vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Name: CandyBar-2.0
Revision: $Rev: 13442 $
Author: Ammo (
SVN: svn://
Description: A timer bars library
Dependencies: AceLibrary, AceOO-2.0, PaintChips-2.0, (optional) Compost-2.0

local vmajor, vminor = "CandyBar-2.0", "$Revision: 13442 $"

if not AceLibrary then error(vmajor .. " requires AceLibrary.") end
if not AceLibrary:IsNewVersion(vmajor, vminor) then return end

if not AceLibrary:HasInstance("AceOO-2.0") then error(vmajor .. " requires AceOO-2.0") end

if not AceLibrary:HasInstance("PaintChips-2.0") then error(vmajor .. " requires PaintChips-2.0") end

local compost = AceLibrary:HasInstance("Compost-2.0") and AceLibrary("Compost-2.0")
local paint = AceLibrary("PaintChips-2.0")

local AceOO = AceLibrary:GetInstance("AceOO-2.0")
local Mixin = AceOO.Mixin
local CandyBar = Mixin {

local function getnewtable() return compost and compost:Acquire() or {} end
local function reclaimtable(t) if compost then compost:Reclaim(t) end end

-- Registers a new candy bar
-- name - A unique identifier for your bar.
-- time - Time for the bar
-- text - text displayed on the bar [defaults to the name if not set]
-- icon - icon off the bar [optional]
-- c1 - c10 - color of the bar [optional]
-- returns true on a succesful register
function CandyBar:Register(name, time, text, icon, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(time, 3, "number")
        if not name or not time then return end
        if CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then self:Unregister(name) end
        local t = getnewtable(), t.time, t.text, t.icon = name, time, text or name, icon
        t.texture = CandyBar.var.defaults.texture
        t.color = {}
        if not paint:GetRGBPercent(c1) then c1 = "green" end
        _, t.color[1], t.color[2], t.color[3] = paint:GetRGBPercent(c1)
        t.color[4] = 1
        t.running = nil
        t.endtime = 0
        t.reversed = nil
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name] = t
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame = CandyBar:AcquireBarFrame(name)
        if c1 and c2 then
                CandyBar:SetGradient( name, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10)
        return true

-- Removes a candy bar
-- a1 - a10 handlers that you wish to remove
-- returns true upon sucessful removal
function CandyBar:Unregister(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10)
        CandyBar:argCheck(a1, 2, "string")
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[a1] then return end
        CandyBar.var.handlers[a1] = nil
        if a2 then CandyBar:Unregister(a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10)
        elseif not CandyBar:HasHandlers() then CandyBar.var.frame:Hide() end
        return true

-- Checks if a candy bar is registered
-- Args: name - name of the candybar
-- returns true if a the candybar is registered
function CandyBar:IsRegistered(name)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        if CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return true end
        return false

-- Start a bar
-- Args:  name - the candybar you want to start
--        fireforget [optional] - pass true if you want the bar to unregister upon completion
-- returns true if succesful
function CandyBar:Start( name, fireforget )
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end
        local t = GetTime()
        if CandyBar.var.handlers[name].paused then
                local pauseoffset = t - CandyBar.var.handlers[name].pausetime
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].endtime = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].endtime + pauseoffset
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].starttime = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].starttime + pauseoffset
                -- bar hasn't elapsed a second.
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].elapsed = 0
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].endtime = t + CandyBar.var.handlers[name].time
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].starttime = t
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fireforget = fireforget
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].running = true
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].paused = nil
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fading = nil
        CandyBar:AcquireBarFrame( name ) -- this will reset the barframe incase we were fading out when it was restarted
        if CandyBar.var.handlers[name].group then CandyBar:UpdateGroup( CandyBar.var.handlers[name].group ) end -- update the group
        return true


-- Stop a bar
-- Args:  name - the candybar you want to stop
-- returns true if succesful
function CandyBar:Stop( name)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].running = nil
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].paused = nil

        if CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fadeout then
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fading = true
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fadeelapsed = 0
                local t = GetTime()
                if CandyBar.var.handlers[name].endtime > t then
                        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].endtime = t

                local reversed = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].reversed
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].starttime = nil
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].endtime = 0
                if CandyBar.var.handlers[name].group then CandyBar:UpdateGroup(CandyBar.var.handlers[name].group) end
                if CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fireforget then
                        return CandyBar:Unregister(name)
        if not CandyBar:HasHandlers() then CandyBar.var.frame:Hide() end
        return true

-- Pause a bar
-- Name - the candybar you want to pause
-- returns true if succesful
function CandyBar:Pause( name )
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].pausetime = GetTime()
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].paused = true
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].running = nil

