vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
DUF_VERSION = "2.46";


DUF_CONTEXTLABEL = "Color Contexts:";
DUF_NUDGE = "Nudge";

BINDING_HEADER_DUF = "Discord Unit Frames v"..DUF_VERSION;
BINDING_NAME_DUF_OPTIONS = "Show/Hide Options Window";

                Alliance = "Alliance",
                Alpha = "Alpha",
                AttachFrame = "Attach Frame",
                AttachPoint = "Attach Point",
                AttachTo = "Attach To",
                AutoLock = "Lock Frames & Elements When Closing This Window",
                Background = "Background",
                BackgroundAlpha = "Background Alpha",
                BackgroundColor = "Background Color",
                BackgroundPadding = "Background Padding",
                BarColor = "Bar Color",
                Base = "Base",
                Beast = "Beast",
                Border = "Border",
                BorderAlpha = "Border Alpha",
                BorderColor = "Border Color",
                BorderStyle = "Border Style",
                Boss = "Boss",
                BuffFrame = "Buff Frame",
                BuffsShown = "Max Buffs Shown",
                ClassIcon = "Class Icon",
                Color = "Color",
                Combat = "In Combat",
                ComboPoints = "Combo Points",
                ConnectFrames = "Connect Frames",
                ContextColors = "Context Colors",
                Copy = "COPY",
                CopyFrame = "Copy Settings From",
                Crit = "*CRITICAL*",
                Critter = "Critter",
                CustomEliteTexture = "Custom Elite Texture",
                CustomRareTexture = "Custom Rare Texture",
                CustomSettingsLoaded = "Custom settings loaded.",
                CustomTexture = "Custom Texture",
                CustomTexture2 = "Secondary Bar's Custom Texture",
                CustomTooltip = "Custom Tooltip",
                Dead = "Dead",
                DebuffFrame = "Debuff Frame",
                DebuffsShown = "Max Debuffs Shown",
                Default = "Default",
                DefaultSettingsLoaded = "Default settings loaded.",
                Delete = "DELETE",
                Demon = "Demon",
                DisableMouse = "Disable Mouse",
                DisableTooltip = "Disable Tooltip",
                Dragonkin = "Dragonkin",
                Druid = "Druid",
                Dwarf = "Dwarf",
                Elemental = "Elemental",
                Elite = "Elite",
                EliteTexture = "Elite Texture",
                Energy = "Energy",
                EnergyColor = "Energy Color",
                FacesLeft = "Faces Left",
                Fade = "Fade Amount Lost",
                Female = "Female",
                Fill = "Fill Instead of Deplete",
                FlashForLowHealth = "Flash When Health Is Low",
                FlashWhenActive = "Flash When Active",
                Focus = "Focus",
                FocusColor = "Focus Color",
                Font = "Font",
                FontHeight = "Font Height",
                FrameOptions = "Frame Options",
                Friendly = "Friendly",
                FriendlyNPC = "Friendly NPC",
                FriendlyPlayer = "Friendly Player",
                Ghost = "Ghost",
                Giant = "Giant",
                Gnome = "Gnome",
                HappinessIcon = "Happiness Icon",
                HealthBar = "Health Bar",
                HealthThreshold = "Health % Less Than ",
                Height = "Height",
                Hide = "Hide",
                HideBackground = "Hide Background",
                HideIfNoMana = "Hide If Unit Doesn't Use Mana",
                HidePartyInRaid = "Hide Party Frames In Raids",
                HideTargetTarget = "Hide Target of Target When Soloing",
                HonorBar = "Honor Bar",
                Horde = "Horde",
                Hostile = "Hostile",
                Human = "Human",
                Humanoid = "Humanoid",
                Hunter = "Hunter",
                JustifyH = "Horizontal Justification",
                JustifyV = "Vertical Justification",
                LeaderIcon = "Leader Icon",
                LeftClick = "Left-Click",
                LevelDifference1 = "Trivial",
                LevelDifference2 = "Minor",
                LevelDifference3 = "Even",
                LevelDifference4 = "Tough",
                LevelDifference5 = "Very Tough",
                LevelDifference6 = "Suicide",
                Load = "LOAD",
                LoadCustomSettings = "Load Custom Settings",
                LoadDefaultSettings = "Load Default Settings",
                LoadSettings = "Load Settings:",
                LockElements = "Lock Elements",
                LockFrames = "Lock Frames",
                LootIcon = "Loot Icon",
                LowHealthThreshold = "Low Health Threshold",
                Mage = "Mage",
                Main = "Main",
                Male = "Male",
                Mana = "Mana",
                ManaBar = "Mana Bar",
                ManaColor = "Mana Color",
                ManaThreshold = "Mana % Less Than ",
                MaxCharacters = "Maximum Number of Characters",
                Method = "Method",
                MiddleClick = "Middle Click",
                MiscOptions = "Misc Options",
                Mouseover = "Show On Mouseover",
                MouseoverColor = "Mouseover Color",
                MouseoverGroup = "Mouseover Group",
                Neuter = "Neuter",
                Neutral = "Neutral",
                NightElf = "Night Elf",
                NoCustomSettings = "No custom settings found for Discord Unit Frames.",
                NoDefaultSettings = "No default settings found for Discord Unit Frames.",
                NoSettingsFound = "No settings found.",
                NoTarget = "No Target",
                NotSpecified = "Not specified",
                Offline = "Offline",
                OptionsScale = "Options Window Scale",
                Orc = "Orc",
                Paladin = "Paladin",
                Party = "PARTY",
                PartyPets = "PARTY PETS",
                Pet = "PET",
                Portrait = "Portrait",
                Priest = "Priest",
                PVP = "PvP",
                PVPFree = "PvP Free For All",
                PVPFriendly = "PVP-enabled Player",
                PVPIcon = "PvP Icon",
                QuickLoad = "Quick Load",
                QuickSave = "Quick Save",
                RaceIcon = "Race Icon",
                Rage = "Rage",
                RageColor = "Rage Color",
                RankIcon = "Rank Icon",
                Rare = "Rare",
                RareElite = "Rare Elite",
                ReverseFill = "Reverse Fill Direction",
                RightClick = "Right-Click",
                Rogue = "Rogue",
                SafeCopy = "SAFE COPY",
                SafeLoad = "SAFE LOAD",
                Save = "SAVE",
                SaveSettings = "Save Settings: ",
                Scale = "Scale",
                SecondaryBarColor = "Secondary Bar Color",
                Self = "SELF",
                SettingsDeleted = "Settings deleted.",
                SettingsLoaded = "New settings loaded.",
                SettingsSaved = "Your settings have been saved.",
                Shaman = "Shaman",
                ShowDefault = "Show Default Frame(s)",
                Size = "Size",
                Spacing = "Spacing",
                Special = "Special",
                StatusIcon = "Status Icon",
                Summoned = "Summoned",
                Tapped = "Tapped",
                Target = "TARGET",
                TargetHealthBar = "Target Health Bar",
                TargetManaBar = "Target Mana Bar",
                TargetOfTarget = "TARGET OF TARGET",
                TargetTapped = "Tapped",
                Tauren = "Tauren",
                Text = "Text",
                TextBox1 = "TextBox 1",
                TextBox2 = "TextBox 2",
                TextBox3 = "TextBox 3",
                TextBox4 = "TextBox 4",
                TextBox5 = "TextBox 5",
                TextBox6 = "TextBox 6",
                TextBox7 = "TextBox 7",
                TextBox8 = "TextBox 8",
                TextBox9 = "TextBox 9",
                TextBox10 = "TextBox 10",
                TextColor = "Text Color",
                TextVariables = "Text Variables",
                Troll = "Troll",
                TwoRows = "Two Rows/Columns",
                Undead = "Undead",
                UnlockElements = "Unlock Elements",
                UnlockFrames = "Unlock Frames",
                UpdateSpeed = "Updates Per Second",
                VariablesTitle = "DISCORD UNIT FRAMES TEXT VARIABLES",
                VerticalLayout = "Vertical Layout",
                Warlock = "Warlock",
                Warrior = "Warrior",
                Width = "Width",
                XPBar = "XP Bar",
                You = "* YOU *",
                YourTarget = "* YOUR TARGET *",

