vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Name: Babble-Zone-2.0
Revision: $Rev: 9463 $
Author(s): ckknight (
Description: A library to provide localizations for zones.
Dependencies: AceLibrary, AceLocale-2.0

local MAJOR_VERSION = "Babble-Zone-2.0"
local MINOR_VERSION = tonumber(string.sub("$Revision: 9463 $", 12, -3))

if not AceLibrary then error(MAJOR_VERSION .. " requires AceLibrary") end

if not AceLibrary:HasInstance("AceLocale-2.0") then error(MAJOR_VERSION .. " requires AceLocale-2.0") end

local _, x = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):GetLibraryVersion()

if not AceLibrary:IsNewVersion(MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION) then return end

local BabbleZone = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new(MAJOR_VERSION)

-- uncomment below for debug information
-- BabbleZone:EnableDebugging()

BabbleZone:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function()
        return {
                ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Ahn'Qiraj",
                ["Alterac Mountains"] = "Alterac Mountains",
                ["Alterac Valley"] = "Alterac Valley",
                ["Arathi Basin"] = "Arathi Basin",
                ["Arathi Highlands"] = "Arathi Highlands",
                ["Ashenvale"] = "Ashenvale",
                ["Azshara"] = "Azshara",
                ["Badlands"] = "Badlands",
                ["The Barrens"] = "The Barrens",
                ["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "Blackfathom Deeps",
                ["Blackrock Depths"] = "Blackrock Depths",
                ["Blackrock Mountain"] = "Blackrock Mountain",
                ["Blackrock Spire"] = "Blackrock Spire",
                ["Blackwing Lair"] = "Blackwing Lair",
                ["Blasted Lands"] = "Blasted Lands",
                ["Booty Bay"] = "Booty Bay",
                ["Burning Steppes"] = "Burning Steppes",
                ["Caverns of Time"] = "Caverns of Time",
                ["Darkshore"] = "Darkshore",
                ["Darnassus"] = "Darnassus",
                ["The Deadmines"] = "The Deadmines",
                ["Deadwind Pass"] = "Deadwind Pass",
                ["Deeprun Tram"] = "Deeprun Tram",
                ["Desolace"] = "Desolace",
                ["Dire Maul"] = "Dire Maul",
                ["Dun Morogh"] = "Dun Morogh",
                ["Durotar"] = "Durotar",
                ["Duskwood"] = "Duskwood",
                ["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "Dustwallow Marsh",
                ["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "Eastern Plaguelands",
                ["Elwynn Forest"] = "Elwynn Forest",
                ["Everlook"] = "Everlook",
                ["Felwood"] = "Felwood",
                ["Feralas"] = "Feralas",
                ["The Forbidding Sea"] = "The Forbidding Sea",