-- Query a timer's status
-- Args: name - the schedule you wish to look up
-- Returns: registered - true if a schedule exists with this name
--          time    - time for this bar
--          elapsed - time elapsed for this bar
--          running - true if this schedule is currently running
function CandyBar:Status(name)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end
        return true, CandyBar.var.handlers[name].time, CandyBar.var.handlers[name].elapsed, CandyBar.var.handlers[name].running, CandyBar.var.handlers[name].paused

-- Set the time for a bar.
-- Args: name - the candybar name
--       time - the new time for this bar
-- returns true if succesful
function CandyBar:SetTime(name, time)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(time, 3, "number")
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].time = time

        return true

-- Set the time left for a bar.
-- Args: name - the candybar name
--       time - time left on the bar
-- returns true if succesful

function CandyBar:SetTimeLeft(name, time)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(time, 3, "number")
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end
        if CandyBar.var.handlers[name].time < time or time < 0 then return end

        local e = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].time - time
        local d = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].elapsed - e
        if CandyBar.var.handlers[name].starttime and CandyBar.var.handlers[name].endtime then
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].starttime = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].starttime + d
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].endtime = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].endtime + d

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].elapsed = e

        return true

-- Sets smooth coloring of the bar depending on time elapsed
-- Args: name - the candybar name
--       c1 - c10 color order of the gradient
-- returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:SetGradient(name, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")

        CandyBar:argCheck(c1, 3, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(c2, 4, "string")

        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end
        if not c1 or not c2 then return end

        local gtable = {}

        gtable[1] = {}
        gtable[2] = {}

        if not paint:GetRGBPercent(c1) then c1 = "green" end
        if not paint:GetRGBPercent(c2) then c2 = "green" end
        if c3 and not paint:GetRGBPercent(c3) then c3 = "green" end
        if c4 and not paint:GetRGBPercent(c4) then c4 = "green" end
        if c5 and not paint:GetRGBPercent(c5) then c5 = "green" end
        if c6 and not paint:GetRGBPercent(c6) then c6 = "green" end
        if c7 and not paint:GetRGBPercent(c7) then c7 = "green" end
        if c8 and not paint:GetRGBPercent(c8) then c8 = "green" end
        if c9 and not paint:GetRGBPercent(c9) then c9 = "green" end
        if c10 and not paint:GetRGBPercent(c10) then c10 = "green" end

        _, gtable[1][1], gtable[1][2], gtable[1][3] = paint:GetRGBPercent(c1)
        _, gtable[2][1], gtable[2][2], gtable[2][3] = paint:GetRGBPercent(c2)
        if c3 then gtable[3] = {} _, gtable[3][1], gtable[3][2], gtable[3][3] = paint:GetRGBPercent(c3) end
        if c4 then gtable[4] = {} _, gtable[4][1], gtable[4][2], gtable[4][3] = paint:GetRGBPercent(c4) end
        if c5 then gtable[5] = {} _, gtable[5][1], gtable[5][2], gtable[5][3] = paint:GetRGBPercent(c5) end
        if c6 then gtable[6] = {} _, gtable[6][1], gtable[6][2], gtable[6][3] = paint:GetRGBPercent(c6) end
        if c7 then gtable[7] = {} _, gtable[7][1], gtable[3][2], gtable[7][3] = paint:GetRGBPercent(c7) end
        if c8 then gtable[8] = {} _, gtable[8][1], gtable[8][2], gtable[8][3] = paint:GetRGBPercent(c8) end
        if c9 then gtable[9] = {} _, gtable[9][1], gtable[9][2], gtable[9][3] = paint:GetRGBPercent(c9) end
        if c10 then gtable[10] = {} _, gtable[10][1], gtable[10][2], gtable[10][3] = paint:GetRGBPercent(c10) end

        local max = table.getn(gtable)

        for i = 1, max do
                if not gtable[i][4] then gtable[i][4] = 1 end
                gtable[i][5] = (i-1) / (max-1)

        self.var.handlers[name].gradienttable = gtable
        self.var.handlers[name].gradient = true

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.statusbar:SetStatusBarColor( gtable[1][1], gtable[1][2], gtable[1][3], gtable[1][4])

        return true

-- Set the color of the bar
-- Args: name - the candybar name
--       color - new color of the bar
--       alpha - new alpha of the bar
-- Setting the color will override smooth settings.
function CandyBar:SetColor(name, color, alpha)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(color, 3, "string")

        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end

        if not paint:GetRGBPercent(color) then return end

        local ctable = {}

        _, ctable[1], ctable[2], ctable[3] = paint:GetRGBPercent(color)

        if alpha then ctable[4] = alpha else ctable[4] = 1 end

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].color = ctable
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].gradient = nil