                FrameStrata = "Frame Strata",
                FrameLevelOffset = "Frame Level Offset     ",
                UseClassTexture = "Use Class Texture for Players",
                UseRaceTexture = "Use Race Texture for NPCs",
                Label = "Label",
                ShowCircularBorder = "Show Circular Border",
                ResizeBasedOnMax = "Resize Based On Max Amount",
                ShowDuration = "Show Duration",
                DurationHeight = "Duration Font Height",
                DurationAlpha = "Duration Alpha",
                DurationColor = "Duration Color",
                DurationFont = "Duration Font",
                DurationXOffset = "Duration X Offset",
                DurationYOffset = "Duration Y Offset",
                OutOfRange = "OUT OF RANGE",
                HideIfNoText = "Hide If No Text",
                HideOnMouseover = "Hide On Mouseover",
                BackgroundTexture = "BG Texture",
                HideBuffFrame = "Hide Default Buff Frame",
                HSpacing = "Horizontal Spacing",
                VSpacing = "Vertical Spacing",
                DurationFormat = "Use mm:ss Format",
                NewProfile = "New Profile",
                LoadProfile = "Load Profile",
                Create = "CREATE",
                ProfileCreated = "New profile created for Discord Unit Frames.",
                CurrentProfile = "Current Profile",
                FillDirection = "Fill Direction",
                ShowInCombat = "Show In Combat",
                HealthUpdating = "Show When Health Is Less Than Max",
                ManaUpdating = "Show When Mana Is Less Than Max",
                VerticalText = "Vertical Text",
                Outline = "Outline:",
                TrackReputation = "Track Reputation Instead",
                ShowTargetIcon = "Show Target Icon Instead",
                FrameToMove = "Frame To Move",

         "Civilian - $cv",
         "Class, Abbreviation - $ca",
         "Class, Mob - $cy",
         "Class, Player - $cl",
         "Classification ('Elite', etc.) - $cc",
         "Classification, Abbreviation - $cx",
         "Color Code - $co",
         "Color Context, Class - $cw",
         "Color Context, Difficulty - $cq",
         "Color Context, Health - $ch",
         "Color Context, Mana - $cm",
         "Color Context, Power Type - $cz",
         "Color Context, Reaction - $cr",
         "Combo Points - $cp",
         "Creature Difficulty ('Trivial', etc.) - $cd",
         "Creature Family ('Cat', etc.) - $cf",
         "Creature Type ('Beast', etc.) - $ct",
         "Death Status - $ds",
         "Faction - $fa",
         "Gender - $sx",
         "Gender, Abbreviation - $sa",
         "Guild - $gu",
         "Health, Current - $hc",
         "Health, Current Percent - $hp",
         "Health, Lost - $dt",
         "Health, Lost Percent - $dp",
         "Health, Max - $hm",
         "Health, Regen Per Sec - $hr",
         "Health, Regen Per Tick - $ht",
         "Honor Percent - $hn",
         "In Combat - $ic",
         "Keybinding - $kb",
         "Level - $lv",
         "Mana, Current - $mc",
         "Mana, Current Percent - $mp",
         "Mana, Lost - $mx",
         "Mana, Lost Percent - $my",
         "Mana, Max - $mm",
         "Mana, Regen Per Sec - $mr",
         "Mana, Regen Per Tick - $mt",
         "Mana, Type - $ml",
         "Name - $nm",
         "Next Level - $xn",
         "New Line - $nl",
         "NPC - $np",
         "Offline - $of",
         "Out of Detect Range - $iv",
         "Pet's Current XP - $px",
         "Pet's Current XP Percent - $pc",
         "Pet's Happiness - $ph",
         "Pet's Max XP Needed to Level - $py",
         "Pet's Net XP Needed to Level - $pg",
         "Pet's XP Percent To Go - $pp",
         "PvP Flagged - $pt",
         "PvP Rank - $pr",
         "PvP Rank Number - $pn",
         "Race - $rc",
         "Race, Abbreviation - $ra",
         "Raid Group - $rg",
         "Reaction ('Hostile', etc.) - $re",
         "Recent Damage - $rd",
         "Recent Heals - $rh",
         "Tapped - $do",
         "Target's Creature Type - $tt",
         "Target's Health - $th",
         "Target's Health Percent - $ta",
         "Target's Level - $tl",
         "Target's Mana - $tm",
         "Target's Mana Percent - $tb",
         "Target's Max Health - $tx",
         "Target's Max Mana - $ty",
         "Target's Name - $tn",
         "Watched Faction - $wf",
         "Watched Faction Current Rep - $wc",
         "Watched Faction Max Rep - $wm",
         "Watched Faction Reaction - $wr",
         "Watched Faction Rep Percent - $wp",
         "XP, Current - $xc",
         "XP, Current Percent - $xy",
         "XP, Max Needed to Level - $xl",
         "XP, Needed to Level - $xd",
         "XP, Needed to Level Percent - $xx",
         "XP, Rested Bonus - $xr",
         "XP, Rested Percent - $xb"

                [DUF_TEXT.Warrior] = "War",
                [DUF_TEXT.Priest] = "Pr",
                [DUF_TEXT.Rogue] = "Rog",
                [DUF_TEXT.Shaman] = "Shm",
                [DUF_TEXT.Mage] = "Ma",
                [DUF_TEXT.Paladin] = "Pal",
                [DUF_TEXT.Hunter] = "Hu",
                [DUF_TEXT.Warlock] = "Wlk",
                [DUF_TEXT.Druid] = "Drd"

                [DUF_TEXT.Undead] = "Ud",
                [DUF_TEXT.Tauren] = "Ta",
                [DUF_TEXT.NightElf] = "NE",
                [DUF_TEXT.Gnome] = "Gnm",
                [DUF_TEXT.Dwarf] = "Dwf",
                [DUF_TEXT.Human] = "Hum",
                [DUF_TEXT.Troll] = "Trl",
                [DUF_TEXT.Orc] = "Orc"

                ["Male"] = "M",
                ["Female"] = "F",
                ["Neuter"] = "N"

        { text="Plain", value=1 },
        { text="Tooltip", value=2 },
        { text="Dialogue", value=3 },
        { text="Slider", value=4 }

        { text="None", value=nil },
        { text="Difficulty", value=1 },
        { text="Reaction", value=2 },
        { text="Class", value=3 },
        { text="Health", value=4 },
        { text="Mana", value=5 }

        { text="Do Nothing", value=nil },
        { text="Target Unit", value=1 },
        { text="Assist Unit", value=2 },
        { text="Show Popup", value=3 }

        { text="Top to Bottom", value=1 },
        { text="Bottom to Top", value=2 },
        { text="Left to Right", value=3 },
        { text="Right to Left", value=4 }