                ["Gadgetzan"] = "Gadgetzan",
                ["Gnomeregan"] = "Gnomeregan",
                ["The Great Sea"] = "The Great Sea",
                ["Hall of Legends"] = "Hall of Legends",
                ["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills",
                ["The Hinterlands"] = "The Hinterlands",
                ["Hyjal"] = "Hyjal",
                ["Ironforge"] = "Ironforge",
                ["Loch Modan"] = "Loch Modan",
                ["Maraudon"] = "Maraudon",
                ["Molten Core"] = "Molten Core",
                ["Moonglade"] = "Moonglade",
                ["Mulgore"] = "Mulgore",
                ["Naxxramas"] = "Naxxramas",
                ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "Onyxia's Lair",
                ["Orgrimmar"] = "Orgrimmar",
                ["Ratchet"] = "Ratchet",
                ["Ragefire Chasm"] = "Ragefire Chasm",
                ["Razorfen Downs"] = "Razorfen Downs",
                ["Razorfen Kraul"] = "Razorfen Kraul",
                ["Redridge Mountains"] = "Redridge Mountains",
                ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj",
                ["Scarlet Monastery"] = "Scarlet Monastery",
                ["Scholomance"] = "Scholomance",
                ["Searing Gorge"] = "Searing Gorge",
                ["Shadowfang Keep"] = "Shadowfang Keep",
                ["Silithus"] = "Silithus",
                ["Silverpine Forest"] = "Silverpine Forest",
                ["The Stockade"] = "The Stockade",
                ["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "Stonetalon Mountains",
                ["Stormwind City"] = "Stormwind City",
                ["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "Stranglethorn Vale",
                ["Stratholme"] = "Stratholme",
                ["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "Swamp of Sorrows",
                ["Tanaris"] = "Tanaris",
                ["Teldrassil"] = "Teldrassil",
                ["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Temple of Ahn'Qiraj",
                ["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
                ["Thousand Needles"] = "Thousand Needles",
                ["Thunder Bluff"] = "Thunder Bluff",
                ["Tirisfal Glades"] = "Tirisfal Glades",
                ["Uldaman"] = "Uldaman",
                ["Un'Goro Crater"] = "Un'Goro Crater",
                ["Undercity"] = "Undercity",
                ["Wailing Caverns"] = "Wailing Caverns",
                ["Warsong Gulch"] = "Warsong Gulch",
                ["Western Plaguelands"] = "Western Plaguelands",
                ["Westfall"] = "Westfall",
                ["Wetlands"] = "Wetlands",
                ["Winterspring"] = "Winterspring",
                ["Zul'Farrak"] = "Zul'Farrak",
                ["Zul'Gurub"] = "Zul'Gurub",

