vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
-- English localization for Extended Questlog 3.5
-- Copyright © 2006 Daniel Rehn

EQL3_QUEST_LOG = "Extended QuestLog";

EQL3_OPTIONS = "Options";
EQL3_OPTIONS_INFO = "Open up options for the Extended QuestLog.";
EQL3_OPTIONS_TITLE = "Extended QuestLog Options";

EQL3_QUEST_WATCH_TOOLTIP = "Shift-click a quest to add or remove it from the tracker.\n\nCtrl-click to add your current status to chat frame.\n\nCtrl-Shift-click to clear the tracker and add the clicked quest.";

EQL3_SHRINK = "Normal";
EQL3_EXTEND = "Extend";
EQL3_RESTORE = "Restore";

EQL3_MINIMIZE_TIP = "Restore the QuestLog";
EQL3_MAXIMIZE_TIP = "Maximize the QuestLog";

EQL3_LOG_OPTIONS = "Log Options";
EQL3_SHOW_QUEST_LEVELS = "Show Quest Levels";
EQL3_RESTORE_UPON_SELECT = "Maximize Upon Select";
EQL3_MINIMIZE_UPON_CLOSE = "Minimize Upon Close";
EQL3_LOCK_QUESTLOG = "Lock QuestLog";
EQL3_OPACITY = "Log Opacity";

EQL3_COLOR_OPTIONS = "Color Options";
EQL3_ZONE_COLOR = "Custom Zone Color";
EQL3_HEADER_COLOR = "Custom Header Colors";
EQL3_OBJECTIVE_COLOR = "Custom Objective Colors";
EQL3_FADE_HEADER = "Fade Header Colors";
EQL3_FADE_OBJECTIVE = "Fade Objective Colors";
EQL3_TRACKER_BG = "Tracker Background Color";
EQL3_RESTORE_COLORS = "Restore Color Defaults";

EQL3_QUEST_TRACKER = "Extended Quest Tracker";

EQL3_TRACKER_OPTIONS = "Tracker Options";
EQL3_USE_TRACKER_LISTING = "Use Tracker Listing";
EQL3_SHOW_ZONES = "Show Zones in Tracker";
EQL3_SORT_TRACKER = "Sort Tracked Quests";
EQL3_LOCK_TRACKER = "Lock Tracker";
EQL3_ADD_NEW = "Add New Quests to Tracker";
EQL3_ADD_UNTRACKED = "Add Untracked Quests on Progress";
EQL3_REMOVE_FINISHED = "Remove Finished Quests from Tracker";
EQL3_MINIMIZE_FINISHED = "Hide Objectives for Completed Quests";
EQL3_SHOW_MINIMIZER = "Show Minimizebutton in Tracker";
EQL3_TRACKERFONTSIZE = "Tracker Font Size";

--Some masks
EQL_QUEST_ACCEPTED = "Quest accepted:";
EQL_COMPLETE = "%(Complete%)";

--Organize Strings
EQL3_ORGANIZE_TITLE = "Quest Organizer"
EQL3_ORGANIZE_TEXT = "Click a quest header or enter one\nbelow and press OK"

EQL3_POPUP_MOVE = "Move Quest to Other Group";
EQL3_POPUP_RESET = "Reset Quest to Original Group";
EQL3_POPUP_RESETALL = "Reset All Quests";
EQL3_POPUP_TRACK = "Track Quest";
EQL3_POPUP_UNTRACK = "Untrack Quest";

EQL3_LOAD_TIP = "Load settings";

-- new to 3.5.6
EQL3_HIDE_COMPLETED_OBJECTIVES = "Hide Completed Objectives Individually";
EQL3_AUTO_COMPLETE_QUESTS = "Auto Complete Quests";
EQL3_SHOW_OBJECTIVE_MARKERS = "Show Objective Markers";
EQL3_LEVELS_ONLY_IN_LOG = "Only in Log and Tracker";

-- new to 3.5.9
EQL3_TOOLTIP_OPTIONS = "Tooltip Options";
EQL3_SHOW_ITEM_TOOLTIP = "Show Relevant Quest in Item Tooltip";
EQL3_SHOW_MOB_TOOLTIP = "Show Relevant Quest in Mob Tooltip";
EQL3_INFO_ON_QUEST_COMPLETE = "Inform on Quest Completion";
EQL3_TOOLTIP_COLOR = "Custom Tooltip Info Color";

-- Only in the english localization file plz
-- end