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.statusbar:SetStatusBarColor( ctable[1], ctable[2], ctable[3], ctable[4] )

        return true

-- Set the color of background of the bar
-- Args: name - the candybar name
--       color - new color of the bar
--       alpha - new alpha of the bar
-- Setting the color will override smooth settings.
function CandyBar:SetBackgroundColor(name, color, alpha)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(color, 3, "string")

        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end

        if not paint:GetRGBPercent(color) then return end

        local ctable = {}

        _, ctable[1], ctable[2], ctable[3] = paint:GetRGBPercent(color)

        if alpha then ctable[4] = alpha else ctable[4] = 1 end

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].bgcolor = ctable

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.statusbarbg:SetStatusBarColor( ctable[1], ctable[2], ctable[3], ctable[4] )

        return true

-- Set the color for the bar text
-- Args: name - name of the candybar
--       color - new color of the text
--       alpha - new alpha of the text
-- returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:SetTextColor(name, color, alpha)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(color, 3, "string")

        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end

        if not paint:GetRGBPercent(color) then return end

        local ctable = {}

        _, ctable[1], ctable[2], ctable[3] = paint:GetRGBPercent(color)

        if alpha then ctable[4] = alpha else ctable[4] = 1 end

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].textcolor = ctable

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.text:SetTextColor( ctable[1], ctable[2], ctable[3], ctable[4] )

        return true

-- Set the color for the timer text
-- Args: name - name of the candybar
--       color - new color of the text
--       alpha - new alpha of the text
-- returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:SetTimerTextColor(name, color, alpha)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(color, 3, "string")
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end

        if not paint:GetRGBPercent(color) then return end

        local ctable = {}

        _, ctable[1], ctable[2], ctable[3] = paint:GetRGBPercent(color)

        if alpha then ctable[4] = alpha else ctable[4] = 1 end

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].timertextcolor = ctable

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.timertext:SetTextColor( ctable[1], ctable[2], ctable[3], ctable[4] )

        return true

-- Set the text for the bar
-- Args: name - name of the candybar
--       text - text to set it to
-- returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:SetText(name, text)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(text, 2, "string")
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].text = text

        return true

-- Set the fontsize
-- Args: name - name of the candybar
--           fontsize - new fontsize
-- returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:SetFontSize(name, fontsize)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(fontsize, 3, "number")

        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end

        local font, _, _ = GameFontHighlight:GetFont()
        local timertextwidth = fontsize * 3
        local width = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].width or CandyBar.var.defaults.width
        local f = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fontsize = fontsize
        f.timertext:SetFont(font, fontsize)
        f.text:SetFont(font, fontsize)
        f.timertext:SetWidth( timertextwidth )
        f.text:SetWidth( ( width - timertextwidth ) * .9 )

        return true

-- Set the point where a bar should be anchored
-- Args: name -- name of the bar
--       point -- anchor point
--       rframe -- relative frame
--       rpoint -- relative point
--       xoffset -- x offset
--       yoffset -- y offset
-- returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:SetPoint(name, point, rframe, rpoint, xoffset, yoffset)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")

        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].point = point
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].rframe = rframe
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].rpoint = rpoint
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].xoffset = xoffset
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].yoffset = yoffset

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame:SetPoint(point, rframe,rpoint,xoffset,yoffset)

        return true

-- Set the width for a bar
-- Args: name - name of the candybar
--       width - new width of the candybar
-- returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:SetWidth(name, width)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(width, 3, "number")

        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end

        local height = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].height or CandyBar.var.defaults.height
        local fontsize = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fontsize or CandyBar.var.defaults.fontsize
        local timertextwidth = fontsize * 3
        local f = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame
        f:SetWidth( width + height )
        f.statusbar:SetWidth( width )
        f.statusbarbg:SetWidth( width )

        f.timertext:SetWidth( timertextwidth )
        f.text:SetWidth( ( width - timertextwidth ) * .9 )

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].width = width

        return true

-- Set the height for a bar
-- Args: name - name of the candybar
--       height - new height for the bar
-- returs true when succesful
function CandyBar:SetHeight(name, height)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(height, 3, "number")

        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end

        local width = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].width or CandyBar.var.defaults.width
        local f = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame

        f:SetWidth( width + height )
        f:SetHeight( height )
        f.icon:SetWidth( height )
        f.icon:SetHeight( height )
        f.statusbar:SetHeight( height )
        f.statusbarbg:SetHeight( height )
        f.spark:SetHeight( height + 25 )

        f.statusbarbg:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", f, "TOPLEFT", height, 0)
        f.statusbar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", f, "TOPLEFT", height, 0)