BabbleZone:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function()
        return {
                ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Ahn'Qiraj",
                ["Alterac Mountains"] = "Alteracgebirge",
                ["Alterac Valley"] = "Alteractal",
                ["Arathi Basin"] = "Arathibecken",
                ["Arathi Highlands"] = "Arathihochland",
                ["Ashenvale"] = "Ashenvale",
                ["Azshara"] = "Azshara",
                ["Badlands"] = "\195\150dland",
                ["The Barrens"] = "Brachland",
                ["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "Blackfathom-Tiefe",
                ["Blackrock Depths"] = "Blackrocktiefen",
                ["Blackrock Mountain"] = "Der Blackrock",
                ["Blackrock Spire"] = "Blackrockspitze",
                ["Blackwing Lair"] = "Pechschwingenhort",
                ["Blasted Lands"] = "Verw\195\188stete Lande",
                ["Booty Bay"] = "Booty Bay",
                ["Burning Steppes"] = "Brennende Steppe",
                ["Caverns of Time"] = "Die H\195\182hlen der Zeit",
                ["Darkshore"] = "Dunkelk\195\188ste",
                ["Darnassus"] = "Darnassus",
                ["The Deadmines"] = "Die Todesminen",
                ["Deadwind Pass"] = "Gebirgspass der Totenwinde",
                ["Deeprun Tram"] = "Die Tiefenbahn",
                ["Desolace"] = "Desolace",
                ["Dire Maul"] = "D\195\188sterbruch",
                ["Dun Morogh"] = "Dun Morogh",
                ["Durotar"] = "Durotar",
                ["Duskwood"] = "D\195\164mmerwald",
                ["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "Marschen von Dustwallow",
                ["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "\195\150stliche Pestl\195\164nder",
                ["Elwynn Forest"] = "Wald von Elwynn",
                ["Everlook"] = "Everlook",
                ["Felwood"] = "Teufelswald",
                ["Feralas"] = "Feralas",
                ["The Forbidding Sea"] = "Das verbotene Meer",
                ["Gadgetzan"] = "Gadgetzan",
                ["Gnomeregan"] = "Gnomeregan",
                ["The Great Sea"] = "Das grosse Meer",
                ["Hall of Legends"] = "Halle der Legenden",
                ["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Vorgebirge von Hillsbrad",
                ["The Hinterlands"] = "Hinterland",
                ["Hyjal"] = "Hyjal",
                ["Ironforge"] = "Ironforge",
                ["Loch Modan"] = "Loch Modan",
                ["Maraudon"] = "Maraudon",
                ["Molten Core"] = "Geschmolzener Kern",
                ["Moonglade"] = "Moonglade",
                ["Mulgore"] = "Mulgore",
                ["Naxxramas"] = "Naxxramas",
                ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "Onyxias Hort",
                ["Orgrimmar"] = "Orgrimmar",
                ["Ratchet"] = "Ratchet",
                ["Ragefire Chasm"] = "Ragefireabgrund",
                ["Razorfen Downs"] = "Die H\195\188gel von Razorfen",
                ["Razorfen Kraul"] = "Der Kral von Razorfen",
                ["Redridge Mountains"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
                ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Ruinen von Ahn'Qiraj",
                ["Scarlet Monastery"] = "Das Scharlachrote Kloster",
                ["Scholomance"] = "Scholomance",
                ["Searing Gorge"] = "Sengende Schlucht",
                ["Shadowfang Keep"] = "Burg Shadowfang",
                ["Silithus"] = "Silithus",
                ["Silverpine Forest"] = "Silberwald",
                ["The Stockade"] = "Das Verlies",
                ["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "Steinkrallengebirge",
                ["Stormwind City"] = "Stormwind",
                ["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "Schlingendorntal",
                ["Stratholme"] = "Stratholme",
                ["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "S\195\188mpfe des Elends",
                ["Tanaris"] = "Tanaris",
                ["Teldrassil"] = "Teldrassil",
                ["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Tempel von Ahn'Qiraj",
                ["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "Der Tempel von Atal'Hakkar",
                ["Thousand Needles"] = "Tausend Nadeln",
                ["Thunder Bluff"] = "Thunder Bluff",
                ["Tirisfal Glades"] = "Tirisfal",
                ["Uldaman"] = "Uldaman",
                ["Un'Goro Crater"] = "Un'Goro-Krater",
                ["Undercity"] = "Undercity",
                ["Wailing Caverns"] = "Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens",
                ["Warsong Gulch"] = "Warsongschlucht",
                ["Western Plaguelands"] = "Westliche Pestl\195\164nder",
                ["Westfall"] = "Westfall",
                ["Wetlands"] = "Sumpfland",
                ["Winterspring"] = "Winterspring",
                ["Zul'Farrak"] = "Zul'Farrak",
                ["Zul'Gurub"] = "Zul'Gurub",

