vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
DAB_VERSION = "3.16";

BINDING_NAME_DAB_OPTIONS = "Toggle Options Window";
BINDING_NAME_DAB_BUTTONLOCK = "Toggle Button Lock On All Objects";

DAB_DISPELMAGIC = "Dispel Magic";

        Action = "Action",
        ActionID = "Action ID: ",
        ActionUnusable = "Action Unusable",
        AddCondition = "Add Condition",
        AddEvent = "Add Event",
        AddNew = "Add New Event",
        AdvConfig = "Advanced Config",
        Alpha = "Alpha",
        Amount = "Amount",
        AnchorFrame = "Anchor Frame",
        AnchorPoint = "Anchor Point",
        AnchorTo = "Anchor To",
        AutoAttack = "Auto-Attack",
        AutoConfigure = "Auto-Configure",
        AutoConfigureKB = "Auto-configure Keybindings When Changing Bar Layouts",
        BackgroundAlpha = "Background Alpha",
        BackgroundColor = "Background Color",
        BackgroundMouseoverColor = "Background Mouseover Color",
        BackgroundMouseoverAlpha = "Background Mouseover Alpha",
        BackgroundTexture = "Background Texture",
        BagBar = "Bag Bar",
        Bar = "Bar",
        Bars = "ACTION BARS",
        BarAppearance = "Bar Config";
        BarControl = "Bar Control",
        BarOptions = "BAR $n OPTIONS",
        BarPageDown = "Bar $b Page Down",
        BarPageUp = "Bar $b Page Up",
        BindMe = "BIND ME",
        Border = "Border",
        BorderAlpha = "Border Alpha",
        BorderColor = "Border Color",
        BorderMouseoverColor = "Border Mouseover Color",
        BorderMouseoverAlpha = "Border Mouseover Alpha",
        BorderTexture = "Border Texture",
        Bottom = "Bottom",
        BuffName = "Buff/Debuff Name",
        Button = "Button",
        ButtonAlpha = "Button Alpha",
        ButtonAppearance = "Adv. Bar Config",
        ButtonBackground = "Button Background",
        ButtonBorderAlpha = "Button Border Alpha",
        ButtonBorderPadding = "Button Border Padding:",
        ButtonConditionalColor = "Button Conditional Color",
        ButtonControl = "Button Control",
        ButtonID = "Button ID: ",
        ButtonLayout = "Buttons Per Bar",
        Buttons = "Buttons:",
        ButtonSize = "Button Size",
        ButtonText = "Bttn Text (hide|color|size|font)",
        ButtonTextures = "Button Textures",
        CDFormat = "Cooldown Count Format:",
        ChangeActions = "Change Actions",
        Checked = "Checked",
        ChooseAction = "CHOOSE ACTION",
        ChooseCondition = "Choose Condition",
        ChooseEvent = "Choose Event:",
        ChooseResponse = "Choose Response",
        ChooseScript = "Choose Script",
        CollapseHidden = "Collapse Hidden Buttons",
        Color = "Color",
        Comparison = "Comparison",
        Conditions = "ACTIVE CONDITIONS",
        Config = "Config",
        Control = "Control",
        ControlBarPage = "Change A Bar's Page On Click",
        ControlBox = "Control Box",
        ControlBoxes = "CONTROL BOXES",
