vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
DFM_VERSION = "1.2";

DFM_RELOADWARNING = "For this option to take effect you must reload the UI.  Reload the UI now?";
DFM_DRAGFRAME = "Drag Frame";

BINDING_HEADER_DFM = "Discord Frame Modifier v"..DFM_VERSION;
BINDING_NAME_DFM_OPTIONS = "Toggle Options Window";
BINDING_NAME_DFM_FREEZE = "Toggle Frame Finder Lock";
BINDING_NAME_DFM_FINDER = "Toggle Frame Finder";
BINDING_NAME_DFM_ADDFRAME = "Add Frame Beneath Mouse";
BINDING_NAME_DFM_ADDFRAME2 = "Add Frame Beneath Mouse And Its Children";

        AddChildren = "Add Child Frames",
        AddFrame = "Add Frame",
        AddFunction = "Add Function",
        AGStart = "Alpha Gradient Start:",
        AGLength = "Alpha Gradient Length:",
        Alpha = "Alpha:",
        AlphaGradientOrientation = "Gradient Alpha Orientation:",
        AltArrowKeyMode = "Alt Arrow Key Mode:",
        BackgroundAlpha = "Background Alpha:",
        BackgroundColor = "Background Color:",
        BGTexture = "Background Texture:",
        BlendMode = "Blend Mode:",
        BlipTexture = "Blip Texture:",
        BorderAlpha = "Border Alpha:",
        BorderColor = "Border Color:",
        BorderTexture = "Border Texture:",
        BottomInset = "Bottom Inset:",
        Camera = "Camera:",
        CheckedTexture = "Checked Texture:",
        Children = "\n\n** Child Frames: **\n",
        Color = "Color:",
        ColorGradientOrientation = "ColorGradientOrientation:",
        CreateFrame = "Create Frame",
        CreateNewFrame = "Create New Frame",
        CurrentProfile = "Current Profile:",
        Default = "Default",
        Delete = "Delete",
        DisabledCheckedTexture = "Disabled Checked Texture:",
        DisabledFontObject = "Disabled Font Object:",
        DisabledTextColor = "Disabled Text Color:",
        DisabledTexture = "Disabled Texture:",
        DisableMouse = "Disable Mouse Input:",
        DisableMouseWheel = "Disable Mousewheel Input:",
        DragFrame = "DFM Drag Frame",
        DrawLayer = "Draw Layer:",
        EdgeSize = "Edge Size:",
        Facing = "Facing:",
        FadeDuration = "Fade Duration:",
        FogAlpha = "Fog Alpha:",
        FogColor = "Fog Color:",
        FogFar = "Fog Far:",
        FogNear = "Fog Near:",
        Font = "Font:",
        FontHeight = "Font Height:",
        FontObject = "Font Object:",
        ForceHide = "Force Hide",
        Frame = "Frame:",
        FrameFinder = "Frame Finder",
        FrameLevel = "Frame Level:",
        FrameParent = "\n\n** Parent: **\n",
        FrameParentParent = "\n\n** Parent's Parent: **\n",
        FrameStrata = "Frame Strata:",
        Frames = "FRAMES",
        FrameType = "Type:",
        Header = "Header:",
        Height = "Height:",
        HideFrame = "Hide Frame",
        HighlightFontObject = "Highlight Font Object:",
        HighlightTextColor = "Highlight Text Color:",
        HighlightTexture = "Highlight Texture:",
        IconTexture = "Icon Texture:",
        JustifyH = "Horizontal Justification:",
        JustifyV = "Vertical Justification:",
        LeftInset = "Left Inset:",
        LoadOnDemand = "Load On Demand Functions",
        LoadProfile = "Load Profile:",
        Locked = "LOCKED",
        LoDFunc = "Load On Demand Functions",
        LowerLeftX = "Lower Left X:",
        LowerLeftY = "Lower Left Y:",
        LowerRightX = "Lower Right X:",
        LowerRightY = "Lower Right Y:",
        MaskTexture = "Mask Texture:",
        MaxAlpha = "Max Alpha:",
        MaxColor = "Max Color:",
        MaxLines = "Max Lines:",
        MinAlpha = "Min Alpha:",
        MinColor = "Min Color:",
        Model = "Model:",
        ModelScale = "Model Scale:",
        Monochrome = "Monochrome:",
        MouseIsOver = "** Mouse Is Over: **\n",
        Name = "Name:",
        NewProfile = "New Profile:",
        No = "NO",
        NonSpaceWrap = "Non-space Wrap:",
        NormalTexture = "Normal Texture:",
        Options = "$f OPTIONS",
        Orientation = "Orientation:",
        Outline = "Outline:",
        Parent = "Parent Frame:",
        Point = "Point:",
        PositionX = "Position X:",
        PositionY = "Position Y:",
        PositionZ = "Position Z:",
        PushedTexture = "Pushed Texture:",
        Regions = "\n\n** Regions: **\n",
        ReloadUI = "Reload the UI",
        RemoveFromList = "Remove From List",
        ResetFrame = "Reset Frame",
        RightInset = "Right Inset:",
        Rotation = "Rotation:",
        Scale = "Scale:",
        SetToplevel = "Move to Top:",
        ShadowAlpha = "Shadow Alpha:",
        ShadowColor = "Shadow Color:",
        ShadowOffsetX = "Shadow Offset X:",
        ShadowOffsetY = "Shadow Offset Y:",
        ShowFrame = "Show Frame",
        Spacing = "Spacing:",
        StatusBarAlpha = "Status Bar Alpha:",
        StatusBarColor = "Status Bar Color:",
        StatusBarTexture = "Status Bar Texture:",
        Text = "Text:",
        TextAlpha = "Text Alpha:",
        TextColor = "Text Color:",
        Texture = "Texture:",
        TextureAlpha = "Texture Alpha:",
        ThumbTexture = "Thumb Texture:",
        Tile = "Tile Background:",
        TileSize = "Tile Size:",
        TimeVisible = "Time Visible:",
        To = "To:",
        TopInset = "Top Inset:",
        Type = "|cFFAAAAAAType: ",
        Unlock = "Unlock",
        Unlocked = "UNLOCKED",
        UnnamedFrame = "Unnamed Frame",
        UpperLeftX = "Upper Left X:",
        UpperLeftY = "Upper Left Y:",
        UpperRightX = "Upper Right X:",
        UpperRightY = "Upper Right Y:",
        UserAdded = "User Added Frames",
        Width = "Width:",
        Yes = "YES",