BabbleZone:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function()
        return {
                ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Ahn'Qiraj",
                ["Alterac Mountains"] = "Montagnes d'Alterac",
                ["Alterac Valley"] = "Vall\195\169e d'Alterac",
                ["Arathi Basin"] = "Bassin d'Arathi",
                ["Arathi Highlands"] = "Hautes-terres d'Arathi",
                ["Ashenvale"] = "Ashenvale",
                ["Azshara"] = "Azshara",
                ["Badlands"] = "Terres ingrates",
                ["The Barrens"] = "Les Tarides",
                ["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire",
                ["Blackrock Depths"] = "Profondeurs de Blackrock",
                ["Blackrock Mountain"] = "Mont Blackrock",
                ["Blackrock Spire"] = "Pic Blackrock",
                ["Blackwing Lair"] = "Repaire de l'Aile noire",
                ["Blasted Lands"] = "Terres foudroy\195\169es",
                ["Booty Bay"] = "Baie-du-Butin",
                ["Burning Steppes"] = "Steppes Ardentes",
                ["Caverns of Time"] = "Grottes du temps",
                ["Darkshore"] = "Sombrivage",
                ["Darnassus"] = "Darnassus",
                ["The Deadmines"] = "Les mortemines",
                ["Deadwind Pass"] = "D\195\169fil\195\169 de Deuillevent",
                ["Deeprun Tram"] = "Tram des profondeurs",
                ["Desolace"] = "D\195\169solace",
                ["Dire Maul"] = "Hache-Tripes",
                ["Dun Morogh"] = "Dun Morogh",
                ["Durotar"] = "Durotar",
                ["Duskwood"] = "Bois de la p\195\169nombre",
                ["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "Mar\195\169cage d'\195\130prefange",
                ["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "Maleterres de l'est",
                ["Elwynn Forest"] = "For\195\170t d'Elwynn",
                ["Everlook"] = "Long-guet",
                ["Felwood"] = "Gangrebois",
                ["Feralas"] = "Feralas",
                ["The Forbidding Sea"] = "La Mer interdite",
                ["Gadgetzan"] = "Gadgetzan",
                ["Gnomeregan"] = "Gnomeregan",
                ["The Great Sea"] = "La Grande mer",
                ["Hall of Legends"] = "Hall des L\195\169gendes",
                ["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Contreforts d'Hillsbrad",
                ["The Hinterlands"] = "Les Hinterlands",
                ["Hyjal"] = "Hyjal", -- CHECK
                ["Ironforge"] = "Ironforge",
                ["Loch Modan"] = "Loch Modan",
                ["Maraudon"] = "Maraudon",
                ["Molten Core"] = "C\197\147ur du Magma",
                ["Moonglade"] = "Reflet-de-lune",
                ["Mulgore"] = "Mulgore",
                ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "Repaire d'Onyxia",
                ["Naxxramas"] = "Naxxramas",
                ["Orgrimmar"] = "Orgrimmar",
                ["Ratchet"] = "Ratchet",
                ["Ragefire Chasm"] = "Gouffre de Ragefeu",
                ["Razorfen Downs"] = "Souilles de Tranchebauge",
                ["Razorfen Kraul"] = "Kraal de Tranchebauge",
                ["Redridge Mountains"] = "Les Carmines",
                ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Ruines d'Ahn'Qiraj",
                ["Scarlet Monastery"] = "Monast\195\168re Ecarlate",
                ["Scholomance"] = "Scholomance",
                ["Searing Gorge"] = "Gorge des Vents br\195\187lants",
                ["Shadowfang Keep"] = "Donjon d'Ombrecroc",
                ["Silithus"] = "Silithus",
                ["Silverpine Forest"] = "For\195\170t des pins argent\195\169s",
                ["The Stockade"] = "La Prison",
                ["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "Les Serres-Rocheuses",
                ["Stormwind City"] = "Cit\195\169 de Stormwind",
                ["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "Vall\195\169e de Strangleronce",
                ["Stratholme"] = "Stratholme",
                ["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "Marais des Chagrins",
                ["Tanaris"] = "Tanaris",
                ["Teldrassil"] = "Teldrassil",
                ["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Le temple d'Ahn'Qiraj",
                ["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "Le Temple d'Atal'Hakkar",
                ["Thousand Needles"] = "Mille pointes",
                ["Thunder Bluff"] = "Thunder Bluff",
                ["Tirisfal Glades"] = "Clairi\195\168res de Tirisfal",
                ["Uldaman"] = "Uldaman",
                ["Un'Goro Crater"] = "Crat\195\168re d'Un'Goro",
                ["Undercity"] = "Undercity",
                ["Wailing Caverns"] = "Cavernes des lamentations",
                ["Warsong Gulch"] = "Goulet des Warsong",
                ["Western Plaguelands"] = "Maleterres de l'ouest",
                ["Westfall"] = "Marche de l'Ouest",
                ["Wetlands"] = "Les Paluns",
                ["Winterspring"] = "Berceau-de-l'Hiver",
                ["Zul'Farrak"] = "Zul'Farrak",
                ["Zul'Gurub"] = "Zul'Gurub",