        ControlBoxGroup = "Control Box Group",
        ControlBoxOptions = "CONTROL BOX $n OPTIONS",
        ControlledGroup = "Group This Box Controls",
        CooldownCount = "Cooldown Count",
        CopyAll = "COPY ALL",
        Count = "Count",
        CtrlBox = "Ctrl Box",
        CurrentProfile = "Current Profile:",
        Desc = "Desc:",
        Default = "Default",
        DefaultTarget = "Default Target",
        Delete = "Delete",
        DisableMouseOnBar = "Disable Mouse Input On Bar Background",
        DisableMousewheel = "Disable Mousewheel Paging",
        DisableTooltip = "Disable Tooltip",
        DisplayBarPage = "Display Bar's Page Number",
        DynamicKeybinding = "Dynamic Keybinding",
        EdgeSize = "Edge Size",
        Edit = "Edit",
        ElementScripts = "Element Scripts",
        Equipped = "Equipped",
        EventScripts = "OnEvent Scripts",
        ExpandHidden = "Show Hidden Buttons When Dragging an Action",
        Filters = "Filters:",
        FloaterOptions = "FLOATER $n OPTIONS: $a",
        Floater = "Floater",
        Floaters = "FLOATERS",
        Font = "Font",
        FontSize = "Font Size",
        Force = "Force",
        ForceSelfCast = "Force Self-cast:",
        Form = "Stance/Animal Form/Stealth",
        FrameStrata = "Frame Strata",
        FreeButtons = "Buttons Available:",
        Event = "Event:",
        Group = "Group",
        Height = "Height",
        Hide = "Hide",
        HideActionIDs = "Hide Action IDs",
        HideAllLabels = "Hide All Labels",
        HideBackdrop = "Hide Backdrop",
        HideButtonIDs = "Hide Button IDs",
        HideEmpty = "Hide Empty Buttons",
        HideEverything = "Hide Main Menu Bar Art",
        HideGlobalCooldownCount = "Hide Global",
        HideGroups = "Hide Groups On Click",
        HideOnClick = "Hide On Click",
        Highlight = "Highlight",
        IgnoreGlobal = "Ignore Global Cooldown",
        Insets = "Insets:",
        JustifyH = "Horiz. Justification",
        JustifyV = "Vert. Justification",
        KBWarning = "Use the Discord Action Bars keybindings.  Scroll down.",
        Key1 = "Key 1",
        Key2 = "Key 2",
        Keybinding = "Keybinding",
        Keybindings = "Keybindings",
        KeyringControl = "Let DAB control the keyring button",
        KeyringScale = "Keyring Button Scale",
        Label = "Label",
        LatencyScale = "Latency Scale",
        Layout = "Layout",
        Left = "Left",
        LoadProfile = "Load Profile:",
        LockButton = "Lock Button",
        LockButtons = "Lock Buttons",
        LockDragging = "Lock Dragging",
        MacroName = "Macro Name",
        MainBarOptions = "Main Menu Bar",
        MenuBar = "Micro Menu Bar",
        MiddleClickBar = "Middle-click Bar",
        MiddleClickButton = "Middle-click Action",
        MiscOptions = "Misc Options",
        ModifyTooltip = "Show Action and Button ID's in a button's tooltip",
