vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

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Name: Compost-2.0
Revision: $Rev: 11579 $
Author: Tekkub Stoutwrithe (
SVN: svn://
Description: Recycle tables to reduce garbage generation
Dependencies: AceLibrary

local vmajor, vminor = "Compost-2.0", "$Revision: 11579 $"

if not AceLibrary then error(vmajor .. " requires AceLibrary.") end
if not AceLibrary:IsNewVersion(vmajor, vminor) then return end

local lib = {}

local table_setn
        local version = GetBuildInfo()
        if string.find(version, "^2%.") then
                -- 2.0.0
                table_setn = function() end
                table_setn = table.setn

-- Activate a new instance of this library
local function activate(self, oldLib, oldDeactivate)
        if oldLib then -- if upgrading
                self.var, self.k = oldLib.var, oldLib.k
                self.k = {  -- Constants go here
                        maxcache = 10,          -- I think this is a good number, I'll change it later if necessary
                self.var = {  -- "Local" variables go here
                        cache = {},
                        secondarycache = {},

                -- This makes the secondary cache table a weak table, any values in it will be reclaimed
                -- during a GC if there are no other references to them
                setmetatable(self.var.secondarycache, {__mode = "v"})
        if not self.var.tablechecks then
                self.var.tablechecks = {}
                setmetatable(self.var.tablechecks, {__mode = "kv"})
                for i,v in ipairs(self.var.cache) do self.var.tablechecks[v] = true end
                for i,v in ipairs(self.var.secondarycache) do self.var.tablechecks[v] = true end
        if oldDeactivate then oldDeactivate(oldLib) end

-- Removes an empty table from the cache and returns it
-- or generates a new table if none available
function lib:GetTable()
        if self.var.disabled then return {} end

        if table.getn(self.var.cache) > 0 then
                for i in pairs(self.var.cache) do
                        local t = table.remove(self.var.cache, i)
                        self.var.tablechecks[t] = nil
                        if next(t) then  -- Table has been modified, someone holds a ref still, discard it
                                error("Someone is modifying tables reclaimed by Compost!")
                                self:IncDec("numdiscarded", 1)
                        else  -- It's clean, we think... return it.
                                self:IncDec("totn", -1)
                                self:IncDec("numrecycled", 1)
                                return t

        if next(self.var.secondarycache) then
                for i in pairs(self.var.secondarycache) do
                        local t = table.remove(self.var.secondarycache, i)
                        self.var.tablechecks[t] = nil
                        if next(t) then  -- Table has been modified, someone holds a ref still, discard it
                                error("Someone is modifying tables reclaimed by Compost!")
                                self:IncDec("numdiscarded", 1)
                        else  -- It's clean, we think... return it.
                                self:IncDec("totn", -1)
                                self:IncDec("numrecycled", 1)
                                return t

        self:IncDec("numnew", 1)
        return {}

-- Returns a table, populated with any variables passed
-- basically: return {a1, a2, ... a20}
function lib:Acquire(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a17,a18,a19,a20)
        local t = self:GetTable()
        return self:Populate(t,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a17,a18,a19,a20)

-- Acquires a table and fills it with values, hash style
-- basically: return {k1 = v1, k2 = v2, ... k10 = v10}
function lib:AcquireHash(k1,v1,k2,v2,k3,v3,k4,v4,k5,v5,k6,v6,k7,v7,k8,v8,k9,v9,k10,v10)
        local t = self:GetTable()
        return self:PopulateHash(t,k1,v1,k2,v2,k3,v3,k4,v4,k5,v5,k6,v6,k7,v7,k8,v8,k9,v9,k10,v10)

-- Erases the table passed, fills it with the args passed, and returns it
-- Essentially the same as doing Reclaim then Acquire, except the same table is reused
function lib:Recycle(t,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a17,a18,a19,a20)
        t = self:Erase(t)
        return self:Populate(t,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a17,a18,a19,a20)

-- Erases the table passed, fills it with the args passed, and returns it
-- Essentially the same as doing Reclaim then AcquireHash, except the same table is reused
function lib:RecycleHash(t,k1,v1,k2,v2,k3,v3,k4,v4,k5,v5,k6,v6,k7,v7,k8,v8,k9,v9,k10,v10)
        t = self:Erase(t)
        return self:PopulateHash(t,k1,v1,k2,v2,k3,v3,k4,v4,k5,v5,k6,v6,k7,v7,k8,v8,k9,v9,k10,v10)