BabbleZone:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function()
        return {
                ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "\229\174\137\229\133\182\230\139\137",
                ["Alterac Mountains"] = "\229\165\165\231\137\185\229\133\176\229\133\139\229\177\177\232\132\137",
                ["Alterac Valley"] = "\229\165\165\231\137\185\229\133\176\229\133\139\229\177\177\232\176\183",
                ["Arathi Basin"] = "\233\152\191\230\139\137\229\184\140\231\155\134\229\156\176",
                ["Arathi Highlands"] = "\233\152\191\230\139\137\229\184\140\233\171\152\229\156\176",
                ["Ashenvale"] = "\231\129\176\232\176\183",
                ["Azshara"] = "\232\137\190\232\144\168\230\139\137",
                ["Badlands"] = "\232\141\146\232\138\156\228\185\139\229\156\176",
                ["The Barrens"] = "\232\180\171\231\152\160\228\185\139\229\156\176",
                ["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "\233\187\145\230\154\151\230\183\177\230\184\138",
                ["Blackrock Depths"] = "\233\187\145\231\159\179\230\183\177\230\184\138",
                ["Blackrock Mountain"] = "\233\187\145\231\159\179\229\177\177",
                ["Blackrock Spire"] = "\233\187\145\231\159\179\229\161\148",
                ["Blackwing Lair"] = "\233\187\145\231\191\188\228\185\139\229\183\162",
                ["Blasted Lands"] = "\232\175\133\229\146\146\228\185\139\229\156\176",
                ["Booty Bay"] = "藏宝海湾",
                ["Burning Steppes"] = "\231\135\131\231\131\167\229\185\179\229\142\159",
                ["Caverns of Time"] = "\230\151\182\229\133\137\228\185\139\231\169\180",
                ["Darkshore"] = "\233\187\145\230\181\183\229\178\184",
                ["Darnassus"] = "\232\190\190\231\186\179\232\139\143\230\150\175",
                ["The Deadmines"] = "\230\173\187\228\186\161\231\159\191\228\186\149",
                ["Deadwind Pass"] = "\233\128\134\233\163\142\229\176\143\229\190\132",
                ["Deeprun Tram"] = "矿道地铁",
                ["Desolace"] = "\229\135\132\229\135\137\228\185\139\229\156\176",
                ["Dire Maul"] = "\229\142\132\232\191\144\228\185\139\230\167\140",
                ["Dun Morogh"] = "\228\184\185\232\142\171\231\189\151",
                ["Durotar"] = "\230\157\156\233\154\134\229\161\148\229\176\148",
                ["Duskwood"] = "\230\154\174\232\137\178\230\163\174\230\158\151",
                ["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "\229\176\152\230\179\165\230\178\188\230\179\189",
                ["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "\228\184\156\231\152\159\231\150\171\228\185\139\229\156\176",
                ["Elwynn Forest"] = "\232\137\190\229\176\148\230\150\135\230\163\174\230\158\151",
                ["Felwood"] = "\232\180\185\228\188\141\229\190\183\230\163\174\230\158\151",
                ["Feralas"] = "菲拉斯",
                ["The Forbidding Sea"] = "The Forbidding Sea",
                ["Gadgetzan"] = "加基森", 
                ["Gnomeregan"] = "\232\175\186\232\142\171\231\145\158\230\160\185",
                ["The Great Sea"] = "无尽之海",
                ["Hall of Legends"] = "传说大厅",
                ["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "\229\184\140\229\176\148\230\150\175\229\184\131\232\142\177\229\190\183\228\184\152\233\153\181",
                ["The Hinterlands"] = "\232\190\155\231\137\185\229\133\176",
                ["Hyjal"] = "海加尔", 
                ["Ironforge"] = "\233\147\129\231\130\137\229\160\161", 
                ["Loch Modan"] = "\230\180\155\229\133\139\232\142\171\228\184\185",
