vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
KC_ITEMS_LOCALS.modules.linkview = {}
local locals = KC_ITEMS_LOCALS.modules.linkview

if( not ace:LoadTranslation("KC_Linkview") ) then                     = "KC_Linkview"
locals.description      = "Allows you to view your link database."

locals.msg = {}
locals.msg.tooltip = "Tooltip is now set to show on the"

locals.gui = {}
locals.gui.title                = "KC_Linkview"
locals.gui.items                = "Items"
locals.gui.sortopt              = "Sort Options"
locals.gui.searchopt    = "Search Options"
locals.gui.searchtxt    = "Search Text"               = "Search"
locals.gui.advsearch    = "Adv Search"
locals.gui.tier1                = "Tier 1"
locals.gui.tier2                = "Tier 2"
locals.gui.tier3                = "Tier 3"
locals.gui.please               = "Please Search"
locals.gui.nothing              = "Nothing Found"                 = "Name"
locals.gui.quality              = "Quality"
locals.gui.class                = "Class"
locals.gui.type                 = "Type"
locals.gui.slot                 = "Slot"
locals.gui.level                = "Level"

locals.gui.stats                = "Total Links: %s | Good Links: %s | Matches: %s"

locals.gui.sortlist = {
        {    ,tip="Sorts an item by its name."},
        {val=locals.gui.quality ,tip="Sorts an item by its quality."},
        {val=locals.gui.class   ,tip="Sorts an item by its class."},
        {val=locals.gui.type    ,tip="Sorts an item by its type."},
        {val=locals.gui.slot    ,tip="Sorts an item by its slot."},
        {val=locals.gui.level   ,tip="Sorts an item by its level."},

locals.adv = {}
locals.adv.title                = "Advanced Search"
locals.adv.ext                  = "Search Item Suffixes"
locals.adv.options              = "Search Options"
locals.adv.reset                = "Reset"

-- Do not localize cross
locals.adv.cross = {
        Armor                   = "Cloth Leather Mail Plate Shields Miscellaneous",
        Container               = "Bag Soul Bag",
        Projectile              = "Arrow Bullet",
        Quiver                  = "Quiver Ammo Pouch",
        Recipe                  = "Alchemy Blacksmithing Book Cooking Enchanting Engineering First Aid Fishing Leatherworking Tailoring",
        ["Trade Goods"] = "Explosives Devices Trade Goods Parts",
        Weapons                 = "Bows Crossbows Daggers Fist Weapons Fishing Pole Guns One-Handed Axes One-Handed Maces One-Handed Swords Polearms Staves Thrown Two-Handed Axes Two-Handed Maces Two-Handed Swords Wands",

-- Do not localize the translist
locals.gui.translist = {}
locals.gui.translist[]           = "name"
locals.gui.translist[locals.gui.quality]        = "squality"
locals.gui.translist[locals.gui.class]          = "class"
locals.gui.translist[locals.gui.type]           = "subclass"
locals.gui.translist[locals.gui.slot]           = "location"
locals.gui.translist[locals.gui.level]          = "minlevel"

-- Chat handler locals = {
        option  = "linkview",
        desc    = "Functions relating to the linkview window.",
        args    = {
                        option = "open",
                        desc   = "Toggles view of the linkview window.",
                        method = "show"
                        option = "side",
                        desc   = "Toggles which side of the linkview window the tooltip will be displayed.",
                        method = "side"