-- Returns a table to the cache
-- All tables referenced inside the passed table will be reclaimed also
-- If a depth is passed, Reclaim will call itsself recursivly
-- to reclaim all tables contained in t to the depth specified
function lib:Reclaim(t, depth)
        if type(t) ~= "table" or self.var.disabled then return end
        self:assert(not self.var.tablechecks[t], "Cannot reclaim a table twice")

        if not self:ItemsInSecondaryCache() then self.var.totn = table.getn(self.var.cache) end

        if depth and depth > 0 then
                for i in pairs(t) do
                        if type(t[i]) == "table" then self:Reclaim(t[i], depth - 1) end
        if self.k.maxcache and table.getn(self.var.cache) >= self.k.maxcache then
                table.insert(self.var.secondarycache, t)
                table.insert(self.var.cache, t)
        self:IncDec("numreclaim", 1)
        self:IncDec("totn", 1)
        self.var.maxn = math.max(self.var.maxn or 0, self.var.totn)
        self.var.tablechecks[t] = true

-- Reclaims multiple tables, can take 10 recursive sets or 20 non-recursives,
-- or any combination of the two.  Pass args in the following manner:
-- table1, depth1, tabl2, depth2, table3, table4, table5, depth5, ...
function lib:ReclaimMulti(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a17,a18,a19,a20)
        if not a1 then return end
        if type(a2) == "number" then
                self:Reclaim(a1, a2)

-- Erases the table passed, nothing more nothing less :)
-- Tables referenced inside the passed table are NOT erased
function lib:Erase(t)
        if type(t) ~= "table" then return end
        if self.var.disabled then return {} end
        local mem = gcinfo()
        setmetatable(t, nil)
        for i in pairs(t) do
                t[i] = nil
        t.reset = 1
        t.reset = nil
        table_setn(t, 0)
        self:IncDec("memfreed", math.abs(gcinfo() - mem))
        self:IncDec("numerased", 1)
        return t

-- Fills the table passed with the args passed
function lib:Populate(t,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a17,a18,a19,a20)
        if not t then return end
        if a1 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a1) end
        if a2 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a2) end
        if a3 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a3) end
        if a4 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a4) end
        if a5 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a5) end
        if a6 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a6) end
        if a7 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a7) end
        if a8 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a8) end
        if a9 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a9) end
        if a10 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a10) end
        if a11 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a11) end
        if a12 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a12) end
        if a13 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a13) end
        if a14 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a14) end
        if a15 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a15) end
        if a16 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a16) end
        if a17 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a17) end
        if a18 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a18) end
        if a19 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a19) end
        if a20 ~= nil then table.insert(t, a20) end
        return t

-- Same as Populate, but takes 10 key-value pairs instead
function lib:PopulateHash(t,k1,v1,k2,v2,k3,v3,k4,v4,k5,v5,k6,v6,k7,v7,k8,v8,k9,v9,k10,v10)
        if not t then return end
        if k1 ~= nil then t[k1] = v1 end
        if k2 ~= nil then t[k2] = v2 end
        if k3 ~= nil then t[k3] = v3 end
        if k4 ~= nil then t[k4] = v4 end
        if k5 ~= nil then t[k5] = v5 end
        if k6 ~= nil then t[k6] = v6 end
        if k7 ~= nil then t[k7] = v7 end
        if k8 ~= nil then t[k8] = v8 end
        if k9 ~= nil then t[k9] = v9 end
        if k10 ~= nil then t[k10] = v10 end
        return t

function lib:IncDec(variable, diff)
        self.var[variable] = (self.var[variable] or 0) + diff

function lib:ItemsInSecondaryCache()
        for i in pairs(self.var.secondarycache) do return true end

function lib:GetSecondaryCacheSize()
        local n = 0
        for i in pairs(self.var.secondarycache) do n = n + 1 end
        return n

-- Prints out statistics on table recycling
-- /script CompostLib:GetInstance("compost-1"):Stats()
function lib:Stats()
        if self.var.disabled then ChatFrame1:AddMessage("CompostLib is disabled!")
        else ChatFrame1:AddMessage(
                        "|cff00ff00New: %d|r | |cffffff00Recycled: %d|r | |cff00ffffMain: %d|r | |cffff0000Secondary: %d|r | |cffff8800Max %d|r | |cff888888Erases: %d|r | |cffff00ffMem Saved: %d KiB|r | |cffff0088Lost to GC: %d",
                        self.var.numnew or 0,
                        self.var.numrecycled or 0,
                        self.var.maxn or 0,
                        (self.var.numerased or 0) - (self.var.numreclaim or 0),
                        (self.var.memfreed or 0) + 32/1024*(self.var.numrecycled or 0),
                        (self.var.numreclaim or 0) - (self.var.numrecycled or 0) - table.getn(self.var.cache)))

setmetatable(lib, { __call = lib.Acquire })

--      Load this bitch!      --
AceLibrary:Register(lib, vmajor, vminor, activate)
lib = nil