vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
if not ace:LoadTranslation("GroupFu") then

GroupFuLocals = {
        NAME = "FuBar - GroupFu",
        DESCRIPTION = "Combination of Titan LootType and Roll.",
        DEFAULT_ICON = "Interface\\Buttons\\UI-GroupLoot-Dice-Up",

        TEXT_SOLO = "Solo",
        TEXT_GROUP = "Group",
        TEXT_FFA = "Free for All",
        TEXT_MASTER = "Master Looter",
        TEXT_NBG = "Need Before Greed",
        TEXT_RR = "Round Robin",
        TEXT_NOROLLS = "No Rolls",
        TEXT_ENDING10 = "Roll ending in 10",
        TEXT_ENDING5 = "Roll ending in 5",
        TEXT_ENDING4 = "Roll ending in 4",
        TEXT_ENDING3 = "Roll ending in 3",
        TEXT_ENDING2 = "Roll ending in 2",
        TEXT_ENDING1 = "Roll ending in 1",
        TEXT_ENDED = "Rolling over announcing winner.",
        SEARCH_MASTERLOOTER = "(.+) is now the loot master.",
        SEARCH_ROLLS = "(.+) rolls (%d+) %((%d+)%-(%d+)%)",
        FORMAT_ANNOUNCE_WIN = "Winner: %s [%d] out of %d rolls.",
        FORMAT_TEXT_ROLLCOUNT = "%s (%d/%d)",
        FORMAT_TOOLTIP_ROLLCOUNT = "%d of expected %d rolls recorded",

        MENU_SHOWMLNAME = "Show Master Looter Name",
        MENU_PERFORMROLL = "Perform roll when clicked",
        MENU_SHOWROLLCOUNT = "Show count of rolls recorded ie <# rolls>/<# player in raid/party>",
        MENU_ANNOUNCEROLLCOUNTDOWN = "Announce count down and display winner when roll clearing timer reached",

        MENU_OUTPUT = "Output Location",
        MENU_OUTPUT_AUTO = "Output results based on being in Raid, Group, or Solo",
        MENU_OUTPUT_LOCAL = "Output results to Local Screen",
        MENU_OUTPUT_SAY = "Output results to the Say channel",
        MENU_OUTPUT_PARTY = "Output results to the Party channel",
        MENU_OUTPUT_RAID = "Output results to the Raid channel",
        MENU_OUTPUT_GUILD = "Output results to the Guild channel",

        MENU_CLEAR = "Automatic Roll Clearing",
        MENU_CLEAR_NEVER = "Never",
        MENU_CLEAR_15SEC = "15 seconds",
        MENU_CLEAR_30SEC = "30 seconds",
        MENU_CLEAR_45SEC = "45 seconds",
        MENU_CLEAR_60SEC = "60 seconds",

        MENU_DETAIL = "Output Detail",
        MENU_DETAIL_SHORT = "Display winner only",
        MENU_DETAIL_LONG = "Display all rolls",
        MENU_DETAIL_FULL = "Display all rolls, along with non-standard roll info",
        MENU_MODE = "Text Mode",
        MENU_MODE_GROUPFU = "GroupFu: Loot type, unless a roll is active then the winner of the roll",
        MENU_MODE_ROLLSFU = "RollFu: No Rolls, unless a roll is active then the winner of the roll",
        MENU_MODE_LOOTTYFU = "LootTyFu: Loot type always",

        MENU_STANDARDROLLSONLY = "Accept standard (1-100) rolls only",
        MENU_IGNOREDUPES = "Ignore duplicate rolls",
        MENU_AUTODELETE = "Auto-delete rolls after output",
        MENU_SHOWCLASSLEVEL = "Show Class and Level in tooltip",
        MENU_GROUP = "Group Functions",
        MENU_GROUP_LEAVE = "Leave Group",
        MENU_GROUP_RAID = "Convert Group to Raid",
        MENU_GROUP_LOOT = "Change Looting Method",
        MENU_GROUP_THRESHOLD = "Change Loot Threshold",
        MENU_GROUP_RESETINSTANCE = "Reset Instance",
        TOOLTIP_CAT_LOOTING = "Looting",
        TOOLTIP_CAT_ROLLS = "Rolls",
        TOOLTIP_METHOD = "Looting Method",
        TOOLTIP_HINT_ROLLS = "Click to roll, Ctrl-Click to output winner, Shift-Click to clear the list",
        TOOLTIP_HINT_NOROLLS = "Ctrl-Click to output winner, Shift-Click to clear the list",

        ENDENLOCALE = true
