vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
-- 1 - editbox
-- 2 - drop-menu
-- 3 - scroll-menu
-- 4 - slider
-- 5 - checkbox
-- 6 - color
-- 7 - plus/minus box

        { method="SetParent",
                help = "Sets parent frame of this frame.  It will inherit alpha, scale, and visible/hidden settings from that frame.",
                options={ {name="Parent", option=1, default="UIParent"} },
                detection="GetParent" },
        { method="SetFrameStrata",
                help = "Sets strata of the frame.  Frames in higher stratas display above those in lower stratas.",
                options={ {name="FrameStrata", option=2, table="DL_FRAMESTRATAS", default="LOW"} },
                detection="GetFrameStrata" },
        { method="SetFrameLevel",
                help = "Sets the level of the frame within the strata.  Frames with a higher level displays above those with a lower level.  However, FontString and Texture display are unaffected by level.",
                options={ {name="FrameLevel", option=7, default=1} },
                detection="GetFrameLevel" },
        { method="SetHeight",
                options={ {name="Height", option=4, default=100, min=1, max=300, minlock=true} },
                detection="GetHeight" },
        { method="SetWidth",
                options={ {name="Width", option=4, default=100, min=1, max=300, minlock=true} },
                detection="GetWidth" },
        { method="SetScale",
                options={ {name="Scale", option=4, default=1, min=1, max=200, scale=100, minlock=true, maxlock=true} },
                detection="GetScale" },
        { method="SetTexture",
                options={ {name="Texture", option=3, table="DL_TEXTURES_LIST"} },
                detection="GetTexture" },
        { method="SetStatusBarTexture",
                options={ {name="StatusBarTexture", option=3, table="DL_TEXTURES_LIST"} },
                detection = "GetStatusBarTexture"
        { method="SetCheckedTexture",
                options={ {name="CheckedTexture", option=3, table="DL_TEXTURES_LIST"} } },
        { method="SetDisabledCheckedTexture",
                options={ {name="DisabledCheckedTexture", option=3, table="DL_TEXTURES_LIST"} } },
        { method="SetDisabledTexture",
                options={ {name="DisabledTexture", option=3, table="DL_TEXTURES_LIST"} } },
        { method="SetHighlightTexture",
                options={ {name="HighlightTexture", option=3, table="DL_TEXTURES_LIST"} } },
        { method="SetNormalTexture",
                options={ {name="NormalTexture", option=3, table="DL_TEXTURES_LIST"} } },
        { method="SetPushedTexture",
                options={ {name="PushedTexture", option=3, table="DL_TEXTURES_LIST"} } },
        { method="SetTexCoord",
                help = "Specifies a subsection of the texture file to use.",
                        {name="UpperLeftX", option=7, default=0, step=.1, step2=.01, step3=.001},
                        {name="UpperLeftY", option=7, default=0, step=.1, step2=.01, step3=.001},
                        {name="LowerLeftX", option=7, default=0, step=.1, step2=.01, step3=.001},
                        {name="LowerLeftY", option=7, default=1, step=.1, step2=.01, step3=.001},
                        {name="UpperRightX", option=7, default=1, step=.1, step2=.01, step3=.001},
                        {name="UpperRightY", option=7, default=0, step=.1, step2=.01, step3=.001},
                        {name="LowerRightX", option=7, default=1, step=.1, step2=.01, step3=.001},
                        {name="LowerRightY", option=7, default=1, step=.1, step2=.01, step3=.001},
        { method="SetText",
                options={ {name="Text", option=1, default=""} },
                detection="GetText" },
        { method="SetFont",
                        {name="Font", option=3, table="DL_FONTS_LIST", default="Fonts\\Arial.ttf"},
                        {name="FontHeight", option=4, min=1, max=30, default=12, minlock=true}
                detection = "GetFont"
        { method="SetBackdrop",
                help = "These are settings for a background that appears behind the frame.",
                        {name="BGTexture", option=3, default="Interface\\AddOns\\DiscordLibrary\\PlainBackdrop", table="DL_TEXTURES_LIST" },
                        {name="BorderTexture", option=3, default="Interface\\AddOns\\DiscordLibrary\\PlainBackdrop", table="DL_EDGE_FILES"},
                        {name="Tile", option=5},
                        {name="TileSize", option=4, default=32, min=1, max=100, minlock=true},
                        {name="EdgeSize", option=4, default=16, min=1, max=100, minlock=true},
                        {name="LeftInset", option=4, default=5, min=1, max=50, minlock=true},
                        {name="RightInset", option=4, default=5, min=1, max=50, minlock=true},
                        {name="TopInset", option=4, default=5, min=1, max=50, minlock=true},
                        {name="BottomInset", option=4, default=5, min=1, max=50, minlock=true},
