vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("KCIFu")

-- English / US translation
L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function () return {
        ["Caption"] = "KC Items",
        ["ShortCaption"] = "KCI",
        ["ClickTooltip"] = "Click to open Linkview window",
        -- Statistic --
        ["Stats"] = "Statistic: Known Items",
        ["Stats_Items"] = "Total Items",
        ["Stats_Sell"] = "Sell Prices",
        ["Stats_Buy"] = "Buy Prices",
        ["Stats_NoItems"] = "Empty database ...",
        -- Menu Items --
        ["UseShortCaption"] = "Use brief caption",
        -- Auction --
        ["Menu_Auction"] = "Auction",
        ["Menu_Auction_Short"] = "Use brief captions",
        ["Menu_Auction_Bid"]   = "Show current Bid",
        ["Menu_Auction_Stats"] = "Show item statistic",
        -- Broker --
        ["Menu_Broker"] = "Broker",
        ["Menu_Broker_AF"] = "Enable suggesting prices",
        ["Menu_Broker_AF_Mode"] = "Suggest mode:",
        ["Menu_Broker_AF_Mixed"]   = "Mixed (Memory, Smart, Vendor, None)",
        ["Menu_Broker_AF_Memory"]  = "Memory (based on last rate)",
        ["Menu_Broker_AF_Smart"]   = "Smart (based on market average)",
        ["Menu_Broker_AF_Vendor"]  = "Vendor (based on vendor price)",
        ["Menu_Broker_AF_None"]    = "None (suggest only buyout)",
        ["Menu_Broker_AF_SkipMem"] = "Skip \"Memory\" in \"Mixed\" Mode",
        ["Menu_Broker_Remdur"] = "Remember last auction duration",
        ["Menu_Broker_Cut"] = "Auction cut in \"Smart\" mode (%)",
        ["Menu_Broker_Colorize"] = "Colorize Auction",
        ["Menu_Broker_AHColors"] = "Auction Colors:",
        ["Menu_Broker_AHC_Known"] = "Known recipes",
        ["Menu_Broker_AHC_Sell"] = "Vendor will pay more",
        ["Menu_Broker_AHC_Buy"] = "Best Buyout",
        ["Menu_Broker_AHC_Min"] = "Best Bid",
        -- Chatlink --
        ["Menu_ChatLink"] = "Chatlink",
        ["Menu_ChatLink_Enable"] = "Convert [text] to |cff00ff00[link]|r when typing",
        ["Menu_ItemInfo"] = "Item Info",
        ["Menu_ItemInfo_Enable"] = "Show additional information",
        -- Tooltip --
        ["Menu_Tooltip"] = "Tooltip",
        ["Menu_Tooltip_Mode"] = "Display Mode:",
        ["Menu_Tooltip_Separated"] = "Separated",
        ["Menu_Tooltip_Merged"]    = "Merged",
        ["Menu_Tooltip_Splitline"] = "Split info to sides",
        ["Menu_Tooltip_Separate"] = "Separate by empty lines",
        ["Menu_Tooltip_Moneyframe"] = "Money as icons",
        -- SellValue -- 
        ["Menu_SellValue"] = "Sell Value",
        ["Menu_SellValue_Enable"] = "Show vendor price",        
        ["Menu_SellValue_Short"] = "Use brief captions",
        ["Menu_SellValue_single"] = "Show price for a single item",
        ["dummy"] = ''
} end)

Generated by GNU Enscript