vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("FuBar")
L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return {
        ["Action Bars"] = "动作条",
        ["Auction"] = "拍卖",
        ["Audio"] = "声音",
        ["Battlegrounds/PvP"] = "战场/PVP",
        ["Buffs"] = "增益法术",
        ["Chat/Communication"] = "聊天/交流",
        ["Druid"] = "德鲁伊",
        ["Hunter"] = "猎人",
        ["Mage"] = "法师",
        ["Paladin"] = "圣骑士",
        ["Priest"] = "牧师",
        ["Rogue"] = "盗贼",
        ["Shaman"] = "萨满祭司",
        ["Warlock"] = "术士",
        ["Warrior"] = "战士",
        ["Healer"] = "治疗者",
        ["Tank"] = "坦克",
        ["Caster"] = "施法者",
        ["Combat"] = "战斗",
        ["Compilations"] = "整合",
        ["Data Export"] = "数据导出",
        ["Development Tools"] = "开发工具",
        ["Guild"] = "公会",
        ["Frame Modification"] = "框体修改",
        ["Interface Enhancements"] = "界面加强",
        ["Inventory"] = "背包",
        ["Library"] = "运行库",
        ["Map"] = "地图",
        ["Mail"] = "邮件",
        ["Miscellaneous"] = "杂项",
        ["Quest"] = "任务",
        ["Raid"] = "团队",
        ["Tradeskill"] = "商业技能",
        ["UnitFrame"] = "头像",
        ["Others"] = "其他",
        ["Default"] = "默认",
        ["Overflow plugins"] = "溢出插件",
        ["Let plugins overflow onto another panel"] = "将溢出的插件自动转换到另一面板上",
        ["Create new panel"] = "创建新面板",
        ["Auto-adjust frames"] = "自动调整框体",
        ["Toggle auto-adjustment of blizzard's frames"] = "切换是否自动调整暴雪框体",
        ["Auto-hide top panels"] = "自动隐藏顶部面板",
        ["Toggle auto-hiding of the top panels"] = "切换是否自动自动隐藏顶部面板",
        ["Auto-hide bottom panels"] = "自动隐藏底部面板",
        ["Toggle auto-hiding of the bottom panels"] = "切换是否自动自动隐藏底部面板",
        ["Texture"] = "材质",
        ["Change the texture of the panels"] = "改变面板帖图材质",
        ["Spacing"] = "间距",
        ["Spacing between plugins"] = "插件的显示间距",
        ["Left-aligned spacing"] = "左侧对齐间距",
        ["Set spacing between left-aligned plugins"] = "设置左侧对齐插件的显示间距",
        ["Center-aligned spacing"] = "中央对齐间距",
        ["Set spacing between center-aligned plugins"] = "设置中央对齐插件的显示间距",
        ["Right-aligned spacing"] = "右侧对齐间距",
        ["Set spacing between right-aligned plugins"] = "设置右侧对齐插件的显示间距",
        ["Font size"] = "字体大小",
        ["Panel font size"] = "面板字体大小",
        ["Set font size for the plugins on the panel"] = "设置面板上插件的字体显示大小",
        ["Tooltip font size"] = "信息条字体大小",
        ["Set font size for the tooltip"] = "设置信息条的字体显示大小",
        ["Transparency"] = "透明度",
--      ["Panel transparency"] = true,
        ["Set transparency of the panels"] = "设置面板透明度",
--      ["Tooltip transparency"] = true,
--      ["Set transparency of the tooltip"] = true,
        ["Thickness"] = "高度",
        ["Set thickness between the panels"] = "设置面板高度",
        ChatCommands = { "/fubar" },
        ["Attach"] = "依附",
        ["Lock panel"] = "锁定面板",
        ["Remove panel"] = "移除面板",
        ["Attach to top"] = "依附于屏幕顶部",
        ["Attach to bottom"] = "依附于屏幕底部",
        ["Detach panel"] = "解除面板依附",
        ["Are you sure you want to remove this panel?"] = "确定要移除此面板吗?",
} end)

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