        { method="SetAlpha",
                help = "Sets the transparency of the frame.",
                options={ {name="Alpha", option=4, default=1, min=1, max=100, scale=100, minlock=true, maxlock=true} },
                detection="GetAlpha" },
        { method="SetTextColor",
                        {name="TextColor", option=6, default={r=1, g=1, b=1}},
                        {name="TextAlpha", option=4, default=1, min=0, max=100, scale=100, minlock=true, maxlock=true}
                detection="GetTextColor" },
        { method="SetJustifyH",
                options={ {name="JustifyH", option=2, table="DL_JUSTIFY_H", default="CENTER"} },
                detection = "GetJustifyH"
        { method="SetJustifyV",
                options={ {name="JustifyV", option=2, table="DL_JUSTIFY_V", default="CENTER"} },
                detection = "GetJustifyV"
        { method="SetNonSpaceWrap",
                options={ {name="NonSpaceWrap", option=5} } },
        { method="SetVertexColor",
                help = "Sets the color of the texture.",
                        {name="Color", option=6, default={r=1, g=1, b=1}},
                        {name="TextureAlpha", option=4, default=1, min=0, max=100, scale=100, minlock=true, maxlock=true}
                detection = "GetVertexColor"
        { method="EnableMouse",
                help = "Stops this frame from intercepting mouse clicks.",
                options={ {name="DisableMouse", option=5} } },
        { method="EnableMouseWheel",
                help = "Stops this frame from intercepting input from the mousewheel.",
                options={ {name="DisableMouseWheel", option=5} } },
        { method="SetBackdropColor",
                        {name="BackgroundColor", option=6, default={r=1, g=1, b=1}},
                        {name="BackgroundAlpha", option=4, default=1, min=0, max=100, scale=100, minlock=true, maxlock=true}
        { method="SetBackdropBorderColor",
                        {name="BorderColor", option=6, default={r=1, g=1, b=1}},
                        {name="BorderAlpha", option=4, default=1, min=0, max=100, scale=100, minlock=true, maxlock=true}
        { method="SetGradient",
                        {name="ColorGradientOrientation", option=2, default="", table="DL_ORIENTATIONS"},
                        {name="MinColor", option=6, default={r=1, g=1, b=1}},
                        {name="MaxColor", option=6, default={r=1, g=1, b=1}}
        { method="SetGradientAlpha",
                        {name="AlphaGradientOrientation", option=2, default="", table="DL_ORIENTATIONS"},
                        {name="MinColor", option=6, default={r=1, g=1, b=1}},
                        {name="MaxColor", option=6, default={r=1, g=1, b=1}},
                        {name="MinAlpha", option=4, default=1, min=0, max=100, scale=100, minlock=true, maxlock=true},
                        {name="MaxAlpha", option=4, default=1, min=0, max=100, scale=100, minlock=true, maxlock=true}
        { method="SetDisabledTextColor",
                options={ {name="DisabledTextColor", option=6, default={r=1, g=1, b=1}} } },
        { method="SetHighlightTextColor",
                options={ {name="HighlightTextColor", option=6, default={r=1, g=1, b=1}} } },
        { method="SetModel",
                options={ {name="Model", option=1, default=""} } },
        { method="SetModelScale",
                options={ {name="ModelScale", option=4, default=1, min=1, max=200, scale=100, minlock=true, maxlock=true} },
        { method="SetPosition",
                        {name="PositionX", option=4, default=0, min=-100, max=100},
                        {name="PositionY", option=4, default=0, min=-100, max=100},
                        {name="PositionZ", option=4, default=0, min=-100, max=100}
        { method="ReplaceIconTexture",
                options={ {name="IconTexture", option=3, table="DL_TEXTURES_LIST"} } },
        { method="SetCamera",
                options={ {name="Camera", option=4, default=0, min=-100, max=100} } },
        { method="SetFacing",
                options={ {name="Facing", option=4, default=0, min=0, max=10} } },
        { method="SetFogColor",
                        {name="FogColor", option=6, default={r=1, g=1, b=1}},
                        {name="FogAlpha", option=4, default=1, min=0, max=100, scale=100, minlock=true, maxlock=true}
        { method="SetFogFar",
                options={ {name="FogFar", option=4, default=6, min=0, max=50} } },
        { method="SetFogNear",
                options={ {name="FogNear", option=4, default=6, min=0, max=50} } },
        { method="SetTimeVisible",
                options={ {name="TimeVisible", option=4, default=1, min=0, max=120, minlock=true} },
                detection = "GetTimeVisible"
        { method="SetMaxLines",
                options={ {name="MaxLines", option=4, default=50, min=0, max=100, minlock=true} } },
        { method="SetFadeDuration",
