vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:


--> table.onupdate was using a bit too much processor when in a 40 man raid. Recoded it - total processor usage down about 50%.

--> you will no longer "spam" 8 byte messages every 10 seconds when out of combat.

--> Changed the timeout for version query to 2 seconds, since 3 is just way too annoying to wait for.

--> Removed some more old code from 1.11 days that wasn't being used.

--> Added ability to automatically hide / show the window when you join / leave a raid. Type "/ktm autohide true" to enable, "/ktm autohide false" to disable. This is saved on logout. Thanks PkCounter for inspiration. This defaults to false.


--> Removed compatability code for 1.11 servers, and the debug print on loadup. 

--> Rogues: fixed vanish. Also Bloodfang 5/8 may finally be working. Also added sleight of hand. Not sure how it stacks with 5/8 bloodfang, so i will assume it as additive (conservatively small).

--> I think i've fixed the lua error on KTM_Tables.lua:160.

--> Changed Rogue and Cat Form to -29% threat. Wow! This means rogues have the same threat as pre-patch, if you take into account the new multiplicative method.

--> Added some comments to the top of KTM_Net.lua on the new MT polling system.