        MouseoutDelay = "Delay On Mouseout",
        Name = "Name:",
        NewProfile = "New Profile: ",
        NotEnoughMana = "Not Enough Mana",
        Number = "Number",
        NumButtonsPerBar = "Button Layout",
        ObjectOptions = "OBJECT OPTIONS",
        OnEventScripts = "ON EVENT SCRIPTS",
        Options = "Options",
        OptionsScale = "Options Window Scale",
        OtherBars = "OTHER BARS",
        OutOfRange = "Out of Range",
        OverrideButtonLock = "Override Button Lock:",
        OverrideDragLock = "Override Dragging Lock:",
        Overrides = "Overridden By:",
        Padding = "Padding:",
        Page = "Page",
        Page2 = "Page It Replaces",
        Pages = "Pages:",
        Parameters = "PARAMETERS:",
        PetAutoAttack = "Pet Auto-Attack",
        PetBar = "Pet Action Bar",
        PresetBackdrops = "Preset Backdrops",
        Recolor = "Recolor",
        Response = "Response:",
        Right = "Right",
        RightClickBar = "Right-click Bar",
        RightClickButton = "Right-click Action",
        Rows = "Rows",
        RunOn = "Run On Key:",
        RunOnDown = "Down",
        RunOnUp = "Up",
        SafeLoad = "SAFE LOAD",
        Scale = "Button Scale",
        Scripts = "Scripts",
        SetActionIDs = "Set Action IDs",
        SetBarPage = "Set Bar $b to Page $p",
        SetKBGroup = "Set Group $g to Bar $b",
        ShapeshiftBar = "Shapeshift Bar",
        ShowActionIDs = "Show Action IDs",
        ShowButtonIDs = "Show Button IDs",
        ShowCooldownCount = "Show Cooldown Count",
        ShowLatency = "Let DAB Control Latency Bar",
        ShowOnMouseover = "Show On Mouseover",
        ShowXP = "Let DAB Control XP Bar",
        SkipPages = "Skip Pages",
        SpacingH = "Horizontal Spacing",
        SpacingV = "Vertical Spacing",
        Text = "Text",
        TextAlpha = "Text Alpha",
        TextColor = "Text Color",
        TextMouseoverAlpha = "Text Mouseover Alpha",
        TextMouseoverColor = "Text Mouseover Color",
        Texture = "Texture",
        Tile = "Tile",
        TileSize = "Tile Size",
        ToggleGroupOnClick = "Toggle Group On Click",
        ToggleGroupOnRightClick = "Toggle Group On Right-click",
        ToggleGroupOnMiddleClick = "Toggle Group On Middle-click",
        ToggleGroupOnMouseover = "Toggle Group On Mouseover",
        Top = "Top",
        TotalUsed = "Total Used:",
        TrimEdges = "Trim Button Edges",
        Type = "Type",
        Undefined = "Undefined",
        Unit = "Unit",
        UnlockDragging = "Unlock Dragging",
        UpdateSpeed = "Updates Per Second",
        VariableKeybinding = "Variable Keybinding $n",
        Warning = "Not enough buttons available.\nFree up |cFFAAAAFF$n|cFFFFFF00 buttons.",
        Width = "Width",
        XPAlpha = "XP Bar Alpha",
        XPBorderColor = "XP Border Color",
        XPColor = "XP Bar Color",
        XPHideBorder = "Hide XP Bar Border",
        XPScale = "XP Bar Scale",