                ["Maraudon"] = "\231\142\155\230\139\137\233\161\191",
                ["Molten Core"] = "\231\134\148\231\129\171\228\185\139\229\191\131",
                ["Moonglade"] = "\230\156\136\229\133\137\230\158\151\229\156\176",
                ["Mulgore"] = "\232\142\171\233\171\152\233\155\183",
                ["Naxxramas"] = "纳克萨玛斯", 
                ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "\229\165\165\229\166\174\229\133\139\232\165\191\228\186\154\231\154\132\229\183\162\231\169\180",
                ["Orgrimmar"] = "\229\165\165\230\160\188\231\145\158\231\142\155",
                ["Ratchet"] = "棘齿城",
                ["Ragefire Chasm"] = "\230\128\146\231\132\176\232\163\130\232\176\183",
                ["Razorfen Downs"] = "\229\137\131\229\136\128\233\171\152\229\156\176",
                ["Razorfen Kraul"] = "\229\137\131\229\136\128\230\178\188\230\179\189",
                ["Redridge Mountains"] = "\232\181\164\232\132\138\229\177\177",
                ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "\229\174\137\229\133\182\230\139\137\229\186\159\229\162\159",
                ["Scarlet Monastery"] = "\232\161\128\232\137\178\228\191\174\233\129\147\233\153\162",
                ["Scholomance"] = "通灵学院",
                ["Searing Gorge"] = "\231\129\188\231\131\173\229\179\161\232\176\183",
                ["Shadowfang Keep"] = "\229\189\177\231\137\153\229\159\142\229\160\161",
                ["Silithus"] = "希利苏斯", 
                ["Silverpine Forest"] = "银松森林", 
                ["The Stockade"] = "\230\154\180\233\163\142\229\159\142\231\155\145\231\139\177",
                ["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "\231\159\179\231\136\170\229\177\177\232\132\137",
                ["Stormwind City"] = "\230\154\180\233\163\142\229\159\142",
                ["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "\232\141\134\230\163\152\232\176\183",
                ["Stratholme"] = "\230\150\175\229\157\166\231\180\162\229\167\134",
                ["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "\230\130\178\228\188\164\230\178\188\230\179\189",
                ["Tanaris"] = "\229\161\148\231\186\179\229\136\169\230\150\175",
                ["Teldrassil"] = "\230\179\176\232\190\190\229\184\140\229\176\148",
                ["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "\229\174\137\229\133\182\230\139\137\231\165\158\230\174\191",
                ["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "阿塔哈卡神庙",
                ["Thousand Needles"] = "千针石林",
                ["Thunder Bluff"] = "\233\155\183\233\156\134\229\180\150",
                ["Tirisfal Glades"] = "\230\143\144\231\145\158\230\150\175\230\179\149\230\158\151\229\156\176",
                ["Uldaman"] = "\229\165\165\232\190\190\230\155\188",
                ["Un'Goro Crater"] = "\231\142\175\229\158\139\229\177\177",
                ["Undercity"] = "\229\185\189\230\154\151\229\159\142",
                ["Wailing Caverns"] = "\229\147\128\229\154\142\230\180\158\231\169\180",
                ["Warsong Gulch"] = "\230\136\152\230\173\140\229\179\161\232\176\183",
                ["Western Plaguelands"] = "\232\165\191\231\152\159\231\150\171\228\185\139\229\156\176",
                ["Westfall"] = "\232\165\191\233\131\168\232\141\146\233\135\142",
                ["Wetlands"] = "\230\185\191\229\156\176",
                ["Winterspring"] = "\229\134\172\230\179\137\232\176\183",
                ["Zul'Farrak"] = "\231\165\150\229\176\148\230\179\149\230\139\137\229\133\139",
                ["Zul'Gurub"] = "\231\165\150\229\176\148\230\160\188\230\139\137\229\184\131",