                { text = "TOPLEFT", value = "TOPLEFT" },
                { text = "TOP", value = "TOP" },
                { text = "TOPRIGHT", value = "TOPRIGHT" },
                { text = "LEFT", value = "LEFT" },
                { text = "CENTER", value = "CENTER" },
                { text = "RIGHT", value = "RIGHT" },
                { text = "BOTTOMLEFT", value = "BOTTOMLEFT" },
                { text = "BOTTOM", value = "BOTTOM" },
                { text = "BOTTOMRIGHT", value = "BOTTOMRIGHT" }

        { text="UIParent", value="UIParent" },
        { text="Unit Frame", value="Unit Frame" },
        { text="Buff Frame", value="_Buffs" },
        { text="Class Icon", value="_ClassIcon" },
        { text="Debuff Frame", value="_Debuffs" },
        { text="Health Bar", value="_HealthBar" },
        { text="Leader Icon", value="_LeaderIcon" },
        { text="Loot Icon", value="_LootIcon" },
        { text="Mana Bar", value="_ManaBar" },
        { text="Portrait", value="_Portrait" },
        { text="PvP Icon", value="_PVPIcon" },
        { text="Race Icon", value="_RaceIcon" },
        { text="Rank Icon", value="_RankIcon" },
        { text="Status Icon", value="_StatusIcon" },
        { text="Target Health Bar", value="_TargetHealthBar" },
        { text="Target Mana Bar", value="_TargetManaBar" },
        { text="TextBox 1", value="_TextBox_1" },
        { text="TextBox 2", value="_TextBox_2" },
        { text="TextBox 3", value="_TextBox_3" },
        { text="TextBox 4", value="_TextBox_4" },
        { text="TextBox 5", value="_TextBox_5" },
        { text="TextBox 6", value="_TextBox_6" },
        { text="TextBox 7", value="_TextBox_7" },
        { text="TextBox 8", value="_TextBox_8" },
        { text="TextBox 9", value="_TextBox_9" },
        { text="TextBox 10", value="_TextBox_10" }

        { text="LEFT", value="LEFT" },
        { text="RIGHT", value="RIGHT" },
        { text="CENTER", value="CENTER" }

        { text="TOP", value="TOP" },
        { text="BOTTOM", value="BOTTOM" },
        { text="CENTER", value="CENTER" }

        { text="None", value=nil },
        { text="1", value=1 },
        { text="2", value=2 },
        { text="3", value=3 },
        { text="4", value=4 },
        { text="5", value=5 },
        { text="6", value=6 },
        { text="7", value=7 },
        { text="8", value=8 },
        { text="9", value=9 },
        { text="10", value=10 }

        { text="Left to Right", value=1 },
        { text="Right to Left", value=2 },
        { text="Bottom to Top", value=3 },
        { text="Top to Bottom", value=4 }

-- German translations courtesy of Boergen.

 if (GetLocale() == "deDE") then
DUF_CONTEXTLABEL = "Farben Kontexte:";
DUF_DIFFICULTYLABEL = "Schwierigkeit:";
DUF_HEALTHLABEL = "Gesundheit:";
DUF_NUDGE = "Feineinstellung";

BINDING_NAME_DUF_OPTIONS = "Zeige/Verstecke Optionen Fenster";
BINDING_NAME_DUF_TOGGLE_ELEMENTS_LOCK = "Elemente Fixieren/Freigeben";
BINDING_NAME_DUF_TOGGLE_FRAMES_LOCK = "Frames Fixieren/Freigeben";