        "Discord Action Bars Slash Commands",
        "/dab - toggle the options window",
        "/dab barshow # - show bar #",
        "/dab barhide # - hide bar #",
        "/dab bartoggle # - show bar # if it's hidden else hide it",
        "/dab floatershow # - show floater #",
        "/dab floaterhide # - hide floater #",
        "/dab floatertoggle # - show floater # if it's hidden else hide it",
        "/dab clearbar # - removes the actions from all buttons on bar #",
        "/dab hideallbars - hide all bars",
        "/dab showallbars - show all bars",
        "/dab setkeygroup group# bar# - sets a keybinding group to the bar",
        "/dab groupshow # - shows all objects set to control box group #",
        "/dab grouphide # - hides all objects set to control box group #",
        "/dab grouptoggle # - toggles all objects set to control box group #",
        "/dab drag - toggles the dragging lock",
        "/dab ids - toggles showing action IDs inside the buttons",
        "/dab load profilename - loads the specified profile"

        { text = "Icon", value = 1 },
        { text = "Border", value = 2 },
        { text = "Keybinding Text", value = 3 }

        { text="No Response", value=0, desc="Doesn't do anything.  Useful for condtions which are only overrides." },
        { text="Change Page", value=1, desc="Changes the page of this bar to the page you choose." },
        { text="Remap Page", value=32, desc="Causes the page of your choice to replace another page." },
        { text="Hide", value=2, desc="Hides this bar." },
        { text="Show", value=3, desc="Shows this bar." },
        { text="Set Alpha", value=4, desc="Sets the transparency of the entire bar." },
        { text="Set Background Alpha", value=5, desc="Sets the transparency of the bar's background." },
        { text="Set Background Color", value=6, desc="Sets the color of the bar's background." },
        { text="Set Border Alpha", value=7, desc="Sets the transparency of the bar's border." },
        { text="Set Border Color", value=8, desc="Sets the color of the bar's border." },
        { text="Set Button Alpha", value=9, desc="Sets the transparency of all the bar's buttons." },
        { text="Set Button Size", value=19, desc="Sets the size of all the bar's buttons." },
        { text="Set Button Border Color", value=20, desc="Sets the border color of all the bar's buttons." },
        { text="Apply Keybinding Group", value=10, desc="Applies a group of keybindings to this bar.  Keybinding groups are created in the Keybindings window brought up with the button to the left." },
        { text="Move To Location", value=35, desc="Lets you specify X and Y offsets to move the bar to.  It will remain relative to its anchor frame and points." },
        { text="Move Up", value=11, desc="Moves the bar up by the specified amount." },
        { text="Move Down", value=12, desc="Moves the bar down by the specified amount." },
        { text="Move Left", value=13, desc="Moves the bar left by the specified amount." },
        { text="Move Right", value=14, desc="Moves the bar right by the specified amount." },
        { text="Move Under Mouse Cursor", value=21, desc="Moves the center of the bar to a point directly beneath the mouse cursor." },
        { text="Return to Previous Page", value=22, desc="Returns the bar to the page it was on before the last time its page was changed." },
        { text="Set Top BG Padding", value=15, desc="Sets the amount of space between the top border and the bar's buttons." },
        { text="Set Bottom BG Padding", value=16, desc="Sets the amount of space between the bottom border and the bar's buttons."  },
        { text="Set Left BG Padding", value=17, desc="Sets the amount of space between the left border and the bar's buttons." },
        { text="Set Right BG Padding", value=18, desc="Sets the amount of space between the right border and the bar's buttons." },
        { text="Set Bar Target", value=33, desc="Lets you specify a unit ID all buttons on the bar will automatically target.  The unit will always be targetted by the bar until the target is removed by the response below." },
        { text="Remove Bar Target", value=34, desc="Removes a target override set by the Set Bar Target response." },
        { text="Hide Bar", value=102, desc="Hides a bar of your choice." },
        { text="Show Bar", value=103, desc="Shows a bar of your choice." },
        { text="Hide Control Box", value=104, desc="Hides a control box of your choice." },
        { text="Show Control Box", value=105, desc="Shows a control box of your choice." },
        { text="Hide Floater", value=106, desc="Hides a floater of your choice." },
        { text="Show Floater", value=107, desc="Shows a floater of your choice." },
        { text="Chat Frame Message", value=100, desc="Sends a message to your default chat frame that only you see." },
        { text="Floating Message", value=101, desc="Places a message at the top of the screen that slowly fades away.  It's similar to when you loot a quest item." },
        { text="Set Variable to True", value=108, desc="Sets a variable's value to true.  Type in the name of any variable.  Doesn't have to be an existing variable." },
        { text="Set Variable to False", value=109, desc="Sets a variable's value to false.  Type in the name of any variable.  Doesn't have to be an existing variable." },
        { text="Set Timer", value=113, desc="Set a timer that counts down invisibly for use in condition checking.  Give the timer an id with the Text editbox and enter the seconds in the Number editbox."},
        { text="Play Sound", value=114, desc="Type in the path and filename of the sound to play."},
        { text="Run Script", value=115, desc="Type in lua code for the Text parameter and it will be executed."},

