vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev:["enUS"] = 
        ["binding"] = 
                hideshow = "Hide / Show Window",
                stop = "Emergency Stop",
                mastertarget = "Set / Clear Master Target",
                resetraid = "Reset Raid Threat",
        ["spell"] = 
                ["heroicstrike"] = "Heroic Strike",
                ["maul"] = "Maul",
                ["swipe"] = "Swipe",
                ["shieldslam"] = "Shield Slam",
                ["revenge"] = "Revenge",
                ["shieldbash"] = "Shield Bash",
                ["sunder"] = "Sunder Armor",
                ["feint"] = "Feint",
                ["cower"] = "Cower",
                ["taunt"] = "Taunt",
                ["growl"] = "Growl",
                ["vanish"] = "Vanish",
                ["frostbolt"] = "Frostbolt",
                ["fireball"] = "Fireball",
                ["arcanemissiles"] = "Arcane Missiles",
                ["scorch"] = "Scorch",
                ["cleave"] = "Cleave",
                -- Items / Buffs:
                ["arcaneshroud"] = "Arcane Shroud",
                ["reducethreat"] = "Reduce Threat",

                -- Leeches: no threat from heal
                ["holynova"] = "Holy Nova", -- no heal or damage threat
                ["siphonlife"] = "Siphon Life", -- no heal threat
                ["drainlife"] = "Drain Life", -- no heal threat
                ["deathcoil"] = "Death Coil",   
                -- Fel Stamina and Fel Energy DO cause threat! GRRRRRRR!!!
                --["felstamina"] = "Fel Stamina",
                --["felenergy"] = "Fel Energy",
                ["bloodsiphon"] = "Blood Siphon", -- poisoned blood vs Hakkar
                ["lifetap"] = "Life Tap", -- no mana gain threat
                ["holyshield"] = "Holy Shield", -- multiplier
                ["tranquility"] = "Tranquility",
                ["distractingshot"] = "Distracting Shot",
                ["earthshock"] = "Earth Shock",
                ["rockbiter"] = "Rockbiter",
                ["fade"] = "Fade",
                ["thunderfury"] = "Thunderfury",
                -- Spell Sets
                -- warlock descruction
                ["shadowbolt"] = "Shadow Bolt",
                ["immolate"] = "Immolate",
                ["conflagrate"] = "Conflagrate",
                ["searingpain"] = "Searing Pain", -- 2 threat per damage
                ["rainoffire"] = "Rain of Fire",
                ["soulfire"] = "Soul Fire",
                ["shadowburn"] = "Shadowburn",
                ["hellfire"] = "Hellfire",
                -- mage offensive arcane
                ["arcaneexplosion"] = "Arcane Explosion",
                ["counterspell"] = "Counterspell",
                -- priest shadow. No longer used (R17).
                ["mindblast"] = "Mind Blast",   -- 2 threat per damage
                ["mindflay"] = "Mind Flay",
                ["devouringplague"] = "Devouring Plague",
                ["shadowwordpain"] = "Shadow Word: Pain",
                ["manaburn"] = "Mana Burn",
        ["power"] = 
                ["mana"] = "Mana",
                ["rage"] = "Rage",
                ["energy"] = "Energy",
        ["threatsource"] = -- these values are for user printout only
                ["powergain"] = "Power Gain",
                ["total"] = "Total",
                ["special"] = "Specials",
                ["healing"] = "Healing",
                ["dot"] = "Dots",
                ["threatwipe"] = "NPC Spells",
                ["damageshield"] = "Damage Shields",
                ["whitedamage"] = "White Damage",
        ["talent"] = -- these values are for user printout only
                ["defiance"] = "Defiance",
                ["impale"] = "Impale",
                ["silentresolve"] = "Silent Resolve",
                ["frostchanneling"] = "Frost Channeling",
                ["burningsoul"] = "Burning Soul",
                ["healinggrace"] = "Healing Grace",
                ["shadowaffinity"] = "Shadow Affinity",
                ["druidsubtlety"] = "Druid Subtlety",
                ["feralinstinct"] = "Feral Instinct",
                ["ferocity"] = "Ferocity",
                ["savagefury"] = "Savage Fury",
                ["tranquility"] = "Improved Tranquility",