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].height = height

        return true

-- Set the scale for a bar
-- Args: name - name of the candybar
--       scale - new scale of the bar
-- returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:SetScale(name, scale)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(scale, 3, "number")

        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].scale = scale

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame:SetScale( scale )

        return true

-- Set the time formatting function for a bar
-- Args: name - name of the candybar
--       func - function that returns the formatted string
--           a1-a10 - optional arguments to that function
-- returns true when succesful

function CandyBar:SetTimeFormat(name, func, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(func, 3, "function")

        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].timeformat = func
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].timeformat1 = a1
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].timeformat2 = a2
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].timeformat3 = a3
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].timeformat4 = a4
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].timeformat5 = a5
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].timeformat6 = a6
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].timeformat7 = a7
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].timeformat8 = a8
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].timeformat9 = a9
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].timeformat10 = a10

        return true

-- Set the completion function for a bar
-- Args: name - name of the candybar
--                 func - function to call upon ending of the bar
--       a1 - a10 - arguments to pass to the function
-- returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:SetCompletion(name, func, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(func, 3, "function")

        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].completion = func
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].completion1 = a1
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].completion2 = a2
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].completion3 = a3
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].completion4 = a4
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].completion5 = a5
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].completion6 = a6
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].completion7 = a7
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].completion8 = a8
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].completion9 = a9
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].completion10 = a10

        return true


-- Set the on click function for a bar
-- Args: name - name of the candybar
--                 func - function to call when the bar is clicked
--       a1 - a10 - arguments to pass to the function
-- returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:SetOnClick(name, func, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        if func then CandyBar:argCheck(func, 3, "function") end

        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].onclick = func
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].onclick1 = a1
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].onclick2 = a2
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].onclick3 = a3
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].onclick4 = a4
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].onclick5 = a5
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].onclick6 = a6
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].onclick7 = a7
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].onclick8 = a8
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].onclick9 = a9
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].onclick10 = a10

        if func then
                -- enable mouse
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp", "MiddleButtonUp", "Button4Up", "Button5Up")
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame:SetScript("OnClick", function() CandyBar:OnClick() end )
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.icon:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp", "MiddleButtonUp", "Button4Up", "Button5Up")
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.icon:SetScript("OnClick", function() CandyBar:OnClick() end )
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame:SetScript("OnClick", nil )
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.icon:SetScript("OnClick", nil )       

        return true

-- Set the texture for a bar
-- Args: name - name of the candybar
--       texture - new texture, if passed nil, the texture is reset to default
-- returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:SetTexture(name, texture)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        if texture then CandyBar:argCheck(texture, 3, "string") end

        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end
        if not texture then texture = CandyBar.var.defaults.texture end

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].texture = texture


        return true

-- Set the icon on a bar
-- Args: name - name of the candybar
--       icon - icon path, nil removes the icon
-- returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:SetIcon(name, icon)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(icon, 3, "string")

        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].icon = icon

        if not icon then
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.icon:SetNormalTexture( icon )

        return true

-- Sets the fading style of a candybar
-- args: name - name of the candybar
--                       time - duration of the fade (default .5 seconds), negative to keep the bar on screen
-- returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:SetFade(name, time, fade)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(time, 3, "number")
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fadetime = time
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fadeout = true

        return true

function CandyBar:SetReversed(name, reversed)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(reversed, 3, "boolean")
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].reversed = reversed
        return true

function CandyBar:IsReversed(name)
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end

        return CandyBar.var.handlers[name].reversed

-- Registers a candybar with a certain candybar group
-- args: name - name of the candybar
--       group - group to register the bar with
-- returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:RegisterWithGroup( name, group )
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(group, 3, "string")

        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] or not CandyBar.var.groups[group] then return end


        table.insert( CandyBar.var.groups[group].bars, name)
        -- CandyBar.var.groups[group].bars[name] = name
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].group = group

        return true

-- Unregisters a candybar from its group
-- args: name - name of the candybar
-- returns true when succesful

function CandyBar:UnregisterWithGroup( name )
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end
        --if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name].group then return end

        local group = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].group
        if not CandyBar.var.groups[group] then return end

        for k,v in pairs( CandyBar.var.groups[group].bars ) do
                if v == name then
                        table.remove( CandyBar.var.groups[group].bars, k)
        -- CandyBar.var.groups[group].bars[name] = nil
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].group = nil


        return true


-- Register a Candybar group
-- Args: name - name of the candybar group
-- returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:RegisterGroup( name )
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        if CandyBar.var.groups[name] then return end

        local t = getnewtable()

        t.point = "CENTER"
        t.rframe = UIParent
        t.rpoint = "CENTER"
        t.xoffset = 0
        t.yoffset = 0
        t.bars = {}