        { text="No Response", value=0, desc="Doesn't do anything.  Useful for condtions which are only overrides." },
        { text="Hide", value=2, desc="Hides this floater." },
        { text="Show", value=3, desc="Shows this floater." },
        { text="Remove Color", value=28, desc="Returns the floater to normal recoloring based on mana, range, etc. after a Set Color response." },
        { text="Set Alpha", value=4, desc="Sets the transparency of the floater." },
        { text="Set Color", value=22, desc="Sets the color of the floater." },
        { text="Set Size", value=19, desc="Sets the size of the floater." },
        { text="Set Border Alpha", value=7, desc="Sets the transparency of the floater's border." },
        { text="Set Border Color", value=8, desc="Sets the color of the floater's border." },
        { text="Set Keybinding", value=23, desc="Sets a particular keybinding to apply to this floater.  Type in the number of the keybinding.  A keybinding's number is the little yellow number that is shown to the left of a keybinding in DAB's Keybindings window." },
        { text="Move To Location", value=35, desc="Lets you specify X and Y offsets to move the floater to.  It will remain relative to its anchor frame and points." },
        { text="Move Up", value=11, desc="Moves the floater up on the screen." },
        { text="Move Down", value=12, desc="Moves the floater down on the screen." },
        { text="Move Left", value=13, desc="Moves the floater left on the screen." },
        { text="Move Right", value=14, desc="Moves the floater right on the screen." },
        { text="Move Under Mouse Cursor", value=21, desc="Moves the center of the floater to a point directly beneath the mouse cursor." },
        { text="Set Action", value=29, desc="Let's you change this button's action to any action." },
        { text="Start Blinking", value=24, desc="Starts the floater fading in and out repeatedly." },
        { text="Stop Blinking", value=25, desc="Stops the floater from fading in and out repeatedly." },
        { text="Start Flashing", value=26, desc="Starts the red flashing you see when you have an auto-attack action enabled." },
        { text="Stop Flashing", value=27, desc="Stops the floater from flashing." },
        { text="Enable Button", value=30, desc="Re-enables mouse clicks and keybindings for the button." },
        { text="Disable Button", value=31, desc="Disables mouse clicks and keybindings on the button." },
        { text="Set Button Target", value=33, desc="Lets you specify a unit ID the button will automatically target.  The unit will always be targetted by the button until the target is removed by the response below." },
        { text="Remove Button Target", value=34, desc="Removes a target override set by the Set Button Target response." },
        { text="Hide Bar", value=102, desc="Hides a bar of your choice." },
        { text="Show Bar", value=103, desc="Shows a bar of your choice." },
        { text="Hide Control Box", value=104, desc="Hides a control box of your choice." },
        { text="Show Control Box", value=105, desc="Shows a control box of your choice." },
        { text="Hide Floater", value=106, desc="Hides a floater of your choice." },
        { text="Show Floater", value=107, desc="Shows a floater of your choice." },
        { text="Chat Frame Message", value=100, desc="Sends a message to your default chat frame that only you see." },
        { text="Floating Message", value=101, desc="Places a message at the top of the screen that slowly fades away.  It's similar to when you loot a quest item." },
        { text="Set Variable to True", value=108, desc="Sets a variable's value to true.  Type in the name of any variable.  Doesn't have to be an existing variable." },
        { text="Set Variable to False", value=109, desc="Sets a variable's value to false.  Type in the name of any variable.  Doesn't have to be an existing variable." },
        { text="Set Timer", value=113, desc="Set a timer that counts down invisibly for use in condition checking.  Give the timer an id with the Text editbox and enter the seconds in the Number editbox."},
        { text="Play Sound", value=114, desc="Type in the path and filename of the sound to play."},
        { text="Run Script", value=115, desc="Type in lua code for the Text parameter and it will be executed."},

