vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
-- LevelRange :: Readme
-- Copyright (c) 2006 Philip Hughes (Bull3t)

Title:          LevelRange
Interface:      11200
Version:        1.2.0

Author:         Bull3t
Addon Website:

Current Features:
 [*] Shows zone level ranges, diplomacy, raids and instances on World Map.
 [*] Has two slash commands for easily reloading the User Interface.

Change Log
1.2.0 - Update
 [*] Added the showing of raids and raid level ranges.
 [*] Added an options frame, you can now specify what you want on and off, access with "/lr" or "/levelrange".
 [*] Added myAddons support, LevelRange will now show in myAddons correctly.
 [*] Added a small help system.
 [*] Added ReloadUI shortcut slash commands, this shortcut is on many addons, and is very useful, reload the UI with "/rui" or "/reloadui".
 [*] Changed the way LevelRange shows instance level ranges.
 [*] Fixed a bug with FlightMap collision, if FlightMap is enabled, LevelRange will be shown on the right, instead of the left.

1.1.0 - Update
 [*] Added the showing of instances and instance level ranges.
 [*] Added slash commands, but currently they do nothing.

1.0.0 - Release
 [*] Public release version.

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