        {text="Delete Header", value=1}

DFM_LODHOOKFUNC = "function DFM_$f()\nDFM_Old_$f();\nDFM_Initialize_AllFrames(1);\n$f = DFM_Old_$f;\nDFM_Old_$f = nil;\nDFM_$f = nil;\nend";

        { text="Button", value="Button" },
        { text="CheckButton", value="CheckButton" },
        { text="ColorSelect", value="ColorSelect" },
        { text="DressUpModel", value="DressUpModel" },
        { text="EditBox", value="EditBox" },
        { text="Font", value="Font" },
        { text="FontString", value="FontString" },
        { text="Frame", value="Frame"},
        { text="GameTooltip", value="GameTooltip" },
        { text="LootButton", value="LootButton" },
        { text="MessageFrame", value="MessageFrame" },
        { text="Minimap", value="Minimap" },
        { text="Model", value="Model" },
        { text="MovieFrame", value="MovieFrame" },
        { text="PlayerModel", value="PlayerModel" },
        { text="ScrollFrame", value="ScrollFrame" },
        { text="ScrollingMessageFrame", value="ScrollingMessageFrame" },
        { text="SimpleHTML", value="SimpleHTML" },
        { text="Slider", value="Slider" },
        { text="StatusBar", value="StatusBar" },
        { text="TabardModel", value="TabardModel" },
        { text="TaxiRouteFrame", value="TaxiRouteFrame" },
        { text="Texture", value="Texture" },
        { text="WorldFrame", value="WorldFrame" },

Generated by GNU Enscript