        CandyBar.var.groups[name] = t
        return true

-- Unregister a candybar group
-- Args: a1-a2 candybar group ids
-- returns true when succesful

function CandyBar:UnregisterGroup( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10 )
        CandyBar:argCheck(a1, 2, "string")
        if not CandyBar.var.groups[a1] then return end
        CandyBar.var.groups[a1] = nil

        if a2 then CandyBar:UnregisterGroup( a2, a3,a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10 )       end

        return true

-- Checks if a group is registered
-- Args: name - Candybar group
-- returns true if the candybar group is registered
function CandyBar:IsGroupRegistered( name )
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        if not CandyBar.var.groups[name] then return false end
        return true

-- Checks if a bar is registered with a group
-- Args: name - Candybar name
--       group - group id [optional]
-- returns true is the candybar is registered with a/the group
function CandyBar:IsRegisteredWithGroup( name, group )
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end

        if group then
                if not CandyBar.var.groups[group] then return false end
                if CandyBar.var.handlers[name].group == group then return true end
        elseif CandyBar.var.handlers[name].group then
                return true
        return false

-- Set the point for a CanyBargroup
--       point -- anchor point
--       rframe -- relative frame
--       rpoint -- relative point
--       xoffset [optional] -- x offset
--       yoffset [optional] -- y offset
-- The first bar of the group will be anchored at the anchor.
-- returns true when succesful

function CandyBar:SetGroupPoint(name, point, rframe, rpoint, xoffset, yoffset )
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        if not CandyBar.var.groups[name] then return end

        CandyBar.var.groups[name].point = point
        CandyBar.var.groups[name].rframe = rframe
        CandyBar.var.groups[name].rpoint = rpoint
        CandyBar.var.groups[name].xoffset = xoffset
        CandyBar.var.groups[name].yoffset = yoffset
        return true

-- SetGroupGrowth - sets the group to grow up or down
-- Args: name - name of the candybar group
--       growup - true if growing up, false for growing down
-- returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:SetGroupGrowth( name, growup )
        CandyBar:argCheck(name, 2, "string")
        CandyBar:argCheck(growup, 3, "boolean")

        if not CandyBar.var.groups[name] then return end

        CandyBar.var.groups[name].growup = growup


        return true

function CandyBar:SortGroup( name )
        if not CandyBar.var.groups[name] then return end
        table.sort( CandyBar.var.groups[name].bars,
                function( a, b )
                                return CandyBar.var.handlers[a].endtime < CandyBar.var.handlers[b].endtime

-- internal method
-- UpdateGroup - updates the location of bars in a group
-- Args: name - name of the candybar group
-- returns true when succesful

function CandyBar:UpdateGroup( name )
        if not CandyBar.var.groups[name] then return end

        local point = CandyBar.var.groups[name].point
        local rframe = CandyBar.var.groups[name].rframe
        local rpoint = CandyBar.var.groups[name].rpoint
        local xoffset = CandyBar.var.groups[name].xoffset
        local yoffset = CandyBar.var.groups[name].yoffset
        local m = -1
        if CandyBar.var.groups[name].growup then m = 1 end

        local bar = 0
        local barh = 0

        CandyBar:SortGroup( name )

        for c,n in pairs(CandyBar.var.groups[name].bars) do
                if CandyBar.var.handlers[n] then
                        if CandyBar.var.handlers[n].frame:IsShown() then
                                CandyBar:SetPoint(n, point, rframe, rpoint, xoffset, yoffset + (m * bar))
                                barh = CandyBar.var.handlers[n].height or CandyBar.var.defaults.height
                                bar = bar + barh
        return true

-- Internal Method
-- Update a bar on screen
function CandyBar:Update( name )

        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end

        local t = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].time - CandyBar.var.handlers[name].elapsed

        local timetext

        local reversed = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].reversed

        if CandyBar.var.handlers[name].timeformat then
                local c = CandyBar.var.handlers[name]
                timetext = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].timeformat(t, c.timeformat1, c.timeformat2, c.timeformat3, c.timeformat4, c.timeformat5, c.timeformat6, c.timeformat7, c.timeformat8, c.timeformat9, c.timeformat10 )
                local h = floor(t/3600)
                local m = t - (h*3600)
                m = floor(m/60)
                local s = t - ((h*3600) + (m*60))
                if h > 0 then
                        timetext = string.format("%d:%02d", h, m)
                elseif m > 0 then
                        timetext = string.format("%d:%02d", m, s)
                elseif s < 10 then
                        timetext = string.format("%1.1f", s)
                        timetext = string.format("%d", floor(s))

        local perc = t / CandyBar.var.handlers[name].time

        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.statusbar:SetValue(reversed and 1-perc or perc)