                ["masterdemonologist"] = "Master Demonologist",
                ["arcanesubtlety"] = "Arcane Subtlety",
                ["righteousfury"] = "Righteous Fury",
        ["threatmod"] = -- these values are for user printout only
                ["tranquilair"] = "Tranquil Air Totem",
                ["salvation"] = "Blessing of Salvation",
                ["battlestance"] = "Battle Stance",
                ["defensivestance"] = "Defensive Stance",
                ["berserkerstance"] = "Berserker Stance",
                ["defiance"] = "Defiance",
                ["basevalue"] = "Base Value",
                ["bearform"] = "Bear Form",
                ["catform"] = "Cat Form",
                ["glovethreatenchant"] = "+Threat Enchant to Gloves",
                ["backthreatenchant"] = "-Threat Enchant to Back",
        ["sets"] = 
                ["bloodfang"] = "Bloodfang",
                ["nemesis"] = "Nemesis",
                ["netherwind"] = "Netherwind",
                ["might"] = "Might",
                ["arcanist"] = "Arcanist",
        ["boss"] = 
                ["speech"] = 
                        ["razorphase2"] = "flee as the controlling power of the orb is drained.",
                        ["onyxiaphase3"] = "It seems you'll need another lesson",
                        ["thekalphase2"] = "fill me with your RAGE",
                        ["rajaxxfinal"] = "Impudent fool! I will kill you myself!",
                        ["azuregosport"] = "Come, little ones",
                        ["nefphase2"] = "BURN! You wretches! BURN!",
                -- Some of these are unused. Also, if none is defined in your localisation, they won't be used,
                -- so don't worry if you don't implement it.
                ["name"] = 
                        ["rajaxx"] = "General Rajaxx",
                        ["onyxia"] = "Onyxia",
                        ["ebonroc"] = "Ebonroc",
                        ["razorgore"] = "Razorgore the Untamed",
                        ["thekal"] = "High Priest Thekal",
                        ["shazzrah"] = "Shazzrah",
                        ["twinempcaster"] = "Emperor Vek'lor",
                        ["twinempmelee"] = "Emperor Vek'nilash",
                        ["noth"] = "Noth the Plaguebringer",
                ["spell"] = 
                        ["shazzrahgate"] = "Gate of Shazzrah", -- "Shazzrah casts Gate of Shazzrah."
                        ["wrathofragnaros"] = "Wrath of Ragnaros", -- "Ragnaros's Wrath of Ragnaros hits you for 100 Fire damage."
                        ["timelapse"] = "Time Lapse", -- "You are afflicted by Time Lapse."
                        ["knockaway"] = "Knock Away",
                        ["wingbuffet"] = "Wing Buffet",
                        ["burningadrenaline"] = "Burning Adrenaline",
                        ["twinteleport"] = "Twin Teleport",
                        ["nothblink"] = "Blink",
                        ["sandblast"] = "Sand Blast",
        ["misc"] = 
                ["imp"] = "Imp", -- UnitCreatureFamily("pet")
                ["spellrank"] = "Rank (%d+)", -- second value of GetSpellName(x, "spell")
                ["aggrogain"] = "Aggro Gain",

        -- labels and tooltips for the main window
        ["gui"] = { 
                ["raid"] = {
                        ["head"] = {
                                -- column headers for the raid view
                                ["name"] = "Name",
                                ["threat"] = "Threat",
                                ["pc"] = "%Max",                        -- your threat as a percentage of the #1 player's threat
                        ["stringshort"] = {
                                -- tooltip titles for the bottom bar strings
                                ["tdef"] = "Threat Margin", -- the difference in threat between you and the MT / #1 in the list.
                                ["targ"] = "Master Target",
                        ["stringlong"] = {
                                -- tooltip descriptions for the bottom bar strings
                                ["tdef"] = "",
                                ["targ"] = "Only threat against %s is being counted towards raid threat values."