                options={ {name="FadeDuration", option=4, default=1, min=0, max=60, minlock=true} },
                detection = "GetFadeDuration"
        { method="SetStatusBarColor",
                        {name="StatusBarColor", option=6, default={r=1, g=1, b=1}},
                        {name="StatusBarAlpha", option=4, default=1, min=0, max=100, scale=100, minlock=true, maxlock=true}
                detection = "GetStatusBarColor"
        { method="SetRotation",
                options={ {name="Rotation", option=4, default=0, min=0, max=10} } },
        { method="SetAlphaGradient",
                        {name="AGStart", option=4, default=0, min=0, max=100, minlock=true},
                        {name="AGLength", option=4, default=0, min=0, max=100, minlock=true}
        { method="SetDrawLayer",
                help = "Sets the draw layer of a FontString or Texture.  Regions in a lower draw layer display beneath those in higher layers.  Frame strata takes precedence over draw layer.",
                options={ {name="DrawLayer", option=2, default="ARTWORK", table="DL_DRAWLAYERS"} },
                detection = "GetDrawLayer"
        { method="SetBlendMode",
                help = "Sets how the FontString or Texture blends with the images beneath it.",
                options={ {name="BlendMode", option=2, default="BLEND", table="DL_BLENDMODES"} },
                detection = "GetBlendMode"},
        { method="SetFontObject",
                help = "Set the text's font object rather than specifying a particular font file.  Changes to the font object will change this text's font.",
                options={ {name="FontObject", option=1, default=""} },
                detection = "GetFontObject"},
        { method="SetShadowColor",
                help = "Sets the color and alpha of the drop shadow behind the text.",
                        {name="ShadowColor", option=6, default={r=0, g=0, b=0}},
                        {name="ShadowAlpha", option=4, default=1, min=0, max=100, scale=100, minlock=true, maxlock=true}
                detection="GetShadowColor" },
        { method="SetShadowOffset",
                help = "Sets the horizontal and vertical distance of the text's shadow from the foreground text.",
                        {name="ShadowOffsetX", option=4, default=1, min=-10, max=10},
                        {name="ShadowOffsetY", option=4, default=1, min=-10, max=10}
        { method="SetSpacing",
                options={ {name="Spacing", option=4, default=1, min=0, max=100} },
                detection = "GetSpacing"},
        { method="SetTextFontObject",
                help = "Set the text's font object rather than specifying a particular font file.  Changes to the font object will change this text's font.",
                options={ {name="FontObject", option=1, default=""} },
                detection = "GetTextFontObject"},
        { method="SetDisabledFontObject",
                help = "Set the disabled text's font object rather than specifying a particular font file.  Changes to the font object will change this text's font.",
                options={ {name="DisabledFontObject", option=1, default=""} },
                detection = "GetDisabledFontObject"},
        { method="SetHighlightFontObject",
                help = "Set the highlight text's font object rather than specifying a particular font file.  Changes to the font object will change this text's font.",
                options={ {name="HighlightFontObject", option=1, default=""} },
                detection = "GetHighlightFontObject"},
        { method="SetMaskTexture",
                options={ {name="MaskTexture", option=1, default="Textures\\MinimapMask"} } },
        { method="SetIconTexture",
                options={ {name="IconTexture", option=1, default="Interface\\Minimap\\POIIcons"} } },
        { method="SetBlipTexture",
                options={ {name="BlipTexture", option=1, default="Interface\\Minimap\\ObjectIcons"} } },
        { method="SetOrientation",
                options={ {name="Orientation", option=2, default="HORIZONTAL", table="DL_ORIENTATIONS"} },
                detection = "GetOrientation"
        { method="SetAltArrowKeyMode",
                options={ {name="AltArrowKeyMode", option=5} },
                detection = "GetAltArrowKeyMode"
        { method="SetScrollChild",
                options={ {name="ScrollChild", option=1, default=""} },
                detection = "GetScrollChild"
        { method="SetThumbTexture",
                options={ {name="ThumbTexture", option=1, default=""} }, },
        { method="SetToplevel",
                help = "Checking this option causes the frame to move to the top of the stack of frames within a frame strata.  It can cause framerate issues if multiple frames in the same strata use this option.",
                options={ {name="SetToplevel", option=5} },
                detection = "IsToplevel"
--      { method="",
--              options={ {name="", option=, default=} } },

Generated by GNU Enscript