vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:

FilterKnown v1.1 Rev

by dns13

All Copyrights to Merrem.

German Translation - dns13
French Translation - ^^


        FILTERKNOWN_HELPMSG = "Usage:\n \/fk green - Sets color to green \n \/fk blue - Sets color to blue \n \/fk red - Sets color to red \n \/fk gray - Sets Color to Dark Gray \n \/fk black - Sets color to Black";

if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then

        FILTERKNOWN_HELPMSG = "Utilisation:\n \/fk green - Place la couleur au vert \n \/fk blue - Place la couleur au bleu \n \/fk red - Place la couleur au rouge";

elseif (GetLocale() == "deDE") then

        -- ü - \195\188
        -- Ü - \195\156
        -- ö - \195\182
        -- Ö - \195\150
        -- ä - \195\164
        -- Ä - \195\134
        -- ß - \195\159

        FILTERKNOWN_HELPMSG = "Benutzung:\n \/fk green - Setzt untermalung gr\195\188n \n \/fk blue - Setzt untermalung blau \n \/fk red - Setzt untermalung rot";


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