                ["self"] = {
                        ["head"] = {
                                -- column headers for the self view
                                ["name"] = "Name",
                                ["hits"] = "Hits",
                                ["rage"] = "Rage",
                                ["dam"] = "Damage",
                                ["threat"] = "Threat",
                                ["pc"] = "%T",                  -- Abbreviation of %Threat
                        -- text on the self threat reset button
                        ["reset"] = "Reset",
                ["title"] = {
                        ["text"] = {
                                -- the window titles
                                ["long"] = "KTM %d.%d", -- don't need to localise these
                                ["short"] = "KTM",
                        ["buttonshort"] = {
                                -- the tooltip titles for command buttons
                                ["close"] = "Close",
                                ["min"] = "Minimise",
                                ["max"] = "Maximise",
                                ["self"] = "Self View",
                                ["raid"] = "Raid View",
                                ["pin"] = "Pin",
                                ["unpin"] = "Unpin",
                                ["opt"] = "Options",
                                ["targ"] = "Master Target",
                                ["clear"] = "Reset",
                        ["buttonlong"] = {
                                -- the tooltip descriptions for command buttons
                                ["close"] = "Threat data will still be sent if you are in a party or raid",
                                ["min"] = "",
                                ["max"] = "",
                                ["self"] = "Shows personal threat details",
                                ["raid"] = "Shows raid threat data",
                                ["pin"] = "Prevents the threatmeter window from being moved",
                                ["unpin"] = "Allows the threatmeter window to be moved",
                                ["opt"] = "",
                                ["targ"] = "Sets the Master Target to your current target. If you do not have a target, the Master Target is cleared. You must be a raid assistant or leader.",
                                ["clear"] = "Sets all players' threat to zero. You must be a raid assistant or leader.",
                        ["stringshort"] = {
                                -- the tooltip titles for titlebar strings
                                ["threat"] = "Threat",
                                ["tdef"] = "Threat Defecit",
                                ["rank"] = "Threat Rank",
                                ["pc"] = "% Threat",
                        ["stringlong"] = {
                                -- the tooltip descriptions for titlebar strings
                                ["threat"] = "The amount of threat accumulated since your personal value was reset",
                                ["tdef"] = "The difference between your threat and the target's",
                                ["rank"] = "Your position in the threat list",
                                ["pc"] = "Your threat as a percent of the target's",
        -- labels and tooltips for the options gui
        ["optionsgui"] = {
                ["buttons"] = {
                        -- the options gui command button labels
                        ["gen"] = "General",
                        ["raid"] = "Raid",
                        ["self"] = "Self",
                        ["close"] = "Close",    
                -- the labels for option checkboxes and headers
                ["labels"] = {
                        -- the title description for each option page
                        ["titlebar"] = {
                                ["gen"] = "General Options",
                                ["raid"] = "Raid Options",
                                ["self"] = "Self Options",
                        ["buttons"] = {
                                -- the names of title bar command buttons
                                ["pin"] = "Pin",
                                ["opt"] = "Options",
                                ["view"] = "View change",
                                ["targ"] = "Master Target",
                                ["clear"] = "Reset Raid Threat",
                        ["columns"] = {
                                -- names of columns on the self and raid views
                                ["hits"] = "Hits",
                                ["rage"] = "Rage",
                                ["dam"] = "Damage",
                                ["threat"] = "Threat",
                                ["pc"] = "% threat",
                        ["options"] = {
                                -- miscelaneous option names
                                ["hide"] = "Hide rows with 0 threat",
                                ["abbreviate"] = "Abbreviate large values",
                                ["resize"] = "Resize frame",
                                ["aggro"] = "Show aggro gain",
                                ["rows"] = "Max visible rows",
                                ["scale"] = "Frame scale",
                                ["bottom"] = "Hide bottom bar",
                        ["minvis"] = {
                                -- the names of minimised strings
                                ["threat"] = "Minimised threat", -- dodge...
                                ["rank"] = "Threat rank",
                                ["pc"] = "% threat",
                                ["tdef"] = "Threat defecit",
                        ["headers"] = {
                                -- headers in the options gui
                                ["columns"] = "Visible columns",
                                ["strings"] = "Minimised strings",
                                ["other"] = "Other options",
                                ["minvis"] = "Minimised buttons",
                                ["maxvis"] = "Maximised buttons",
                -- the tooltips for some of the options
                ["tooltips"] = {
                        -- miscelaneous option descriptions
