vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("QuestsFu")

L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return {
        QUEST_DONE = "(done)",
        QUEST_FAILED = "(failed)",
        ELITE = "Elite",
        DUNGEON = "Dungeon",
        RAID = "Raid",
        PVP = "PvP",
        TAG_ELITE = "+",
        TAG_DUNGEON = "d",
        TAG_RAID = "r",
        TAG_PVP = "p",
        ARGUMENT_SHOWLEVELS = "levels",
        ARGUMENT_SHOWDIFFICULTY = "difficulty",
        ARGUMENT_SHOWIMPOSSIBLE = "impossible",
        ARGUMENT_SHOWAREA = "area",
        ARGUMENT_SHOWCLASSANYWAY = "classanyway",
        ARGUMENT_SHOWCURRENTAREAONLY = "currentareaonly",
        ARGUMENT_SHOWDESCRIPTION = "description",
        ARGUMENT_COLOROBJECTIVES = "colorobjectives",
        ARGUMENT_COMPLETEDOBJECTIVES = "completedobjectives",
        ARGUMENT_CURRENTAREADESCRIPTIONONLY = "currentareadescriptiononly",
        ARGUMENT_SHOWINITEMTOOLTIP = "initemtooltip",
        ARGUMENT_SHOWTEXT = "paneltextis",
        ARGUMENT_UPDATE = "update",
        MENU_SHOW_LEVELS = "Show quest levels",
        MENU_SHOW_DIFFICULTY = "Show quest difficulty colors",
        MENU_SHOW_IMPOSSIBLE = "Show impossible (red) quests",
        MENU_SHOW_AREA = "Show quest areas",
        MENU_SHOW_CLASS_ANYWAY = "Always show class quests",
        MENU_SHOW_CURRENT_AREA_ONLY = "Show current area quests only",
        MENU_SHOW_DESCRIPTION = "Show quest descriptions",
        MENU_COLOR_OBJECTIVES = "Color objectives completion status",
        MENU_SHOW_COMPLETED_OBJECTIVES = "Show completed objectives",
        MENU_SHOW_CURRENT_AREA_DESCRIPTION_ONLY = "Show descriptions for current area quests only",
        MENU_SHOW_IN_ITEM_TOOLTIP = "Show quest objectives in item/mob tooltips",
        MENU_SHOW_TEXT = "Show text",
        MENU_SHOW_TEXT_COMPLETE = "Show quests complete",
        MENU_SHOW_TEXT_CURRENT = "Show current # of quests",
        MENU_SHOW_TEXT_TOTAL = "Show total possible quests",
        MENU_SHOW_TEXT_LASTMESSAGE = "Show last quest status message",
        TEXT_SCANNING = "Scanning...",
        TEXT_LOADING = "Loading",
        TOOLTIP_HINT = "Click to open the quest log",
        OPT_show = "Show",
        OPT_show_d = "Choose what information to display",
        OPT_text = "Text",
        OPT_text_d = "Toolbar text",
        OPT_current = "Current",
        OPT_current_d = "Show current # of quests",
        OPT_complete = "Completed",
        OPT_complete_d = "Show # of quests completed",
        OPT_total = "Total",
        OPT_total_d = "Show total possible quests",
        OPT_lastmessage = "Last message",
        OPT_lastmessage_d = "Show last quest status message",
        OPT_levels = "Levels",
        OPT_levels_d = "Show quest levels",
        OPT_levels_game = "In Game",
        OPT_levels_game_d = "Show quest levels in the quest log and NPC dialogs",
        OPT_levels_tablet = "In QuestsFu",
        OPT_levels_tablet_d = "Show quest levels in the QuestsFu tooltip",
        OPT_levels_zone = "Zones",
        OPT_levels_zone_d = "Show zone levels in the QuestsFu tooltip",
        OPT_diff = "Difficulty colors",
        OPT_diff_d = "Show quest difficulty colors",
        OPT_impossible = "Impossible quests",
        OPT_impossible_d = "Show impossible (red) quests",
        OPT_area = "Areas",
        OPT_area_d = "Show quest areas",
        OPT_caonly = "Current area only",
        OPT_caonly_d = "Show current area quests only",
        OPT_classanyway = "Class quests always",
        OPT_classanyway_d = "Always show class quests",
        OPT_description = "Description",
        OPT_description_d = "Show quest descriptions",
        OPT_cadonly = "Current area descriptions only",
        OPT_cadonly_d = "Show current area quests only",
        OPT_completed = "Completed objectives",
        OPT_completed_d = "Show completed objectives",
        OPT_tooltip = "Objectives in tooltip",
        OPT_tooltip_d = "Show quest objectives in item/mob tooltips",
        OPT_colorobj = "Color objectives",
        OPT_colorobj_d = "Color objectives completion status",
        OPT_wrap = "Wrap quests",
        OPT_wrap_d = "Wrap long quest titles"
} end)