        { text="No Response", value=0, desc="Doesn't do anything.  Useful for condtions which are only overrides." },
        { text="Hide", value=2, desc="Hides this button." },
        { text="Show", value=3, desc="Shows this button." },
        { text="Remove Color", value=28, desc="Returns this button to normal recoloring based on mana, range, etc. after a Set Color response." },
        { text="Set Action", value=29, desc="Let's you change this button's action to any action." },
        { text="Set Alpha", value=4, desc="Sets the transparency of this button." },
        { text="Set Color", value=22, desc="Sets the color of this button." },
        { text="Start Blinking", value=24, desc="Starts the button fading in and out repeatedly." },
        { text="Stop Blinking", value=25, desc="Stops the button from fading in and out repeatedly." },
        { text="Start Flashing", value=26, desc="Starts the red flashing you see when you have an auto-attack action enabled." },
        { text="Stop Flashing", value=27, desc="Stops the button from flashing." },
        { text="Enable Button", value=30, desc="Re-enables mouse clicks and keybindings for the button." },
        { text="Disable Button", value=31, desc="Disables mouse clicks and keybindings on the button." },
        { text="Set Button Target", value=33, desc="Lets you specify a unit ID the button will automatically target.  The unit will always be targetted by the button until the target is removed by the response below." },
        { text="Remove Button Target", value=34, desc="Removes a target override set by the Set Button Target response." },
        { text="Hide Bar", value=102, desc="Hides a bar of your choice." },
        { text="Show Bar", value=103, desc="Shows a bar of your choice." },
        { text="Hide Control Box", value=104, desc="Hides a control box of your choice." },
        { text="Show Control Box", value=105, desc="Shows a control box of your choice." },
        { text="Hide Floater", value=106, desc="Hides a floater of your choice." },
        { text="Show Floater", value=107, desc="Shows a floater of your choice." },
        { text="Chat Frame Message", value=100, desc="Sends a message to your default chat frame that only you see." },
        { text="Floating Message", value=101, desc="Places a message at the top of the screen that slowly fades away.  It's similar to when you loot a quest item." },
        { text="Set Variable to True", value=108, desc="Sets a variable's value to true.  Type in the name of any variable.  Doesn't have to be an existing variable." },
        { text="Set Variable to False", value=109, desc="Sets a variable's value to false.  Type in the name of any variable.  Doesn't have to be an existing variable." },
        { text="Set Timer", value=113, desc="Set a timer that counts down invisibly for use in condition checking.  Give the timer an id with the Text editbox and enter the seconds in the Number editbox."},
        { text="Play Sound", value=114, desc="Type in the path and filename of the sound to play."},
        { text="Run Script", value=115, desc="Type in lua code for the Text parameter and it will be executed."},

        { text="Party Members Changed", value="PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED", desc="Thrown when players leave or join your party." },
        { text="Pet Attack Start", value="PET_ATTACK_START", desc="Thrown when your pet starts attacking." },
        { text="Pet Attack Stop", value="PET_ATTACK_STOP", desc="Thrown when your pet stops attacking." },
        { text="Player Auto-Attack Start", value="PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT", desc="Thrown when you start auto-attacking with a melee weapon." },
        { text="Player Auto-Attack Stop", value="PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT", desc="Thrown when you stop auto-attacking with a melee weapon." },
        { text="Player Combo Points", value="PLAYER_COMBO_POINTS", desc="Thrown when you gain or lose combo points." },
        { text="Player Gained Threat", value="PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED", desc="Thrown when you do anything to gain threat: damage a mob, heal someone attacking the mob, etc." },
        { text="Player Lost Threat", value="PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED", desc="Thrown when you've lost all threat." },
        { text="Player Target Changed", value="PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED", desc="Thrown when you change targets." },
        { text="Raid Members Changed", value="RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE", desc="Thrown when players leave or join your raid." },
        { text="Unit Buffs/Debuffs Changed", value="UNIT_AURA", desc="Thrown when you, any party member, and any raid member gains a new buff/debuff or loses a buff/debuff.\narg1 = unit ID of the unit who's buffs changed" },
        { text="Unit's Energy Changed", value="UNIT_ENERGY", desc="Thrown when you, any party member, and any raid member gain or lose energy.\narg1 = unit ID of the unit who's energy changed" },
        { text="Unit's Focus Changed", value="UNIT_FOCUS", desc="Thrown when your pet or any party member's pet gains or loses focus.\narg1 = unit ID of the unit who's focus changed" },
        { text="Unit's Health Changed", value="UNIT_HEALTH", desc="Thrown when you, any party member, and any raid member gain or lose health.\narg1 = unit ID of the unit who's health changed" },
        { text="Unit's Mana Changed", value="UNIT_MANA", desc="Thrown when you, any party member, and any raid member gain or lose mana.\narg1 = unit ID of the unit who's mana changed" },
        { text="Unit's Pet Changed", value="UNIT_PET", desc="Thrown when you or any party members summon or unsummon a pet.\narg1 = unit ID of the pet that was summoned or unsummoned" },
        { text="Unit's Rage Changed", value="UNIT_RAGE", desc="Thrown when you, any party member, and any raid member gain or lose rage.\narg1 = unit ID of the unit who's rage changed" },
        { text="Variable Keybinding Pressed", value="VariableKeybinding", desc="Thrown when you press a Variable Keybinding.\narg1 = the number of the keybinding, arg2 = 1 for down, 2 for up"},
        { text="Variables Loaded", value="VARIABLES_LOADED", desc="Thrown when the mod first loads and whenever you change the script for this event." },
        { text="You Shapeshift", value="UPDATE_BONUS_ACTIONBAR", desc="Thrown when you stealth, change animal forms, or change stances." },
        { text="OnUpdate", value="OnUpdate", desc="Thrown a number of times per second equal to the Updates Per Second you set.\narg1 = time elapsed in seconds since the last time this event was thrown" }

