vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("RegenFu")

L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return {
        NAME = "FuBar - RegenFu",
        DESCRIPTION = "Show your HP/MP regen rate.",
        HP_LABEL = "HP: ";
        MP_LABEL = "MP: ";
        FSR_LABEL = "FSR: ",

        MENU_SHOW_HP = "Show HP";
        MENU_SHOW_MP = "Show MP";
    ["Show FSRT"] = true,
        MENU_SHOW_PERCENT = "Show as percentage";
        MENU_SHOW_CURRENT = "Show current value";
        ["Show In Combat Regen Total"] = true,

        MENU_HIDE_LABEL = "Hide label";
        TOOLTIP1_LEFT           = "Health:";
        TOOLTIP2_LEFT           = "Mana:";
        TOOLTIP3_LEFT           = "Best HP Regen:";
        TOOLTIP4_LEFT           = "Worst HP Regen:";
        TOOLTIP5_LEFT           = "Best MP Regen:";
        TOOLTIP6_LEFT           = "Worst MP Regen:";
        TOOLTIP7_LEFT           = "MP Regen in Last Fight:";
        TOOLTIP8_LEFT           = "HP Regen in Last Fight:";
        TOOLTIP9_LEFT                   = "Average MP Regen in Last Fight:";
        ["AceConsole-commands"] = { "/regenfu" },

    ["Percent Regen While Casting"] = true,
    ["Mana Regen Forumula (Spirit/<value>)"] = true,
    ["Mana Per Int"] = true,

        ["Reset FSR Data"] = true,
    ["Time Spent In Regen"] = true,
    ["(This Fight)"]    = true, 
    ["(Last Fight)"]    = true, 

    ["Total Regen Time Observed"]        = true,
    ["% Of That Time In FSR"] = true, 
    ["Spirit Needed To Equal 1mp5"]         = true,
    ["Int Needed To Equal 1mp5"]        = true, 
    ["FSR Countdown Bar"] = true,
    ["FSR"] = true,

 } end )