Alliance = "Allianz",
Alpha = "Alpha",
AttachFrame = "Anheft Frame",
AttachPoint = "Anheft Punkt",
AttachTo = "Anheften an",
Background = "Hintergrund",
BackgroundAlpha = "Hintergrund Alpha",
BackgroundColor = "Hintergrund Farbe",
BackgroundPadding = "Hintergrund F\195\188llung",
BarColor = "Balken Farbe",
Base = "Basis",
Beast = "Wildtier",
Border = "Rahmen",
BorderAlpha = "Rahmen Alpha",
BorderColor = "Rahmen Farbe",
BorderStyle = "Rahmen Aussehen",
Boss = "Boss",
BuffFrame = "Buff Frame",
BuffsShown = "Max angezeigte Buffs",
ClassIcon = "Klassen Icon",
Color = "Farbe",
Combat = "Im Kampf",
ComboPoints = "Kombo Punkte",
ConnectFrames = "Verbinde Frames",
ContextColors = "Kontext Farben",
Copy = "KOPIEREN",
CopyFrame = "Kopiere Einstellungen von",
Crit = "*KRITISCH*",
Critter = "Tier",
CustomEliteTexture = "Besondere Elite Textur",
CustomRareTexture = "Besondere Rare Textur",
CustomSettingsLoaded = "Besondere Einstellungen geladen.",
CustomTooltip = "Besonderer Tooltip",
Dead = "Tot",
DebuffFrame = "Debuff Frame",
DebuffsShown = "Max angezeigte Debuffs",
DefaultSettingsLoaded = "Voreinstellungen geladen.",
Delete = "L\195\182SCHEN",
Demon = "D\195\164mon",
DisableMouse = "Deaktiviere Mouse",
DisableTooltip = "Deaktiviere Tooltip",
Dragonkin = "Drachkin",
Druid = "Druide",
Dwarf = "Zwerg",
Elemental = "Elementar",
Elite = "Elite",
EliteTexture = "Elite Textur",
Energy = "Energie",
EnergyColor = "Energie Farbe",
FacesLeft = "Gesichter Links",
Fade = "Verlorene Menge verblassen lassen",
Female = "Weiblich",
Fill = "F\195\188llen statt leeren",
FlashForLowHealth = "Blinken wenn Gesundheit niedrig",
FlashWhenActive = "Blinken wenn aktiv",
Focus = "Fokus",
FocusColor = "Fokus Farbe",
Font = "Schriftart",
FontHeight = "Schriftart H\195\182he",
FrameOptions = "Frame Options",
Friendly = "Freundlich",
FriendlyNPC = "Freundlicher NPC",
FriendlyPlayer = "Freunlicher Spieler",
Ghost = "Geist",
Giant = "Riese",
Gnome = "Gnom",
HappinessIcon = "Zufriedenheits Icon",
HealthBar = "Gesundheits Balken",
HealthThreshold = "Gesundheit % weniger als ",
Height = "H\195\182he",
Hide = "Verstecken",
HideBackground = "Verstecke Hintergrund",
HideIfNoMana = "Verstecken wenn Einheit kein Mana nutzt",
HidePartyInRaid = "Verstecke Gruppen Frames in Raids",
HideTargetTarget = "Verstecke Ziel vom Ziel wenn Solo",
HonorBar = "Ehre Balken",
Horde = "Horde",
Hostile = "Feindlich",
Human = "Mensch",
Humanoid = "Humanoid",
Hunter = "J\195\164ger",
JustifyH = "Horizontale Ausrichtung",
JustifyV = "Vertical Ausrichtung",
LeaderIcon = "Anf\195\188hrer Icon",
LeftClick = "Links-Klick",
LevelDifference1 = "Sehr leicht",
LevelDifference2 = "Leicht",
LevelDifference3 = "Ausgeglichen",
LevelDifference4 = "Schwer",
LevelDifference5 = "Sehr schwer",
LevelDifference6 = "Selbstmord",
Load = "LADEN",
LoadCustomSettings = "Lade besondere Einstellungen",
LoadDefaultSettings = "Lade Voreinstellungen",
LoadSettings = "Lade Einstellungen:",
LockElements = "Fixiere Elemente",
LockFrames = "Fixiere Frames",
LootIcon = "Loot Icon",
LowHealthThreshold = "Niedrige Gesundheit Grenze",
Mage = "Magier",
Main = "Haupt",
Male = "M\195\164nnlich",
Mana = "Mana",
ManaBar = "Mana Balken",
ManaColor = "Mana Farbe",
ManaThreshold = "Mana % weniger als ",
MaxCharacters = "Maximale Anzahl an Zeichen",
Method = "Methode",
MiddleClick = "Mittel-Klick",
MiscOptions = "Verschiedene Optionen",
Mouseover = "Zeige bei Mouseber\195\188hrung",
MouseoverColor = "Mouseber\195\188hrung Farbe",
MouseoverGroup = "Mouseber\195\188hrung Gruppe",
Neuter = "Neutrum",
Neutral = "Neutral",
NightElf = "Nachtelf",
NoCustomSettings = "Keine besonderen Einstellungen gefunden.",
NoDefaultSettings = "Keine Voreinstellungen gefunden.",
NoSettingsFound = "Keine Einstellungen gefunden.",
NoTarget = "Kein Ziel",
NotSpecified = "Nicht spezifiziert",
Offline = "Offline",
OptionsScale = "Optionen Fenster Gr\195\182\195\159e",
Orc = "Orc",
Paladin = "Paladin",
Party = "GRUPPE",
PartyPets = "GRUPPEN PETS",
Pet = "PET",
Portrait = "Portr\195\164t",
Priest = "Priester",
PVP = "PvP",
PVPFree = "PvP Free For All",
PVPFriendly = "PVP-aktiver Player",
PVPIcon = "PvP Icon",
QuickLoad = "Quick Load",
QuickSave = "Quick Save",
RaceIcon = "Rassen Icon",
Rage = "Wut",
RageColor = "Wut Farbe",
RankIcon = "Rang Icon",
Rare = "Rare",
RareElite = "Rare Elite",
ReverseFill = "F\195\188llrichtung umkehren",
RightClick = "Rechts-Klick",
Rogue = "Schurke",
SaveSettings = "Speichere Einstellungen: ",
Scale = "Gr\195\182\195\159enanpassung",
SecondaryBarColor = "Sekund\195\164re Balken Farbe",
Self = "SELBST",
SettingsDeleted = "Einstellungen gel\195\182scht.",
SettingsLoaded = "Neue Einstellungen geladen.",
SettingsSaved = "Deine Einstellungen wurden gespeichert.",
Shaman = "Schamane",
ShowDefault = "Zeige normale(n) Frame(s)",
Size = "Gr\195\182\195\159e",
Spacing = "Spacing",
Special = "Spezial",
StatusIcon = "Status Icon",
Summoned = "Beschworen",
Tapped = "Markiert",
Target = "ZIEL",
TargetHealthBar = "Ziel Gesundheit Balken",
TargetManaBar = "Ziel Mana Balken",
TargetOfTarget = "TARGET OF TARGET",
TargetTapped = "Tapped",
Tauren = "Tauren",
Text = "Text",
TextBox1 = "TextBox 1",
TextBox2 = "TextBox 2",
TextBox3 = "TextBox 3",
TextBox4 = "TextBox 4",
TextBox5 = "TextBox 5",
TextBox6 = "TextBox 6",
TextBox7 = "TextBox 7",
TextBox8 = "TextBox 8",
TextBox9 = "TextBox 9",
TextBox10 = "TextBox 10",
TextColor = "Text Farbe",
TextVariables = "Text Variablen",
Troll = "Troll",
TwoRows = "Zwei Reihen/Spalten",
Undead = "Untoter",
UnlockElements = "L\195\182se Elemente",
UnlockFrames = "L\195\182se Frames",
UpdateSpeed = "Updates pro Sekunde",
VerticalLayout = "Vertikales Layout",
Warlock = "Hexenmeister",
Warrior = "Krieger",
Width = "Breite",
XPBar = "XP Balken",
You = "* DU *",
YourTarget = "* DEIN ZIEL *",
AutoLock = "Fixiere Frames & Elemente beim Schlie\195\159en dieses Fensters",
CustomTexture = "Besondere Textur",
CustomTexture2 = "Besondere Textur f\195\188r Sekund\195\164re Leiste",
FrameStrata = "Frame Schicht",
FrameLevelOffset = "Frame Level Offset ",
UseClassTexture = "Nutze Klassen Textur f\195\188r Spieler",
UseRaceTexture = "Nutze Rassen Textur f\195\188r Spieler NPCs",
Label = "Bezeichnung",
ShowCircularBorder = "Zeige kreisf\195\182rmigen Rand",
ResizeBasedOnMax = "Gr\195\182\195\159e an Maximalwert anpassen",
ShowDuration = "Zeige Dauer",
DurationHeight = "Dauer Schriftart H\195\182he",
DurationAlpha = "Dauer Alpha",
DurationColor = "Dauer Farbe",
DurationFont = "Dauer Schriftart",
DurationXOffset = "Dauer X Position",
DurationYOffset = "Dauer Y Position",
HideIfNoText = "Verstecke wenn kein Text",
HideOnMouseover = "Verstecke bei Mouseber\195\188hrung",
BackgroundTexture = "BG Textur",
HideBuffFrame = "Verstecke normalen Buff Frame",
HSpacing = "Horizontale Abst\195\164nde",
VSpacing = "Vertikale Abst\195\164nde",

        DurationFormat = "Use mm:ss Format",
        SafeCopy = "SAFE COPY",
        SafeLoad = "SAFE LOAD",
        Default = "Default",
        NewProfile = "New Profile",
        LoadProfile = "Load Profile",
        Create = "CREATE",
        ProfileCreated = "New profile created for Discord Unit Frames.",
        CurrentProfile = "Current Profile",
        FillDirection = "Fill Direction",
        ShowInCombat = "Show In Combat",
        HealthUpdating = "Show When Health Is Less Than Max",
        ManaUpdating = "Show When Mana Is Less Than Max",
        VerticalText = "Vertical Text",
        Outline = "Outline:",
        TrackReputation = "Track Reputation Instead",
        ShowTargetIcon = "Show Target Icon Instead",
        FrameToMove = "Frame To Move",