        {text="OnClick - After", value=2, desc="Runs when you click the object.\nRuns after DAB's regular click processing.\nparam = the button clicked: LeftButton, RightButton, MiddleButton,\nButton4, Button5"},
        {text="OnClick - Before", value=12, desc="Runs when you click the object.\nRuns before DAB's regular click processing.\nparam = the button clicked: LeftButton, RightButton, MiddleButton,\nButton4, Button5"},
        {text="OnEnter", value=3, desc="Runs repeatedly as you move the mouse over the object.\nObject must be shown."},
        {text="OnEvent", value=8, desc="Runs whenever an event is thrown the\nobject is registered to monitor."},
        {text="OnHide", value=6, desc="Runs once each time the object is hidden."},
        {text="OnKeybindingDown - After", value=10, desc="Runs once when the keybinding for this object\nis pressed down.\nparam = the button ID of the button's who's binding was pressed"},
        {text="OnKeybindingDown - Before", value=13, desc="Runs once when the keybinding for this object\nis pressed down.\nparam = the button ID of the button's who's binding was pressed"},
        {text="OnKeybindingUp - After", value=11, desc="Runs once when the keybinding for this object\nis released.\nparam = the button ID of the button's who's binding was pressed"},
        {text="OnKeybindingUp - Before", value=14, desc="Runs once when the keybinding for this object\nis released.\nparam = the button ID of the button's who's binding was pressed"},
        {text="OnLeave", value=4, desc="Runs once when the mouse is moved off the object.\nObject must be shown."},
        {text="OnLoad", value=1, desc="Runs once when the mod loads or when you\nchange this script."},
        {text="OnMouseWheel", value=9, desc="Runs when the mousewheel is scrolled while\nthe cursor is over the object."},
        {text="OnShow", value=5, desc="Runs once each time the object is shown."},
        {text="OnUpdate", value=7, desc="Runs a number of times per second while object's shown.\nparam = time elapsed since last run"}

        {text="", value=0, desc="Set the keybinding to do nothing."},
        {text="Bar", value=1, desc="Set this keybinding to press a specific button on a specific bar.  The middle drop-down menu is where you select the bar.  The right drop-down menu is where you select the button.  These keybindings are shared across all of the bar's pages."},
        {text="Group", value=2, desc="Set this keybinding to be part of a group of keybindings.  Keybinding groups can be applied to different bars on the fly."},
        {text="Floater", value=3, desc="Set this keybinding to press a specific floater."},
        {text="Control Box", value=4, desc="Set this keybinding to press a specific control box.  If the control box is set to toggle objects on mouseover then holding the keybinding down acts as a mouseover and releasing the keybinding acts as a mouseout."},
        {text="Apply Group To Bar", value=5, desc="Set this keybinding to apply a specific keybinding group to a specific bar."},
        {text="Set Bar Page", value=6, desc="Set this keybinding to change a bar to the page you specify."},
        {text="Bar Page Up", value = 7, desc="Set this keybinding to change a bar to its next page."},
        {text="Bar Page Down", value = 8, desc="Set this keybinding to change a bar to its previous page."},
        {text="Variable Keybinding", value=9, desc="This is a special keybinding mostly used in an object's conditions when you want to check if a certain key is up or down.  The number you choose in the middle drop-down menu is the number you type for the Variable Keybinding Up/Down conditions."},
        {text="Self-cast Bar", value=10, desc="Set this keybinding to automatically self-cast the action in a specific button on a specific bar."},
        {text="Self-cast Floater", value=11, desc="Set this keybinding to automatically self-cast the action in a specific floater."},
        {text="Button on Bar Page", value=12, desc="Set this keybinding to use the action in a specific button on any page of a bar."},
        {text="Use Action", value=13, desc="This will let you bind a key directly to an action.  That action doesn't have to be in any action button."},
        {text="Self-cast Action", value=14, desc="This will let you bind a key directly to an action.  That action doesn't have to be in any action button.  The action will automatically target you."},