                        ["raidhide"] = "If checked, players with zero threat will not be visible on the threat meter.",
                        ["selfhide"] = "Uncheck to show all threat categories.",
                        ["abbreviate"] = "If checked, values larger than ten thousand will be abbreviated with the prefix 'k'. eg '15400' will become '15.4k'.",
                        ["resize"] = "If checked, the number of visible rows will be lowered to match the number of players reporting threat.",
                        ["aggro"] = "If checked, a player is added to the raid display showing the estimated threat barrier. It is most accurate when a mastertarget is set.",
                        ["rows"] = "The maximum number of players visible on the raid threat window.",
                        ["bottom"] = "If checked, the bottom bar will be hidden. It shows your threat defecit and the master target.",
        ["print"] = 
                ["main"] = 
                        ["startupmessage"] = "KLHThreatMeter Release |cff33ff33%s|r Revision |cff33ff33%s|r loaded. Type |cffffff00/ktm|r for help.",
                ["data"] = 
                        ["abilityrank"] = "Your %s ability is rank %s.",
                        ["globalthreat"] = "Your global threat multiplier is %s.",
                        ["globalthreatmod"] = "%s gives you %s.",
                        ["multiplier"] = "As a %s, your threat from %s is multiplied by %s.",
                        ["damage"] = "damage",
                        ["shadowspell"] = "shadow spells",
                        ["arcanespell"] = "arcane spells",
                        ["holyspell"] = "holy spells",
                        ["setactive"] = "%s %d piece active? ... %s.",
                        ["true"] = "true",
                        ["false"] = "false",
                        ["healing"] = "Your healing causes %s threat (before global threat multiplier).",
                        ["talentpoint"] = "You have %d talent points in %s.",
                        ["talent"] = "Found %d %s talents.",
                        ["rockbiter"] = "Your rank %d Rockbiter adds %d threat to successful melee attacks.",
                -- new in R17.7
                ["boss"] = 
                        ["automt"] = "The master target has been automatically set to %s.",
                        ["spellsetmob"] = "%s sets the %s parameter of %s's %s ability to %s from %s.", -- "Kenco sets the multiplier parameter of Onyxia's Knock Away ability to 0.7"
                        ["spellsetall"] = "%s sets the %s parameter of the %s ability to %s from %s.",
                        ["reportmiss"] = "%s reports that %s's %s missed him.",
                        ["reporttick"] = "%s reports that %s's %s hit him. He has suffered %s ticks, and will be affected in %s more ticks.",
                        ["reportproc"] = "%s reports that %s's %s changed his threat from %s to %s.",
                        ["bosstargetchange"] = "%s changed tagets from %s (on %s threat) to %s (on %s threat).",
                        ["autotargetstart"] = "You will automatically clear the meter and set the master target when you next target a world boss.",
                        ["autotargetabort"] = "The master target has already been set to the world boss %s.",
                ["network"] = 
                        ["newmttargetnil"] = "Could not confirm the master target %s, because %s has no target.",
                        ["newmttargetmismatch"] = "%s sets the master target to %s, but his own target is %s. Using his own target instead, check this!",
                        ["mtpollwarning"] = "Updated your master target to %s, but could not confirm this. Ask %s to rebroadcast the master target if this does not sound correct.",
                        ["threatreset"] = "The raid threat meter was cleared by %s.",
                        ["newmt"] = "The master target has been set to '%s' by %s.",
                        ["mtclear"] = "The master target has been cleared by %s.",
                        ["knockbackstart"] = "NPC Spell reporting has been activated by %s.",
                        ["knockbackstop"] = "NPC Spell reporting has been stopped by %s.",
                        ["aggrogain"] = "%s reports gaining aggro with %d threat.",
                        ["aggroloss"] = "%s reports losing aggro with %d threat.",
                        ["knockback"] = "%s reports suffering a knock away. He's down to %d threat.",
                        ["knockbackstring"] = "%s reports this knockback text: '%s'.",
                        ["upgraderequest"] = "%s urges you to upgrade to Release %s of KLHThreatMeter. You are currently using Release %s.",
                        ["remoteoldversion"] = "%s is using the outdated Release %s of KLHThreatMeter. Please tell him to upgrade to Release %s.",
                        ["knockbackvaluechange"] = "|cffffff00%s|r has set the threat reduction of %s's |cffffff00%s|r attack to |cffffff00%d%%|r.",
                        ["raidpermission"] = "You need to be the raid leader or an assistant to do that!",
                        ["needmastertarget"] = "You have to set a master target first!",
                        ["knockbackinactive"] = "Knockback discovery is not active in the raid.",
                        ["versionrequest"] = "Requesting version information from the raid. Responses in 3 seconds.",
                        ["versionrecent"] = "These people have release %s: { ",
                        ["versionold"] = "These people have older versions: { ",
                        ["versionnone"] = "These people do not have KLHThreatMeter, or are not in the right CTRA channel: { ",
                        ["channel"] = 
                                ctra = "CTRA Channel",
                                ora = "oRA Channel",
                                manual = "Manual Override",
                        needtarget = "Target the mob to select as the master target first.",
                        upgradenote = "Older versions of the mod have been notified to upgrade.",
                        advertisestart = "You will now occasionally tell people who pull aggro to download KLHThreatMeter.",
                        advertisestop = "You have stopped advertising KLHThreatMeter.",
                        advertisemessage = "If you had KLHThreatMeter, you might not have pulled aggro on that %s.",