"Zivilist - $cv",
"Klasse, Abk\195\188rzung - $ca",
"Klasse, Mob - $cy",
"Klasse, Player - $cl",
"Klassifikation ('Elite', etc.) - $cc",
"Klassification, Abk\195\188rzung - $cx",
"Farben Code - $co",
"Farben Kontext, Klasse - $cw",
"Farben Kontext, Schwierigkeit - $cq",
"Farben Kontext, Gesundheit - $ch",
"Farben Kontext, Mana - $cm",
"Farben Kontext, Power Type - $cz",
"Farben Kontext, Reaktion - $cr",
"Kombo Punkte - $cp",
"Kreatur Schwierigkeit ('Leicht', etc.) - $cd",
"Kreatur Familie ('Katze', etc.) - $cf",
"Kreatur Type ('Wildtier', etc.) - $ct",
"Todes Status - $ds",
"Fraktion - $fa",
"Geschlecht - $sx",
"Geschlecht, Abk\195\188rzung - $sa",
"Gilde - $gu",
"Gesundheit, momentan - $hc",
"Gesundheit, momentan Prozent - $hp",
"Gesundheit, verloren - $dt",
"Gesundheit, verloren Prozent - $dp",
"Gesundheit, Max - $hm",
"Gesundheit, Regen pro Sek - $hr",
"Gesundheit, Regen pro Tick - $ht",
"Ehre Prozent - $hn",
"Im Kampf - $ic",
"Tastenbindung - $kb",
"Level - $lv",
"Mana, momentan - $mc",
"Mana, momentan Prozent - $mp",
"Mana, verloren - $mx",
"Mana, verloren Prozent - $my",
"Mana, Max - $mm",
"Mana, Regen pro Sek - $mr",
"Mana, Regen pro Tick - $mt",
"Mana, Typ - $ml",
"Name - $nm",
"Next Level - $xn",
"Neeue Zeile - $nl",
"NPC - $np",
"Offline - $of",
"Au\195\159er Erkennungsreichweiche - $iv",
"Pet's momentane XP - $px",
"Pet's Zufriedenheit - $ph",
"Pet's XP ben\195\182tigt zum Level - $py",
"Pet's aktuelle XP Prozent - $pc",
"Pet's netto XP ben\195\182tigt zum Level - $pg",
"Pet's XP Prozent ben\195\182tigt zum Level - $pp",
"PvP aktiv - $pt",
"PvP Rang - $pr",
"PvP Rang Nummer - $pn",
"Rasse - $rc",
"Rasse, Abk\195\188rzung - $ra",
"Raid Gruppe - $rg",
"Reaktion ('Feindlich', etc.) - $re",
"Aktueller Schaden - $rd",
"Aktuelle Heilungen - $rh",
"Markiert - $do",
"Ziel: Kreatur Typ - $tt",
"Ziel: Gesundheit - $th",
"Ziel: Gesundheit Prozent - $ta",
"Ziel: Level - $tl",
"Ziel: Mana - $tm",
"Ziel: Mana Prozent - $tb",
"Ziel: Max Gesundheit - $tx",
"Ziel: Max Mana - $ty",
"Ziel: Name - $tn",
"Watched Faction - $wf",
         "Watched Faction Current Rep - $wc",
         "Watched Faction Max Rep - $wm",
         "Watched Faction Reaction - $wr",
         "Watched Faction Rep Percent - $wp",
"XP, Aktuell - $xc",
"XP, Aktuell Prozent - $xy",
"XP, Max ben\195\182tigt zum Level - $xl",
"XP, ben\195\182tigt zum Level - $xd",
"XP, ben\195\182tigt zum Level Prozent - $xx",
"XP, Ausgeruht Bonus - $xr",
"XP, Ausgeruht Prozent - $xb"

[DUF_TEXT.Warrior] = "Kr",
[DUF_TEXT.Priest] = "Pr",
[DUF_TEXT.Rogue] = "Srk",
[DUF_TEXT.Shaman] = "Sma",
[DUF_TEXT.Mage] = "Ma",
[DUF_TEXT.Paladin] = "Pal",
[DUF_TEXT.Hunter] = "J\195\164",
[DUF_TEXT.Warlock] = "Hex",
[DUF_TEXT.Druid] = "Drd"

[DUF_TEXT.Undead] = "Un",
[DUF_TEXT.Tauren] = "Ta",
[DUF_TEXT.NightElf] = "NE",
[DUF_TEXT.Gnome] = "Gnm",
[DUF_TEXT.Dwarf] = "Zw",
[DUF_TEXT.Human] = "Men",
[DUF_TEXT.Troll] = "Trl",
[DUF_TEXT.Orc] = "Orc"

["Male"] = "M",
["Female"] = "W",
["Neuter"] = "N"

{ text="Gerade", value=1 },
{ text="Tooltip", value=2 },
{ text="Dialog", value=3 },
{ text="Schieber", value=4 }

{ text="Keine", value=nil },
{ text="Schwierigkeit", value=1 },
{ text="Reaktion", value=2 },
{ text="Klasse", value=3 },
{ text="Gesundheit", value=4 },
{ text="Mana", value=5 }

{ text="Tu Nichts", value=nil },
{ text="Einheit anvisieren", value=1 },
{ text="Einheit assisten", value=2 },
{ text="Zeige Popup", value=3 }

{ text="Oben bis Unten", value=1 },
{ text="Unten bis Oben", value=2 },
{ text="Links bis Rechts", value=3 },
{ text="Rechts bis Links", value=4 }

{ text = "OBEN LINKS", value = "TOPLEFT" },
{ text = "OBEN", value = "TOP" },
{ text = "OBEN RECHTS", value = "TOPRIGHT" },
{ text = "LINKS", value = "LEFT" },
{ text = "MITTE", value = "CENTER" },
{ text = "RECHTS", value = "RIGHT" },
{ text = "UNTEN LINKS", value = "BOTTOMLEFT" },
{ text = "UNTEN", value = "BOTTOM" },
{ text = "UNTEN RECHTS", value = "BOTTOMRIGHT" }

{ text="UIParent", value="UIParent" },
{ text="Unit Frame", value="Unit Frame" },
{ text="Buff Frame", value="_Buffs" },
{ text="Klassen Icon", value="_ClassIcon" },
{ text="Debuff Frame", value="_Debuffs" },
{ text="Gesundheits Balken", value="_HealthBar" },
{ text="Anf\195\188hrer Icon", value="_LeaderIcon" },
{ text="Loot Icon", value="_LootIcon" },
{ text="Mana Balken", value="_ManaBar" },
{ text="Portr\195\164t", value="_Portrait" },
{ text="PvP Icon", value="_PVPIcon" },
{ text="Rassen Icon", value="_RaceIcon" },
{ text="Rang Icon", value="_RankIcon" },
{ text="Status Icon", value="_StatusIcon" },
{ text="Ziel Gesundheits Balken", value="_TargetHealthBar" },
{ text="Ziel Mana Balken", value="_TargetManaBar" },
{ text="TextBox 1", value="_TextBox_1" },
{ text="TextBox 2", value="_TextBox_2" },
{ text="TextBox 3", value="_TextBox_3" },
{ text="TextBox 4", value="_TextBox_4" },
{ text="TextBox 5", value="_TextBox_5" },
{ text="TextBox 6", value="_TextBox_6" },
{ text="TextBox 7", value="_TextBox_7" },
{ text="TextBox 8", value="_TextBox_8" },
{ text="TextBox 9", value="_TextBox_9" },
{ text="TextBox 10", value="_TextBox_10" }

{ text=DUF_TEXT.Self, value="player" },
{ text=DUF_TEXT.Party, value="party" },
{ text=DUF_TEXT.Target, value="target" },
{ text=DUF_TEXT.Pet, value="pet" },
{ text=DUF_TEXT.PartyPets, value="partypet" },
{ text=DUF_TEXT.TargetOfTarget, value="targettarget" }

{ text="LINKS", value="LEFT" },
{ text="RECHTS", value="RIGHT" },
{ text="MITTE", value="CENTER" }

{ text="OBEN", value="TOP" },
{ text="UNTEN", value="BOTTOM" },
{ text="MITTE", value="CENTER" }

{ text="Keine", value=nil },
{ text="1", value=1 },
{ text="2", value=2 },
{ text="3", value=3 },
{ text="4", value=4 },
{ text="5", value=5 },
{ text="6", value=6 },
{ text="7", value=7 },
{ text="8", value=8 },
{ text="9", value=9 },
{ text="10", value=10 }


-- French translations courtesy of Miro.

if (GetLocale() == "frFR") then

DUF_CONTEXTLABEL = "Couleurs Contextuelles:";
DUF_DIFFICULTYLABEL = "Difficult\195\169:";
DUF_NUDGE = "D\195\169placer";
DUF_REACTIONLABEL = "R\195\169action:";

