCOM_BOOLT = "B";
        MCOM_NUMT = "N";
        MCOM_MULTIT = "M";
        MCOM_STRINGT = "S";
        MCOM_SIMPLET = "E";
        MCOM_CHOICET = "C";
        MCOM_COLORT = "K";
        -- MCom help text
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_ALIAS                     = "Command aliases: %s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_COMMANDS          = "Commands:\ncommand/alias - type (state)\ndetails";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_SUBCOMMAND_S              = "\124c00FFC000%s\124r - %s\n%s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_SUBCOMMAND                = "\124c00FFC000%s\124r - %s \124c0000FF00(%s\124c0000FF00)\124r\n%s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_NOINFO = "No additonal info available.";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_CLIST = "Choices: %s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_USAGE             =       "When using commands don't include the parenthesis or brackets, or the letter between the parenthesis."
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_USAGE_B           =       "On on/off options, if you don't pass anything to them, they will flip to the opposite state."
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_USAGE_B_M         =       "On options that allow you to specify both on/off and another value, such as a "..MCOM_BOOLT.."%s type, which lets you "..
                                                                                                        "Set an on/off and %s, you can specify only the on/off portion if you wish, and leave the second "..
                                                                                                        "part as it is.";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_USAGE_B_N         = "a number";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_USAGE_B_S         = "a string";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_USAGE_B_C         = "a choice";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_USAGE_B_K         = "a color";
        MCOM_CHAT_C_M = MCOM_CHOICET.."M";      --Letter indicator that this is a multiple choice option
        MCOM_CHAT_K_O = MCOM_COLORT.."O";       --Letter indicator that this is a color option with opacity
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_B         = "[on/off]";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_N         = "[number]";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_N_MIN = "Min: %s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_N_MAX = "Max: %s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_N_RANGE = " \124c0064DCFF[%s]\124r";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_S         = "[string]";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_C         = "[choice]";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_C_M               = "[choice[ morechoices]]";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_K         = "[red green blue]";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_K_O               = "[red green blue [opacity]]";

        MCOM_CHAT_COM_K_R = "R:%s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_K_G = "G:%s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_K_B = "B:%s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_K_O = "O:%s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_K_X = "\124c%sExample\124r";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_USAGE_S_E         = "Usage %s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_USAGE_S_S         = "Usage %s %s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_USAGE_S_M         = "Usage %s "..MCOM_CHAT_COM_B.." %s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_USAGE_E   = "Usage for ("..MCOM_SIMPLET..") %s [option]";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_USAGE_S   = "Usage for (%s) %s [option] %s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_USAGE_M   = "Usage for (%s) %s [option] "..MCOM_CHAT_COM_B.." %s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_EXAMPLE   =       "Example Usage:";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_EXAMPLE_O_B               = "on";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_EXAMPLE_O_N               = "1";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_EXAMPLE_O_S               = "somestring";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_EXAMPLE_O_K               = "20 56 100";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_EXAMPLE_O_K_O             = "20 56 100 62";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_EXAMPLE_S_E               = "%s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_EXAMPLE_S_S               = "%s %s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_EXAMPLE_S_M               = "%s "..MCOM_CHAT_COM_EXAMPLE_O_B.." %s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_EXAMPLE_E         = "%s %s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_EXAMPLE_S         = "%s %s %s";
        MCOM_CHAT_COM_EXAMPLE_M         = "%s %s "..MCOM_CHAT_COM_EXAMPLE_O_B.." %s";
        MCOM_CHAT_ENABLED = "enabled";
        MCOM_CHAT_DISABLED = "disabled";
        MCOM_CHAT_ON = "On";
        MCOM_CHAT_OFF = "Off";
        MCOM_CHAT_STATUS_B = "%s %%s";
        MCOM_CHAT_STATUS_N = "%s set to %%s";
        MCOM_CHAT_STATUS_S = "%s set to %%s";
        MCOM_CHAT_STATUS_C = "%s set to %%s";
        MCOM_CHAT_STATUS_K = "%s set to %%s";
        MCOM_FEEDBACK_CHECK = "%s %s";
        MCOM_FEEDBACK_RADIO = "%s set to %s";
        MCOM_FEEDBACK_SLIDER = "%s set to %s";
        MCOM_FEEDBACK_SLIDER_M = "%s, and set to %s";
        MCOM_FEEDBACK_EDITBOX = "%s set to %s";
        MCOM_FEEDBACK_EDITBOX_M = "%s, and set to %s";
        MCOM_FEEDBACK_COLOR = "|c%s%s color changed|r";
        MCOM_FEEDBACK_COLOR_M = "|c%s%s|r";
        MCOM_FEEDBACK_CHOICE = "%s set to %s";
        MCOM_FEEDBACK_CHOICE_M = "%s, and set to %s";
        MCOM_PAGE_TEXT = "Page (%s/%s)";
        MCOM_HELP_COMMAND = "help";
        MCOM_HELP_CONFIG = "%s Help";
        MCOM_HELP_CONFIG_INFO = "Will display a screen showing helpful information about %s.";
        MCOM_HELP_GENERIC = "Will display a screen showing helpful information about this addon.";
        MCOM_HELP_TITLE = "%s Help";

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