        local width = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].width or CandyBar.var.defaults.width

        local sp = width * perc
        sp = reversed and -sp or sp
        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.spark:SetPoint("CENTER", CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.statusbar, reversed and "RIGHT" or "LEFT", sp, 0)

        if CandyBar.var.handlers[name].gradient then
                local p = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].elapsed / CandyBar.var.handlers[name].time
                local gstart, gend, gp
                -- find the appropriate start/end
                for i = 1, table.getn(CandyBar.var.handlers[name].gradienttable)-1 do
                        if CandyBar.var.handlers[name].gradienttable[i][5] < p and p <= CandyBar.var.handlers[name].gradienttable[i+1][5] then
                                -- the bounds are to assure no divide by zero error here.

                                gstart = self.var.handlers[name].gradienttable[i]
                                gend = self.var.handlers[name].gradienttable[i+1]
                                gp = (p - gstart[5]) / (gend[5] - gstart[5])
                if gstart and gend then
                        local color = getnewtable()
                        -- calculate new gradient
                        local i
                        for i = 1, 4 do
                                -- these may be the same.. but I'm lazy to make sure.
                                color[i] = gstart[i]*(1-gp) + gend[i]*(gp)
                        CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.statusbar:SetStatusBarColor( color[1], color[2], color[3], color[4])

                        color = nil

-- Intenal Method
-- Fades the bar out when it's complete.
function CandyBar:UpdateFade( name )
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fading then return end

        -- if the fade is done go and keel the bar.
        if CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fadeelapsed > CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fadetime then
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fading = nil
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].starttime = nil
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].endtime = 0
                if CandyBar.var.handlers[name].group then CandyBar:UpdateGroup(CandyBar.var.handlers[name].group) end
                if CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fireforget then
                        return CandyBar:Unregister(name)
        else -- we're fading, set the alpha for the texts, statusbar and background. fade from default to 0 in the time given.
                local t = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fadetime - CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fadeelapsed
                local p = t / CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fadetime
                local color = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].color or CandyBar.var.defaults.color
                local bgcolor = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].bgcolor or CandyBar.var.defaults.bgcolor
                local textcolor = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].textcolor or CandyBar.var.defaults.textcolor
                local timertextcolor = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].timertextcolor or CandyBar.var.defaults.timertextcolor
                local colora = color[4] * p
                local bgcolora = bgcolor[4] * p
                local textcolora = textcolor[4] * p
                local timertextcolora = timertextcolor[4] * p

                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.statusbarbg:SetStatusBarColor( bgcolor[1], bgcolor[2], bgcolor[3], bgcolora)
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.statusbar:SetStatusBarColor( color[1], color[2], color[3], colora)
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.text:SetTextColor( textcolor[1], textcolor[2], textcolor[3], textcolora )
                CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame.timertext:SetTextColor( timertextcolor[1], timertextcolor[2], timertextcolor[3], timertextcolora )
        return true

-- Internal Method
-- Create and return a new bar frame, recycles where needed
-- Name - which candybar is this for
-- Returns the frame
function CandyBar:AcquireBarFrame( name )
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end

        local f = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame

        local color = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].color or CandyBar.var.defaults.color
        local bgcolor = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].bgcolor or CandyBar.var.defaults.bgcolor
        local icon = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].icon or nil
        local texture = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].texture or CandyBar.var.defaults.texture
        local width = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].width or CandyBar.var.defaults.width
        local height = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].height or CandyBar.var.defaults.height
        local point = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].point or CandyBar.var.defaults.point
        local rframe = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].rframe or CandyBar.var.defaults.rframe
        local rpoint = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].rpoint or CandyBar.var.defaults.rpoint
        local xoffset = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].xoffset or CandyBar.var.defaults.xoffset
        local yoffset = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].yoffset or CandyBar.var.defaults.yoffset
        local text = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].text or CandyBar.var.defaults.text
        local fontsize = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].fontsize or CandyBar.var.defaults.fontsize
        local textcolor = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].textcolor or CandyBar.var.defaults.textcolor
        local timertextcolor = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].timertextcolor or CandyBar.var.defaults.timertextcolor
        local scale = CandyBar.var.handlers[name].scale or CandyBar.var.defaults.scale
        if not scale then scale = 1 end
        local timertextwidth = fontsize * 3
        local font, _, _ = GameFontHighlight:GetFont()

        if not f and table.getn(CandyBar.var.framepool) > 0 then
                f = table.remove(CandyBar.var.framepool)

        if not f then f = CreateFrame("Button", nil, UIParent) end
        f.owner = name
        -- yes we add the height to the width for the icon.
        f:SetWidth( width + height )
        f:SetHeight( height )
        f:SetPoint( point, rframe, rpoint, xoffset, yoffset)
        -- disable mouse
        f:SetScript("OnClick", nil)
        f:SetScale( scale )