BINDING_NAME_DUF_OPTIONS = "Ouvre/Ferme Fen\195\170tre d\'Options";
BINDING_NAME_DUF_TOGGLE_ELEMENTS_LOCK = "Verrouille/D\195\169verrouille El\195\169ments";
BINDING_NAME_DUF_TOGGLE_FRAMES_LOCK = "Verrouille/D\195\169verrouille Fen\195\170tre";

                Alliance = "Alliance",
                Alpha = "Transparence",
                AttachFrame = "Attacher Fen\195\170tre",
                AttachPoint = "Attacher Point",
                AttachTo = "Attacher \195\160",
                Background = "Fond",
                BackgroundAlpha = "Transparence Fond",
                BackgroundColor = "Couleur Fond",
                BackgroundPadding = "Remplissage du Fond",
                BarColor = "Couleur Barre",
                Base = "Base",
                Beast = "B\195\170te",
                Border = "Bord",
                BorderAlpha = "Transparence Bordure",
                BorderColor = "Couleur Bordure",
                BorderStyle = "Style de Bordure",
                Boss = "Boss",
                BuffFrame = "Fen\195\170tre Buff",
                BuffsShown = "Am\195\169liorations maximum affich\195\169es",
                ClassIcon = "Icone de Classe",
                Color = "Couleur",
                Combat = "En Combat",
                ComboPoints = "Points de Combo",
                ConnectFrames = "Connecter Fen\195\170tre",
                ContextColors = "Couleurs Contextuelles",
                Copy = "COPIER",
                CopyFrame = "Copier param\195\170tres depuis",
                Crit = "*CRITIQUE*",
                Critter = "Bestiole",
                CustomEliteTexture = "Texture Elite Perso",
                CustomRareTexture = "Texture Rare Perso",
                CustomSettingsLoaded = "Param\195\170tres personnalis\195\169s charg\195\169s.",
                CustomTooltip = "Tooltip Perso.",
                Dead = "Mort",
                DebuffFrame = "Fen\195\170tre Mal\195\169dictions",
                DebuffsShown = "Nb Mal\195\169dictions affich\195\169es",
                DefaultSettingsLoaded = "Param\195\170tres par d\195\169faut charg\195\169s.",
                Delete = "EFFACE",
                Demon = "D\195\169mon",
                DisableMouse = "D\195\169sactiver Souris",
                DisableTooltip = "D\195\169sactiver Tooltip",
                Dragonkin = "Dragonkin",
                Druid = "Druide",
                Dwarf = "Nain",
                Elemental = "El\195\169mentaire",
                Elite = "Elite",
                EliteTexture = "Texture Elite",
                Energy = "En\195\169rgie",
                EnergyColor = "Couleur \195\169n\195\169rgie",
                FacesLeft = "Regarde \195\160 gauche",
                Fade = "Descend progressivement",
                Female = "Femelle",
                Fill = "Remplis \195\160 la place de vider",
                FlashForLowHealth = "Clignotte quand la vie est basse",
                FlashWhenActive = "Clignotte quand Actif",
                Focus = "Focus",
                FocusColor = "Couleur Focus",
                Font = "Texte",
                FontHeight = "Hauteur Texte",
                FrameOptions = "Options Fen\195\170tre",
                Friendly = "Amical",
                FriendlyNPC = "PNJ Amical",
                FriendlyPlayer = "Joueur Alli\195\169",
                Ghost = "Fant\195\180me",
                Giant = "G\195\169ant",
                Gnome = "Gnome",
                HappinessIcon = "Icone Humeur",
                HealthBar = "Barre de Vie",
                HealthThreshold = "% de vie inf\195\169rieur \195\160 ",
                Height = "Hauteur",
                Hide = "Cacher",
                HideBackground = "Cacher Fond",
                HideIfNoMana = "Cache pour les unit\195\169s sans Mana",
                HidePartyInRaid = "Cache les fen\195\170tre de Groupe en Raid",
                HideTargetTarget = "Cache la cible de la cible en Solo",
                HonorBar = "Barre d\'honneur",
                Horde = "Horde",
                Hostile = "Hostile",
                Human = "Humain",
                Humanoid = "Humanoide",
                Hunter = "Chasseur",
                JustifyH = "Justification Horizontale",
                JustifyV = "Justification Verticale",
                LeaderIcon = "Icone Chef",
                LeftClick = "Click-Gauche",
                LevelDifference1 = "Triviale",
                LevelDifference2 = "Mineure",
                LevelDifference3 = "Identique",
                LevelDifference4 = "Dure",
                LevelDifference5 = "Tr\195\168s Dure",
                LevelDifference6 = "Suicidaire",
                Load = "CHARGE",
                LoadCustomSettings = "Charger param\195\170tres perso",
                LoadDefaultSettings = "Charger param\195\170tres d\195\169fauts",
                LoadSettings = "Charger param\195\170tres:",
                LockElements = "Verrouiller El\195\169ments",
                LockFrames = "Verrouiller Fen\195\170tres",
                LootIcon = "Icone Butin",
                LowHealthThreshold = "Limite de 'vie basse'",
                Mage = "Mage",
                Main = "Principal",
                Male = "Mâle",
                Mana = "Mana",
                ManaBar = "Barre de Mana",
                ManaColor = "Couleur Mana",
                ManaThreshold = "% de Mana inf\195\169rieur \195\160 ",
                MaxCharacters = "Nombre de Characteres Max",
                Method = "Methode",
                MiddleClick = "Click-Milieu",
                MiscOptions = "Options diverses",
                Mouseover = "Montrer au passage souris",
                MouseoverColor = "Couleur au passage souris",
                MouseoverGroup = "Groupe Passage Souris",
                Neuter = "Assexu\195\169",
                Neutral = "Neutre",
                NightElf = "Elfe de la nuit",
                NoCustomSettings = "Pas de param\195\170tres perso trouv\195\169s.",
                NoDefaultSettings = "Pas de param\195\170tres d\195\169fauts trouv\195\169s.",
                NoSettingsFound = "Pas de param\195\170tres trouv\195\169s.",
                NoTarget = "Pas de Cible",
                NotSpecified = "Non sp\195\169cifi\195\169",
                Offline = "D\195\169connect\195\169",
                OptionsScale = "Taille de la fen\195\170tre d\'options",
                Orc = "Orc",
                Paladin = "Paladin",
                Party = "GROUPE",
                PartyPets = "PETS Groupe",
                Pet = "PET",
                Portrait = "Portrait",
                Priest = "Pr\195\170tre",
                PVP = "JcJ",
                PVPFree = "JcJ Free For All",
                PVPFriendly = "Joueur JcJ-activ\195\169",
                PVPIcon = "Icone JcJ",
                QuickLoad = "Chargement rapide",
                QuickSave = "Sauvegarde rapide",
                RaceIcon = "Icone Race",
                Rage = "Rage",
                RageColor = "Couleur Rage",
                RankIcon = "Icone Rang",
                Rare = "Rare",
                RareElite = "Elite Rare",
                ReverseFill = "Inverser sens de remplissage",
                RightClick = "Click-Droit",
                Rogue = "Voleur",
                Save = "SAUVE",
                SaveSettings = "Sauve param\195\170tres: ",
                Scale = "Agrandir",
                SecondaryBarColor = "Couleur Barre Secondaire",
                Self = "MOI",
                SettingsDeleted = "Param\195\170tres effac\195\169s.",
                SettingsLoaded = "Nouveaux param\195\170tres charg\195\169s.",
                SettingsSaved = "Vos param\195\170tres ont \195\169t\195\169 sauvegard\195\169s.",
                Shaman = "Chaman",
                ShowDefault = "Montrer les fen\195\170tres d\'origine",
                Size = "Taille",
                Spacing = "Espacement",
                Special = "Sp\195\169cial",
                StatusIcon = "Icone Status",
                Summoned = "Invoqu\195\169",
                Tapped = "Engag\195\169",
                Target = "CIBLE",
                TargetHealthBar = "Barre de vie Cible",
                TargetManaBar = "Barre de Mana Cible",
                TargetOfTarget = "CIBLE de la CIBLE",
                TargetTapped = "Engag\195\169",
                Tauren = "Tauren",
                Text = "Texte",
                TextBox1 = "TextBox 1",
                TextBox2 = "TextBox 2",
                TextBox3 = "TextBox 3",
                TextBox4 = "TextBox 4",
                TextBox5 = "TextBox 5",
                TextBox6 = "TextBox 6",
                TextBox7 = "TextBox 7",
                TextBox8 = "TextBox 8",
                TextBox9 = "TextBox 9",
                TextBox10 = "TextBox 10",
                TextColor = "Couleur Texte",
                TextVariables = "Variables texte",
                Troll = "Troll",
                TwoRows = "2 Lignes/Colonnes",
                Undead = "Mort-Vivant",
                UnlockElements = "D\195\169verrouiller El\195\169ments",
                UnlockFrames = "D\195\169verrouiller Fen\195\170tres",
                UpdateSpeed = "MaJ par Seconde",
                VariablesTitle = "VARIABLES TEXTE DE DISCORD UNIT FRAME",
                VerticalLayout = "Disposition Verticale",
                Warlock = "D\195\169moniste",
                Warrior = "Guerrier",
                Width = "Largeur",
                XPBar = "Barre d\'XP",
                You = "* VOUS *",
                YourTarget = "* VOTRE CIBLE *",
                AutoLock = "Verrouiller fen\195\170tres et \195\169l\195\169ments quand cette fen\195\170tre est ferm\195\169e",
                CustomTexture = "Texture perso",
        CustomTexture2 = "Texture perso de la barre secondaire",
        FrameStrata = "Strate",
        FrameLevelOffset = "Ajuster strate       ",
        UseClassTexture = "Utiliser Texture de classe pour le joueur",
        UseRaceTexture = "Utiliser Texture de race pour les PnJ",
        Label = "Titre",
        ShowCircularBorder = "Affiche un bord circulaire",
        ResizeBasedOnMax = "Redimensionner selon la valeur max",
        ShowDuration = "Afficher les Dur\195\169es",
        DurationHeight = "Dur\195\169es - Hauteur de texte",
        DurationAlpha = "Dur\195\169es - Transparence",
        DurationColor = "Dur\195\169es - Couleur",
        DurationFont = "Dur\195\169es - Font",
        DurationXOffset = "Dur\195\169es - D\195\169calage en X",
        DurationYOffset = "Dur\195\169es - D\195\169calage en Y",
        OutOfRange = "Hors de port\195\169e",
        HideIfNoText = "Cacher Si pas de Texte",
        HideOnMouseover = "Cacher au passage souris",
        BackgroundTexture = "Texture du Fond",