BabbleZone:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function()
        return {
                ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "안퀴라즈",
                ["Alterac Mountains"] = "알터랙 산맥",
                ["Alterac Valley"] = "알터랙 계곡",
                ["Arathi Basin"] = "아라시 분지",
                ["Arathi Highlands"] = "아라시 고원",
                ["Ashenvale"] = "잿빛 골짜기",
                ["Azshara"] = "아즈샤라",
                ["Badlands"] = "황야의 땅",
                ["The Barrens"] = "불모의 땅",
                ["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "검은 심연의 나락",
                ["Blackrock Depths"] = "검은바위 나락",
                ["Blackrock Mountain"] = "검은바위 산",
                ["Blackrock Spire"] = "검은바위 첨탑",
                ["Blackwing Lair"] = "검은날개 둥지",
                ["Blasted Lands"] = "저주받은 땅",
                ["Booty Bay"] = "무법항",
                ["Burning Steppes"] = "불타는 평원",
                ["Caverns of Time"] = "시간의 동굴",
                ["Darkshore"] = "어둠의 해안",
                ["Darnassus"] = "다르나서스",
                ["The Deadmines"] = "죽음의 폐광",
                ["Deadwind Pass"] = "죽음의 고개",
                ["Deeprun Tram"] = "깊은굴 지하철",
                ["Desolace"] = "잊혀진 땅",
                ["Dire Maul"] = "혈투의 전장",
                ["Dun Morogh"] = "던 모로",
                ["Durotar"] = "듀로타",
                ["Duskwood"] = "그늘숲",
                ["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "먼지진흙 습지대",
                ["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "동부 역병지대",
                ["Elwynn Forest"] = "엘윈 숲",
                ["Felwood"] = "악령의 숲",
                ["Feralas"] = "페랄라스",
                ["The Forbidding Sea"] = "성난폭풍 해안",
                ["Gadgetzan"] = "가젯잔",
                ["Gnomeregan"] = "놈리건",
                ["The Great Sea"] = "대해",
                ["Hall of Legends"] = "용사의 전당",
                ["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "힐스브래드 구릉지",
                ["The Hinterlands"] = "동부 내륙지",
                ["Hyjal"] = "하이잘",
                ["Ironforge"] = "아이언포지",
                ["Loch Modan"] = "모단 호수",
                ["Maraudon"] = "마라우돈",
                ["Molten Core"] = "화산 심장부",
                ["Moonglade"] = "달의 숲",
                ["Mulgore"] = "멀고어",              
                ["Naxxramas"] = "낙스라마스",
                ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "오닉시아의 둥지",           
                ["Orgrimmar"] = "오그리마",
                ["Ratchet"] = "톱니항",
                ["Ragefire Chasm"] = "성난 불길협곡",
                ["Razorfen Downs"] = "가시덩쿨 구릉",
                ["Razorfen Kraul"] = "가시덩쿨 우리",
                ["Redridge Mountains"] = "붉은마루 산맥",
                ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "안퀴라즈 폐허",
                ["Scarlet Monastery"] = "붉은 십자군 수도원",
                ["Scholomance"] = "스칼로맨스",
                ["Searing Gorge"] = "이글거리는 협곡",
                ["Shadowfang Keep"] = "그림자 송곳니 성채",
                ["Silithus"] = "실리더스",
                ["Silverpine Forest"] = "은빛소나무 숲",
                ["The Stockade"] = "지하감옥",
                ["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "돌발톱 산맥",
                ["Stormwind City"] = "스톰윈드",
                ["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "가시덤불 골짜기",
                ["Stratholme"] = "스트라솔름",
                ["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "슬픔의 늪",
                ["Tanaris"] = "타나리스",
                ["Teldrassil"] = "텔드랏실",
                ["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "안퀴라즈",
                ["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "아탈학카르 신전",
                ["Thousand Needles"] = "버섯구름 봉우리",
                ["Thunder Bluff"] = "썬더 블러프",
                ["Tirisfal Glades"] = "티리스팔 숲",
                ["Uldaman"] = "울다만",
                ["Un'Goro Crater"] = "운고로 분화구",
                ["Undercity"] = "언더시티",
                ["Wailing Caverns"] = "통곡의 동굴",
                ["Warsong Gulch"] = "전쟁노래 협곡",
                ["Western Plaguelands"] = "서부 역병지대",
                ["Westfall"] = "서부 몰락지대",
                ["Wetlands"] = "저습지",
                ["Winterspring"] = "여명의 설원",
                ["Zul'Farrak"] = "줄파락",
                ["Zul'Gurub"] = "줄구룹",


AceLibrary:Register(BabbleZone, MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION)
BabbleZone = nil