        if not f.icon then f.icon = CreateFrame("Button", nil, f) end
        f.icon.owner = name
        f.icon:SetScript("OnClick", nil)
        -- an icno is square and the height of the bar, so yes 2x height there
        f.icon:SetHeight( height)
        f.icon:SetWidth( height)
        f.icon:SetPoint("LEFT", f, "LEFT", 0, 0)

        if not f.statusbarbg then
                f.statusbarbg = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, f )
                f.statusbarbg:SetFrameLevel(f.statusbarbg:GetFrameLevel() - 1)
        f.statusbarbg:SetHeight( height )
        f.statusbarbg:SetWidth( width )
        -- offset the height of the frame on the x-axis for the icon.
        f.statusbarbg:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", f, "TOPLEFT", height, 0)
        f.statusbarbg:SetStatusBarTexture( texture )
        f.statusbarbg:SetStatusBarColor( bgcolor[1],bgcolor[2],bgcolor[3],bgcolor[4])

        if not f.statusbar then f.statusbar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, f ) end
        f.statusbar:SetHeight( height )
        f.statusbar:SetWidth( width )
        -- offset the height of the frame on the x-axis for the icon.
        f.statusbar:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", f, "TOPLEFT", height, 0)
        f.statusbar:SetStatusBarTexture( texture )
        f.statusbar:SetStatusBarColor( color[1], color[2], color[3], color[4] )

        if not f.spark then f.spark = f.statusbar:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY") end
        f.spark:SetHeight( height + 25 )

        if not f.timertext then f.timertext = f.statusbar:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY") end
        f.timertext:SetFont( font, fontsize )
        f.timertext:SetHeight( height)
        f.timertext:SetWidth( timertextwidth )
        f.timertext:SetPoint( "LEFT", f.statusbar, "LEFT", 0, 0)
        f.timertext:SetTextColor(timertextcolor[1], timertextcolor[2], timertextcolor[3], timertextcolor[4])

        if not f.text then f.text = f.statusbar:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY") end
        f.text:SetFont( font, fontsize)
        f.text:SetWidth( (width - timertextwidth) *.9 )
        f.text:SetPoint( "RIGHT", f.statusbar, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
        f.text:SetTextColor(textcolor[1], textcolor[2], textcolor[3], textcolor[4])

        if CandyBar.var.handlers[name].onclick then
                f:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp", "MiddleButtonUp", "Button4Up", "Button5Up")
                f:SetScript("OnClick", function() CandyBar:OnClick() end )
                f.icon:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp", "MiddleButtonUp", "Button4Up", "Button5Up")
                f.icon:SetScript("OnClick", function() CandyBar:OnClick() end ) 

        return f

-- Internal Method
-- Releases a bar frame into the pool
-- Name - which candybar's frame are we're releasing
-- Returns true when succesful
function CandyBar:ReleaseBarFrame( name )
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name] then return end
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame then return end
        table.insert(CandyBar.var.framepool, CandyBar.var.handlers[name].frame)
        return true

-- Internal Method
-- Executes the OnClick function of a bar

function CandyBar:OnClick()
        if not this.owner then return end
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[this.owner] then return end
        if not CandyBar.var.handlers[this.owner].onclick then return end
        -- pass the name of the handlers first, and the button clicked as the second argument
        local c = CandyBar.var.handlers[this.owner]
        local button = arg1
        CandyBar.var.handlers[this.owner].onclick( this.owner, button, c.onclick1, c.onclick2, c.onclick3, c.onclick4, c.onclick5, c.onclick6, c.onclick7, c.onclick8, c.onclick9, c.onclick10)
        return true

-- Internal Method
-- on update handler
function CandyBar:OnUpdate()
        local t = GetTime()
        for i,v in pairs(this.owner.var.handlers) do
                if v.running then
                        v.elapsed = t - v.starttime
                        if v.endtime <= t then
                                if this.owner.var.handlers[i].completion then
                                        local c = this.owner.var.handlers[i]
                                        this.owner.var.handlers[i].completion( c.completion1, c.completion2, c.completion3, c.completion4, c.completion5, c.completion6, c.completion7, c.completion8, c.completion9, c.completion10 )
                elseif v.fading then
                        v.fadeelapsed = (t - v.endtime)

-- Internal Method
-- returns true if we have any handlers
function CandyBar:HasHandlers()
        for i in pairs(CandyBar.var.handlers) do return true end