                HideBuffFrame = "Hide Default Buff Frame",
                HSpacing = "Horizontal Spacing",
                VSpacing = "Vertical Spacing",
                DurationFormat = "Use mm:ss Format",
                SafeCopy = "SAFE COPY",
                SafeLoad = "SAFE LOAD",
                Default = "Default",
                NewProfile = "New Profile",
                LoadProfile = "Load Profile",
                Create = "CREATE",
                ProfileCreated = "New profile created for Discord Unit Frames.",
                CurrentProfile = "Current Profile",
                FillDirection = "Fill Direction",
                ShowInCombat = "Show In Combat",
                HealthUpdating = "Show When Health Is Less Than Max",
                ManaUpdating = "Show When Mana Is Less Than Max",
                VerticalText = "Vertical Text",
                Outline = "Outline:",
                TrackReputation = "Track Reputation Instead",
                ShowTargetIcon = "Show Target Icon Instead",
                FrameToMove = "Frame To Move",

         "Civil - $cv",
         "Classe, Abbr\195\169viation - $ca",
         "Classe, Monstre - $cy",
         "Classe, Joueur - $cl",
         "Classification ('Elite', etc.) - $cc",
         "Classification, Abbr\195\169viation - $cx",
         "Code couleur- $co",
         "Color Context, Class - $cw",
         "Color Context, Difficulty - $cq",
         "Color Context, Health - $ch",
         "Color Context, Mana - $cm",
         "Color Context, Power Type - $cz",
         "Color Context, Reaction - $cr",
         "Points de combo - $cp",
         "Difficult\195\169 de la cr\195\169ature ('Triviale', etc.) - $cd",
         "Famille de la cr\195\169ature ('Chat', etc.) - $cf",
         "Type de cr\195\169ature ('B\195\170te', etc.) - $ct",
         "Status Mort - $ds",
         "Faction - $fa",
         "Sexe - $sx",
         "Sexe, Abbr\195\169viation - $sa",
         "Guilde - $gu",
         "Vie, Actuelle - $hc",
         "Vie, % Actuelle - $hp",
         "Vie, perdue - $dt",
         "Vie, % perdue - $dp",
         "Vie, Maximum - $hm",
         "Vie, Gain par seconde - $hr",
         "Vie, Gain par Cycle - $ht",
         "Pourcentage d\'honneur - $hn",
         "En combat - $ic",
         "Keybinding - $kb",
         "Niveau - $lv",
         "Mana, Actuel - $mc",
         "Mana, % Actuel - $mp",
         "Mana, Perdu - $mx",
         "Mana, % Perdu - $my",
         "Mana, Maximum - $mm",
         "Mana, Gain par seconde - $mr",
         "Mana, Gain par cycle - $mt",
         "Mana, Type - $ml",
         "Nom - $nm",
         "Next Level - $xn",
         "Retour \195\160 la ligne - $nl",
         "PNJ - $np",
         "D\195\169connect\195\169 - $of",
         "Out of Detect Range - $iv",
         "XP actuelle du Pet - $px",
         "Humeur du PET - $ph",
         "XP n\195\169cessaire au PET pour niveau sup - $py",
         "PET, XP actuelle en % - $pc", 
      "PET, XP N\195\169cessaire pour niveau sup. - $pg",
      "PET, % d'XP restant pour niveau sup. - $pp",
         "JcJ Activ\195\169 - $pt",
         "Rang JcJ - $pr",
         "Nombre Rang JcJ - $pn",
         "Race - $rc",
         "Race, Abbr\195\169viation - $ra",
         "Raid Group - $rg",
         "R\195\169action ('Hostile', etc.) - $re",
         "Dommages r\195\169cents - $rd",
         "Soins r\195\169cents - $rh",
         "Engag\195\169 - $do",
         "Cible, Type de cr\195\169ature - $tt",
         "Cible, Vie - $th",
         "Cible, Vie en % - $ta",
         "Cible, Niveau - $tl",
         "Cible, Mana - $tm",
         "Cible, Mana en % - $tb",
         "Cible, Vie Maximum - $tx",
         "Cible, Mana Maximum - $ty",
         "Cible, Nom - $tn",
         "Watched Faction - $wf",
         "Watched Faction Current Rep - $wc",
         "Watched Faction Max Rep - $wm",
         "Watched Faction Reaction - $wr",
         "Watched Faction Rep Percent - $wp",
         "XP, Actuelle - $xc",
         "XP, % Actuelle - $xy",
         "XP, Totale du niveau - $xl",
         "XP, N\195\169cessaire pour passer le niveau - $xd",
         "XP, % restant avant le prochain niveau - $xx",
         "XP, Bonus de repos - $xr",
         "XP, Bonus de repos en Pourcent - $xb"