        {text="1 Row", value=1},
        {text="2 Rows", value=2},
        {text="1 Column", value=3},
        {text="2 Columns", value=4}

        {text="Page Up", value=1},
        {text="Page Down", value=2},
        {text="Set Page", value=3}

        {text="ALL", value=1},
        {text="Floaters", value=2}
for b=1,10 do
        DAB_ACTIONID_FILTERS[b + 2] = {text="Bar "..b, value=b+2};

        {text="None", value=0},
        {text="Alt", value=1},
        {text="Ctrl", value=2},
        {text="Shift", value=3}

        {text=1, value=1, desc="If cooldown is less than 60 seconds, it displays the seconds remaining.  Otherwise it displays the minutes remaining."},
        {text=2, value=2, desc="Always displays the cooldown as seconds remaining."},
        {text=3, value=3, desc="Displays the cooldown in a mm:ss format."}

if (GetLocale() == "deDE") then
        DAB_DISPELMAGIC = "Magiebannung";

if (GetLocale() == "frFR") then
        DAB_DISPELMAGIC = "Dissiper la magie"



for i=11, 14 do
        DAB_OTHER_BAR[i] = {};
DAB_OTHER_BAR[11][0] = { tag="_Pet", numButtons=10, offset=0, height=30, width=30 };
DAB_OTHER_BAR[12][0] = { tag="_Form", numButtons=10, offset=0, height=30, width=30 };
DAB_OTHER_BAR[13][0] = { tag="_Bag", numButtons=5, offset=0, height=37, width=37 };
DAB_OTHER_BAR[14][0] = { tag="_Menu", numButtons=8, offset=20, height=38, width=29 };
for i=1,10 do
        DAB_OTHER_BAR[11][i] = "PetActionButton"..i;
        DAB_OTHER_BAR[12][i] = "ShapeshiftButton"..i;
DAB_OTHER_BAR[13][5] = "MainMenuBarBackpackButton";
for i=0,3 do
        DAB_OTHER_BAR[13][4 - i] = "CharacterBag"..i.."Slot"
DAB_OTHER_BAR[14][1] = "CharacterMicroButton";
DAB_OTHER_BAR[14][2] = "SpellbookMicroButton";
DAB_OTHER_BAR[14][3] = "TalentMicroButton";
DAB_OTHER_BAR[14][4] = "QuestLogMicroButton";
DAB_OTHER_BAR[14][5] = "SocialsMicroButton";
DAB_OTHER_BAR[14][6] = "WorldMapMicroButton";
DAB_OTHER_BAR[14][7] = "MainMenuMicroButton";
DAB_OTHER_BAR[14][8] = "HelpMicroButton";

for i=1, 10 do
        DAB_NUMBERS[i] = {text=i, value=i};

        [0] = "777777",
        [1] = {
        [2] = "00FFFF",
        [3] = "FFFF00",
        [4] = "FF0000",
        [5] = "00FFFF",
        [6] = "CCCCCC",
        [7] = "CCCCCC",
        [8] = "CCCCCC",
        [9] = "00FF00",
        [10] = {
        [11] = "FFFF00",
        [12] = {
        [13] = "FFFF00",
        [14] = "FFFF00"

Generated by GNU Enscript