--      Mixins Methods      --

CandyBar.IsCandyBarRegistered = CandyBar.IsRegistered
CandyBar.StartCandyBar = CandyBar.Start
CandyBar.StopCandyBar = CandyBar.Stop
CandyBar.PauseCandyBar = CandyBar.Pause
CandyBar.CandyBarStatus = CandyBar.Status
CandyBar.SetCandyBarTexture = CandyBar.SetTexture
CandyBar.SetCandyBarTime = CandyBar.SetTime
CandyBar.SetCandyBarColor = CandyBar.SetColor
CandyBar.SetCandyBarText = CandyBar.SetText
CandyBar.SetCandyBarIcon = CandyBar.SetIcon
CandyBar.SetCandyBarBackgroundColor = CandyBar.SetBackgroundColor
CandyBar.SetCandyBarTextColor = CandyBar.SetTextColor
CandyBar.SetCandyBarTimerTextColor = CandyBar.SetTimerTextColor
CandyBar.SetCandyBarFontSize = CandyBar.SetFontSize
CandyBar.SetCandyBarPoint = CandyBar.SetPoint
CandyBar.SetCandyBarScale = CandyBar.SetScale
CandyBar.SetCandyBarTimeFormat = CandyBar.SetTimeFormat
CandyBar.SetCandyBarTimeLeft = CandyBar.SetTimeLeft
CandyBar.SetCandyBarCompletion = CandyBar.SetCompletion
CandyBar.RegisterCandyBarGroup = CandyBar.RegisterGroup
CandyBar.UnregisterCandyBarGroup = CandyBar.UnregisterGroup
CandyBar.IsCandyBarGroupRegistered = CandyBar.IsGroupRegistered
CandyBar.SetCandyBarGroupPoint = CandyBar.SetGroupPoint
CandyBar.SetCandyBarGroupGrowth = CandyBar.SetGroupGrowth
CandyBar.UpdateCandyBarGroup = CandyBar.UpdateGroup
CandyBar.SetCandyBarOnClick = CandyBar.SetOnClick
CandyBar.SetCandyBarFade = CandyBar.SetFade
CandyBar.RegisterCandyBarWithGroup = CandyBar.RegisterWithGroup
CandyBar.UnregisterCandyBarWithGroup = CandyBar.UnregisterWithGroup
CandyBar.IsCandyBarRegisteredWithGroup = CandyBar.IsRegisteredWithGroup
CandyBar.SetCandyBarReversed = CandyBar.SetReversed
CandyBar.IsCandyBarReversed = CandyBar.IsReversed
CandyBar.SetCandyBarOnClick = CandyBar.SetOnClick
CandyBar.SetCandyBarHeight = CandyBar.SetHeight
CandyBar.SetCandyBarWidth = CandyBar.SetWidth

function CandyBar:RegisterCandyBar(name, time, text, icon, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10)
        if not CandyBar.var.addons[self] then CandyBar.var.addons[self] = getnewtable() end
        CandyBar.var.addons[self][name] = CandyBar:Register(name, time, text, icon, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10)

function CandyBar:UnregisterCandyBar( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10)
        CandyBar:argCheck(a1, 2, "string")
        if CandyBar.var.addons[self] then CandyBar.var.addons[self][a1] = nil end
        if a2 then self:UnregisterCandyBar( a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10) end

function CandyBar:OnEmbedDisable(target)
        if self.var.addons[target] then
                for i in pairs(self.var.addons[target]) do

--      Load this bitch!      --

function CandyBar:activate(oldLib, oldDeactivate)
        CandyBar = self

        if oldLib then self.var = oldLib.var
                local _,_,ourpath = string.find(debugstack(), "\\AddOns\\(.-)CandyBar%-2%.0%.lua")
                ourpath = "Interface\\AddOns\\"..ourpath .. "bar.tga"
                self.var = {  -- "Local" variables go here
                        frame = CreateFrame("Frame"),
                        handlers = {},
                        groups = {},
                        framepool = {},
                        addons = {},
                        defaults = {
                                texture = "Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-StatusBar",
                                width = 200,
                                height = 16,
                                scale = 1,
                                point = "CENTER",
                                rframe = UIParent,
                                rpoint = "CENTER",
                                xoffset = 0,
                                yoffset = 0,
                                fontsize = 11,
                                color = { 1, 0, 1, 1 },
                                bgcolor = { 0, .5, .5, .5},
                                textcolor = {1, 1, 1, 1},
                                timertextcolor = {1, 1, 1, 1},
       = "CandyBar-2.0 Frame"
        self.var.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", self.OnUpdate)
        self.var.frame.owner = self

        if oldDeactivate then oldDeactivate(oldLib) end

local function external(self, major, instance)
        if major == "Compost-2.0" then compost = instance end

AceLibrary:Register(CandyBar, vmajor, vminor, CandyBar.activate, nil, external)