                [DUF_TEXT.Warrior] = "Gue",
                [DUF_TEXT.Priest] = "Pre",
                [DUF_TEXT.Rogue] = "Vol",
                [DUF_TEXT.Shaman] = "Sha",
                [DUF_TEXT.Mage] = "Ma",
                [DUF_TEXT.Paladin] = "Pal",
                [DUF_TEXT.Hunter] = "Cha",
                [DUF_TEXT.Warlock] = "D\195\169mo",
                [DUF_TEXT.Druid] = "Dru"

                [DUF_TEXT.Undead] = "MV",
                [DUF_TEXT.Tauren] = "Ta",
                [DUF_TEXT.NightElf] = "Elf",
                [DUF_TEXT.Gnome] = "Gnm",
                [DUF_TEXT.Dwarf] = "Na",
                [DUF_TEXT.Human] = "Hum",
                [DUF_TEXT.Troll] = "Trl",
                [DUF_TEXT.Orc] = "Orc"

                ["Male"] = "M",
                ["Female"] = "F",
                ["Neuter"] = "N"

        { text="Plein", value=1 },
        { text="Tooltip", value=2 },
        { text="Dialogue", value=3 },
        { text="Ascenseur", value=4 }

        { text="Aucune", value=nil },
        { text="Difficult\195\169", value=1 },
        { text="R\195\169action", value=2 },
        { text="Classe", value=3 },
        { text="Vie", value=4 },
        { text="Mana", value=5 }

        { text="Ne fait rien", value=nil },
        { text="Cible Unit\195\169", value=1 },
        { text="Aide Unit\195\169", value=2 },
        { text="Ouvre Menu", value=3 }

        { text="Haut avec Bas", value=1 },
        { text="Bas avec Haut", value=2 },
        { text="Gauche avec Droite", value=3 },
        { text="Droite avec Gauche", value=4 }

                { text = "HAUTgauche", value = "TOPLEFT" },
                { text = "HAUT", value = "TOP" },
                { text = "HAUTdroite", value = "TOPRIGHT" },
                { text = "GAUCHE", value = "LEFT" },
                { text = "CENTRE", value = "CENTER" },
                { text = "DROITE", value = "RIGHT" },
                { text = "BASgauche", value = "BOTTOMLEFT" },
                { text = "BAS", value = "BOTTOM" },
                { text = "BASdroite", value = "BOTTOMRIGHT" }

        { text="UIParent", value="UIParent" },
        { text="Fen\195\170tre Unit\195\169", value="Unit Frame" },
        { text="Fen\195\170tre Am\195\169lioration", value="_Buffs" },
        { text="Icone Classe", value="_ClassIcon" },
        { text="Fen\195\170tre Mal\195\169diction", value="_Debuffs" },
        { text="Barre de Vie", value="_HealthBar" },
        { text="Icone Chef", value="_LeaderIcon" },
        { text="Icone Butin", value="_LootIcon" },
        { text="Barre de Mana", value="_ManaBar" },
        { text="Portrait", value="_Portrait" },
        { text="Icone JcJ", value="_PVPIcon" },
        { text="Icone Race", value="_RaceIcon" },
        { text="Icone Rang", value="_RankIcon" },
        { text="Icone Status", value="_StatusIcon" },
        { text="Barre de Vie Cible", value="_TargetHealthBar" },
        { text="Barre de Mana Cible", value="_TargetManaBar" },
        { text="TextBox 1", value="_TextBox_1" },
        { text="TextBox 2", value="_TextBox_2" },
        { text="TextBox 3", value="_TextBox_3" },
        { text="TextBox 4", value="_TextBox_4" },
        { text="TextBox 5", value="_TextBox_5" },
        { text="TextBox 6", value="_TextBox_6" },
        { text="TextBox 7", value="_TextBox_7" },
        { text="TextBox 8", value="_TextBox_8" },
        { text="TextBox 9", value="_TextBox_9" },
        { text="TextBox 10", value="_TextBox_10" }

        { text="GAUCHE", value="LEFT" },
        { text="DROITE", value="RIGHT" },
        { text="CENTRE", value="CENTER" }

        { text="HAUT", value="TOP" },
        { text="BAS", value="BOTTOM" },
        { text="CENTRE", value="CENTER" }

        { text="Aucun", value=nil },
        { text="1", value=1 },
        { text="2", value=2 },
        { text="3", value=3 },
        { text="4", value=4 },
        { text="5", value=5 },
        { text="6", value=6 },
        { text="7", value=7 },
        { text="8", value=8 },
        { text="9", value=9 },
        { text="10", value=10 }



        { text="100", value=1 },
        { text="90", value=.9 },
        { text="80", value=.8 },
        { text="70", value=.7 },
        { text="60", value=.6 },
        { text="50", value=.5 },

        { text=DUF_TEXT.Self, value="player" },
        { text=DUF_TEXT.Party, value="party" },
        { text=DUF_TEXT.Target, value="target" },
        { text=DUF_TEXT.Pet, value="pet" },
        { text=DUF_TEXT.PartyPets, value="partypet" },
        { text=DUF_TEXT.TargetOfTarget, value="targettarget" }


        player = { frame="DUF_PlayerFrame", index="player", elements= {"XPBar", "HonorBar"} },
        party1 = { frame="DUF_PartyFrame1", index="party", elements={} },
        party2 = { frame="DUF_PartyFrame2", index="party", elements={} },
        party3 = { frame="DUF_PartyFrame3", index="party", elements={} },
        party4 = { frame="DUF_PartyFrame4", index="party", elements={} },
        target = { frame="DUF_TargetFrame", index="target", elements={"ComboPoints"} },
        pet = { frame="DUF_PetFrame", index="pet", elements={"HappinessIcon", "PetXPBar"} },
        partypet1 = { frame="DUF_PartyPetFrame1", index="partypet", elements={} },
        partypet2 = { frame="DUF_PartyPetFrame2", index="partypet", elements={} },
        partypet3 = { frame="DUF_PartyPetFrame3", index="partypet", elements={} },
        partypet4 = { frame="DUF_PartyPetFrame4", index="partypet", elements={} },
        targettarget = { frame="DUF_TargetOfTargetFrame", index="targettarget", elements={} }

DUF_FRAME_INDICES = { "player", "pet", "party", "target", "partypet", "targettarget" };
DUF_ELEMENT_INDICES = { "TextBox", "StatusBar", "StatusIcon", "PVPIcon", "LootIcon", "LeaderIcon", "Debuffs", "Buffs", "Portrait", "ClassIcon", "RaceIcon", "RankIcon" };
DUF_STATUSBARS = { "_HealthBar", "_ManaBar", "_XPBar", "_TargetHealthBar", "_TargetManaBar", "_HonorBar" };

        pet = "UNIT_PET",
        partypet1 = "UNIT_PET",
        partypet2 = "UNIT_PET",
        partypet3 = "UNIT_PET",
        partypet4 = "UNIT_PET",
        party1 = "PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED",
        party2 = "PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED",
        party3 = "PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED",
        party4 = "PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED",
        target = "PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED"

        {text="NONE", value=nil},
        {text="NORMAL", value="NORMAL"},
        {text="THICK", value="THICK"}

        {value = 1, text = 1}

Generated by GNU Enscript